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, .. . .. . ..y. _ <br /> . ' . . _ _--... _ _ ' . -� -:', _. .- --_ _.'- . <br /> �-__'"�_�....�-��.�_�..a--..�, _ __ _ __-_ _ -._._ __ '__ _ - _- _ -_ _- '__ _ <br /> .__. ...�..... <br /> _._- - . - ---- - � -- _ . � . . � -- - i � --- . _ : <br /> � . � Y.. <br /> �T` . <br />. . . ` ' ` .. � . , � ' • �'� ���- . . _ <br /> ' ' ' , ' ( � . . ` . ` � . .. . . � � . <br /> , ��C�QL�ILt!�O��I�l O�d1E.•.q""��Q�[C�YE�►iIKC!Q IIC4 Of 0,011�1�6,i[E�1ltllf��QIOd� . <br /> � �{�fC�W�illdlf:. � . . . ; , < * ,_ • . <br /> 1u d�e eveat d a iahl tticinE of�the Ptnpeety.thepax aha11 6e ipplied w the wtm�� by tlds Senrcity <br /> Imp�mnnt,�vt�et6er ar iwt dx��ue.with any exass 'paid to�Ba wer. Lf 1�le event ot a putt�t takiag of the Praperty in . <br /> �rUich tbe fiiir m�rket valae of the Ptopetty hnmedia�cly 6efa�e�be tating is cquaito ar g�ter th�a tbe s�mduat of tbe sums � <br /> ` �ec�ned by tAis Secuaity Luun+mait iu�mediately befoce the nking,u�l�s Bamwer atd Le�er atde�wise agnee In�ri�iag. ., <br /> the aums aecu�d hy this 5ecurity Iustrumrnt shall be�educed by the amount of tl�e procceds mulriplied by�thtfdbwing <br /> fi�ction: (a)the wtil aawunt ot the sums sav�+ed itnmediately 6etae the t�lcinE.divided by @)the fair marl�et value af thg <br /> Property►ime�ediately Hefae dic taking. Aey balanoe ahill be p�id[o Bamwer. Lr du evmt of a psnial tating ot tha <br /> Fiopeity in wliich tbe bir�matket vatue af tbe Plropertjr im�ded�itely befae th�taking is kss than the'�mau�t oE tLe sums , <br /> ' secu�ed�ly befae t6e t�lring.mtless Bardwer ard l.ende�r ottrarwise agnce in writing or tuiiess�pplica6k law <br /> atherwise pe�uvides,the p[ooecds shall be applied ro the svms secwed by tltis Securiry lnswment w6ctlxr ar cat tha swns ere <br /> . tben due. �. <br /> V the Ptope�ty is at�daoed by Bormwer,or if,after aotice by E.ender to Bor�owar that etfe candemnor affers to anice <br /> aa awaM a settk a cl�im for dam�ges,Bomower fa�s to respand to Leader within 30 days after the date the�notice is givea, � <br /> � Laider is wtftorized to collect aad appIy tbe its optioe,either to restaation or iepair of the Ptoperty or to fGe <br /> sams secuuiod by tfiis Sec�uity inst�m�ant,.w6ether a not tben due. , ,, <br /> Unkss Lender u�d Borrower od�erwise agtee in writing.ang appticatiaa of p�ocads to principal s6aU not ea�tend vr <br /> postpou�du due date of the monWly paymtnts refemd io In parag�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amaunc af such�nts. <br /> 11. 8w�no�ar Nd Rek�ee�; �brbexa�e Ey Leuder Not s Watvtc Exunsion of the time far psyment'or , <br /> , mo�ifrman of am�ap of t6e sums secuned by this Sec�uity In.stnur�enc granted�6y Leoder to any suc�e'sccx in interest <br /> of Bamwer sinll"not opecyite tn rck�e tl�e liability of tbe aiginal Borrawer or Borrower's stxxessors in�intecest. I.ender , . <br /> s1nU mt be requind to commenoe proceedings�aga�ns[any s„r,Y��+r i�inu�s[�pr tefuse m exund time for payment ar <br /> odrc�wise madify�pnottizAtiaa of the sums sauned by this Security Insutanent by reason of any danand made by the uriginal <br /> , 8onower or Boaowerts si�caswrs in imen�st. Any foibeararec by Lender in exencising any right or remedy st�all�tot bt a . <br /> w�iver of ar p�eclude the eaeticise of anyright or iemedy. � <br /> 12. 5�te.aoes and A�m Banal,Joiet sad Seveial IJabillty:Co�. 1t�e covenants a�d agcaments of this <br /> SecuFiry�Suument ahall biad and Uenefit the successas aad assigas of Lrnckr aud Bonower,subject ta the provisioas of <br /> • ptragrapG 1?. Bomower's ooveaants end ag�ame�ts'shall be jaint and seve�al:My Bortower wha co-signs this Security <br /> Insttument 6ut does not axaute the Note:_:(a)is co-signing this Sccurity Inmumenf only to mortgage.graat aad convey that <br /> - Bonowa�iatenest in the.Property undee tf�e urtns of this Socurity Instivmenr @)is not personally obligated to pag t6e sums - <br /> - secuced by d�is Secutity Instrumen�and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Bormwer may agree ta extend.rnodify.for6ear <br /> or make any accaamodations with �egard to the tenns of Uiis Security Instrument or the Note without that BorrowePs <br /> � oonse�u. � , <br /> '13. I:oan Ch�e.�. If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject ta a!aw which sets maaimum toan <br /> charges.and that taw i�finally interpreted so that the interest or other toan charges callected or w be collected in connection <br /> with tLe Wan excad the pemdttul limiu,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amount neressary to re�uce <br /> the charge w the pem�itted limir.and(b)any sums atready collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted fimits will be <br /> �efunded w Bamwer. Lender may choose to maice this refimd by redncing tAe prie�cipal owed under the Nate or by making a <br /> ditect payntent ta Barower. If a refund reduces prir�cipal,the reductinn wiU 6e t�xte�as a partiat prepsyment withflut any <br /> ptepayrtKnt chnrge under the Note. � • • <br /> 14. Notias. My noti¢e to Bot�+ower provided for in this Security Instrument shatl be given by delivering it or hy <br /> mat'ling it by�clacs mail anless applicable law reyuires use of anotii��inethod.Tt�e notice shall be dimeted to the Property - <br /> Addt�ess or any:ottter addtess Borrower designates by notioe to Lender. Any notice to Lender shall Ue given by first class - <br /> mai!to Leitder�s��rcss stuted henin or any other addcess Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided for = <br /> in this Savritgr 15tshument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower ar Lender when given as pmvickd in this - <br /> P�B�P� , _ <br /> 15. GovtrainE Law;SevenSillty. This Security Inswment shall be govemed by federal law and of the <br /> jucisdiction in which the Prqperty is tacated. ln the event that any provision or clause af this Security Instrument or ihe Note <br /> conflicts with applicabte�aw;such conflict shall not affect other provisions of�his Securiry Instrument or the'Note wirich can <br /> be given effect without�he,aorttliairtg provision. To this end the pravisions of this Security Inst�ment and the Note are = <br /> declared to 6e severable, � ° <br /> 16. $orrower''s Capy. Bot�ower s�;�J be given one wnformed capy of the Note and of this 5ecuriry Instrument. = <br /> 17. 'I�ansfer of the Propdrty or a�tkial Interlst in Sorrawer. If all or any part of the Property or any intcrest itn - <br /> it is sold or uansferred(or if a beneticaaT interest in Barrawer is sold�r tranrferred and Bprrower is nm a naturat persari� - ' �. <br /> without Lender's prior written sonsent.L,ender may,at its optian,reyuire immcdiate payment in futl of all sums secured by • <br /> this Security Inswment. However.this option shall nat be exercised by l.cnder if eaercise is prohiblted by federal law as of - <br /> the date of this Security lnstnunent. - <br /> If Lender exerciscs this option.�.ender shall give Borrower notice of xceleration. Thc notice shall provide a period of � <br /> not less than 30 tlays from the date the notice is delivered or mailed within which Borrawer must pay a11 sums secured by this _ <br /> Socurity lnstrummt. If Borrower faits to pay these sums prior to the eapiration of this period.Lender may invoke any <br /> iemedies pemutted by this Security Instrument without further notice or demand on Borrower. - <br /> 18. Ba�rmver's Ril,ht to Retm�ta [f Borrow�er meets cenain conditions. Borrower shall have the raattt to have <br /> enforcement of this Security lnstrument discontinued at any time prior to tfie earlier of: (a).S days(or such othet period as — <br /> � Singk F�nily—.Fyade M�dElr�efAk Mae tJNIFORM I�STAL'NF.h'f-•Uniform Covenmts !!!� /pcBel af 6yrrgra) <br />