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. . . ...._ _ ..L ..�.._ _— M1 _" __ _ — _ _��_—_ _ — __ <br /> _- .�y ...�' _.'�_� .. .. . . _ _ _ � __— _ _� � — _ _ —_— _ <br /> —� . . ...._. .. ... . . __ <br />.�._...__�._ ._.-. .._.__�� _ . —. - - . .� �a.._ �_ � . ..�_—.... .. __ <br /> __--_. _ <br /> . ___ '�_ —_ ♦ `l .. � '_ .. . � . . _-- . ` ( L �-_--Z-- � �- ♦ <br /> • i��01�O��1�[1�bE��L�!�!tIC�Mx.Q�0[OOIINCyiLt�I�1p1 Cf COM�l�.fR��W ' <br /> �Msp�1P1�� . . � . � <br /> ; �_ � 1�r�e.e�a�t d a+aal�d�be ebop�iry.iue`poceed�,tru be,�pliee a aie w��a M 1�►��+ : <br /> . . �IMM.wl�er a�aot�du��vi�irY e�oas p�id b Bareu�rer. In the eraK d�preti�l uit�at,die Ropa'�y in <br /> � �w�icY drc fair.awrio�t va'iot af d`e Ptnpeeey ie�nedi�el�r befqe!be akiai u e�al o�mr pe��er dua d�e Mmount d��e�c <br /> � ' secwed by tl�$ecw�t�!�wqe�t iaronedwei�r bek�e die taicu�,unkss Banv�rer�d Lende�a�a�yt��pe�b�i. . <br /> . 11�'�ndt�ec�ibd b�►diit S�c�cfty IminnKat s�D be�eOYOed by the ia�oud•of q�e pnooeeds mukipliei b�t Iha fatlo� � <br /> _�_ ' (a)the toq�naoaM d the �ec�ed�enediMely be#'ae tbe tatcins.�Iivided dy{b)d�e fais madut v�e af d�e � <br /> ���e�ei�tiet'o�e�ire�M�r l�lieot ahrll 6e ped io Batmwer. bt tht evant af�W��o€sI� = . <br /> �� h'u in�ticst value of t6e � � imme8i�ely 6efae tbe r�lurl�is{as 1b�u the amo�nt of be�+ums <br /> -----�_.�__--.--� _�._._�_,���! ._. . �._�— <br /> _�— ---- _ ._. __ _-_� ---. ... _ <br /> ��_� <br /> o�ha�r;�e p�o►naa,are pooeeas�It be appuea to uie�as secu�ed by,mis senuicy rast�,ane�wl�ed�r br na the w�s a�e <br /> �� �endue. � . <br /> , if tbe.Ptnpaty is�6o�dor�Dy_+Baroa�er,ar if,atkr nntice by I.,eoder to$ortawer d�t the candamia offe�s to mai�e° . <br /> an a�raN or satle�claim far daena�es:Bamwet f�s w respood w Leoder within 30 days aRer d�e dse d�e mcicc is pva�. <br /> L.enaes is�ufborlxed�D cdktt aod.sppiy tbe p� ia pphon,eithet to nstaation or np�ir oE Ibe P�+cpetty or to tbe <br /> ' sue�t aec�aod by this Se�qity Inson�nt,whetlKr or aot d�en doe. � <br /> . �qr�kss t,eoder and I3ac4rwa aMwise igroe in wiitnig.wy�pplication of Proceeds w[xincipal slWl not e�oend or <br /> � po�tp�tc it�dne da�e of the mo�W�lY WY��frned to i�paragrapf�s 1 wd 2 orch�age the amount of soch P�Y�• <br /> . U. llw�rowee N�t.ltdes� Rtbara■oe BT I.erder Nut a R+�ivsr. �xtension of.d�e tune far paymtnt ar <br /> nwdifianiop ot amor6Tatian of the s�m�s seco,ped by this Saauity InstiwrKnt granted•by l.ader io any successar ia inte�est <br /> of Haiower a6all:na qxrxe w:eidse tbe liab�ity of the origin�l�arower or Bamwa's suaessors in Lpe�est:l�ender <br /> . �li aot be teqnuu!to.comme�ce peveee�aSs aganst any succasar in intenest or tiefiue to eutend time for p�ymeot ar <br /> ot6etwise modify amo�on of the sums sectmed S}►this Sa�uriry Insuwnent by teaso�t of any demud m�ie by the anginal <br /> Bonawer a lioaawe�s savice�ars in inrenst. My farbea�anoe by l.ender in exarasing any right or zeiredy shall nat be s <br /> `. waiverof�rp�Iude W�exeocLseof any rig6t+or nmedy. <br /> 1Z S�o�eaaes ard At�ip�a Ba�d:�►ai�t ad Sevual Lis6alt9t Ca-�era. The coveaants and agturt�ents uf this <br /> SecWity Instrumau shill bind aad 6eaefit the successuls and assigns of gerder and Bortower.subject,to the pcm�isions of <br /> parageaph 17.Boirower�s covenaats and agcaments shall be joint and s�a�ral.My Borrower wUo co-signs this Secunry <br /> . , ta�xat 1x� twt execute dx Note:•(a)is co-s�gning this Securiry tnstrument anly to mortgage,g�ant and canvey that <br /> Bamwer's interest in the prnperty�mdertbe ttrms af this Security Insttumc�t (b)is not personaUy obligated w pay the stuns <br /> socwod by this Security Inswmrn�and(c)agrees that Lender and any other 8amwsr raay agnee to extend,modify.forbear <br /> or make aay accommodations wit6 regaN to the tenns of this Securicy Instrumein or the Nae widaut that Bamawer's <br /> coasen� . <br /> 13.i,ua�p C1�ar�es. If the loan secured by t�is Security Instrument is subject to a[aw wtuch sets maximum loan <br /> chuges,and that taw=is finally,icUe�preted so that the intcres�,or other loan charges collected or to be collected in canrxction <br /> wiltt the loan excee�the peiacmrt�limits.then: (a)any s���E�3au charge shall be mduv�G�the amount necessary,rr�.�?zduce ` <br />' ' the cha'rge to the permiaed lii:;r�and(b)any sums alrea�y�«a7Iacted from Borrower w�.eaceeded permiaed lia�.a•s zciq be <br /> nefunded to Bet�xr. Lender may choose to make this re`�?�:by redaciaa the principal'owed unAer the Note or by rrl3king a <br /> di�ect paya�t�Barower. If a refund reduces principzt:.��fhe reduaron.wilI Ue meated as a pazual prepayment withaut any <br /> P�Paymen�c��a under the Note. . � <br /> 14. Notices. Any notice to Borrower provided for ir ilii�Secui�-.�ii�.strument sha1E be given by delivering it or by � __ <br /> mailing it by first class mail unless applicable taw requires u�e�bf�another fnethod.The notice shnll be ditected to the F?��erty "� - <br /> A d d rc s s o r a n y W h e r a d d re s s B o r r o w e r d e s i g n a t e s b y��n�i o L e n d e r. ..A n y n o t i c e to L ender s hall be g iven b y first class �u"�`�=' <br /> r:`-:•..i.��,..� <br /> mail w I.ender's tidttc�ess stated herein or any o�es:pdd�ss➢.:ender designates by notice to Bomower. Any irodce provided for � , .. .1,.�:�.:—. <br /> in this Security Mraument shatl be deemeu:io'�ha�e been given to Barrower or Lender when givea as provided in this ��'•i��; --'- <br /> P�B�Ph• , ,. . , �5��:.�;-- <br /> �. 15. Governing;Sei�erability. This Secarin�1r.y`.:ument shali be gor�r.a:�!by federal law and the law of the .'••,•„-"-_� <br /> ,: ,,�1'.�-�� <br /> ; .� _-- <br /> jurisdiction in which the Property is tocated. ln the event r,h-:.�:uny provision oc cL:;u;S:n4 ehis Security Instrument or the PIote •� +r�jf7�;�� <br /> conflicts wtth applicabte law.such conflict shall not affecc oL:r provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nae which can ��.'��:�'<' '�— <br /> be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the pratiitiia�s of this Security lnstrument and the Note arie ; <br /> - .. declared to 6e��rabte. � . ,:'�� <br /> ;s ' ' �e.:_ <br /> " -� 16. Bota�''s Copy. Horrawer shall be given one cc.�farmed cor��of the Note and of this 5ecurity lnstNment. - <br /> '� `-•, � 'iT. Trasster or the Property or a Beneficial/nteres¢no Borrower. Tf all or any pa»of the Property or any interest in , ' � ''�-a`_ <br /> ,���-, <br /> �'�='"' i�_1>y'„td or iransfemed(or if a beneficial interest ib Bor�a�r.r is sofd or transferre�i�d Borrower is not a natural person) _;; ,'•�� <br /> t,..A„r��'.;; :•.;-= <br /> r ;�, �rrid�at I.endet's prior written consent,l.endef it+option.�r�quire immediat;,y�ayment in full of ufl sums secure�!by ;�-�;�;_ <br />_ ,���i.: : this Sesuriry£m�sument. However,this opuan shall not be exercised�w�:ader if ezercise is prohibited by federal law as of .. �.,- <br /> ' the date of thBs�curity Inswment. ' <br /> ����� � � � If Lender�rrncises this option,Lenders,�all give 8��ower noti�4�4`acceleration. The notice sl;aGl provide a period of � '�,r' = <br /> „:Y,~ ; •= • , not less than 3(�Gays from tix�dt�the notice is deiive��rrn�:ted within which Borrv���:s must pay al1 sums secured by this :,�.:r�;.., "_,. <br /> '�� Security instrument. tf I�ssW crzr'fails to pay these w.�-�+r,+�ior to the expiration cE t�4 petiod. Lender may invoke any �,���l':c <br /> ••:�'i•';''�- nmedies permitte,�by this Se�arity Instrument without fur.i�::notice or demand on Borrower. '�'-''��' • <br /> '•,:�;:.� �" ' 18. Borraaer•s Right to Reinstate. lf Borrowcr m�etc cvna::^_ �onditiom. 6orrower shall have the right to have � _ <br /> ' "-:-��._��.� enforcement oPti:is Security lnstrument discontinued at any timc priar.ra�the carlier of: (a�5 days(or such other period a� • : <br /> �:� `t�lY ' . . <br />, _ , �. , Single F�unity--Faenk S1aelireddk 11x 4'titFORbJ�iS'fRllNF.�T••Unifomf Curenantti 9l40 Ipaa4e 4��/h►k!C's� '. , <br /> - >,�� . i' I �. • . <br /> . . . . . . _ _. . . . . . � . ._ . . . , <br /> � � . -. <br />-, � . <br /> . 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