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� . _ .�� _�__ __ _. _ , _ <br /> ----- - _ .. . : �... ..t: � � < ` - - <br /> ----_�� _-- —_ _ --_ -- ---- _— _ --_ =rT��� _ -- --_ --- <br /> -�� �_. . � <br /> '_—'r_' . ` ' ___ _ — _- <br /> .._...._��"""'"'t._r"'__.:,__..��"_." , _.—._'� __"" ` ._ '"_" _` , '_T' _� "___ -- ___ --____ <br /> i �'. . . r:. , .- • <^ • -c� c . ; �, ��• ��a• � -� �� . .- . <br /> ' t V11t �Of lE����F�����ff�t/O��d ii1�COd�O�M t�t� . <br /> a�rWa ry�ea�j► <br /> ` . Secrritr�rlrwiAert ar(b}e�r 4[s��+ri t�s�aasitg�nereat::71r�oee aoeditiae�are th�t Bam�er. (�? <br /> � paYs taetler dl r��d�es,MoYW be d�e tio�er�s Sec�ret�t�nqeMm�a��ed IlK Nale�t if'no-�W <br /> .Aocrne�fb)��ddwdt dant uWx oo�arapeeme�(c)Pa�rs N!expa�es io�uned ie eatarcio�t�Sec�mg►. � ' <br /> � io�.iwc1N��t'lmied-m�t�omb�atlo�ae�s'fas:aod(�Wces w�clt sctiaa as Isader m�ay aasoo�bly <br /> ie�+E b atwle IIMt Ibe L'ee Of lhis SecrftY L�1ent.Ixodetl�[i�ls in d1e Pmpecty�od Bo[[v�ret�Obiiptioo b p�y 1Le � . <br /> � � se�ed.b�.�5.Se�j► � �11 ooa�ae �- Upou �Id�t 6y 8aa�o�. 1l�is S�r <br /> L�tioiaeit med'I�e obN�dar�s�d 1�sbd!xmam fd[y effecave�s tf�o aooe�ratian h�d ooa�ed. �bw�ve�� <br /> -- -s1�6t�r�tile�ilCsot appiy ie�e caie of aboetet�tiae aade�p�aP�i7• ' . : . , <br /> _��.�triM��A�t I�f Iw�5ertleer. 'Ibe Nole ar s p�tial inletest in tbe i�To�e(�c�a��ttis Seca�iry - --- <br /> -' = --- _.. ........,�-:�-,..��_.�.�-- � <br /> �Imrybe aoeorma[e --- -�_. __ _.__..__ _ _ _�_��.��' �,a,��w� .�_—._. . <br /> (lvo�r��r dre"I�o�n Savic�"')th�t ootieea moad�ty PaYn�mis dne�ader the Nare�tms Security�mnmt. 'f'hae also .. <br /> a�t�be one ae�c1�es af We Lo�n Setvicar�d�1od to s s�le oE We Nol�. If tbae is a c�ioo�e of t6e Lwn Servias,,:'.�•_; <br /> . Boh+n�+e=�viII be p;Meu�iaea�otice aEtb�c1�e ia soca�d�ac�s�i�b p��ph 14 abave aaa sp�plicsble law. '!be notioe_:'�;.`, . <br /> � • w�l�we�e mme aod add�essof tUe n�w I.o�n Selvioa�We adtiiess so whrc6 p�y�omts�haald be msde. T1�notioe wr�11� '':,:. <br /> aLu aoadit ary olba�iada�mtion zeqap�ed bS!appl+n6�(C law ;. � . • <br /> . �. Hs4riw�Si�fa�oa. Borruwar a6�11 aot caase ar p�tbe p�esaoce.u�e,disPosal+�e.�S?'��e.sae of s� <br /> . �Iszedons Sob�es an ar in tbe�bpaRy. Ba'manes sA�aot,da��ar albw aayoae dse w�o,anydw�g��ecdnE dw <br /> • Anpe�ty Mt,'�s ja vloittiuu of�ny favfaqpanmvl Iaw. '1Zie pteoe�.trvo aaxea�xs s�ll nat apply ta the pc�esence,use,oc :;__,�. <br /> at�e p�tii��►�ope�ty d�ll qoautti�tra Qt Hszudows S�s.if�at+e gme�ally�.ed to 6e appmpriate m nam� . <br /> qo� - ,- . . ..... m a ;,. <br /> residd�al usa�ad to a�oaimioce af tbe Piopaty. ,_:��'��-.`_�:;<-,`�:' ' <br /> Bon��11 panoiptty aive I.ender wiiltea adfia��ao�a�Satiae.claim.demiud.lawsait or ad�er acrioa bp any <br /> �.v, p��fay a�a�.y a pdva6e pmy��.�:�a�y aad any E�az�daus Subspuxe or Envuonmeanl` <br /> • �Y.�ai►`�Ban�r las acx�ai laao�vledga �#•�iotfua�er.'9�.or is natifiod 6Y anY gova�m�ait�l or tegulatary , � <br /> � ' �a�qt�Tq�;;t�it��emo�v�l aot6a nxn�tion of n►Y HaaaMon�So6stinoe�ffa�in8 t6e�topaty is necessaey.Aormwa.." <br /> �:ll prair�r�j W�e�II neat�ry teme�'i�t:actioas in�ocurdmt�e wi1S•Fnvi�ornaeavl Law. � •.� <br /> .::';t � As usld in t6is p�a�ap6 20."Haz�liduus Snbsqnces"a�e t�ase.subsprtxs defu�ed as toxic or dtzatdous�b,g:�.' <br /> �,��avimmneatai Lsw�od tAe followiag�: Basalina,kemseac.aha flamm�ble a w�de pa�nkum pcoducts to�k <br /> pe.aicides md Mrbieides,vul�a'le�eri�ts cont�ining asbestas or forauldebyde.aad ndioactive mueiiats_ As_ <br /> • uted ia tbis p�uayaph 2a."F�vua�iaw"meuts federal laws and laws of tbe jurisdiaion wlwne the Avperty is toeace$.;.. <br /> d�t t+elate to haltL,s�etY ar eavitnameN�l pmtxtion. � ,;: . <br /> NON-iJN�RM COVENANTS. Borcower aad I.ender furthec covenaat and�groe u follows: <br /> • 2L Aobekn�i;Xs�edia. Leder�a9�ive�Mke to Eorrower prtor to aoaelaattow faliowt�Borrower's <br /> �'��.��i�+acM ds�s oo�aa�t ur�t tu tbb Secarit�Ia�dr�rs�est(bot aot prior to accekrstios neder p�rs�rspb 1� <br /> "��tas sppScabk law providn atrerw6e). T6e aotict sball,�y: (a)tbe ddaak:(b)1Le sctjoo rnryired to earc tlrc <br /> �eta�lt;(e)a d�te.�N las tl�u 3�ds�s tfo�tre date tMe�Mice is aive�to Borrower,6y w6ic6 tLe deliialt m�st be <br /> e�d;a�d(d)tYat tsiw�e to care!k defa�k os ar 6efore t�e�iaespecHied i�tie�otke wsy re�lt io aocekntio�rf; <br /> � ��;�ie ar sec�red by tib Sea�ty L�stnmeat and sde ot tUe Pi�operty. Tbe aotlee sbaY Oiu'�6a'inform Barrower a� . <br /> �:: t6e ridt to niu�te sfter seoeleratio�s.a tbe.i�rt.�br:.�s�rt a�erc t6e�o�-a�tesoe oeA detwle or. ` . <br /> � `�aw�at6er detease ot Barrowa�to aooderation�d satG. U t�e.�ault is nof Eved o0 or bdsat ti�e Qat�� tied is <br /> ,.�,.:`;:9�e.odoe,I.eader at its op�or msy!+eaaire i�ee�r psy�ait��ll otau s�s secu�sd dy 3�is S�s�'�me�t <br /> : wif�oot tortl�er demand and msy mvoi�e t6e po�rer ot sak aaad any other nmedies permftted�bg�ppli�cabk 1sa <br /> l.e�der a6aO 6e entitkd to cdlcct all expeases incurred iA�uirsaiag tbe remedies prov�l la�lhis Par�aP6 Zl+ , <br /> ' ,,iad�disa,b�t not Iimited to,reasoeabk attorneys'[as and oosts'd titk evideaca • <br /> • ' U iLe power ot sate is invoked,7tustee sbntt.��ord a notice oi detaalt ia each conM�io wdic�any part ot t6e -_— <br /> Propert9 is loated aad shsll msil oopies of such noiic�iu tbe maorxr prescri&d bY 9PP�ic�6k law to 8nt�sower and tb __—_ <br /> t6e M�er persoss Prescribed by applicabk law ARer tLe time requi�ed 6y applic.�bk 1sw.'livstee s4�W�give public ---- <br /> �oHoe ot si�1e to tLe persoes and in t6e manoer presctl6ed bg appiicabk law 71rustee,wtjihoat demand m Barrav�er. ------- <br /> srs9 seq t6�Praperty at pu6lic auction to tNe hi�hest bWder at the time and place and under tLe tern�a desi�ated ir , ° -_. <br /> tbe eoEioe of sak ie oee or more parcels and'm any order 7lrusta determines. 1lrustee ms�y pastpone sate of all or aey �-=;_-�= <br /> � puoel of t6e Property by publk aonouncement at We time aad place ot any previously schedukd sale. Leader or Its �;��. <br /> , desl�eee n��porc6ase the Pr�aperty at Any sak. :�"�;''�`':` <br /> U p o n r e c e i p t o�p�y m ee t ot t6e prke 6id,'P�sRce s6�8 deliver to the parchase�Trustee's dced conveyiag t�e ��-;b�- <br /> � Propert},,Tbe recitals in the 7lrustee's�eed sha11 be prinw tacie evide�ce ot the truth ot the statements made therae. ' f-'"y�' <br /> 'llrvsta shsl!appty't6e pruceeds af tle��e in the tWlowing order: la)to all costs aed expenses o�exucising t6e pawa ,*_--_--�_i-_{' <br /> � ; .::;:�=��: <br /> . <br /> , �J+arm 3028 9J90 r�xrge S nJh yrrr�,� . <br /> : ._... .. <br /> : " . . .. . . ._ . .. ' <br /> . , �._ <br /> , .. f• . . <br /> —_- :� : . . ��+�-^�� . •_ ,u•,: � . :_ • _. , ,�,���., • .. .- -- _ <br /> � , � , , . .��;. . ; .' : .. �� • . .. <br /> � � .. - -- _ . .. �tM ; �-�'.. �.. \. � . _. _. . . <br /> -- —� it . r ' . . � � .. � :y�„ii +ey�ywy�.���� II�Y)M1-i . ' . <br /> Jy <br /> __at'�^.'�'_'R":�� .. '— _ '"��.. � ' . . . .. . . �.a.s,.iLrY�.� ��Yf�.�.L:�F i.... .[1'. • . .. . _ �. <br /> f � —__ •N��� •_ � '_k' . , , � . .. . .. _ _ _ � . . ., . . -.A.f- .i�.�. � ' � • ' . . <br /> .��w�s v �1 ��Ii'" _ � � • .. . . • - -' � . . V. . __ . ' <br /> _r�i. �[: �'a"'S3 ... . . . . . .. . . ' � .. . . .. <br /> .ra+i '�rl�:•' � .., . ',. : • . ' -'l:��,-=rt� . .. .. . ,. <br /> . . - _ •.�qAra1NIF.A*��ut"3 . - . • ' _ .. - '�, .. - . . - . � .. . , � . <br /> ,a- -' . <br /> ,�-�- .n.�u"1�ar-� + � ' ' �. . ' • . <br /> — _— . vk3�i� S .. ' - , . • ,. . � . . <br /> .— . '��'t t ' '. .. _ SfA' �• ' . <br /> . . <br /> . . .• <br /> .�¢i�i'u 1 � '�_ � . � :: a ,_. . :. ?�F` _ �!?s . <br /> « �� . <br /> . . � <br /> . � .. <br />' -- — _- - - --- - --- --- <br /> --_-- <br /> --- <br /> .��-iyr- . --- ,. . .. .- -- ---- - - �.-.— �-�r �� , . .. <br /> — ��,>-vr' . • . ; . - -" • • - . ,�. .��=.#� , . <br /> - -+�'s. �. 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