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<br /> � �_ ' . ' - _
<br /> . , --^--�s�'� � .
<br /> -_. .�___.� - . _
<br /> _ .— __ . –�--, ._-- --,-- '�"�"."�._--_.
<br /> .u_. v..:i.iGl'.�t� .,. ,, ... ' .. . . ,. .: _ ~��� ������ty r
<br /> . . . .. .- ' � ' • .t. ..
<br /> . �[1���►j'l'H al�IMD ip�fC'�E�i�II�:Of�EI�IIE MOCIl�0��l��y.��0�0lIO�f;'��1lli.�.� . :...
<br /> Yua�i�es ao�i ar ia�lier a pii�1F at:tMe:p�openy: Aft�a�lro4rirs�b itl �d�eio�abdt abo bv ca� y�is l�wl�►: --
<br /> �tr�dot.�1i1 d d�t.fo�uio�ii refaRd ta is t�i�s Sea�eihr IiMe�nt a�1�e'gopaiy.' . ;
<br /> -i -- - -�_ -- - : . _. .. .
<br /> ...
<br /> - - --�wc��eaio[3it�i'�li'T��irt$aan�ei�i�:i�'gi��i�e��'�`��t�'�ta�t�-_�� __ .
<br /> . oo�ireY�Yt Prapas�.add tl�t tbe,�'eopeety it�oeaerwbeeed,�caept idr n�mbtinoe�af raooid. Baio+Mer wrcr�a 1id w�f . ..
<br /> del�r��aallf tI�C dde ta ibe�rop'eety a�+�e�t alt clwf�qad dem�edc,�w._�nY as�br�oon tYt�eooed. ,. '` .
<br /> . .. � ,THtS SEC1JltifY 1NSTRUMBNT cotobi�s nmfam ooveaMts far wtioad tue and nar+mifbcm oovaii��wid�lin�jle�l
<br /> - wri�tioas tq juri��idioa ta 000�t�uoe a nnifarm�ecu�ity in�tamart.00Yrxin�.ral DroP�Y.� _ . � ._ .. _ ' _.,� - --_
<br /> 1#�tiEmRIKtYJY�1!!N'!'S�:Hoem+raraedie�lder�ot�ed.,tgmeac'toltar�s:------ -�-- -- --- �'` `==.��_- _ .--
<br /> --- - - - - ,-- ------L��[.l�Yeii a�i.I��h+e�i�at aM I.Me CY��.:Botrn�er_�It.P�oo�pt�►�Y!��4�
<br /> ptincjpitof aad i�taat on die de6e�bjr,tbe:�a—d�n ia+y�+��. . --- - - � � -
<br /> �2.1+1�rd�[�r Ta�a�d Ie�'�oa Subject te apQlic�ble tiw a w a written waivar by Y.eoder,Boao�+a'..eT�lt.P�Y� .
<br /> l.a�d�e�oo tbad��ootWp��aYmenls�e doe imder tbe Nooe.uotii the Note is pid in falt,a�um( Furiclf�).Tc.r...(i)�i�Y_�!. .. __
<br /> � , sd iu�aanents�rhich mry�ltain p�iorlty ovar this Sacurity Lnuammt as a liea on tbe P►npetty;(b)Yeu1Y le�dWld:�yn�ea� -
<br /> ur.g�ound i+aaa aa the Propaty.if mY+(c)Y�Y��a P�P�Y in�u[+�aoe prcmimas;(d)jreuly llood iaat�aoe;p�mi. •
<br /> .��Y;.(�)Y�Y�E�i�wuaaCe p�miums,if�r►Y:ad I�?u�Y�.�Y�t7 8occiawet oQ I�tder.�n aaad�oe�h . . _
<br /> die p�ci�isions of,p�ngr�pb�8,sm.liqs.of t6e p+�mnd�t of.�i�uc's�.e pcemioms..'�sic iooms�ce wilad"F�<i�."
<br /> I�end�. >.�..,,�.,.`L`i,7fil�i?Ci.CelTio�:,u�i�o�. t6t amo�nE�t. = _
<br /> .�yiy , Fards in sia amouat not�cs e�oe�w! �. � �;.���Y
<br /> nt�ted�.�i�tp�s�!ii�':ii ,��'drH�"rsea�tonv aoc+oont dadec���t•�:�;:. -.<Se�.ev�!°f�:P1no'°��1ct.of f
<br /> �ms�s�a��� aa �c�4��:�;��on a.�o��r�.'�?�;��,���. ���o me��i: .
<br /> _� r ;� ��_;:,q,�,-.
<br /> -- , sC�.i�CtSCf��if sif,. :f ;,t1�'jtYl'�`-.�;�A ,�OCE�,�>,.;.�i.3fl 7Q .��JfOt=k�:�t�it 1EiiEi Msf1Y1�:' . .
<br /> L'eadef;�piy,�fa t11C AR1d�,���,��;d�kr��,�va�sbe 6a�c��c�t�x��( �,��Of a�ndjb�a Of futYtr
<br /> �pW'�OCO�lC[VVISCIII �YI['���lC'� �';f�St j �.�n � C , �{� . . ' �
<br /> � � a.f� ��� �.� ...
<br /> -• '111e Fwdds sh�U 6e held�#Ji�t iauiuttiu;tt�+►hose'depo�its'.�tf�?�,isy aga�CY�� �.,. :-..,_.:.., ;
<br /> ;' (inclpdiag Laider,if Lmt1er is sucb an in�iwt�an�w in any Fetleral'Htiiife t;�a B�nit.La�der�hi�1l:�•.fbe Funds to pay tbe;'��',��;..
<br /> %: 'F.scrow Items.I.erder u� na e Borrower for boidin ud tbe Fwrda,a�uwdtY a�mtypldig,tGe eacm�v a000unt,or ``::�'`'-
<br /> Y �'B, 8 �Y�P',.
<br /> . verifjring tLe EsMaw Itaas.unte�.4�t:ender pays Bonower interesCon tha Punds ancl�ppGcable taw peraiits I.ender.]r�:��te aach. -
<br /> _ a charge.However.I�dermry nequirc Bor�io�rer to pay a ajo-timc dwge for an fndependeot t�eal euate taac a,�udiug.setrke . . _
<br /> , �,...,,
<br />-- • usod by I�ender in conneccion wlth this.loau, unless appiipbie law provides atherwise. Unless u= agran�;i�:�e or� :.,
<br /> =- �pplicabte law rajuiies intet�st to be pzid.Lender shall not be reqnired W pay Bormwer wy interest or arniu�s�:,.#�55e,�uds.�.,'':�' ' _
<br /> — Borrower and Lender may agroe In writing,however.that imerest s6all 6e paid on the Fw�ds.Leoder sti�11.l�ivC„t;��mwer+
<br /> , -' - widsout ct�arge.an annual accounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the•Fu�aad the�p�tr�n�.t�:�'t�i�ich tACh
<br />_.�; debit w the Funds was aiade.7'6e Funds are ptodgod as addidona!sccurity for atl sums sav:od by this Sea�t:+�i;�.
<br /> If the Funds held by Lend�i excood the amounts permitted to be held by applicable taw,L.endet shalk aooautiQ}�ts�ormvrer
<br /> for the excess Fuads.in accardance witb tite raiuirements of applicable law.If the amount of the Funds beldliq La�der at any
<br /> ,�•- ' time is not sut�cie�nt to pay the F.scrow Icems when due.Lender may so natify Borrawer in writing.aod.in such a�se Bono+Ner
<br /> -_ ,; shall pay w Lenda the amausu necessary to make up the deficiency.Borrower shalt ma�e up the dtficieacy in no more th�n
<br />_�s ` �;., twelve monthly payments.at Lender's sole discretion. ,
<br />-- � `-�` U n t in full of ali sums secured by this Securiry lnstrument. I.ender shall pmmply nfwd to Bomnwer aay
<br /> : �,.`: •....�"�� Ao P�Ymer►
<br /> - -�,�.�r;;.,�::'"*�3". FuMs hetd by LeMer.If,ander paragraph 21.Lertder shall acquire or se11 the Propercy.Lender.prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> r,- '� of the Property.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cralit against the sums secured by
<br /> ;"�1� '-�`:`_' this 5ecurity Instnsrt�ent.
<br /> ,pf��=�`•:`��`�+ �"=:� 3.Applkatton ot Payments.Untess applicable law provides atherwise.all payments received by Letder under paragr�ptu
<br /> ;:'`Ij'�.',A.'J,r .., ' .
<br /> .•�.�:_•:� � 1 arxE 2 s6a11 be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second.to amaunts payable under paragraph 2;
<br />:'I:. �+P3."Sy`u�Yi.. �. . _
<br /> - � • third,to interest dice;fourth.to principal due;and lact.ta any late eharges dae under the Note.
<br /> _�,,: �: ,
<br /> � ' 4.Cha��av.Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments.charges, fines and impositions attributabie to the Property
<br /> ' • which may attaia�ority over this Securiry Instrument. and teasehald payments or ground rents, if any. Borrower s1�a11 pay
<br />' " '. � , these obligations in the m�nner pravided in paragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manner.Barrawer shall pay them on time direcdy
<br /> ,.;:f : ,,. , to the person owed payment.Borrower shall pmmp�ly fumish to Lender all notices af amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> �r•�• lf Borrower makes�T��e payments directly.Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> �` � �� Borrawer s[a�;,Momptty discharge any li.n which hati priariry over this Security Instrument unless Borrower:(a)agrecs in
<br /> �t�- � • ' � writing to the pa±�.�r:of the obligation sec�r�by the lien in a manner aceeptablc to Lender.(b)contests in goad faith the lien
<br /> ��;;f � " ' . by_�defends�w.^•st enforc�em of the tien in, tega! g+;oceedings which in Ihe I.ender's opin'ton operate to prevent the
<br /> _ � ,�
<br /> t�'' '� e���s�.-�ent of.t��e�ien:or tc)•y.�;lres from the liolder�sF;��.'ien un agrecment satitifactary to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> •�- - this Securi Inx���:eqt.If I.er.der dctermin��that an �F�f lhe Pm rt is sub'ect to a licn which ma attain riarit over
<br /> ,��:,.;: . . � , ty 3'i�=r-- P� Y J Y P Y
<br /> •<'�:'�r! � • this Security Iris;r:zent.L'ender may give�orr�ver a nc�:c�identiPying the lien. Borrower shall�atisfy the lien or talce one or
<br /> �`��:,, � more of the actions set forth a6ove w ithin 1 Q•�;.3s af the�i�ing�f notice. '
<br /> '' •,'�'�'` ' Fonn 3028 8/90
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