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— ------.T� .,�,- <br /> �.---- --- . . .__ - _ - - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - --�---- -- <br /> � _ <br /> _ _._.. ---�-- . .. ... ..- - - - - <br /> _,�...�1_ ., . .. ....: _.. _ <br /> -_�_-. i .�� . — ^ ,__v —_ —;. , ----- —.-^ ���.�'_ , .. - � --- <br /> . .. :.^1J- . . . . . . : . . : • : .. . ' . . �, . <br /> - ..`_ . ..�����y ��� • ��M ��I�iY�Y� ���y �/ J <br /> M'�� <br /> � ���N��� ���Y�W.'.'����J��,� �.� .� � <br /> Z,�����,f�f�l�"a�a�e IQ p�Ct��l1/�1d t�10 �!i0001'1��II�1�:�. " � <br /> . Att i�wr�pa�cies ae�ienewah iWl be�aoo�abia b I�aad��11 i��ie a�o�d.�claiae. t.ader <br /> �II inve the ri�e a 6oW u�e poGcja ad r�a�ewat�: It t�ea��t�eqe6es.Hoc:awer�il peamptTy�v�e w Lendes aB�eoeipes , . <br /> �P�P��d�al i�o�ia�. Ia ttie eKOC d 1oa,Barea�a shs11 pve pcimp�c aotioe a tbe�raooe c�ctier aod <br /> I�mde�.I�eeder may m�ke pnof af Ip�s jf t�t eade pramp�t!t�'Bamxe= ' <br /> ` -�--.- �--.- __�-:--3Jele�s�eadecand8aee�a+rer�espeeinwtitiea,�eo�moepgoee�i4shtllbe�ppiiedbn�Ra�aSio�qgrnp�ircf ___ <br /> ie An�acy t�m�ea,if dw�aa ar�is eoono�lry lasitae ana [.a�du�aa�j►;s na7e:i�e�.�It u�e - . . <br />� __ -_ -- ;..:,,:�::��r�aee�_ .f�-r-c�-3t�`���.naer;��►._wnuM.l��the�tt�p��_� — <br /> a�liQd�o t�ee sams ncmed bv rms�Sectnriy.L�anar.wbed�er oi�t tLen--�ue. ' anY exa�s P� to Bonnvrd: If --- � <br /> Bac��r ab�odo��s`!�-�3►�ar does`not aosrver wilhin'30,dsya s,nodc�e fm�n Lender t�t t6e inworanoe c�uriea ln4s <br /> o�eeed b�xQe s chia�.t6m�ddermay ooUtrt tba�sw+noe gi+noee�. Iaader may usa tbe p�ooead�tu�rep�iar�+gr i+atae . <br /> We prqmrty a:ta pRy�se�ed by tbis Sa�titY�►whe�6er or nat dien dae. 'ibe 3adsy,par�od vYitl b�gin when <br /> � d�e notic�e�s�v�o.� _ . <br /> tTdas Leader aod gamwec olbe►ivise's�tee in wtitio8.mY�PP����R'���1�N��mt e�ead ar _ <br /> " 'pcqpoee tkt bie d�te af tl�;Tnoathly psyma�s refe�red to ia patagr�phs 1 aad 2 ar cb�n�e tLc�t of iLe psymeHS..�f = <br /> uod�r pra�21 dre p'mpeRy is aoquiied 6y Lwdet.Bo�ower�s.n�fit w wy npstllatx�e.PnUcies md lxo�eeds�wl�n8.. <br /> , ic�om d�eu�e to t6e Nnpeity prlor m the soquisi[ion ah�1!p�ts.w Lender to tbe extent of the sm�secmed Dy t6is Security <br /> L�onana�t immedis�lely priof w tf�a aoqawt�ou. _- � <br /> i, Oeea�c� Ire�err�sHen, � a�d PrWedioa d•tre PropM�, Bae*o��''a I�o�u Appliatii�: , . . <br /> . Lt�elaldt Bamwer shaA oocapy,�pb�sh,md ase the Ptvphty u Bt�irower's PnociPal�esidef�a4�.within sixty dsys a&ec -'. .�:'.� . <br /> tho o�udaa of d�is Secutity,Tnstr�moent�ad s6all oand�nue w oocupyybe Ptoperty as Bomower's�►tit�ciptl residence far at ' . <br /> Ipitf-oae Ye�.af�r tl�e diroa t�f occopu�c'. unless L'eAder adia�vise �g�ees in wdting, whicti caaseot s�11 not 6e <br /> w�aabiy withhdd.or dnkss exteswta�s c�aes exist whid►�ue bqraad BoRUwa`'s c�ontrol. ��r shall not <br /> de�qr,d�ae or imp�ir tl�Property,attaw tbo Pf�sty to deoeriaate.a cammit vraste on the e�r. ��ewa shal} --------- <br /> tb <br /> be ia defsnit if a�y fafeit�m actian or p�oceeding,whether civil or crimintl,is beg�n ti�t in L.eoi�c ��Ea�'.,�+`�ladS�t <br /> c,ould resuTt in forfeiwre of tlte Pfvpaty or otheiwise mueria�lty impair the!irn cieated by t6is.S�uii�;�urt�t or <br /> � Lender�s secariry�est Bor�owermay c�ne suc6 a defaWt and providal in puagaph I�;by�the xtion <br /> ' or pr�ooeoding to be di�missed with a mling 16at.m I.ertdCrtc Svod faith deoe�minstiou.Piecladess farfeinue of dre Eiorruwei�s <br /> interest in tLe Ptoperty or other matecial itnpaPenent of ihe lien c�by tLis Securiry Insuument or Lerider`s sa�uity <br /> inte�t. Bomuwar sitall also 6e in.defaaIt �Botmwer.daring tLe loan applicatioa p�mcess,Save matetially false or <br /> inaccurace infamatioo a statema�ts to Lender(or fa�7od to provide Lendtr with any material infcxmation)in oonnecd�wit6 <br /> the Ioan aadenced by the Note. mcludiag,but not limited to,iepcesentarions conceming Basower's oacuparxy of Ute -. <br /> Ptvperty as a prineipal residence. If t6is Secvrity Insaumrnt is on a kasehold,Bomnwer shali comply artth atl die pmviszons : <br /> � . - of the kase. If Bamawu acquires fee dtle to the►e leasehoId and the fee title shall not merge unk�s Lei�agroes <br /> to the merger in writing. . ; .� '-_ <br /> 7. Prote�tios d I.eader's Ri`bts ia t6e PrapEi'ly If Boriower fails to perform the covenana �it'a�ncemenu �. <br /> cantafined in this Sa�uriry instnunent,vr;tt�ere is a tegal p[roceeding that may significantly affed I.ender�s rights in the <br /> ', Property(such as a pmccod;ng in bankrupfcj�,probatc,for cqncle�nnation orforfeiture or to enfor+x laws or�egulettons),thea . _.__ <br /> � ;' Lender may do and pay f��Whatever is neassary to itct the value of the[�'operiy and Lender's rights in the"Pcope�ty- ---_ <br /> ;_�,LCt�der's actioas may include paying any sums :b�a lien which has priority bver this Seciuity Instrumen�appearing -�-_Y <br /> �ii+�ourt,paying reasonable attomeys'fas and entering n'the P�+nperty to malce cep�irs.Althongh Lender may tnke action �;�;��;,-_;�=�x� <br /> uiider this paragraph 7.l�ender das not have to do so. �;°;+�`�;�;-: <br /> � My aaloluits disbursed by Lender ander this paragraph 7 shall become additional deb[of Borrower secured by this �„`. .� <br /> — Socuri In§ittuttenL Unless Borrower and Lender to olher teans of a ment,these amonau shall bear intetest fmm t}�e '._"�'==�: <br /> ry �� PY r,�.>_•<'�_-• <br /> date of dislitsrsement at the Note rate and shall be payaDle.wlth interesK.upon�otice fwm L.ender to Borrower r�equesting • . •••,-•i:.�; - <br /> PaYmen� � ; '�;;J��q,*�•.�;.r. <br />�'— S. Mortgase L�saraecG If Lender uired mort a�o insurance as a condition of makin the toan seciued this �''�-''is���� <br /> -- �I $S 8 hY . .�'..,..: <br /> � Security Insmament.Borrawer shall pay tf�e premiums iequired to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect If,for any � . 'r._;�,,,- <br /> -�� roason. Ihe mortgage insurar�ce.coverage requimd by I.ender lapses or ceases to be in effect. 8orsower shall pay the . r <br />=`;;� premiums required to obtain coverage subatantialiy equivalent to the mortgage insurance previvusly in effec� at a cost • <br /> �:� ,sttbstantiafiy equivatent to th:cost to BcmrQwer of the mortgage insurance previously in effecK,from an altemate mortgage : . :.� <br /> `�insurer approved by Lendea. If substantia,lly equivalem mortgage insurance coverage is not available,Sorrower shall pay to � ;•:�,.,..;,,� <br />_"� ,.l:ender each manth a sum dal tn one-twelfrh of the eart mort a e insw�ance remium bein aid b Borrower when the �'�.�`• • <br /> �4 Y Y 8 S P S P Y �:.�t; •,:r:p` <br /> insurance caverage lapsed or ceased to Dt i�s Effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these paymen�s as a toss reserve in lieu <br /> - of mortga�e iasurance. Loss reserve�;;�nu may no longer be the option of l.ender.if mortgage insurance , _ . . , <br />-,_.;� coverag��im the amount and for ihe period that Lender requir�es)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes <br /> availabJ�an�#is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintam mortgage insurance in�ffect.or to provide a <br />''-�•; iv:�resc�ve.until the reynirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower : : ' <br />_ sutO l.ender or appticable��tv. . _ _ _ <br /> . :�,_ .__: : <br /> '. 9 Inspectioe. LenBer or it�agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections vf the Property. Lender shall ' <br />.r�;'� i give Borrower notiee at the time of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonable cuuse for the insp�Kioe. • �- <br /> --— 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direct vr cunceyueniibl�ln eonnection with a�y �:;,T��..'�� ` <br /> � � ` � $th Funil YanakMaelFreadlelNatUNiFURb11tiSTRUN�NY'-•UnitortnCovenants 9190 1 u,qe.i�� 6 <br />-�:���� ' d� Y-- P 1 OdRtsl �r's1��t���,'. � , . <br />-= GRillales�h�aa idsl�LC.� .'��)��'"� � - <br /> i,''i��4i��j'-' <br /> .�. ._, , <br /> �-•--. <br /> `-_°( . <br /> :..1t� '•' � , , Ta O�der UII:t600S3D9043�YAR fT67914131 ,.`i;.'-- <br /> -- .� • � , �_ . .. .... . . . , . . . .._.__.. <br /> „ <br /> — .. . <br />---�.i- ----- _ - �. --_. -;".��.- �-. <br />- _ ,:,�}r,q+�.-,-aa,:.r_,- . . • - . . - . .::-t--��. . . _ , .. _ . . . . ,;�;;;' <br /> x r§_ � _ 3 r. • • . ' - .. � rJ,( '>.• • : � - - _ .. <br /> ... .. <br /> . ... , <br /> :. . - .. <br /> yef �. . .. , . , . . -�� _1 . . _. _.... .. _ . . � . . ., . ��•__--' ..•._' . . ..... . ._. <br /> �'�f j' . i- . . . , � . . , � � . � .. . . . <br /> —..3�.. _ t . � . �.f . .. . .. . . . . -.. '.�lr. . .. . . ' ' � . <br />--'..:._.. . 's ' . ' . . • ' . . . - .. . . , � _ . , _ . � . . .._ ,. <br />.-�� .. .. ., ,... . � . � . . . . <br /> ...z�Y�,.. � ..� . � . ,. - <br /> �.; <br /> �...';.xWf.},•..��.: ,.. . -` . , , . <br /> .-,L" ...., .._.__. .......... . .-_._...____ _ _ - __ ' _ ... _. _ __ _—__ ___ .__..___ . . .. . . � <br /> '+►�,�.r'�,: ' . .. . . • .. . : . , . ' : •� • . ' ' • . .' • <br /> -=-- - �}�� - . - . . . . . . . . . <br /> _''��i° , � � � . , . . �. . . � ' . , . <br /> -----.. ....� :... . . . <br /> --�-- . , <br /> __...-., _ . . . . . . . . . <br /> - - -_�- -- - � <br /> _ . . . . � <br /> . _�� - - - - - - - - --- <br /> - - --_ _ _ - - - <br /> . , - -- - � - - - <br /> =;�__ � . � . .. �� � .. . . ':; . , . . . . <br /> =F�,-.-�.` . ' .. • � ' . � ii �YS `1t' +. . •• ... ' • . . <br /> �fM�..y�'i � . , . . . . � .. � . . t� ��.� . � . ' . <br /> ___ � . . - f . � •:�m-i. . .. " . . ' • , <br /> � . � Y ' : .•� _t:•'��•��'. 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