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<br /> --_ . .-ii�wis ar�oi$i�.��W►�.'`-��s,s:��� _ . _.' �_� �_ isi������ . —
<br /> .. Mwt 1.�n�i�w:'r'4 i�rir�.o�a�e�iar p'o'v.iii�i p�e irwi�.oi�Wt be ehaaa y►�ifarrowrc wl�Ct 10�'!.�MlN'� . � •
<br /> ` � wMi�Jr��ot���wf�Mlw!/. I[�1iot��r ihilr���piip cowe�/�e d�rceitwd Ibwr. I�iK 1�rl►,M�.N1�ry ' ,_z
<br /> ._,.
<br /> . .;p�lio�.de�iR oo��p pibi�t I,�r's�p►M tRe�►�o�ret�C�aa�oed�ua wlib�r�t�ph 7. �� . . . �',, , ,
<br /> __ ,--- -,� a�-idl.k.,�eoeol�i�In.t�deta�d�isclyde_a.��d_�iory�e e1�. I�t�r � —..
<br /> � �{t�+ettia rl�t�a baid.�s patieks�a!ra�±�.�tL�eirr-�e+�i��onrwi��peo�'�ire iv�ia��ii-t�[ip�dt `
<br /> ��iiioe�.��ewot d IoMz tia�wer iWl,�►e�!o�t_a�1.9oe ra!Mc i�wr�oe eweie�'a�i 3�� _ -_
<br /> - -- - ..-_;�IiOe�r�r�wlOr p,aoE af 1as i[sot s�t��aqnt�t . . . --�T .= �
<br /> "Uderc3�eMdet�d Boreo�er a�ee�i�e�ro�ie�rtititsj.Lswtr�CrE p�ooe�t�hl�bE�pplNd b r�eMORation.lOt!�i►i� , •
<br /> �, ' -�hrope��,�rd�il�r0+�d+ifWe�a�'toeiMioQa�rep�iciasoo�o�k'+�!-fieri�te�d.I�de�'�.�os�4tlrirtotks�ened.Jtil�e_tarlo�ntiiMi:�tc:.. _...;:,�
<br /> ���ap�ir it aot eooaoa�iadtY�arible at LaldaPs�ea�ri�1►�Id be iaa�ed..�6e im��erx pir�+ead��Mlf be ippiiied�ioi the wwr•-��. .
<br /> : �c�ed b!►tbh SewcitY ..lmitriiqpeait,wpedier Or aat tlm dre. xilb aay e��cas p�id to Hono�a. If Daio�eir�ridort 1it..� . ;:..
<br /> `,prtfpaty.a doefc�at a�itKtt`�Ynbia'3�4 dihrs a solioe lrom Leader Iti�d�ie�at�noe carri�Cr Lt a�k�ed in�eple�1�n.drt" .. `=:'.�.
<br /> isrder may;qcdlod tb�u�anoce peaxeds. Ld�kt l�► mc d�e pooeods b-rep�ir a tr�lae tbe l R o p e�Y�.�'�Y.±�, s• ::
<br /> ipcwe�[iy t13�Sbaprity IaatnmeaE,xlialba�t aot thead�Tl�a 30dty period will 6esie wrUea ihe natio�u�n►eo- .i. ,
<br /> ' tJdeu I�der�HoQa�+�+a atLa�vLc a�eo m w�io6. an�► apdi�ti�t of p'oceed��°'�.�.sot'e�tead a: :..�_:: :�
<br /> po�tpeoe tbe doe date of tbe nnat6ly pymara reCen�ed to in pa�1 sad 2 a�dws�moinat o�Brc>�qa�a�s- 1�
<br /> wider p�s�ap6 2i tAc P�upetty is aoqaiied by i�mckt,Ba�+owKr's ri�ht tn�ny'i�tooc P.q1k�:�Pi���� .
<br /> d�a�w t�e proppty pdoE to the aoqu�itan shal!p�st to Ireader ia die e�apR;bf tbe sw�.'..,�ei,'�bg�Se�ritY�w�eat� ":=.'
<br /> inom�edi�tdY Pdot to die aoqui�t�nu. � . ; '`_ , r;=r"�,;.,::,,.:, ; <,'='.: : .:.. ..--".; .; , .
<br /> :t.� i��, �1--
<br /> !�:>:�<< .i�.
<br /> ;.���f���.�d��'�<L�.� ,��7;. ��+��%'-
<br /> r:�..., . .�� .. '•;, •
<br /> BOftO�YCt!b*1�OOL9py.Ewiblif�l.�WE t11C P[OpQ�Y�f BO[lOWE['s p�ipCl�ldl�i`i�t�E'O�C M1t�IlR��f;�1�IE�d�Q1�1Y Ei.:..;�.';:iix:'
<br /> this sa�r;ty r�tcuiaaic�m aHiu eont;nut w ooa�y t�e rmperty as Eor�eu.���P��idmoe�:a�t1�c a�e�c'�r�;�,��:�;�;;;;�::
<br /> tbe date of aoaip�oty.unless L�ender od�wise agnes in aritin�,wHich codsttl[aMll not be wn�a+wmb�'w?�ddi��;�
<br /> _ . extd�iog'ctn�u�oGs e�st wrlrieh u+e bryond BomoweE s�ioc+�'tto1. 8oriuwu st�all not.Aat�uy,.dam�e a i�fii'!�'+>� _ .
<br /> -= Property,allow tbe Prnpaty w dderioete.or oumatit waste oo ti�e AnpCity. BorroWa sl�ll 6e in de�qli if aay foifatun
<br /> -- �ctian or penceed'ing.wt�r civil or crimiml,is begun tl�at ia L�der's gaod.faith judgmeat coukt�.3�forfeiptt�e of t6e .. .,•;�;E�r:
<br /> -- _ FrnpertY or otherwise m�ttriaUy impair tl�e licn anatod by this S�arifjr T� s�r�.y r.; � _
<br /> t or I.ender's �[eitst.Eo�ow�a mty. .'1,-,;;�::`:'
<br /> __-- can suc6 a defautt and ieinstate,as Pzovided in Parag�•18.f�:e�e�s3ng�ie a�ion or proceeding to ba disim�ed wits a rWiva _
<br /> -•-:v: tl�t� in Lender's good faith determi�ation. precludes farfeit�,P`�..�,-�•s�ie 8er�er's interest In il�e Pio�perty oc athet�eterW •,
<br /> - itrq�aimnent af the lien txcirod by this Security I�.c4.�'.s so�s��.itRerest. Bor�owet sbnll alsu-be'jut�.!�iie ,�i'if
<br /> ";r�� Borrower,during the ioan applic�tion proc�ss.g,ava�tt�ttrially faZx or i�rarie.informuiun or ststeme�s;G�'I�s fc�c fNlod
<br />�'�°TJ� to provide Lender with 8ny mattrial information)in c�nnnection with the loan�evidenca!by the Note.inctu�'mB;but no`t tin�tod � .
<br /> = ta.representations coacemiug Borrnwer's accupanc.y of the Property ac a principal residence.If this Sacutity L�shumeot is on s
<br /> = leasehold. Borrower shall comply with at1 the provisions of thc lease. If Bomnwer aoquires fa title to the Property, the
<br /> _ leasehold�nd the fee title sha11 not merge unicss Lender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> F_.: •�;*. '- 7.Ptolection at Len�kr's Riahts in tbe Property.If Borrowu fails to perfom►the covc.n�nts and agraments cuatalned in
<br /> - �µ this Seourity lnsttument.or there is a legal praceeding that may sl�rantly affect Lende*'s rights in tIx Ptnperty(such as a
<br />�•�:: •• �.s:;:,:• .;-, procoodiag in bankcuptcy.probate.far condemnatio�or forfeiture or to enforce taws or c�tgulations).the�t Letider may'du aad
<br /> t;�.; '�r,;.-,;;: 't�• pay fot whatever is necessary to protect thc value of the Property and Lender's r�ghts in ibe Property. 1.ender's actiot�s rniy
<br /> - -�::�_.:....:; . in couit. paying
<br /> ; r• ,�:a�,.,.•.�_ include paying any sumc secured by a lien which tias priority over this Sec�rity Instrument. appearin8
<br /> - �;;��� , : •�f��-�`' reasonable aiWmeys'fees and eoterins on the ProperEy co make repairs.AlthougFr Lender may take actian under this paragraph
<br /> - �i'��'� . '•-'s,: . ' ?.Lender dces not have to do so.
<br />_ . .s��,. .
<br /> � � .� Any anwunts disbursed by l.ender under this paragraph ? shall beartr�additionat debt of Borrawer securod by this
<br /> _ . � Security Instrument. Untess Borrower and Lender agree to other terms af pa;�ent,thcse amounts shall bear intercst from tbe
<br /> � ,.:', . .
<br /> ;,- �a� � date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payabte, w�„h i:steres�.':�on notice from I.ender to Borrower r�questing
<br /> _`. . 'r;r .-,. PaYment. • ;
<br />';,�,;;: ~, ' ' . S.Mortgage Irenrat�a If Lender required mortga�e inscrenoe:s a��'���ion of raaking the loan secured by this Savrity
<br /> t... . .,���'-•-., .
<br /> : ;:�,� ; „«, � Instrumem. Borrower shall pay the premiums required to��T.��,ir'x�r!�e insurance in effect. If for any reason. the ,
<br />�`•.r,;.:. :�'';. ,' mortgage irtsurance coverage required by Lender lapses or c�..wrcia be in eft':ct.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> • �-��` obtain ooverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage ins¢�.�.ux.previousty ia effect.at a oost substantially equiva(ent to the
<br /> �...,..
<br /> .�;•:,�' � .. . __ : cost to Borrower of the mongage insurance previously in ef��. from an ai��r:ate mortgage insurer app�oved by l�der. If . ,
<br /> °` substantially equivalent mortgage insurance covera=:�is not availab3e.Borrc�a,�shall pay to l.ender ear��nnth a sum equal to
<br /> •�� ' � ' an�twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance premium being paid by Barro��cifien the insurance coti��,�lapsed or ceased to
<br /> � � . be in effcct.I.ender will accept,use and retain these payments�a:�• x toss reserca�in lieu of mortgage �r.�ssrance. Lo� r�serve
<br />° • • � Farm 30Z8 9/80
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