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<br /> . . is ieY u�'(a�It a 6�+�ei�T i�w�i�.lee�wwr�i�foli ac q�ine�asd�.l��ot�.��wd�wi�e:`.-. -
<br /> ��iM.i,u"�!!;!�.*!�.�� ;�r�t..�t i�a allies. _. .�w,i��s•1-iw,�!i�e�t:i�.�lf of rt wMer;s�owrt b i� `..
<br /> ._. . —:�. :��-�L��� _ _, . _-__— _���l.A��-��������r_ � _
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<br /> �.IA�Ot f�R�C�l��Op10p�.�'�� �0lI�OME[OOt�I�C Of i0�1�R:�'hG SOfILE�f���a�IOd OL.MOt; <
<br /> -., �i 1��Q�i�1�1 t��E 1�IIA�OE�i�0�NI�O��YI�IIR�Y�Ch BOffiO�CC 1��!tl i�IEGr[Ed.�!� • . -
<br /> , '_._.��AjMl�l��.�E Si1f10MR�b��'e.� � 10 fYiE C��Y O��Ili j1E!lOt�.�Olty l���
<br /> --�.�._...--- _ _ ' 1RMf�wYrt:�1011� . . . . ��� -- - -- - -
<br /> - - :--�a+.r.w.r . LY�j�ti.
<br /> - �. /M'���f� 1d��. L �OOdItlO�i. �OR01Y�7_ibi�_�tYC QIC 1'� 1Q��11Y� - ,
<br /> enfo�+0anmt o[d11q �a+a�t prior to tbe drliec of:(s)S dsys(a�wcb otLef pEr�ad�- T T_
<br /> -- --- Sewric�r Ia�a�ant:a(b}eotrlr ot s jud�ma�t ad'oc�cin8 lhis SoariiY l�t•Tbose aaoditioa�m dn[Horro�+�rers N)p� ` ,� .
<br /> f,�d�alt`s�as vr�ich thea rrauld be due ut�e�this 5acurky Inslnanenf and t6e Note as ii ra�ocde�o�had ooa�rad;fb) _
<br /> cuns ady def�l[a��r od�es w1�►a+�f�P�►��aP����n eafaav�.dd�Sea�.launumeat,:. ° . :
<br /> i��brt ad limi�ed eo,naqo�6ie�tw�rys'faa:md(d}takec wCh actiou as I.a�der miy rebon�b�Y�q�tne�o'�o�e �. _ .
<br /> dat tbe of thu Savrity Iasu+uwpait,l.eader's�riEhq in tlre Pmparty ard Bamwer's obliption w pay tbe nnns xcuned by
<br /> ,tlns Sea�itY IuWrmmeat tlall ooaaau� t�oc�ed• Upaa nio�oaait bY Ba�ow�a. dns Soa�nty Imrumait aid tbe
<br /> cWiaatiooc aa�rtod henby sh�ll ramin fully e�axive as if ao�oaktxioo 6d occumed.Howev�r,this rig6t ta ninsta�e shaU
<br /> not apply in the c;ase of aocder�tior►unfer p�cagr�ph 17.
<br /> 1! S�fe oC Not�t7�e�e et I�Sa�ioer.The Note or a putial intecrat in thc Note(w8e�er witb this Secunry
<br /> Ia�trument)msY be sold one or nacr tmns witlsoat prtor nntice m Bomower.A sate may nsatt in a chwge in tbe eatity(lmown
<br /> ss tLe'Lo�n Sesvioer')th�t oollects mont6ly payma�ts due uuda the Nate aad t6is Sa;urity I�trument.Theae also may be one
<br /> ur nwre d�ges of the I.�aa�n Senricer�zi�tod tu a s�le of the Nou.If there.i�ad�ange of tha luan Se�vioer,Bor�ower wlll be .
<br /> given wnKen noticc of t6c ci�e ia aocotdanot�►ish parag�aph 14 above ao�app[ica6sic law.The notiee wil!stata the nuae aud
<br /> add�ess of the ne�►t�n s�vicer ana tf�e�dd�s w v�iCb payromts s6aald�be maae.71�notioe wiU aiso oon�a sr►y ot6er
<br /> ��H�Sy�brfa�r�s.Bono+�a�shal!not aaso vr;j�Ci�i�i�tbe P�+� . stnnge.ot relezse o�aRry' .
<br /> Harirdons�oa or in the Rflpe�ty �gmawer shaP�:;iiu�:{Iw, twr ailoa atryron�a�,do. anyt�nng affodui,�.ftie „ �`
<br /> ,,property that is irt viatuion of anyr Eav�coament�;6i�,�:Td�`� � two S�Ci�nces`shaU�iot�Fiy ta fli��tnseo�e;'�ifi�:',;�ax. . c�:.`�
<br /> �,;,,.
<br /> , :` �s`torage on the Pmpe�ty of smatl qaamities of H�.iilsi,ss Sqb'��.a�`<.�x�a11Y iecogniud ta'b�'�Y''�ate to npfni� ;.`,;
<br /> <fCSIdGTIGaI n3ES 8!ldtotl�illitO7IK'C �,. i , t; �; � :`;,<:r•;::�Y:• , i. � ,.{'` , '< .
<br /> "�:�' of thePco�fecty`:.; • • . .r... .,: ,.... {� . - ..�.;.;..r ,:.:� � '.,,,.
<br />_ ,};r:`. Bortnwer shall promP�Y S�ve Lender ariUea`i�[�e �`��t�?��+0 �•, {� ,,.
<br /> of- ir•'ai:�im;deinand.lawsuit;•ar. �1�action by any
<br /> '�' goveinmental.or tugWacoryageney or private puty'�,kottiting.���sj�tcy+.��3+HazaMoas SabsEamc�g;cirt,�*.�o��:,Iaw
<br /> -- .;;,; �of wLich Borrowa bas aaual knowledge.If�arnl�r i�(ins;;:b�it�.arGtifie�b�any,govenm�rerstat ar;reghitii�ix��au�'� �.«� �
<br />-= aay trmovat or qber remediatiaa ofaRy�a�ardaiis�.�ui5hance aff�cfing the P"rn�'r�r�s rte�.Burmwr�.i�rat�"i��Y,'��
<br /> - — ��,`!.:;.all necessary remodial.aee�.�s uiac�o9z+dattce witf�-�!�tin'vnental I.aw. • ;r..;:,,:�� - .., .� , ;._,�::_:• ?=;:
<br /> - .'�:�'',•.:; As used in U►is p�h 7A; "Iiazardous Sub3tances'are thase s�s�si�i�t€�F�.�.t�.uc ar�s substarices tsy `�,``�
<br />_ ;,:�`:;;,,:,•.;'�$mrironmenral Laa"r.�tiie following substv�ces: gawline. kerosene. othe�:ffa�zui�ahie-'a��ixic p�ro[eurn prodacts: taxic
<br /> ,,:.;;:.�•,.:�,
<br /> ticidesa6d herbicides,volatile solvents,materials oontaining as6estos or fom�aldehyde.aii�cadioactive materials.As used in
<br /> - �'��`':..'�s'�aigi�ph 2(J. "Envirnnmen�al law"means federal taws and Iaws of thc jurisdiction whete the Prnperty is located that
<br /> ��'��:-� `relate to`F�ralth safety or enviranmental proteaion.
<br /> NOiV-iTMFOiiM COVENANTS.Botrower and Letider further oovenant and agrec as follows:
<br /> Zl.Aooelentbn;ltemedies.Lender s1w11 give nt�tice to Borrower prlor to aocderatlon fdbwing Bort+nrrer's breach
<br /> ot am coveaant or agraYnent ln th(s Security Instmmeat (but aot prlor to accekratbn ueder poragraph 17 unkss
<br /> '� applicaDle law provtdes atherwise}.The notke s6a11 specity: (a)the defaWt.N)the actbn ra{uired to cure the detault; _--
<br /> .,�,���:.,;,.�- (c)a d�te,not{e�s than 30 days trom the date the notice is.gtven to Borrower.by which the default must be cured:and �':=--��_
<br /> (d)that tailare to cure the default on oc De[ore the date speciCed in the notice may result in acceleratbn ot the sums �_���
<br />_ .���: secared by ehts Security Ins�rumenc and sak ot�he Property. The�ice shatl turther i�orn�Bornu��er ot fhe riaM to .,;�,.-�-
<br /> -�°"a-.
<br /> '+��r< retnstste atter accelen�tion nad the dght to bri�a court sctioa to s�s.gert the non�xistenee ot a detpult or aey dher � �=
<br /> :t..
<br /> ;•' ddc�se of Borrower w�cceleratbn pnd sale.It tbe detaWt �s not cvred on or before thc date spociflM in the noticr, A;
<br /> � "`.'�:�'i ;'�i•�T l.mder,at its oqion,may require immediate p�yment in full of atl sums s,ecured by thlv Secarlty Instrnment vrtthout '��}`��'--
<br /> r;`^�_
<br /> .�-°�'' ' =:1�, turtAer de�nAnd And ms�y invoke tt�e powee of sale and any other remedies permitted bY appUcable laK.L,cader s6a11 be
<br /> ;��, . . . _
<br /> - :. : eniitled to cotlect all expe�es incurred in punving the remedic+proYided in/his pzragraph Zl,including,but not limited _ _• _
<br /> ����=�`�`;� . ^ � � to,reasona6le attorneys'tces and casts of title evldence. ,,
<br /> �?;t :.. .�� � It thepower o�sale is invoked, Trustee shaU rec�rd a notice of defautt in e�ch county in whkh any part ot the . ti:�
<br /> ' ''�°'= _; YrepMy is located and stwll mail copics oi such notice in the manner pre.scri6ed by applkable law to BorroN•er and to `_
<br /> .: • • the otber persons prescrlbed by applieable law.A(ter the time required by ap p licable law.Tru.s�ee sNall give pab/ic tatice ;�-
<br />`:�•• � � ot sale to the pe�rons and in the manner presc�lbed by applicabte law.Tnrstee,K�ithout demand on Borrower,sfiall sell
<br /> `;�`', :i- .:x,:�•, ; �:� -; the Property at pu6lic anction tu the highest btdder�t the time and place and under the terms designatM in ihe noH�e ot . -;••
<br /> � '. . s�k in one or more p anels and in any order Trustee determines.Trustec may postpane sate ot�II or any parcel ot the
<br /> `' : Proptrty by public�nnouncement at the time and pl�ce of any pre��ionslv scheduled sale.�.ender or its d�ignee may •
<br /> • • parchase the Property at any sale.
<br /> ::,-.:� . , . .- , .. ._:.-.-_
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