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<br /> ` • � 4�i'�rreM. A�d�fianelQ+� : � - � ---_ ;�. —. — -- �-- _: -_ :
<br /> � . !lORRO�NOt C�iAI�l�drt 8ono�r x�7►�a[�he ait�e I�eMry co�re�red�ed Yi�e ri�1t w�ai
<br /> aN oo�rry t�t ptopat,r.ah�fiiMt ik PY�opeic�r�t�be�.esaept foa�,�tecoort� B�inv�a�a�. . . . .�
<br /> .;�t ee�ad�.�e ude a die P4opitrcy���t clir��da�odr,�j�x a�ny�oa ut:ec«d. :
<br /> �- Tt1FS Sl�Cldit�Y QiS�RlJ�E`-�aa.u�faRS!ao�aets---�-�--'�f--'��!�na�oitenm car�mats �h_=- _ --
<br /> . -=�-�ailednui�o�stsyyYri�xi►�ta�s��ec�►:ie�s�+�t��d��- - --__ ___ _-_- _ .. _
<br /> -- -- -__.. ._ -- - - —
<br /> -- .._ _ - � r,�x.,otis,�r�,�ta�n,��.�.�..�:-:.,��- —y atfoilo�r�;�. - " ' - �—
<br /> L :la�rired�h�■eiw s�i bi�es�h�qiay�t�1��r�f�md laie ch�es d4e nnder�e Na1e. .� _� --
<br /> pr9aclpri�f�stl in�a�est on tbe de6t avide,ocad 67►ffia Nae sod any poepaYmeat, BaQa�rer sMll puy w_ .
<br /> Z F�is�r 7f�es�i I�■rsa:_Sobjecc�v�PP�ic�bie 4w�or w a wnto�waives Iry l,ender.
<br /> � Ireoder ca We day a�oa�b1Y Piyma�s m doe m�i1a t6e Nooe.uatil d�e lva6e is pad in fWl,a sam C�'�?�=is?Y�i►.
<br /> � .tua ad as�ess+e�ehts Mhicb mty at�n pinrity over dris Sav�tY I�ak ss�liea ou die Ptoperty;tb)�Y i�d
<br /> pRyn�ents dr pvw�d nnts aa tbe Ropi�tg,if auy; tc)YeaiY l�ez�d or p�opetty imun�re papi�: (a) Yad9
<br /> :� i�ce piemiuda,d aay;t�)Y�Y��P�u�-if mY+ and (fl mY�P�Y+�b!'Bas'�w�et t° .
<br /> f.mder.ia axo�e v�nth tbe pmvisiaas of p�ragnpb 8,in lia of tbe p�yanaa�of m����P�� ��
<br /> � itans�+e caited"Escmw I�s." I�Weic mal,at any tiane.coitact a�d hoid iiuds in an amount aot w exaeed drc m�ucimwn ;
<br /> amount a kndet far a fedaaTiY teiated�lam may roquit�e fo�Bamwer3 esctow aocamt uoda We ftde�al Rat ,
<br /> Est�te SdtlemeM P�ocedu�es/�ct of 1974 as amendod fmm wne m tmre,•12 U.S C§260!a seq.("RESYA►").mtle.cs�oihar,'
<br /> law d�applies to the F�uds sets s kser amoimt If so.La�der msY,at smy time.cdlocc and hold Fvdds m�n amouuit aot�¢:•�:;:�. .
<br /> exoead the iesaer sma�. Leader may estim�te ihe ataoant of Amds due an die basis of cumeat d�md trasooatlTC�(;''�;:.
<br /> .e�ex of ezpenditu�es of fudae,Esec+nw itans ar otbecwise in aa�dance with ap�able law: ' ' `` �:,;•; .
<br /> Tdt Iimds�all b�held in an i�titation whose deposits a�e�d bY a.:f�.daal a�encY+�:.��!�`:� �
<br /> ('mcludiag laoder.�I.eader is su�fi aa u�itution)or ia aoy Tederal Haoe I.oao�7$�o1c. L.eider sl�li app1Y d��aids to.pay . .
<br /> 'the Escmw Itee�s. l.ender may not ch�c8e Bamwa far hokling�applyi�.e;�ie Fvnds.amw11Y u�JS��ffie es�ao�► _
<br /> aocamt,or verifying tl�e E,SCnnw Iteros.ualas.i.ender psYs BaTO�e��w the Ftinds and applicable law pe�mit�`;`.,�,
<br /> i.aider so m�lce su¢h a ah�ge. Howeva.l.ender maY rie4�Bo�r'er to pay a,one-time charge far aa indepe�den[re�s';`; .
<br /> - � esi�te tu repotting seivice used by Lender in connoction witb this loan,untess applicable law pciovides othawise. Unkss ai�:�' .
<br /> agxment is n�de or applicabte taw requires mte�est to be paid,l.ender s6�U not 6e requu+ed to pay Bamwea any inrte�+tst�x �
<br /> �amings on tl�e Funds. Bort�wer and L.eader may ag�ec in writing.however,t6at inurest sl�aU be paid an the Funds. I.eoder
<br /> � shaU give to Bomnwer,without charge,att annual a�+caunting of the Nunds.showing credts and debiu to the Fands aad the
<br /> -s putpose for which each debit w the E�nds wa�made. 'IUe Funds are ptedged as addidanal security for aq sums secuc+ed by
<br />=_� this Sewrity Insuumain. � .
<br />=;a � If the l�nds held ln�I.ender exva�the amounts pernuued to 6�e held by applicable law,Lender shall au:ouirt w
<br /> Borrower for the excess�w.i�s in accardance with tf�e'c�tuemenu of applica�fe�aw. If ihe amouet af tt�Fo�:�d.3 tield by
<br /> Lenckr at any tune is rt�r•�.�icient to pay the F-scrow Items when due.Lender ffia�so nadfy Borrower in"'�r;2i�.and,in .
<br /> �� ' suc6 case Bamnwes shalt pay to Leadec t1�e amount necessa�y to malce up the;�ef'iciency. Boriuwer�shatE uir�Xe up tha
<br /> -- - deficiency m no more than nvel�e monthlY payments,at l.ender s sole discretion. ��` '
<br /> y:��� . :.. Ut�PaYmem in£��1 of all sums secumd by Uus Security lnswme�t,LeMer shall promptly refand to�nrower an��
<br /> ..� :�=, � Funds held hy Lender. �s�der paragraph 21.l.ender shall acquirc or sell the Property.Lender,pcsor to the aoq,uisidon or
<br /> •-<;•.. ,�:;.�.' .
<br /> _ �.�w;�".•';�" " sale of the Property.sha3 apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition ar sate as a credit a�t?rsst the sums
<br /> � ,.�;�-�
<br /> :�,,};s,^`. . :;.� �; secured by this Securiry In'sUramenG
<br /> , � 3. Application ot Paymeat�. Untess applicabte law provides wherwise.all payme�u received by f.ender under
<br /> . �� :=. ',�;;�,;;;,.� paragraphs!and 2 shall be applied:Grs�co any prepayment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts yayable under _
<br /> .�,;':V�:;' paragraph Z:third.to interest due;fourth.to principal due;and last,ta any lase charges due under the Mote. _
<br /> �r='. �r::, � . 4. Charges; Liees. Borrower shall pay all taxes.assessments,charges,fines and impositions amitsuta6le to the u�_
<br /> ' ° -:. . . '. Property which may attain p*�oriry over this Security lnstrument.and leasehotd payments or gound rents.if aay. Borrower �.�.
<br /> ,� ,;.•.�, '. . :;,:•��` shall pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shztL pay them on ...
<br /> , time directly to the person owed payment. Boaower shall promptiy fumisfi to Lender a11 notices of amounts to be paid under ;V3=,��_.
<br /> ` � � - tfiis pa�agaph. If Borrower makes these paymentc directly.Bolrower shall promptly furnish to l.ender receipts evidencueg -
<br /> •: � • . , the paymer.�,' :: . .=,
<br /> ` Borrower shall Fiur�tly discharge any licn which has priority over this Security Instrument unless Bonower.(a)agrees• . _ : _
<br /> •-�`'��"� in writing to the payme�:t,a8 the obligation tiecurcd by tfie lien in a manncr acccptable to Lender,(b)contesis in goad faith the -'•����r�'.:
<br /> �•;, ;
<br /> ` � � ,��{ ' � � - �. � lien by.or defends against enforcement af the lien in.legal procecdings which in the Lender:s opinion operate to prevept the � '�`<+�
<br /> ' enforcemeni of the lien:or(c)secums from the hotder of the licn an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien �•' '��"
<br />-- - •.�• �i : i:•t:�y�: �... .
<br /> ' :,���:.;' Yo this 5ecurity lnstrument. If Lender determines that any par�of the Property is su6ject to a lien whicfi may attain priority :
<br /> ';".� ' •'•. .;',��`;�;,;:�� over this Securit Instrument,l.ender muy sive$orrowcr a notite identifying thc licn. Barrawer�ltiail saasfy the lien or take
<br /> � _��'�;��:, .`. ' ' Y •
<br /> •'�°� one or more of the ac►ions set forth abovc within IU days of the giving of notice. � ' +.
<br /> ^ t�•::�'��;- � . � S. Hazard or Property lnsurance. Borrou�shall kecp the improvemenu now cxisting on c�rea;c�crected on tne l��,�'„•
<br /> �,. ,
<br /> �� Properiy insured against loss by fire,hazards includ�t��itfiin the term"extended caverage"and any otheF 1�;,.�.�ds.including �f���: . .
<br /> ,..:,..
<br /> - - - . .. floods or floodin�, for whirh Lender requires insarar;ce. This ensuratrce tihall be maintained in the ama.7:s and for the °i'
<br /> ;�.,..:� .. . . Form302S 9/7A ��c� �' '
<br /> `� , ce2oj6�zcSp:. ti
<br /> 11 s:
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