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<br /> � �eile Mr�il►�e�3ty!ar�ei�eit)belae We d die fioptetY p��wet a i4'Pc"'�'�d ak ooM�d�i daa
<br /> �ihr�1nMert ar p►)e�r cir sl��'�'�L��7►tene�rkw. 1�ae ca�tia��ie IYt Da�oMa: (�) '
<br /> pnrt.La�de�a�w�a w�hicl�thes�W!za d�e�sder�is.Sec�rity'La�aiaeot ied�e Nto1e as i[m aaatberion�d
<br /> . ooc�N)a�a�q►d�wituFary.atl�a aoMetwMitara�e�ti:tc3Fari��P�+����t d��Y -�
<br /> - j.�s■m�irci�o�,�rt mc ' ' io:�sa��r�ae�rs'he�;s�1d�ill Woes t�h�c4on u�m�r�ai�carb�Y
<br /> . e�eqrir�Ior ar�.e a�c�e Le.oc t��`c�rkp I�tnnKdt.l.eoaat�a m me r�opetty�oa B«��aWi�tiae w ps�r�be �
<br /> wrs �aaaad iry� Secs�tg faqwmese drU ca�ua roct�e�md. Llpoa-��neet b! Ha�.tlw SacadtY
<br /> buMe�eat aid tre obii�on�t�ecurod�bSr fl�di tem�ie t�t�e s iE m saaekwtioa!ad aawrred.,,No�va.�is =
<br /> ._____n�t b ie3rtnG�i!sat appiyr ia�he t�re af aoa�aci tnder 17. '.__. •� • " . , .
<br /> . �e l�+e�(�a wub ifiis�articY—- °.
<br /> 1�4�rmmt)m�3i lie dd me or mone t�o�es wit6aut pdo�r notjcedYe�der t6e Nole and�u Sac�rity tae�n�eal. 7 a�i�o
<br /> . (1no+wR�s Me"IrortSavioa")�lut uoil�eas+�ohth[X:Pny�ts
<br /> mry be aoe a maro c�a of t6el.�a Sa�ioe,�%ujtt�laled�o a ate of die No�e. If tha�e u s c�oge d�he La�n 5erviar,
<br /> Sano�ref�rill be p�a�it�en natke of dre chs�a in accoN�ooe�t6 a�t t<sbove�od appiicaUk taw 'ibe naioe �
<br /> �riII sde 16e dme aod ad�a of tLe neM I.o�a 5aviox aad tlie sddiess��wrin'N�i paymeots�auW 6e m�de.The notice wri0
<br /> abu co�raia�oy ofix in,f.onr�Boa iaN�bY�PP��1aM: '
<br /> �. HasNw1 Sqbllt�oes. BarcnNa ahai!mt cwse a pamit the pnesence.use.disposal.s[ara�e•a rekast of any .
<br /> , fla�doas S�hwaoes un:ot in d�e.Aiogaty. BaRa�er s6aU not do:aac aTlow aayane dta to do.aaydu�affect3n�the ', •
<br /> , Peopecty dat is in violWa►.ot;a�y,�vimmmaxai Law. 7be�tvqo'_se�teooes alnll not apply to tht p�eseoce,use,or
<br /> ; ata�ige on the Pbpaty o��ii[�ties of Aazardous Substiinces;t�ik�i�t�gaunity�eoognized w be sppmpriue w nonmt
<br /> reside�d�l wes and to aai�iCea�nce of tho. "�'�� ;'�: <
<br /> ' . " . Boc�a�wa s1�U P��Y S�ve I.e�et��'�abtice of aay investiguion,cUnm,det�n�,4wsuit a otber action by any •
<br /> gavamr�ota!ar regWatay agency or piIvate p�ut;i,%.involving the Piopaty and any A�qudaus.Sabst�iice os Fmicvnmental
<br /> -. � l.aw of whicb Banrvvei.hs�actwi,��anqwledgGr if Barovv�r kms. a is nodf'ied by��ury::giiva�iiri�nn!or nguWory •
<br /> aaU�ority.t6�t my nanwil�-a�atiwKia�atiiia of aay Hsa�dous Sabspnoe affaKing t!��iopqty isi�doeswqr,Bamwa
<br /> s�ll promptly taice�Ct aqxssuy nmediat actiaas in accaM�oce wide�vicoamen�l l.tyv:. :.:;::' .
<br /> As usod in Wis Puagr�tph 2[l.'"Haz�Nous Su6stances"are those subst�xs defiaed as'EoS�f�or Laza�dous wbshdxs by
<br /> Favimamentil Law;and We following substao�es: g�solinc.kecusene.aher flamma6le oiF:GOxic petculeum pmducts.couc •.
<br /> pesticides�ad habcides,voluile sotvents.maceriAls containing asbestos ar farnialddtyd'e,and radioac[ive materiaLs. As .
<br /> ased'w this pusgrnpit 2a"Eivironnxntal Law"meaas federal laws and laws of tlw jettFsdiction wbae the P�operty is tocated
<br /> tl�t relue W health.safetY a eavimnmeraal protoc6on. : �
<br /> NOIWUNIFORM COVENANTS. Barower and Lender further covenant and agnx as foltows: �
<br /> 21. Acoderatlos;Remedies. Lender s6ad16ive notke tu Borro�ver prbr to:��tion tolbwiaE Borra�rer's
<br /> bce�cb of ny covea�t oc ag�eemeat ia tbis Sepi�it9 tagt�[dlgnt tbat not prior to aocda atioa oeder parasrsp6!7
<br /> odess�pplicable!sw provides otln�wleel• Tlie aatia sb�l"' s_.tsl:tl�e ddauttt @)tie aa�ttion e+�quircd to core the.
<br /> ,:;° . de�sdti(e)a dat�qit kss th�a 30 days trpr►:a6fie dste tUe�o�i9�iJen'.tp Borrowrc,b9 witid4;t�edefauk mast be
<br /> ,r: cwrod;wd(A)t6at t�ilure to care tbe defavlt a±r or bUar tbe date�r�iecif'kd ta tbe qo�ia afay re�uiCt ia aooete�atan ot --
<br /> �:� : • tLe svas eeared b t6h .
<br /> y sec�r�ty�sframeat ana s�te or tae rropert�;���Tf�:notit�:s�n mrt�fi�orm eorro�►er or _
<br /> tbe ri�c to rein�tate after acce�Rion and the right co M�ing:q oo�trt act�qi�td ssS�ii.ttieiiAOn�e�dsteace ota defaulc or --
<br /> - aay otier de[ease at Borro�rer 9�a�celeration and sala If tt�e defiwl!L�aiot a��sed��.o�tietore t6e date spedtied in . . 6=---�°-°
<br /> t6e nMioe,Leeder at its option nwy requtre immcdiate payment in tall;ot all:�qms�iind by th�Secqrity Iactr�m�et �;�:
<br /> �t6out turfher demand aad may invdce the power ot sak and,a�y;other i+emedk's permitted:6y,applicabk taw '� `;`=�-=-=-
<br /> -�� I.ender slrsll be enNtkd to colkct alt ea nses incurced fn un�ling;f�e,rertKdks; ,novided in th'ts b Zl, ' �
<br /> P� P Q P��"+P �';�:'::-.
<br /> � ---_ incladto�bat rrot limited to,ceas�abk attorneys'fees and costg oi;itte eqidbnce. :��-....: . �.'�;;�aa,�t�:'
<br /> J.!ric,a
<br /> U the power ot sale iv inv�ed,7lrusta s6a11 record a�oti�e ot defautt io eaclj;Cainty 1n which any part rl We �'. ;,_s:�._,_._
<br /> Property is lacated aed shall mai!copies ot sucM notice in the ananner.presa�3Ded by applicabk taw to Borrower aa�f to •_�;!'#`��:w
<br /> the WLer persons prescribed by applicable law ARer the"tfine required.by applkable law,llrost�et shall give puWk • :4;;i��
<br /> notloe of sak to the per�sons and In the nwni�er presc�i6ed by appl�4le,tuw. 7lruste�wlt6out ddro�d on Borrower. �:.;;':;:.'�
<br /> . . sbap sell the Property at public auctbn to the highest bldder at the Nma and place su�d unde�the tetms desi�atM tn =
<br /> _ � tt�e noHce a�sate in one or more pascels and in any order Tru.stee determin¢s. 'Ilrustee�y postpone sale otafl or any ' � y
<br />_ ��, parcei o�tt�e PropeHy by pu6lec�ouncement at fhe time aad pl�ce o!Any preYM�s1y!"schedukd sak. Lender or its . :.�.';`;.{=•=
<br /> ��Y Purcha5e the Prc�y at any satc. �' . ,.'`•'';�
<br /> U rccei t.�f a � `"��. . .
<br /> pon p p ynac�t o�the price 6id.7lrustee sh�ll deliver to'th��p,Nrchaser 7lrustee's deed conreying the
<br /> PropeRy. TAe ree�i�Gs ia t�e Trustee's deed shaU be prirtw tack evidet�Ce of the,Ei'Utb of the atatements made therein.
<br /> 7�usta sball appk'��i��iimioeeds of the sale ln the toltowing order. (a)to'al!'ca�'�qnd.ex�enses of exercising the power --
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