-_=�,�_�-::�:�': ,. �..L__ .._. . _-_� "_ --__ .
<br /> — __ --- --— - _...— . .—— - =- . �� - - — �. _ _ -.-; -. ----- - _-. .-_.---v----=-.----__ ,- �
<br /> .. . .� . . . � _ .. .4 . � ,/�: �14ii��` _ - .
<br /> , � k- . . _ , � . " . :�f. .. . _ � • .ti .
<br /> ' peflod�Irlt��eadl�fO�CR. '1'��IM[rC0 C�ftier p!dY��e�iM{�w.'��O�OE IVI!bd sI�QIM1�r>o�io1�1�f.��.�L�t b L�IIiR��
<br /> —`= �Wr.��__`.n1:e�ti�Yr�f�e. i • p - -
<br /> - - --- ..al`.��1�--- � � �i�a��ia�.— �.__�
<br /> __ _ _ ... Tr__,-_ . , . ..
<br /> . - �: c,a�aerlt a�lios.autrircaYar�e w�La�lal�rt�a i�die�Propat�r i�.caorar�ie�p�ea�rap�7: � ;
<br /> ` .All i�w�au�e pdicida atl ee+r�wN�i�be�ooe�pbie�al.eader a.a�.n;.cWdc.at..ara�eaeip�asr� t�edar
<br /> �ft trre el�r�i[w hoid�e po�ci�a aad ia�twab. I�I�aeda tegwees.Haaowe��p�o�optty pv�e a Le�der dt�oaipt�
<br /> Of pW p�e�ml�a ild t�eaew�l!�. Ia Ibe eveat Of 10�s.HoROwe��Iwll�PuniPt nofi0e b iae m�e Ca:iet�d
<br /> — -- — -�._��il..�,suM.-e+av-�ire p�r+nfnf 1e�'�f�!!i�lt�+de�R011l��b�!:�!rQwer. ='- , ` _
<br /> ..._
<br /> ---- .- -- ' - �A�pi�.!lil�Ci��dbGf[IfC.i��WII�IY`.IMI�I�E�fpQOddi 3�31U bE��4 Y�f�/0d Gt trQ�T� _
<br /> -t6�- ; �tHe�oanou�ar.�dr is eoaeaa�ical�y iFaa'We ad I+a�d�'�aec�r�ty�s tiot les�ei�ed. ff B�e'
<br /> -_ __i������3�.- --�- - - - _ - -
<br />_� _ _ , �pp�lOd to d1e s�ls lOCWed by dlls SECIri7ly L�1�,�vhC1�IR 0�IIOt 1�f�1C,.Mt�lh�y eXCCts Qdd io HO[lOMlrf. If
<br /> ` �0�101Yf.'i i�1MldOflf 1bC p!�lR�I.Of dOCi 1fOt i1tN�Ct M1�iD�Q�i i 110[ICC��f�1�fE�C�1Ct�p{
<br /> ' OR!'1C�iD ldt�C i C�.1�1Cf1 ldll�Dliy!ll��CCt IbC�Q6 p190l0�. l.dldlf 111i�►IISE 1hG�OCEL$i q tE'plC Q!ElIOIE
<br /> � tbe P�cpe�ty or to py sum.s saynedly d�is Sa�Qity bauvma�t,w�d�a mt tbia�daG Tbe'30d�►Y P����
<br /> the ao6ce is pvai. ' � , ,
<br /> Uniess I.eoder�ad Botmw�er ahetw�se agroe 6►�mb�Y applic�tia►d pooads to Pea�1 aLaq aot extad a .
<br /> postpone tbe due d�e of tbe nwdhlY P�Y��fined to m p�rngr�phs t aad 2 ar c�nge the amowu of d�e payineots. If
<br /> under pr�araph 21 t6e Pmpr.�ty is acquiced bs!l.eade�Ba�mwerls�t to auy��s�ox polules and prooetds�
<br /> fcom dam�e tn tbe Ptopeity p�ioc eo the acqu�att�on s6d}pass`o I.ader to d�e extaK af d�e sams sxu�ed hy Il�Sacaoty
<br /> Ia�a�6rm�odiately grior tn t6e aocg►�rnon. .
<br /> f�. Oo�i�y Prpervstiw, Ma4twce a�d Protedio� d tie.Pra�erh: M�'r+owes*a l� A�Yade�:
<br /> . l.eauioii�. Bo�rer shali occupy.�tablisH,aad ase tbe Ptaperty u Bo�mwea�s principai nsideooe within sauy days dier
<br /> the executian of this Seatrity iastr�u ad smll coeti�e to aocapy t6e Property as Bonnwert princtpd n9denae far at
<br /> fa�st ooe year dta the date of oxup�ocy. mkss L�nder othe�wise �gtas In writing. which cament sh�ll not 6e •
<br /> ua�easooably withheW.a�mless extmu�ting cin�mu�oes e�dst whicb ue beyad Bortawer2s eont�ot. Ha�nwer sbtl!no[
<br /> destroY,���P���9.allow tbe A�nperty w deteriorate,or commit vraste an the Ptuperty. Bomn�rer ahall •
<br /> be ie defaalt if any forfeit�ue actian or pt�ooeeding,.whether civil or crin�l.is be�un tdat in Letiderk sood faitb jodgma�t
<br /> caild�esult in forfeitune of the Nnperty or o�howise mataially impair the lien cieued by dus Secwity I�a'
<br /> l��der�sxurity intetest Bonnwer may ca�e soch a default aad re"mstata,as providM in paragraph 18.by causing du action
<br /> -= � or pcoceedirtg to be dismrssod witb a nding that,in Le�der�s�ood fai�h de�eminaaa+;Proctudes forfeitu�e of tha BormwuTa
<br /> - irttcnst ia the Praperty or otlxt maarial impaitmerrt of the lien c�raud 6y this Security Inst�urnent or Lender's soauity
<br /> intec�est. Borrawer shall also ba in default if Bomower. daring the lo�n applicatian process. �ave materially false a
<br /> ina�xurate infoRna6on or stauements to Leader(or failed w provide Lender with any maurial information)in cormecoion with
<br /> - the loan evidenced by the Nate, including, 6ut not limited to.nep�esentations concemiag Bormwer�occapat�cy of the
<br /> Pnoperty as a principal rosidence.•If this Sec.�riry Insnvment is an a lqselwtd.Bamwershaltcompiy witTi ati the provisioas
<br /> of thc iease. If Bor�awtr acquues fee title to the Prope:ty,the kasehold aad tbe fee title shaU not merge imtess I.�nder agcoes
<br /> to tl�e crnerger in writing. � . . • ,
<br /> 1 ProtetNoq o�Lende��iRghts in tbe Pmpert�: I�Borrower fails to perform the cova�ants and agecmeiits
<br /> = contained in this Seauiry inspr�ciu,or @ie�e is-a legal pioc�oeding that may significantly affect L,ender�s rights in tbe
<br /> Property(such as a pmceaiing�banlwptcy.glif�ate.for condemration or forfeiture or to enforce laws or regulatians),tfxn
<br /> Lender may do and pay for whaterer is nete.�s�q+to protect the val�ie of the P�operty and Lender§rights in the Froperty.
<br /> �;'' t�'�"' Lenders actions may include��"�;any s�ms secwed by a li.:�ahich has priority over this Security Instrumen�appearing
<br /> ��'�.':� in court,paying reasonable atto�s'fees•and entering on the sFroperty to make repairs.Althougf�l.ender may take action �
<br /> �''-' .°����*�"�� under this paragraph 7.L•ender��s rnot have to do sa �����__
<br /> ��3�1��, "���+'� Any amounu d�s�etsed by II.eader unde��Lh.�s paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borroaer secuied by this �_-_-
<br /> ��""'�"""'�'� y`'r Securi Instrumer�G LYntess Basvawer and I.en�ara to other terms of aymen�these amounu sha116eas intertst from the ` -
<br /> - �.;_-•`..: : .,��.; tY � P �_�__-
<br /> `.�=y,..=. ��=- � •` � • date of disbursement ai the PIote rate and shall be a able,�vh interes�u n notice from Lender to B+rr�wer n ='°`---�
<br /> .,.,.,..... P Y Po ra�uesti S ��_�_
<br /> ,,�•...X: : paymEa_+.t .• --_
<br /> `""��=, -` � " '`- �, Mortg�ge Insuranc� tE�.ender requimd mortga�.insurance as a condition of maicing the loan s�und isy this -
<br /> . _ ;����: . - Security Instrumenl,Boaower s?sal�Qay the premiums requiced to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any ���-_
<br /> ` reason, the mortgage insurance coverage re�rr,�ed by Lender lapses ar ceases to be iA effec� Borrower shall pay the �y�Y''�
<br /> : � � �' � premiums required to obtain coverage subst�ut�uJly equivalent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect, at a cost
<br /> . "� ' � substantially equivalent to the co�ta Borrow•er of the moAgage insurance previously in effec�from an altemate mortgage =
<br /> • '%!�'� ` � insnrer approved by Lender. If S.Fn°.antially equivalent mortgage incurance coverage is not available..8oaower shall pay to •=-��
<br /> - " °'l��'�'"' "'• �� Lender each month a sum ual to bn�-twelfth of the earl mart a e insurance remium bein a�d b Borrower when the "��':-��
<br /> ��"�;,,,,,.�,�- :,� eq Y Y g S P g P � Y .
<br /> �#!;�1�::• insurance coverage lapsed or ceaced ta be i:t ef`:ct. Lender wi11 accep�use�d retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu . :-;;�.
<br /> �:•��:�'��. -��'�`; . � of mortgage insura�ce. Loss reserve pa};:i_°�'�r:ay no longcr be required,at the option of l.ender,if mortgage insurance �
<br /> .. .•.. .
<br /> ' � � coverage(in the a�-crr,crnt and for the period;�ar..�nder requires)provided I��yh insurer approved by Lender again becomes ,. • . �.
<br /> .- � available and is obtained.Borrou-er s,"�a1}pay�:�:premiums reqvired to mai�ain mort�age insurance in effecK.or to provide a � •.�'`� .
<br /> '�� •' ' ' � toss cs.�>rve.until the requlrem��:;`�raortgage insnrance erts:�n accordance with any written agreement between Bmrrhwer '.'?
<br /> . .. . _. �. a:rd.G,�der or applicable law. � - -
<br /> . . 9. lnspection. l.crtder o:�s z��nt r.:ay make reasona3fe entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> � give Barrower notice at ihe time of or pr.ar co:r.��spection specifying reasonable cause for the inspectim�. � ��
<br /> • � 10 Condemn�tion. The pracetds cf�..�nc�M-xatd or claim for damages.direct nr consequentiaE.�n a�nnection with any ,
<br /> ':,',,�.... � 5ingleF3.:.;:y..Fu�aie�lx/Freddk!1facl;tiIFORN11S7'RI:�fEtiT--Cr,::'-cr.,i�;,��;:x,:. 9;90 (puge3oJ6p�r.qesl
<br /> °:. :i,:t:,• '. _... fuea[19es eu,:eeas vam+,lae.■ . .�;;?<�
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