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<br /> �r oc t�ot�dre.�M�ny e�ae�D�ib b D�m�ret.h t�ermt d a p�etW e�oE tk Tropaty i wiiic�tMe 4ie' �° _
<br /> a�]I�Wet v�a�the Piopaty i�sedire�i►batoi�e�he t�iciK u aq�n1 m ar�+r tl�t�t�morec d t6e iraa�Nx��led 6l�:!Li� ._ .. .�.
<br /> Sec�eity to�ent immedt�ldy befae tb�t�ioidf,mdas�otro�!ar�aod Irader ol5eni�i�e apee is iiri�'u�tli��r��sat,t�ed�i�r : - ---
<br /> tYs Sewrity Iapnama►t�11 be tedaced.b�r the�mo�nt of die pcec+eed�t m�ip�ied b!► d�e�atlowi�find�oo:(s)Ma 1oW �
<br /> .�oeu��am.�a���u�:�s.a�;ae�b,►ro}.�r��+�a,��r�r,�,►�
<br /> 6efae tbe alciog• AnY bd�s1�U be paid to Borm�ex. in the ew�ot af a p�etial qicit�ot the P�oQaty in whie�d�frir
<br /> na�et vatoe of tbe Propa'ty immediaedY bdate tbe nlut�is k,ss th�n die a�mount of the.au��ecuted imrnedaedY befo�e We
<br /> ttking,w�kss Horio�v�er a�d Lmder ot6axis�ag�ee ip writing ot uulass applic�ble la�v at6aqix p�ovides,the P'nceeds�D .
<br /> be�pptied w t6e sun►s seauod by dds Sxurity Iastnimmt whetLer or not tbe sums�e t�tGrc: ' . - .
<br /> If tbe Pro�xety�Ls�baodomd bY aon�nw�er,�if,'after�by Isockr�u Soanwu tmt tfie oo�r�noe o�ers�z��n�te an
<br /> aw►�1 ar sett�s da�fortFanmges.8uc�av�er faTs t�i�spnnd f+�Ieader�'n 30 d�s a�es t�data the iroBc�e is givii�,.
<br /> i�is�thori�d to ooljoct aod appty tl�e piuoeeds.at its t�tioe.ather ta�tioa ar�e of die�y'a ta tLe suma�s •
<br /> �ea�r�bi'tfiis Secmity Iaumme�,Wh�her a aat 15en doe. � -
<br /> . <;;:-':`.�kT,�itess Laid�er aod Boa�r'o�hrai�e`�ee in!�, ti►Y �PPt��f.E�,r�aeds f°PriociPV si�lt mt e:ta�d or
<br /> . ',j�q!�t�te tLe due date of.tL�mr5iif��,i�etbrtiod ttti�paraEnp6s i and 2 or��g+�We anwuat of saeh l�ayr�s- ,
<br /> __ ;, 1`, ..,,r�;;.;t�'�.Borrnw+�r Nat Rdea��'�Lender Not s Wa�-.�t�zft�.the time for paymatt c�ta�odific�aon:•;�•_,
<br /> :••, :�;af�orti�tio�i�'f�e sums socutadd ��itY�t Srante�. F�des fu:�py successar in interest of Sorrovrer sTi�:;-'�:':% . '
<br /> r.r . ��' .
<br /> :t � �iit��per�te tcr.tit�-.Nse the liability of�;�al Bormwer or Borrovirct.'`�:gt�coessors�.:mterest.L�nder s1�aU aoi be requind C�s.:,:.
<br /> :� �°� 4, .
<br /> - — ;s�ce �gaiast.anY.�E�in interest or refuse w eia'ea�tune fa��.yr�t or otlkrwise°}9d�t�',�m°rti�i°° ` ,.
<br /> _ ''cu:tli�;��r�d bY"tE�is,.�i�;'�$�t by reason of any demand n�dc i3�.original.Botra ;�y:`�wer's .,
<br /> fi��,, ��
<br /> - ; �..'s�'?.�;�,'�5t• Ai►p'�a�1�9 �r�der in exercisin8�tY.ar�C}!or re�nedy s�t1'not be;�r�;�ive��ut�i'tade tbe,.;.;,�
<br /> a[+. - �' '�' Q�B�'L�Oi(t.II1CQ�l. t`+r1" .'.'.< '., �, ', i,('•:�,�';�,:,�:�.::5'.:,,:'=i . •'•:�,.,;">,
<br /> - 'y,; , ''lZ.Suocesvors and ��dt�uid ���.iab'd�t�;'Co�e�s• Tha�sv�nrs:�i��t�ts of�th,'{�;;,,i:., .
<br /> - . , ';�,:;;"_t�. A�iBn+�. :r..� . , .
<br />- �rity lnstrumemt shall bind and benefif tfie snccesso'rs and asslgns of Lcnder and Borrower, st�Jeck t�� }�s�isions of`_'..
<br /> paragtaph 17. Borrower's aovenents and agtecments s1ia11�be joint and scvcrai. M Borrower who ao-sf�:dus Se�ut�
<br /> y s� �r;���:;��:�:��;
<br /> ,t Instrume�►t but does not eaocute the Nnte: (o):is,00-signing this Socurity,�tnshument�nnly to mortgagc,gtant and coavey fhat:`.'.`:..
<br /> . ",�.r. . Borrower's interest in the Property undcr the tetms of this Security Instrumenh.(b)is not personaliy obligated to pay the sarps
<br /> ` ?: �°' •�<;�-:���r: secv�ed by this Security Instn�menr and(c)agrecs that Lender and any other Bortower may agree to e�ctend.modify.forbear or
<br /> � �� -:.-,<-".'��".t :. '
<br /> _ , ,�.r., . ..f,.: `maice any accamm�dations with regard to the terms of lhis Security insirument or the Note withaut that Borrower s consent.
<br /> ��:%::°" - - 13.l.osn Cfwrges.ff the laan secured by this Security lnstnrment is subject to a law which sets m�ximum loan charges.
<br /> ... . . � .
<br /> - k;�++�=�-_ =:-�.�!M-: and that law is finally interpreted re+that the interest or ather loan charges callected or to be collected in eonnection with the
<br /> : .:�_..,_ .
<br /> loan exc�d the permitted limits,then:(�)any auch laan charge shall he reduced by lhe amount i�ecessary to reduce the charge
<br /> h ��4.�� �� ta the permittal limit:and Ib?eny sunu alrrady collected fmm 8orrawe�which exceeded permitted limits wil!be refunded to
<br /> , . �..,
<br /> , - �. . Borrower. l.ender may choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Nnte or by making a diroct
<br /> - � � � ' Qayment to Bc+rrawer. If a refnnd r«lures principal. �he reduction will be trcated as a partial prepayment without arty _
<br /> ' , _ :... ._. prepayment chargc under the N�te. -
<br /> � � 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower pravided for in this Security Instrumen[shall 6e givcn by dclivering it or by mailing -
<br /> ' •. it by frst class mail unicsc applicable Irw requires use of another methad.The notice sh�ll be direct�d to the Property Address =
<br /> or any other address Borrawer designater by nrnirc ta l.endcr. Any rxnire to I.encter shall bc gi�en by fitst ctass mail to _,
<br /> � ��;:"�'.: • � ' � I.ender s address stated herein or any ather address l.ender designates by rn�tice to Be.rrawer. Any notice pro��idu�for in this i
<br /> ' � - ����- � ' Security[nstrumcnt thall lx�dcxated w have been given to Iionow•cr or L.cnder when gi��en sv provided in thiti paex=araph. _
<br /> .; .. 15.Governing Iaw; SeveraAility. This 5�curiry Imeruincm +hall t+e guvemeJ by federal law and the law of the -
<br /> --��'" �� jurisdictian in which the Praperty is located. In the evem that any provi�ion or clau+e af this Security Instrument or the Na�� , .
<br /> . � � �� ' conflicts�vith applicablc law,such cnntlict.hap nat affcct othcr pr�►vi.i�►m�+f thi�.S�tiurit}�Instrumem or thc Notc which can be
<br /> �,.� ` � .� �. given effect without the ronflicting pruvision.To this end the prm i�i�m�nf thi.Security In�trument and the N��te are declared ;.:
<br /> -• � �' to bc severable.
<br /> "!�> � 16.Borroe•er's Cupy.B�mua�cr sh�ll bc givcn onc amfi�m�cd a�py uf thc Notc and of�hiz 5ecurity ln�trument.
<br /> '1 ,��---.- . . . •
<br /> . ','�;, ••�`' Fam 3028 9t9�
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