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_ . ' . ._i � . ' � - .i: - <br /> . • . . . - x:. _;.r,-�',."-: <br /> :.4- <br /> � . _♦ . ., <br /> . . ...�_ _.. .. . . . . v ... <br />. . __._ - - . .�� � � _ .� . -..� . . c..= . _ "' """._' '_ . :' �'_' : -�.iF;:: . - . "-__: .. - . .—_ <br /> _ . .'. ,` ( ' � ` ' ` ' .. �� ���.. � .. "' • <br /> (ftljpb Ibfl I�EOdC�1EL�dCi. '�IE 1NtIt�OE C�Ili QI�1ti�IbE�tlIR�OC i�bE CbbiEA��f�O�E'��Jq��b�alO�l� � . <br /> � . �RpV��Y}�C��IIOt bE,il�lf�<rYl1�1Cb. �$�lO�YEt f�tR lOf�l OOA��i�1�'�C+��+� <br /> .: � I,esclerk optius�,o6tain oov�r�e OP ponler,t t:ee8erb dj6ts in tbeprop��t m accaid�ooc w�ith p�t�p'apU 7. ` � . . <br /> A!1 ins�nanoe policies aid�eaewals al�ll 6e aoapt�bie m Lea�er Yaad abr1l iachde a wndard moit;a�e clawe. l:et�der <br /> � sh�I�ve the ri�t to 1wW the policies�od�aewils. If I.endet cequi�es.Bon�o�er�ll Pro�e�t17�ive to i.eader atl rxeipes < <br /> of p�id p�+annm�s aod renewil iiotioes:In tbe eveat of tos�.Baia�►�ar a�ll aive pcnmpE notioe to Ne i�a catri�r�nd <br /> Leader. l.ader ma►y m�ace proaf or eoss if ine maa�e pc�nmpdy by E«cow« � ` <br /> ` [Ya1�s,t.eades and Banawa othenvite age+ee in virriting,�uance proceeds sha}t 6e�pplied w�estaatio�a rep�ir of <br /> - tbe Ptapecry d�rts�ged.if B�a reata�tion ex iepair is a�o�aily fe,aseMe nnd L�endesh sa�uritlr�ia not les.xned. If tbe - <br /> ' mtaration a'repRir�not ecena�oicalty feasibk a lrenderIs secvr�ry wouW 6e ksse�ed.tbe insor�nee p�+oceecis sbaU be . <br /> appliod to the aums a�n�by this Sa,v:icy Ira�m�ut,wl�e8ier or�wt ihea due.with my excess pAid w Barr�rer. If , <br /> � Bon+nwtt abaudon4 the Pcopetty.or das nat 9nswer within 30 days s notice fmm Letder tlut the it�uana carritr ha�s, <br /> d1'aed to xak a eiawte.d�en Lender m�y�ooliecc d�e inwranoe pnoceeds. l.ender may use the pcoceeds to repair or iestae . <br /> the Pmpaety or tn pry s�uus secatd by d�is Sacucity In�ment,whether ar not dtat due. 'lfre 34Asy periad wi1�hegin wLat <br /> the notice is,giva�. � <br /> "UnTeas L.ender and Bdmwner od�elvvise ag�ee in arritiag,�uy applicatim of gcncoeds t�prinap�t siv►!1 na extead or • <br /> postpooe tbe dae date of the montblY P�Y�iefenM to in parags�p�s i aod 2 or c6ange the�ne+int of tLc p�ymaws..,If <br /> under puagt�pn 21 the-Prope�tY is s�uir�d b3►L�der.socmwerb rigfic w any u�s�a�acx polx�es aad pmaeas neswang . <br /> from dunAge w the P�opaty prior ta t6e so�s6all pus to l.eaYer w the�uent of the sums s�,by dtis Seauity <br /> Instnanrnt ima�ed'eately Qrioc w the acqaisitiou. <br /> 6. Oaapucg'Pr�rvatba, Maiatenaece aed Protectioe d We PrupMy, Borro�re�s I.u�s App�ication; <br />:•.,,;;-.� I.e�eiolds. Bottowet sh�Il occupy,Gstablish,a�use the Plvpaty as Bornower�s pri�ipal nsidence witbin sixty days af�ar <br /> the exa�tian of dtis 3ecariry Insvmment and si�Ii coatame�u'occupy the Ptopecty as Barowals pcincipal tesids+�far a(t <br /> � kast one year aftu tj�e due af flccupancy, wttess Lee�der otbetwis�e agnees in writing, which cc�sent shall aot be <br /> . �n�easa�ablY with�,or�mkss.extenwting cu+a�mstaoces exist which ue beyond Basuwer'�cammL Banuwer shalt not <br /> destnoK�8�����Y,allaw tbe Pmperty to dete�iorate,.or commit waste on d�e Piopetty. Bormwer shall <br /> ` be in default if a���'orfatwe action or prooeedmg,wl�etlxr civD or criminal,is begua tl�at in L:ender.�s goad faid�judgment� . . <br /> . coutd Kesult in forfeiflue of tit�P�ope�ty ar od�wise�iatty impair the lien�reated lry this Saurity Imtrumeat or � <br /> Leader�.security ina�esr. Barawer may cure such a defautt az�d te�state,as provided in paragraph caasmg the action ,, ; <br /> a Pc�a�'mS w be dismissed with a ruling Lender�s good faith detemvna6on,Pttitludes forfeinue of d�e Borrower�s ' <br /> intenst i�t the Progerty or other material impaiiment of the Ga�crca[ed by this Socurity Ynstrur�ient or Lender'�security ' <br /> , interest. Borrower shaU atso be ia default if Somowet. during tbe toan application process, gave materially false or <br /> � inaccurate infom�ation or statements to Lender(or fa1a1 to p�ovide Laxkr with any material inf«mafioa)in connection witb <br /> � " the:� evide�xed by the Note,including, but no[limited [o. �piesentations wncemrog Bamwer's ocCupancy of the . <br /> . .. • P.ra "� a pruicipai residence. If this Sscurity Instrumeat is on a lqsehold.Botmwer shall comply with al!the p�uions <br /> ' Of t��3SC. If BQtIOWCt aCQUliCS fCC t1AC t�t�1C P[OpCttyl,the le�sehold and the fa 6tle shaU not merge u�ess Lender a,grees <br /> , tOt�CE'�CI�W4TL*�$• • '. '' ••, ",:.-..::,. , <br /> 7. ��t Lead�'s Rig6ts.3e�rie��toptrty. If Borrower.f.�ils to perfrnm ttie cove��i;�:�d agceeri�ents , <br /> contai�acE�i t�=s 5�rity lnsatstxnt,ar���a legal prpcoeding that cr�3y significantly affeet��r's rlgUts.�n the ' <br /> Fi'o�S�s�:�i as a g►zacee.i[ing�b�bnptcl;r�ate.foi o�.:anation or:'aifeinm or w enforce laws pr�egef�b,.tlien , <br /> Lep3es anay��anaT#ap for whazever a necessary to pta�,^�::�value of ti��Property and Lender�s rights in thG ;Pt��itY• <br /> Le�er's actians may include paying any sums secured by a;��.s which has prioriry over ilus Securiry Instrument,apgraring <br /> in court,paying reasanable attomeys'fces and entering on the Hroperty to make nepa�rs.Although Lende�may talce sction , <br /> under this paragaph 7,Lertder does not have to do so. : � <br />� Any amaurrcs disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this <br /> Security Instr�men� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounu shall bear inte�est from the � <br /> data of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be payable,with inures�upon notice from l.ender to Bomower requesdng <br /> PaYmenG � . <br /> � Morfg�e Insarance. If Lender requiied mortgage insurance as a condition of making the 3c�an secured by this . <br /> Securiry lnstrument,Barower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongage insurence i�i�.E.°�t. If.for any <br /> nason,the mortgage insuranc�e eoverage ra�uired by L.ender lapses or cr,.�es to be in effect, Be��i'r shall pay the � <br /> prertr,:�ms required to obtain o�.v:erage substantialJy equiv�!e±:t to the m��age insura�ce pn,wiousSy ii effect. a't a�cost <br /> suh�r�ially equivaknt to the oa�to Borroaer of the more;,�,-�insurance previously i�v Nl.fect;from an altemate teaxr�ge <br /> inr,,;n�approved by L.ender. If s�t7stantially equivalent me�,�e rnsurance coverage is cm.0 availab?�Horrower stizl'�puys 20 <br /> , l.ende�each month a sum equa!to ono-twelfth of the year(y mortgage insarance premium being psid tn:�o�mwer w�the ' <br /> insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in eCi�t. Lender well accep�use and retain these paymer�ts��i�nss reserv�9n lieu <br /> ` , of�ortgago insurance. Loss reserve paymeRC�,nay no longer be raryired,at the optta:tt,c�f'Lendec ig er�ortga�i�-�ance <br /> co:erag,e(in the amount and for tt�c period that Lender requires)pmvided by an insureae:�;aved by Lender aga¢r.tsa:��:nes . <br /> av�able and is obtainod.Borrawcr shall pay the premiums required to maintain mortga��r:ir•svrance in eifect,ar to�+ni�:de a <br /> � ras�rese�ve.until the requinment for mortgage insurance ends in accordarra�.cvith any w-sit;en agreeme�t betwcen Bacrower <br /> and Lender or app�ixable law. ' . , <br /> 9 In�ivrt. l.ender or its agent may make reasonable enfies upon.and inspections of the Ptoperty. Lender shall , <br /> give Barower notice at the dme of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cause far the inspecGon. • <br /> 30 Condemmtbn. The proceeds of any awazd or claim fot or cannectian�►'i�b any <br /> � � 5inak Famity•-Fa��ie MaelFrddie 1Nac IJNIFORM INS'f7tlTMP1rT--lSnifarm Cavenmts !!!� lpage 3oy;8jraaesl _ � <br /> �s�.�+Mr�a�r�r�:�' � <br /> • To OdQ�N06SN/(�Q IAI 6STlf4131 ' <br />