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_ . :�. ,.� <br /> _— — � :::: - _ _ , . . <br /> 2.-'- . _ ,.__. -... ___, '_" " ' _" ` __ __ � �� - .. . - - . -: .__�")1 ._. <br /> ' .. . . .. . _ . ` . � . .. : �. � . ' . . . . . .. <br /> `< '�}]���i�1�1C�110'rD a��[!!lCIOQ q i�1E]rQ�RY.���1QpM1� ' . <br /> Md�ItIM�i�•�M Q�!�!'t i�z�[t 0�Ih0 p1�yC1[y. l��y i��!��!�!O bC�COVlrRd b�.lbf�lC�r <br /> � � AY���fi���Fl� r�7����7•��. . . � � ; . �t,. � <br /> ' BORROW�t COV6NANCS Wat$oct�owa it taw�fWly seised at the eswe ba�ebY convtyed ancl�lus the rijllt b�tt � . � <br /> aod caavcy d�Pt�paty and tbat�ha Propecty is ona�cvmbeeed.��ept fa a�nbnnua�of'tern�d. Ba�rewer rvat�ts�d <br /> . wrW defead�Ity Mc tItje�o tAa 1'ropetty�a�t�i!ct�ats�d dcel�b��bject to�ny a�nbranoes oF�ecord..� � <br /> �T�IIS'SECURi'PY.INSIRUMENT�omtimes unifaco4 Qo�►ena�s fa n�tioml use.�nd noa-unifana caveo�nts wit6 <br /> ' w cmetituoe a u�dfam secu�i �covuin�Ra1 plupert9• � � <br /> lia�oed vuiuionl bY.Pitis�o�t �Y� <br /> tili�ItM CbVFNANI�. Hotmwer aad Leodar cuv�at a��as fdiow� . . <br /> � . L Pa�aM af Pr�ci�l aM latere�fi+eP�l�t�i LMt CMr�r. 8a�m�e��uli P��piY l�Y whm due the � � ` <br /> ` pincipaE ot�!ide�est on the de6t evidaiced by t6e Nae and�eY P�Y����s dre w�der�6e Note. . <br /> 2 �1�Mt kr'[1�us w!I�oa Subjxt to spplicabk law a to a wnaen�vtt by La�dGr,Hont�tb�U ph►14 <br /> / 1.mfkr 11d dl��Y�Y PtY�a[E tIUE 1u1f�ibC Na1C.U11h�UIC NOtC It Q/if}1R fitll,!itlR1(°A10d1�)tor:(i)�y <br /> nxr.s and sssa�s vifiich maY atnin P►iai�i►over this Secarity Ins�m�a�t as s dre Roperty:�'b)Y�Y� <br /> pi�r�aeaa a EcouM reats ort d�e Ptopaty,if aay;(c)Y�9��PnP�Y �uanoe pKmiut�:(�ydr1Y liood <br /> irauraio�p�iu�.�f�.r�Y m�a��P�°�,�f.ny:am ttI�►Y�r�r��S'�!�.b <br /> Lq�er,in acco�u�c�with thcprovisioos of pt�agaph 8,in lieu of tbe ptymeot of mo�t�ae insutanoa pra�iutn�. 'tl�ere <br /> itaas ue c�lled"Fscmw Items." L�ender any time,collax aad hold liu�ds in�n smount aot W ea�a e d the m�utimum <br /> amouat:la�der far a ftda�lly rciated mongage Io�n may riequi�fix Bomuwer's esc�ow aa4ut�t umdcr d�e faderal Real : , .. <br /> . g,st�ta Seakment Pmoedures A�ct of 1974 as ame�od frnm 6nre to time.12 US.��2fAI ec seq.("RESPA").unkas�notha . <br /> la�v dut applies to tbe PWds sets a ksser amouo� If so.Lader may,st any time.coitect snd hold Fuirds in an�nloiint not to . <br /> axceed the kssa anwunt. L snder may estim�te dse artaunt of�nds due on tUe.6�.sia of cur�ent dwta and�son�bk . <br /> - estitnites of expe�'itiues of fota�e Escmw It�ms or otheiwise in accadance wit!►appUc�ble law. • . <br /> . 'i'be Fuods sh�ll be hetd ia an institption wlase dePosits�e in�aed by a fakral agrncy.iastcument�lity,or aKity <br /> ('inchding I�ender.if I.a�d�r is such an instiwtiaa)or in any Federtl Han�Lo�n Bmic. Lsader slnll�pply tUe Funds to pay , <br /> . tbC Eacrow Items. l.rnder mzy not charge Bottower fa boldmg sad applying the�nds.anowUy u�lyzing tbe acmw <br /> ` accoua�oa verifying the Escrow Items,unkss I.eoder pAys Bamwer mte�est an the Funds�nd applicabk 1aW pe�mdts <br /> l.e�der w m�lae soch a chatge. However,Lender may roqnire Borrower to pay a onatime chnge fa aa u�dependent iieal�,: ; �', „. `��• <br /> � aqte ta�c nporting service used by Leuder in connectioo with this loan,unl�s applics6le taw pmvides od�awise."UWw,aa� . <br /> • a�neement is made a applicable taw re4uises intarst ro t�e paid.Leadec sdall not be roquind to pny I3o�mwer�ny_Interest at `. .w <br /> eamings on the Fhnds. Bomnwer and l�er may agrce in writing,twwever,that intee�est st�l!6e pud ua the�. I.eMer �� �, � , <br /> stull give to Borrowu.wiNwut charge,an annual aocovnting of the Funds�showing c�edits and debiu to the Funds and the .;> <br /> putpose for r�hic6 each dehit to the Funds was rt�ade. 'lbe Hmds are pledged as addi8onal socurity fa ali swas sccuted by;.;,; , <br /> this Security Insu�m� :�:, ' � �' <br /> . If t6e Fvnds held&j;:�.ender exceed the amounts pemdKed to be held by appUcable taw.L.endtr shaU �ccount to::;; ;', <br /> Bortower fa the exces�c,�u,ds in accotdalnce with the cequiremeats of applicabk Iew. If the smount of the Iimds hetd by <br /> I.enBer ac aay tane is no�ai�c`ienc to pay the Fserow Items wha�due,LerKfer may so notify Bormwer in writing,aad,i�i. .:.,;,;'•:'•' <br /> sucb case Bormwer stiati��.;o Le�r3ar tha amount necessarY to make up the deficiency. Bo�nuwer.shaU m�ice up thc .'':,;:;.�• <br /> de6ciency in no mone��,:,,FVe:�,�FaYnieu�:'�t I.ender�s sole disc�etion. - . -� <br /> Upon payment in fiu��a�sa�as s��ured by�s Secuciry Insuumen�Leader sl�all promptly refund W Bormwer any <br /> liunds held by Lender. �E'ai.�3er p�agsaplt Z1:I:�ndar shall acquirt a sell the Propesiy.Lendet.pria to tha acquisitiop or <br /> sale of the R+a�erty,shai➢apply any F�niSs hetd�}}i�xnder at the time oi acquisidon or sale as a crcdit�gainst the sums <br /> saured bY�Securiry Instrumen� .:,':'.: . <br /> 3. �cation of payments, U¢�ss applicable law provides otAenvise.all payments received by Lender under <br /> paragraphs t and 2 shall be aity prepayment charges due under the amounu payable under <br /> puagraph 2; intenst due;fourth,to principal due:and las�to any late charges due under tha Note � <br /> q, C6ar�es; i.ieas. Horrower shall pay aU taaes.assessments. charges, fines and impositions ataibutable to tbe <br /> ...•Pmpetty which may attain priority over thig Secudty Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground rents.if any. Bamwer <br /> � •si�U pay thcse obligallons In the manner ptovidod In paragraph 2,or if not paid in that n�anner.Borrower si�ll pay therte on � <br /> ' �e di�ectly to the petson owed paymen� Bomawet shall pmmpdy fumish to Lender aU notices of amaunts t�be paid under <br /> •�paragraph. If Horrowqr makes these paymenfs`direccly,Barrower shall promptly fumish to Lender rcceipts evidencing <br /> '.,,;S�tPayments, �.. , �� : �; <br /> r ', Borrower shall prorr�y discharge any Uen whicb 1►as prioriry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrees <br /> •` ;���iting,l5 the payment af"tfie obllgat�on secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender.(b)contesu in•good faith the <br /> Iien by,�•3:?�ends against enforoemoit�of the lien praceedings which in the Lender3 opinion operate to prcvrnt tfie <br /> e�dorr,e��o3 the lien;ar(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien <br /> to this Sec�zy IitsutsmenG If Lendcr determines that any part of the Property is subjeci to a tien which may attain priority <br /> over this Security Instrtuiiti�t,Lender may give 9orrower a noticc idenGfying thc lien. Borrower shall sadsfy the lien or take <br /> one or more of the 8etions set fonh above within l0 days of the giving of notice. <br /> S. �rd or Property InwrancG Bo�rowcr shall keep Ihe improvements now eaisting or heteafter erocted on the <br /> Property insureQ against loss by fire,hazards included within the tetm"extendcd coverage"and any other hazards.including <br /> floods or ftoqding,fo�;whicH Lender nequires insurance. This Iasurance shatl be maintained in the amounts and for the <br /> . ' . , . Fa.�� s»� taQa�ZMb�a�� � <br /> . � • � <br /> . • . <br /> . ,� . „ <br />