_ . '`��v� . ip �• } r ( � , `. _ _ .[ ' �'- �
<br /> ��'� . ..-:��'
<br /> — - - ` T�� �:4'<� ' . _ .. _ . .
<br /> - y ._ ���:_ _:� � . � � _. . . -` . - if,�.i�Sv . - - . = .
<br /> ,. . . . , ..
<br /> < ° 'tO�r�'F� W�i sU ffie'unproveinmta-��r « � �«sted�oa the peopercy, at�.att �ene�. =
<br /> �ar�,�ed�rtuns�ae�Lee�tter s p�rt ot tbe peopArty.Al!se�iacemeacasad sdditiaas+�inl�ata be aov�eeed ,`< <
<br /> � ` b!r�Tiis SKUrit�r I�tatfan�AI[al tbe foie�dn�ia�terred m in t6tt Securi�t Imtueneat ia tbe"Ptopee'cY.-� , . � ..
<br /> � � HORAOWER C�OVENAKTS tl�t Bo�c+o�ter ts larrtutly seised ot tfb aMa�a peeaby ooaveyad and h.�the n�ht'm
<br /> . �nt►t u�d oodvey ttre R+opaRy�nd t�t t6e P�operty is uneocumbered.siapt fo�encumbratw�es o[�raord.Borrow,rer;
<br /> �ract�►ts snd wUt deiead�eaenitY tyfetide to thc Ptoperty apiast tli ctuma s+d deen�nds.subject to aoy encumiirssxxs
<br /> _ �,�d , . . .
<br /> ' TMS SECURITY 1NSTItLtME11TT coinbdms unigoree co�vensnb for national ux u�d non-un�fam coven�nts with
<br /> . � tir`ni�ed vuiaticx�s b nuiedictio�to ana�titutea tmifosm eecucity in�tnunsnt coverin�tal ptoperty. .� :
<br /> . UNIPOItM�VENAt1tT�:BormRaaod�.endercaveamtaadagre�asio!lo+r� �
<br /> ` ` � 1.P�ye�eat�ol Psi�cipl asdbtera�PrePaYmeat�d Lte Cbar�Horro�►er ahall pcomP�Y PY xhen dve .
<br /> the princip�l ot�nd inteeeet on t1�e debt evide�rod by the Note and�r►Y P�'�P!Ymert ai�d late ct�ar�es dua under the Note. ' , `
<br /> 2 Fu�ds for Tua aad.Iss�rsaax Subject to�ppliable isM vr to s Rritun waiver by I�der.Bosrow�r s1�a11
<br /> y so I�eeder on th�da9 moothty payments uv.due under th�e Note.until the Not+�is paid ia futl,s��E"Funds"?for.
<br /> €sj Yeuly tuea urd�eeoeeme��vhich msy atqin priority ovet titis Socurity Inatr�ment as a lien on the Property;(6I .
<br /> yeuly taeehc�id paymenta or�cou�seata on the Prupetty.if any:(a)S�Y w��P�P�Y insuranoa premium�
<br /> (d}yearly fluod iaeuranoe prerniums.if say:(e)yae'1Y mort��a insnanoe pnmiums,if aay;and(f)aay sums payible '
<br /> � by Aorrorer w�.ender.ia accordsnex sitb the prnvisioas of psragraph 8,in lieu of the psyment of martgage inse�ratice
<br /> - premiums.These iums�ce caUad'Fscro�Item�"Lender may,at any tima.cotlect uid hold Fuads in an amount not � ,
<br /> - . to eiceed the muimum unount a Iender for s federdly ntated mort$a�e loan m�y raquire fot Bomowet's escrnR
<br /> - a000unt uader the faknt Rai IIstste Sett�ement Ptocedus+es Act ot 1974 as amendad imm time w timG, 12 U.S.C. � .�
<br /> ? Section 2601 et aaq.��RESPA").ualess uiother 1aM thst=ppties to the Funds sets t leseer smoun�.If so,L�ender may, _-
<br /> at any time.irotlact and hol�Fu�uds'sa sn amount not to esceed t#te le�aer anioun�L.ender may satimatc the amount of __
<br /> ��� ' Funds dur on iha bssis ot curc+ent dat�and reasa�stble estamaus oi e:peaditure�of future H9croN Items or otherwise in �::
<br /> - — i000rdsnx�rith applicabte law. , ' • �--
<br /> — '1'he Futtde at�U be lield ia an institution�rlwea deposits are iasured isy s feaeal�geqcy,instrumentality.or entity __
<br /> — — (includin�lxnder,i�1-ender is such aa it�atitution)or sa any Fedenl Home Lo�n Bank.I.ender shsll appiy the Fuads m � _-
<br /> pay the F�ccoM Items.Lender msy not chsr�e Borroxer for holding and spplying the Funds:annwily snalyzizrg the ==--
<br /> _= escroM account,or verify�ng the F�crow Items.unless i.ender pays Borrower�nterest on the Funds and applicable 1aw '_
<br /> � permits Lender•m maice such s charge.Hoxever, Lender msy require Bornowet to'pay a one-tim�charge for an �--
<br /> ` indepeadent rai esmte tu reporting servica used by Lender in conaection with this lan,ualess apglicxbla lsw provides �.-
<br /> othenvise.Unless an s�reement�s m�or applicable law roquires iatecest to be paiQ Lender shall not b�required w ,
<br />-- pay HorroWer tny interest ot arniu�s on ttte Funds.Bornower and Lettdet iseay ag�ae iq writing,however.that interest ��
<br /> . �T�; '�: sha11 be psid oa the Fuads.Lender st�ell give w Borroxer.withaut chsrge.an annual accounting of the Funds.showing �„�
<br /> � -'"'�- ` erodits and debits to the Funds aad the purposc for wtucb each debit to the Funds was msde.The Funds are plodged as � ==
<br /> additional axtuity for all sums secured by this Savrity IAStrumen� � . ":=
<br /> ' It the Funds held bg I.ender ezcaed the amouats permitted to be held by applicible lsw.Lef�der sh�ll aocount to �
<br /> _ - � �rno�rer for the e=ceas Punds in accordance with�reqwe+ements of applicable law.If the smount o#the Funds held �-'`
<br /> - — � by Lender at at►y tim�is not sufficient to pay the F.scrow Items when due.Lender may�notify Bomower in wtiting,. _-=
<br /> � ."' � and,in suc�case BomoNer shall psy to Lender the amount n�ry m make up the de�ccency.Horcower shall n�ake --
<br /> ,�, � h, up the deficiency in no mor�than tweJve monthly psyments,at Lender's sole discnUon. . � -.
<br /> k•r�;s.�X;� . Upon payment in full ot all sums secured by this Socurity Instnrmen�Lendec shall promptly refund ta Borrower
<br /> ., _,,_ .
<br /> �f'�'�F��'`��•� � �ay Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21, I.ender shall acquire or sell the Praperty, Lender, prior to the '�,`
<br /> � :��`''�.v��� acquisition or sale of the Property,shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acquisition os sate aa a ccedit f ``
<br /> �'< :�:ntL.t.
<br /> '�f� : .-"6 � against the sums secuted by this Security Instrumen� �"�
<br /> �` '':�' 3. A tiwtiaa of Ps ments..Cizess s licable law vides otherwise,al) yments received b Lender under �
<br /> • .x.;;` ,' pp ' Y PP P�'� Pe Y
<br /> - �-r�-....��.
<br /> ;��:A:.<.: • �•p�ragrsphs 1 and 2 shaU be applied:fi�x,to any prepayment charges due under�the Note;second,to amounts payable
<br /> �'-';;_<: � �,nder parigrsph 2:third.W int�rest due;fourtb,to psinc�pal due;and last,to any late charges due under the Note
<br /> - •- �' • 4. Chsr=es; Lieas.Borrower sha11 pay all tases,a.sse�ments�charges,�nes and impositions attributable to the
<br /> � ;�::°.� ;.
<br /> .. �k ;' Property ahich may attain priotity over this Socurity lnstrument,and leasehold paymeats or ground rents, if any.
<br /> � ' 'f ,' Borrower shall pay these obl�gstions in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Borrawer _
<br /> �`�1':t����';� shail pay them on time directly to the person oaed_payment.Borrower shall promptly fusn:sh to Lender a1)natices nt
<br /> . ,.�,�G:,..
<br /> _ ,..,....,. a m o u n t s t o b e pa i d u n d e r t h i s p a r a g r a ph.If Borrower makes these p a yments dirertl y,Ba.rower shall prom ptl y furnish :'
<br /> `��': ' to�l.endei toceipts evidencing the psyments. , �`�=
<br /> • ,��,,.. :,
<br /> - � Borrower ahaU promptly discharge any tien which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bortower. (a) r
<br /> _ _ __��� i�eas in ariting to the pnyment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner accepta.bte to I.ender.(b)contests in �:1
<br /> `---' good fsith tf�tien by.or detends against enforcement of tha lien in.legal proceedings w�hich in the Lender's opinion � _
<br /> , �. operau to pn.went tho enforcement of tht lien;ar'(c)secures fra:n the holder of t�e tien�:r agroement satis[acwry to
<br /> • ��,. i.ender subordinsting iha lien to this Security Instrument.If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject
<br /> � ,��" ro s lien whioh may attein priority over tt�is Secvrity lnstrument.Lender mag g'�ve$orrower a rcotioc fldentifying the
<br /> �.�•!�•: lirn.Borrower shal)satisty tha lien ot take one or more of the actions set forth abo�e w ithin 10 days oi the giving ot
<br /> � notice.
<br /> � F«. 9�:s �i�
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