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__ _- __ - �f _ ,_ :'�- .� <br /> _:�_.r_ _ - - <br /> ---- - -� -,----�--- -- _- - -- - - -. _ <br /> �, �.� - - <br /> ._ _-___ . . ,- ... . . . ........... __ ..__.._� _ _...- - �- - ,.._ <br /> -- ---� � . `. : . ' ,' ' . • . _ . ` .��;.�� .. .�(.�. � r.� <br /> . . , . - . � � , . " , . � ;�1�� ' - <br /> j'� ` owiwiifi�pl l�4�M s�kil�ef�g►pR,�{Il�ur T1t�aq►.ut`toe'.oc�v�y�oe is IiQr af��art Y�9 a�r�r�aid:;+f � � <br /> - " tl�tis�iiio�,s�d� . . � � .. • . . : � -. .. ,_ . ..�.. . :. . .> ,_ - --. .:.�. .,:::. . <br /> � L�sreN[o[a toW�k�oC`die�ro�a�t�.�kp ���iied�o ie sirc ieaeet'b!1 i�t SedrrMhc� y� _ _� <br /> �Nt;N��at a�ot�hm dre.wii�r exods,p�ii w��Ha��ow�r ts fhe e�rert d,�prtW tNki�at tii�'�jr te. , <br /> = �ICkI��al�et��i�C Q��t PjopMy N1MMOdIMd�t befolC�flt IiIti11�I�Di�b ac�l'0�•i��E��. �1�_ •. ' . <br /> -� .-= �ecaced tg i�ic-�ecs�rity�r�ent�e3y beT.yta tbe tslua,�mf�s Hc�vtr a�d t,aider otbee�rix�ip_wlrit�. - <br /> : dit w�r�ec�ed by�tW Sa�rily.4N�at�YU 6e eairoed 1ry 16e iinn�iit of tbc Pooeea+aw�itiplied b�r tre toMn�!I� , � <br /> �:_ <br /> , ..�ia�? (a��e ioW,�oMik af�w�wt�.�af ism�ed�rely 1xfa��e erci�.t�vi�tad bp tb)tl�fatr�wa4e�o[� ° ,., <br /> ,. �7?�3►����i- �l►�6�i�e�iLudt is p�w BoRO�er.....�►�1ie"eve�t at s pa�t6�t�ic6�-+otlbe -- -_-� <br /> n�tl�e t+�r b�ri�t ratee af tbe A+cQezty'iaraqd�et�t befa�e t6e tal�na ls las t�p dit as�a�rlt,Qf d�.aaa <br /> - - bei�ae�1bet���nk�s 8a�rcnwraod F�u�w�wi,��aa i�-�:i. _ - �- -- ""`�-�-------,, - <br /> od�wir�e r�ovkla.tha po�eods�tU ife spphed w d�e wms aecwed�ry this Security Ltibnanent�vlKdKr at sot d�e s�aaet are .. <br /> � 8�a►�d�e. .. _ . : <br /> ` 1f Il�e frope�t�►i��b�odon�d b�r Borio�rer.or if,alla naoica by t.c�nder to Bamn►�a ttqt the oondamaor ol�as trt m�e- , . <br /> �s a�viid ar�ep1e�cl�im foir d�rn�es,Baaoxa ta�s 10 ia�pood b L.ender�vithin 30 days dkt tbe d�ee dk.ootioe:i3�ivar: <br /> ix+�der u aiiQiznd to ooibct ad�ppiy d�e poc+�d�.�c ita optjoo,eitba w�aation a eepair af�he Pt�apaty ar to t6e <br /> �ns�av�ed hy tbit�ecq�icyL�a�t.wl�tl�er at nott6ai due. <br /> Qnk:s Ler�der aad Hoao�va ctfiucwjse spre in writ�a.�ny applicuion of p�tnceeds to piiocip�l sb�aU not este�d ot <br /> poqpoee d�edua dre of t6e mo�tY P�Y�nfe�red w in p�tspap6s 1�d 2 a c�e die aac�unc of aach p�ymena. <br /> 11. 1�erowe� NOt RdeMe�': Pe�6d�111we dJ Leaier NOt s Wainr. Fa[tClsiolt vf tht timC fot p►yiva�t or: <br /> modific�tiaa of ainoRiz�tian af d�e sa�as:acutod ly tbis Seturity lastruirient S�antod by I.ader w�ay woassor in� <br /> . oE Ho�t�i�ver sbalt aot oper�le m selea�e 1Be lia6itity of the origin�l Batrowst Qc So�tuwet�s suooessocs in in0enst.La�d�er <br /> t�W nat be� wmmenoe proveedi�gs�gaiast any siucpessoc in;n�erest ar retuse m extaid tane farpsymenc"ar <br /> o�ise modify raotw�stion of the sums sei.wced by tlns Security Tnst�tatknt by nuan of my denumd made 6y�c origia�l,.,.., <br /> . , HanoMret a Bar�a1�euapessars ia uiteRSt. My,fo�bauaace C�t.ender m exercising�ny nsht or remedy ahal!not br1�E;:,r <br /> �raiveraf orpc�eclnde tbe eaercise of�ny dg6t ar zemody. {.,. <br /> • ' •.i:�;r;;'ii <br /> 12. s�coes�ors..a A��d;.►obt�.d sevaya r.L6ility:Ca�ers. 71�co�►ena�us�aa ag�ea�.�F�. <br /> Sectuity Tssutanau a1�ll bind and brnefit d�c successws and assigt�s of I.ender and Borrawer,subjoct w the��;rxi�of_ . <br /> p�agwph 17.Barowa�covea�ats and agoee+nents s6a11 6e joint�and soveiaF.My Boirower who co-sigans-�S'aairity <br /> L�ma�t but doa eot exocute the Not�: (s)is co-sigrung this 5atiuicy Ins�omeat ody w mo�tgage.g�at aad coavey t�t>.� ._ <br /> �Bamwer�s interest in the Ptoperty under th�te�ms of th�s Security Lutrwnrnt; @)is not person�lfy obiigaoed m pay the sums' <br /> sceured by this Sxuriry Inswmrn�wd(c)a8�tl�at I:ender and any other B�rower may agrct w eute�d.modify.fqrbear <br /> or m�fce aay accomrtiodations with regard to tt�e tcmu of this Seeurity lnstntfneat or tUe Nate witt�t d�at Bomuwer�a <br /> coasen� • <br /> 13. I,q�e CMaegGV,. tf the toan secured by this Security Instrument is:subject to a!aw which sets maximum toan <br /> chuges,ar�that!aw�is finally intespieted so that the intetrst or orhea.loaa charges collected or tc�be coltectod in cain�etiun.,,;. <br /> � khth the ioaii escad the permitted limfts,tden: ta)any such tav�dtat�shaU be reducal by thc amount necessary to�Odure`::'.�,, <br /> the chuge to the permitted limi�arW!!b)arry sums aln�dy co{lec�cl;.T��Borrower which exoluled permitted timits will'6�..-;� <br /> - ` nfuMed to Burcuwer. Lender may chuose to m�ke�this refund bY.cs�li3:m$the PrinciPal owed under the Note a by m�lc!RS� :` . <br /> � dimt payment ta Bormwer. If a refund reduces�riircipaE.the cedn,�ion wiU be treated as a P��P�Y�t withoat�nY ' . <br /> _ P�Y�nt charge under ihe Note. ,,�i ,�. <br /> 14. Ndkes. Any notice to Borrower pmvided for in this Se�ity Instrument shall be�given by delivering it or by.'� . <br /> ma�7ing it ttr�r�ust class mail unless applIca6le law mquires use of anac�er method.7'he notice shall be directed ro the Properry <br /> Addc+ess o,r::��r other address Borrower designates by notice ta l.ender. Any notice to Lender shall be given by first class <br />_- .:� mail to Lettder's addness stated herein or any other address L.ender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice pmvided for �„_� <br /> in ihis Security Insttum�mt shall de deemed to have been given to Borrower ar Lender whet� given as provided in this <br /> ° •, � ��verning Law;SevsraAility. This Security [nstrument shall be govemed by federal taw and the law of the - <br /> :�,... <br />-. ��,.dy i jurisdiction in which the Property is lacated. tn the event that any provision or clause of tlus Security Instrument or the Note - <br /> . ,� •" •�",��;`•, conflicts with applicable law.such conflict shall nat affect other pravisians of this Security Instmment or the Note which can -_- <br /> ` :1�,�c�;"�,;• ���'��, be given effect without the conttictin�provision. To this end the provisions of this Securiry►nstrument and the Note are =-:_ <br /> - •r.^ �_,��.�'"; ;+;�.. : declared to be severable. � `'�=_-'- <br />, , �:•,''� •�:�t�'-: �;'=�,4�;, 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrawer shall be given qne conformed copy af the Note and af this Security lnstrument. �-- <br /> • ,;�^ •., ;:%v,`�;.`:�t 1Z 'I�eanster of the Property or�l�enei7cial/nterest M Bor�ower. lf all or any paa of the Property or any interest in :,:'-- <br />:t..:,,• , :,.,,,:r•„i.��� t - . <br />,.,,: ��.��.,;���{�;�, ; it is sold a�fransferred(or if a ben��za�interest in Borrower is sc�2 d or trans fcrre d an d B orrower is not a natu r a l person i °���,L.,. <br /> - " �; ' � without Leoid.r's prior written consenc:tender may,at its option,reyuire immediate payment in full of all sums secut+ed by .�.w� <br /> � :„-�-�`' • �•� ` i this Security►nswmelu. ,3lwwever,this option shall not be exercised by l.ender if exercire is prohibited by federal law as of � <br /> a;:°.' •.�r; = i . � • . t•;,�:� <br /> . the date of this Secur_:��ln�lYument. , �,; <br /> - � i r�: .�; - �iklo_..._ <br /> . , �� If�r exere.� h�,�option,Lender sha11 give Borrower notice of acceteration. The notice sha11 prwide a prriod of ��.,��.- <br /> ' �,i"�� ,�''„:�� t � nat tess th�;:��s:Qays frorn the date the notice is delivcrcd or maited within which Borrower mu�t Pay all sumc secured by this �-.''�� <br /> ' '�''"•'-'�+' Securit (r:�.:y ien� If Boaower fa'.?�:to a these yums riar ro thc ex iration of this nod. Lender ma invoke an <br /> =r;t' ( Y P Y P P Pe� Y Y <br /> ' ���"� �. '''"�'.r;;i���y.r r�emedies p�:s�itted by this Security(r`,.::nent without furlher rt�tice or demand on Borrnwer. ' � <br /> . ' ��•%•;i'•�•� :;,'�:'•: 18. Borrawer's RigM to Reinstate. If Borrower meets cenain condition�, Borrower shall have th�ri,�ht to have <br /> ;,�,,.{ � . <br /> i'�Ii�, � .;;� �. . � 'r�force,ment of this Security Instrument dixcontinaa3+,�t any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 da}•s(or suc�i°i�tf'ter period s�s <br /> ;�} � <br /> �: , , , . _ :. , . <br /> ' ��,l�j}�:.j"•',..•_��R',i},,� . ', Single�rmily..}aenb Nx,'�rc�irYue 7�tac 1:�4FdAR�11N!3TItl1�1F.VT--L'nifallflCor.xu:t;i�•.yN1A tpuRe 4 nJb pa;�esl .. <br /> ��' ��,k' . „` dy.�� � . <br /> � • <br />.. ,. ,".• <br /> _..., e '{L}� ,.•:� ,iy��yiy`�,;' • . , ' <br /> • i � •,: <br />� ti2 �`�1., �.t�:i�U� � � ' . <br /> ---- .. . .., . � . .� . _ . . .. . .._ .. __. . . .,._...._. . . .._. .. - '- -- ., ... .. . . , _, . . . <br /> �i•., <br />�er• �r A�";ii�.i'\���: '� • - .. � ' • ,. .. ' ' � . <br /> ' ..s <br /> ., . �• _r.�'.;;f{.'�4 � <br /> . <br /> . <br /> . . <br /> . , . , � <br /> s�-�.��-'-'— — -- - . _.. ... . . . . . . . . .-' - _-�__•�—"r,-----�___..-.__"_ <br /> - _ .�, l '�sy�,�`.Y�v ' ' ' . ' , • . ' . . ,. . .t . _ _.._-._--�. — .-- <br /> . • • .. • <br /> . <br /> . , . . �, <br /> , <br /> -,- ..�t. '..-11 �t. , . . . � . � . - �'�� � . <br /> r. - ;�';=^ y�rh�i;t,. � _ <br /> - . , . _ - � � - -- � - - - - — ���• �' <br /> -..�: . - , � . 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