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<br /> - " ��i�a�iilet�r.iie�aa+c lre.�itiilj..`'lR+�r��l�cs aMi�s�ta-�beio�_-lR-laes�snE�[s peli�l�-�ot-�-- --.
<br />_ ,_�s�.4�...,�.:��.3...��� � t�ti��i 1ds 1�t it ar�1t af ylr�i'
<br /> -- se��wi`"i�eiieijr��y�e litin�.M�ieu.�0eaw�er id -.. u4e�'w'i�e a�i��e `�t � `
<br /> aMe�+r�proviie�„�e ptio�alr id!be appiiedbliia s�s�ecr�ed b�t tb��ecpriry Lr�e�c�rl�l�ef or�ot il�e�� .
<br /> 11�1i�i�e. _. .:'�.. . . . . - .. --�: : ;.���.:.,:. , . ..=.,.:;:__�. <, , , _ , �; .
<br /> .. .__. .�._.___ � .. . � ,,... .
<br /> �ieAopae�isatr�ie�a�d�jr��ioira�+et cr�i��lier:iio6�el��xz±aile�io�Br�!erylwC�.�ida�nnor±�.to�ios-:---.=.-- -�--
<br /> atn aaird dr�ellk ar diw far d�+�:Hoi�idrw,t'fa'Is to�e�pobd 1d�L�eader�vid�iM 30,d�ys�ba dNe M�e�olioa i��i�.� -
<br /> �,erder is aMo�ised o0 oolk�t a�d��ppiy die paoa�d�;�at.i�a�tion.�di���iaa c�iepr�ot 1Ne PMopett�trqr pR.�. .: � ,
<br /> sw��e�d b�8�is Socarity�ea�wrbe�lra`a not diee drG . , � . . .
<br /> 1Jdeas t.arder�nd Ba�a�e�a�aaiu a,y�ae ia vrrid�.anY p1�CM��' 1Q PfOC������a ;, �
<br /> nd
<br /> po�o�e d�dpe dtle dthe�o�d�r pa�ma�rsf�t�d to ia p�spaplu 1��d Z or tle a�o�'sw�pyf�� -.
<br /> i�. �eerwes N�t 1Giai�d: F�ie�a�c+e ty. I,ea�r 1W� s�'MKiiMa: F.�c►opiaa of�ie.drrre f�ar Paym'�At+x'::.;�. :.; �:.-�..
<br /> . Aod'dratiqa of amaR�wdao cf die s�s'�±c+�ned by�is Seco�i�Y b�uma�t p�Me�b!I�eadet�u aiY�a�e�oc ip ioAae+�'�:::;,,:�.;.;
<br /> of Bato��es�not ap���re�#ic'$�e lpbiiity af 1be ai�oal Ban°�"er ar Bo[ro�er�i apocoeson�a�'txnder -
<br /> a�ll sot 6c w a�fpne�nae�4cEO��E��Y�ia iooa�est ar iefwe ta eakad ti�oe.f�r;piymeac oi . .
<br /> o�hdwbe�an�a�sizarioe ot�su�t�xaa�ued by dus Sacunt��bY re�o�.of�►3'deowd msde b�r tlie,an�l-
<br /> ' Bonaver or$cr,owa3�iucaes.oa;n iruaat. Aay f«txarnoee by Ia�r in ac«�ina�r�ht ar�edr�n soc be a
<br /> � �viv�a of or pr�CWde dre exaeise of s�y riabt ar remedy. .. • , .
<br /> lt S�oirw�s M As�i�awi:J�it a�i Stre�M IiaWit7+fs�tip�e�s. 'j'�cwe�ats�od a�roese�d� �;;�:
<br /> " Sa.vity tn�ait s�1!bind aod banefit tbe sacassots aad assi�os of l.eadec.ad'�a�'YO�rer,subject.to 16t pE+avisro�s!�f � '�%•'
<br /> ��lT.Banvara�cmee�ots aod ag�aements slal!be joint a�d sever�t.My Besrorver wlw co-siaos 9ns Secuinty�� ''
<br /> bpt does not exccute the Nae: (a)is co-signiag tbis Sa:urity Insmmunt only to matg�ge.g�t�1 t�onv�Y�._ ,. . ^
<br /> � Bo�mwQ��taest$�the Pt+ape�ty under the tenms of�tt�s Security Ti�shumen��(b)is not Petade�ltY`obli8�ted ta psy the sant�';:�;:ri
<br /> sa,�w�ed by thi.s Saxuiry Inst�uma�aod(c)a8teea that Lender ud�ny oBKr liorrower ms�y ag�oe'to aztend.modifY.farbeac=:.,�;.�,.�:� .
<br /> a���y�wtt6 regard to the tem�s af this Satia'ity Inswment or the Note withoat tbat Borrnwer�'+:;_•::�.;j.: :=
<br /> . ���,�;- �,>
<br /> co�etx. : ' �:,,• .
<br /> 13. La�s Crsr.Ees. If the.ban sepued by this Securiry Insu�nmant is subjoct to a law which sets maximum bi�t::��>;.e
<br /> �-;,-:.
<br /> .�laraes,aod d�at law is fi»alty ina;rpieted so that the interest a other loan charges collecxed or to 6e coUected�caonectifoit•':,r..'�,
<br /> writ6 t6e loa�n eaoeed the permitted limits:iihen: (a)any such loan charge shall be reductd by tbc amount neass�ry wn.du�c; -,
<br /> the ch�rge to Q�e pemuued limix aad(�,!m�y swns aln�dy cullected fmm Borrower which eaceeded permiued limits wiU tie"���
<br /> refurded w Borrowa. La�der r�uy cf�e�seia make this tefwid 6y trdneing the priaei�pal owed aider the Nate or.¢Y,+�icio8� .
<br /> diroct paymeat w BorruRtr: ff a rafuir3'iufuces pri�rigal.the reduction wal 6e u�t�3 as a partia�pc�epayment�nthoue any ..
<br /> - prep�yment charge uader ths l�cxe. � ' .::.��.'`��.,::'... . ;i�::,,
<br /> lq� Notka, Any nati�to Bo;r�wer provided for in this Searc9't���r,��:+m'°��'�hall be given by ddivering it or 6y,�;„;,,;,:j,.r'
<br /> � mailin it b first cTass mail untess a li€�Ie law uires use of aae�.Er� � ?T'�Te notice shaU be direcud to the Pcopetty,.••�;' �;:-..���;��,'•,;;:
<br /> s y �` . �m �='_
<br /> _ 1 Address or any other address BoRawer;c7esignates by notice to Lender. drsy tte�ce to Lender sha116e given by fust class`�� :;;;:;;;:t r:;`
<br /> 1 ma�'1 W Lender's address stae�ct hecein or any ather address Lender designates b�ruii£�e to Bormwer. My notiee pcovided for ' �'�-•���°-
<br /> .,�,,:.
<br /> � in this Security Irrstrurtkn�;sba11 be deemed to have been given to Bortower��iir Ixnder when given as provided in this
<br />-� �� �13 Goveruin�Lxw;Severability. 'Ihis Security Instrument shall be gdcemed by federal taw and the law of the �
<br /> u
<br />-� � jurisdicdon in which the Property is located. 1n the event that arty provision or clause of this Security Instrument or tf�e Nae
<br /> - � conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions af this Security Instrument or the Nae whicb can
<br /> '�'�'' � � be given effect without the conflicting provision. Ta this end the provisians of this Security Insuument and the Nae are
<br /> ,
<br /> - � "�'•_:,'- � declared to be severable. .
<br /> ,- "�'-,:��'�:=� 16. Ba�'ower's Capy.Botrowec shall be gi.•ea�one conformed copy of the tiote and of this Securiry Insuttmen� ., �,;
<br /> : � :y':°'`'"��= �{{{ 17. 7lraasfer ot the Property or�Beneficiallnterest in Borrower. If ull or any pan of the Property or any interest id".`";' �
<br /> ' f'�.�„�:h�� � it is sold aY��asferred(or if a benefcceal inte�est in Borrower is sold or transf�ed and Horrower is not a natural person)� � �f��%.•� �`
<br />:��,�,, , .
<br /> L� �•i>°' " without l.en�er's prior written consent,l.ender may.at its.option,require"scrsetted2.at�payment in fuA of all sums secured b�Y;• • �'��t�' .
<br /> t. L°r .... , � � �r.�.
<br /> ` '��'" �` � this Securi Insuument. How•ever,this o tion shall not bc exercised tss �,.end�aii�csrcise is rohibited b federal law as of".:';.'�'='
<br /> -P --�';• , j tY P ; P Y , .,.,,,,,: , ,
<br /> . � � the date of this Security ^� ment� �
<br /> -'"���� _ � If Lender exercises this aptior�,C,�nder shall give Borrower notice of accef�32aan. The notice shall provide a period of , ' ������ ',
<br /> .-_ ' � ! not tess than 30 days from the date rITw Rouce i�delivered or mailed within whiah Borrower mu�t pay all sums secured by this ,� ��
<br /> •`��•. , s ! Security lnstrument. lf Botrower faits ta pay these sums prior to the expiratian of this period,l.ender may invoke agy �`,.
<br /> � � . � remedies permitted by this Security lnstrumen�without further rtatice or demand on Borroa•er. �:
<br /> �rG�S.. . � IS. Bon'ower's Rigt�t to Reinstate. If Borro+ver meets certain conditiom. Borruwer.hall have the right to have�
<br /> ?fr+ ••• ' � enfortement of this Security Instrument di+cominued at any time paor to the ear)ier of (a►5 days(or such rnher period ati
<br /> _,��'F. .. . (
<br />:,;;�; . . 5ingle Family-Fannk 1Naeltieddk tiae l:�LF�`UR1!1VtiTRCS1F:!�T-•Cmfortn Corenana 9i9� (pnge J�Jn paA�sl
<br /> � - ' . � '
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