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<br /> . ' Ti�ilti��uif.�irelii�;�UriC��tini�ed�iarr�l�auae�eys'teew..ad�(+df doe►�de aelioa as�'I�ir��'!ii�o■�t�► ,. � _ -
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<br /> _ -= - - -�m �`. �is Searitj� Jn�awnenc-�11 oo�iMe.a�l�ed. -Upo��ea�p�t b�►�son�ower. ii��saarity ..
<br /> ��t . . -.. - _ .
<br /> _ -�___. ._Iti�AnMaitand. - ---��: .��'--- - ��. ---=- -- -- - - - - -
<br /> �1{i�� a�aci�v�e s:d oo �l�id� 1�io.�e.�r.
<br /> � r�wlriewa�e tiru,�a appiY ia tre ca.e�apoe{a�ion.da - -` _ -- - �- .
<br /> •p�r�apb 1Z. ,
<br /> -- - �-�--�-- ---- .�.._._�. , �.:.1.,,,.u,,,w �• •�
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<br /> � �nseet)a�y 6e`soid�nne as ei�oce tia�s atlhoot priornorice to Haet� A sde m�r r��ait ie s cl�e iu tl�e a�y ,
<br /> (�iqi�a u ibe 9.a�o Savioa"j.W�t ool�a,�ts a�oad�ty�ay�ts due uude�ttie Na1e ynd th�$aWnity IoWw�eat. 7tiertaLo . .
<br /> wry bre�e ormore cWa�e:d the�o�n SeFVioer�otaL�ed ta s�k oE tbe Naee: if�ete u a c��e d Ihc LamSarjoe�
<br /> Bcn�a+rrs vF�l be pveo�mti�e dt6e chwi�a i4 aeoa�d�ox�h` I4 abo�ve rtd�appGc�bl�i�w.,;.3'I��otioe
<br /> •�sde tlu mq�e aad ad��s�cf t6e nc�v Lo�a Senio�and tBe ad�rcss�ps�nrr�tt i6ould be m�de. 73t�otice w� -
<br /> i ���►��«,���►����. :. . , . .
<br /> 2� Haae+i�s�6yaioa�. Hanawer sbau na c�wte a peimie�he pesence,use.�pda�1..ata�e.ar nktne.ot� ' , ,
<br /> � Harxdws'Substaoces on ar in d�e prupaty. Barm�va sb�U�ot do.ra a11oM�nyooe sl�e�o do.mrymiaE��i�
<br /> _ Ptoperty tMt is in violation of�y Fmuoerioaenl l.aw. '1'he p�eoedia�twn saMenoa sh�li not apply ta d�e pr�e�awe.me,ar
<br /> - �ors�e on me Propaey of at�u yu�iti�ies of Haaraws su6st�ces dnt ace s�r�����PP�R�w°Q0�
<br /> - ie.sideadd uses�od m�naiotea�nce of the YtnQaty. _ . . .
<br /> - • Baro�w�er s6wD P�'�PUY 8i�e I.e�der writow�of ony invatigatipn,clam.demand,Lwsui[ar o�hra action by�uty . . .
<br /> ' gava�pl or iegoUUatY�S�Y�P�►�P�Y involvuag tbe�mpeety aod aey Hau�dws Sabsahce or FAVi�uamaua� .
<br /> ' ,4w of wBich Bor�ov�a hts actwl knowkdga. tf Borniwa leams, ar is aotif�d 6y�ay govenammtal.a[ie6W�aty •
<br /> , w�horiry.d�t�ny�e�iwval or o�ber t�en�ation of arry Huacdous Substaoa:af�ectjng tbe Ptopaty is neoessa�y.Baaoi�a
<br /> �P�9 taiae�lt nooessary�anedial actions ia accondati�e with Fnvitom�a►t�l 1.aw. . ' .
<br /> A1s used ip this pat�graph 2Q"li�:ardoas Subs�ces"m those snbstanc�es def'med as toxic or b�zardous su6sWoces by:
<br /> � � Fnvironmeatal Iaw and d�e fotlawing subst�u�ces: �SOlin�.l�aosene,od�er flamm�ble or w�cic petnnlaau pioduct.s.'toxic °
<br /> � . pesticides and t�ecbicides.volat�e so�vents,materials containiuog asbestas or fonnatddiyde,and radioactive muetvls. As.
<br /> Mat ut dns puagapb 20,"F�vironmental l.aw"nkat�s federal,Ixws aad lavrs of 1he jt�ris�ion whent the Ptoperiy is loqted
<br /> tt�at nelaoe to 6ealtte,safety or env'uamxntal p�rotec6on. • � • •
<br /> ' NON-UMFORM COVENANTS. Bonuxrer aad I.ender farther covenant and agroe as follows:
<br /> . . aL Aeoekraaoe;Remcdks. I.eeda�s6au aive aatice cu aarroaer prl�a sooelaatio.rdlowl.a e«ru..ee�s .
<br /> M�ac�ot ae'covessnt ar agreenknt is this Secarity Iastrumeet(bat�ot prbr W acceleratio�oader pars�spU 17., '
<br /> • ���Pp���VF Provide's M6erwise). T6e aWice s6aII spedfy: (a)tl�e dttauU;(S)tbe actlo�raryired to cvs We '
<br /> defa�lt;'(c)a da��ot kss t6as 30 dsjs troa tLe dAte tLe�ottce Ls�ivrw!o Borrower,b9�viid�dre dets�it�f be
<br />-_-� cared:and(d)tMat tsilure to cure tLe detaak ae or before tbe dste specilied ia t6e aotke�esy r�,suk i�aealentio�ot
<br /> - tbe sums secw'ed by t6ts Secority ImYtumeat aed ssk of t6e Property. 'i'he notke s6�Y fort6er i�tonn Borrower d •
<br /> = t6e ri�ht to re�ate after accekratioe aod tLe riaM to bcias s eoart sction to�ssert t4e m��-e�ste�+e d�detaalt ar � .
<br />- mp at6er dde�e of BorroRer to aecekration aed sala If the default i�nM c�a�.cr be[ore tLe date spec�tied in
<br /> = We�o�ice„L.e�des at its option may reqaire immediate payment ie tull a[alt sun5 s+[+a�tpl by tfits Security Iasframent ,.
<br /> Ritra�t furt6rr demand aad may Invoice t6e power of sak aed any otbes reme�s Permit�by applieable law
<br /> I.er,dPS shall be entitled to collect all expenses incarred io puesuing iGe remedies provide�ua tI�paragraph 21,
<br /> ieifi�ding,but not IimitM t0.reasonabk attorneys'tees and costs of titk evideace. .,;� .
<br /> ' - It the power of safe ts invoked,'ftrnstee s1�0 record a notice of defaalt in each�oarHy in R'lrich any part ot the
<br /> = � P�tq is loaited and shall mail rnpies ot such aotice in tlie manner presc�bed by applieable law to Borrovrer xad to
<br /> ��`� the a1Der persons prescribed by�pplipble taw A1ter the time required by applica6le I�w,llrastee shall give public '
<br /> .'`'+;
<br /> :,;:,, , eotke at sak to the persoas and in tbe manner prescribed by applicable law. 7lrustee,wit6oul dtmand on Borrwrer.
<br /> - �;� . •:- shall sdl the IMoperty at publlc auction to'the higfiest bidder at the time and place and undee t6e tern�desigaated in
<br /> •! F' �'�"-'-��'��� the notke of sale in one or more rcefs and in an ocder Trustee determiaes.7lrustee may postpone sale otall or an
<br /> ..1L�`-_.:.:.. :•. Pa Y 3'
<br /> ��"++•;`•.,.` � ral of t6e Pro b ublic aanouncement at the time aad lace ot an revlo�s[ scheduled sak Lender or its
<br /> `��`u�_'`;�<:3zf°'i:<` . � P�Y Y P p y P �Y .
<br /> . ,�. �; r:,�:::.�. : des�ee may puccAase the Property at any sate.
<br /> - f'�� . � �:pon receipt o�p�+yment of the price bid.7lrustee sfi�ll detiver to the purc�,'lI'rustee's deed coe�eying the
<br /> '�� " �_ ' � Property. The ree�ats in the 7lrustee's deed shall6e prima tacie evldence ot the trath'i�r��e s�2t�anents made therein.
<br /> 7lrastee shall s��,UGi°the proceeda oi the sale i�the foltowing order: la I to all ants�tA expe�s vB i€icercising the power
<br /> '�; •
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