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<br /> ' � s.Hstard«Ffap�ty L.wa�soe.Bamwar.�u lo�tl�a im�tov�mca�s�na�►eYisttn�or nae.rtef aec�ea�nn ` .
<br /> 'tbe,pt�ertg inw�td i�ier�r loe�b�r�'ie+a.h�s included within tbe tart� e�te�nde¢�ooveta,e ued anY othce I�ntdr, _
<br /> � " �'- iacl�dit�tloods or tk�odin�fac�vldch Ltnder t�equires i�eancs TBis it�eoranca 1 be maintd�d�n tbe att►ouats .
<br /> aad ior tbe petlods t6�t.I�oder require�'!'6a ii�nce acrier grori�a�the inwuiact abdl,be cbo�a�b�r Bortaxqr.; -
<br /> subpct to i,eadet's appeoval wbich eball not be wu�onabiY�rithheld.II Sortorirzr fWd to n�aittuin oovetye dp�ctiiied ' , ,
<br /> a6ov�Lenddt siug,at La►der'e optioe.obtsin_covera�e ta protxe I�et�de�s.sitjils ia the Ptoperty ia�ccordtnoe�rith
<br /> pas�ap�7. �
<br /> • .All I�t�:e Poticia�and�renexals eiLU be iooep�tsbie to La�der and shsll.iAClude a sw�dud mort��e ciause.
<br /> Lender ebal�bsve tl�riYht to hotd tbe goliciea�ad renCral�If I.e�der *aluie+ea. Borro�ve�at�tl pmiuPtlY�ide w
<br /> . I,esrdr.c all mceipr�af g�id prenniums aad rrnaxat notice�In the eveat atlnes.Borro�ra aha}1�ive peampt ratioe to the
<br /> ine�nsnoe arrier aad I.eader.I�ender�nay make penof ot laesif nat madepe+nneptty by$ottoeer. . .
<br /> ` . U�teas i�endei aad Bormxer othenviseagraa ia�niti�,i�xanoa�xoceeds sbili be applied to reaturation or t�ep�ir
<br /> ` oi thF Pr�pectY d�m�ed.if tbe reatoratio6 or repair ia eonnomictJly faar'bte aAd I.�nder's eecurity is not teaeenpd.if ths
<br /> rrsta�ation or repir is no�eootwmicatty feasibie or I�ender'a eeieucitY xould be te�ened.the insimnoe peoeeals aba11 be
<br /> � spptied tu the st�ma sxurod by this SaKUitY Inswmen��rhettwY or not tHea due�xith any e;oms paid to Bortoxer.li
<br /> Borrower ab�ndoos the Prnperty.or does nat answ►er�rithin 30 days a nntice fro�n I.ender that the insvrana anier h�
<br /> otieted to eettte a clum,then T.ender.may collect the i�rani�procads..I.ender m�y uee the Proc�eed9 m repair or
<br /> trator+e the P:uperty ar to psy sums sacur�ed bY thiaSecurity Insuument.Mhether ot not then due.The 30-day peri�d�vill _
<br /> . ' be�ia when thc aotice is�tven. .
<br /> UAIe:i,ender sad Bott+nRer otherrvisa sYe+ee in�rriti�,aaY applicatiun oi praceeds to priasipil�11 not e�tend ar
<br /> postpone the due dsu ot tise tnoatl�lY P�Yra�ffi nf��in pha t aad 2 or chan�e the smount of ihe paymeats.
<br /> � If�nder Pu'a�raPh 21 the Property is acquired by I.ender. �xer's ri�ht to say insurance poticies and ptocads _
<br /> «autttn�from.dsm�e w the Peopertp priar to the svq�is�tion shall p�ss w Lender to the esteist of the sums secund by .
<br /> � this Securitq lnstrument immaliateiy or to t�acqtristtian. . � . _
<br /> 6 Oocuptncy,Preservstion, aiatenauca snd Psotection af t6e PropertY;Bonower's Loan App{ication; v�
<br /> • I.esaeholda.Borro�ie�s6a11 oavpy.e�tabliah,and use•the Proper�y as Bornowe�s principal trsidence within sisty dsys =
<br /> sfttt tbe e=ecution ot this Sacurity Iastrument and shsll continoe to oceupy the Property as Bormwe�s principal. —=-
<br /> ' t+esit�encx tot at last ume yeat afoer the dste oi axupancy,�mless Lender otl�envise s8reeg in writing,which conae�►t shsll ---
<br /> not be unreasonabig�thheld,or unless erteaustin�citcumst�exist Mhich are beyond Borrower's conuol.Bon+oxer
<br /> shall tr��.de�ttoy,dams�e os.impair the Pmperty,sllow the Property to detetiorau.or commit waste on tha Property. +.�
<br /> Bornnxer sh�lt be in deisntt ii suy iorieitve+�aetion or proceeding,whether civil or ceiminsl,is begun that ia Lendec's �°
<br /> �oad faith judgment could t+esut�t in iorteiture oi the Pra or ot herxise inateri a l l im r the tien crat�D y ti�is `�`
<br /> � r � �'� �;.
<br /> Security Instrument or Lender's eacurity intenst. BorrQ� msy cuGn such a ¢efaalt and reinstata.as.trnac�ded in ;-,�'�"-
<br /> p�ragraPh 18: bp causing the action or proeeeding w'� dismis�ed with s ruling that, in Lender's good fsith =�_=_�".
<br /> determinstion,precludes fodeiture of the Borroaer's interrst in the Prnper�y or other matetial impairmeni of the lien =�*�
<br /> created by thia Savn`ty Instrument or I.ender's gecurity interest.`Borrowet shall also be i�defautt if Borrowet,during '��
<br /> t�e loen applicstion process. gava materially falae or insixurate informatinn or statements to Lender (ar failed to �_
<br /> provide Lender with any material infoimation)in com►ection with the loan evideuc�d by the Note.includirzg,but not �.x=��
<br /> . limited w,reprexntstions conoerning Borroaer's occupancy of the Pmperty as a p}iacipal residenc�.If this Security �=�r,
<br />= Instrument is on a teasehold,Borrowet shalt oompiy with aU the provisiosrs o[tho i�e.If BorroRer acqunes ix title to ::.
<br /> the Prnperty.theIea�ae�►old and tho fx title shsit not merge unless I.xnckragras to the merger im sr�ifsng. �'`':`
<br />- 7.Protectioa of Lender's Ri=hts ia the Property.If Borro�er faila to perform the co�enants and agreements
<br />- contained in this Security Instrument,or there is s legal proceeding that msy sig�uf cantly alloct Lender's rights in the
<br />_ Property (such as a procading in banlcruptcy, probate, for condemnation ot for[eiture or to enfaroe taas or
<br />= ngulations).then Lender may do snd pay for whatever is nece�ary to protect the value of the Property ar.c£fi.ender's .
<br /> tights in the Praperty.Lender's actions ma}�,include psying any sums secuced by a,lien which has priarity over this �
<br /> Security Instrurnent,apQearing ia court.psying reasonable attorneys'€ees and entering on the Pmperty to malce rEpsiss:
<br /> Althou�h Lender msy take action uadar this peraYraph 7,Lender das not have to do so. .
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by i.ender under this psragraph 7 shsll become additional debt oi Bonower securcd by this
<br /> Security tr�strument Unle�Barrower and Lender agrce to other urms of payment.these amounts shall bear interest �' '
<br /> from the dau of disbursement st tha Note rate and shall be payabte,a tth interest,upon notice irom Lender to Borrower
<br /> requesting PaYmen� . . � � , .
<br /> 8.Mori=aze Inaurance.Ii Lender required mortgagt insutance asa wndition of making t�e loan secured by this R. . .'
<br /> Security Inatrument�Borcower shall psy the premiums ta�u5red to maintain the mattgage insurance in effect.If.for any l
<br /> reason.the mortgage insurenco coverage required by Lendct lapses ot ceases ta�in eftect.Borrower shaU psy tht i :`-,
<br /> premiums roqui"sa4 to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to ttce rnostgsge irr,s�crance proviously in effect,at a cost f
<br /> subs4ntially eqta��tent to thc cast to Botrower of the mortgage in.n::ance ps+�ciously in effoct. from an alternate `,�:•',
<br /> mortYi�e ir�surer approved by LEnder. If substsntiapy equivalent murtgage insurance coverage is not available. E _.
<br /> � BorroNer shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to one-twelfth ot the yeartc nnurtgage in�urance premium being
<br /> peid by Borrower•when the insurance caverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lertder will accept,use and retain these � ' '
<br /> p�yments a8 a tos9 re.9erve in lieu of mortgage �nsurence. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required. ; ,
<br /> t
<br /> . . �.
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