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<br /> � V. , .� �_� � ��� � � �� • �
<br /> ` ,�;rid w�el-�iri soe ie�e�j►.i�iYii. Y�onv�.r`f�i�s r�.i+�i.cor«+r�e+�.�iM+�aiqw.L�ier�r.�., . . -...
<br /> L�ert qlios,o6e�inca�v�e p.p�ect i,ader�ri�W i ie�lt�eety i�accadMae wi�i prsa+ipti 7. � � .
<br /> . � AM iwr�cc po�iciat�wiewais�i�H 6e a�ae�iie ti�t.eri�ad i�ieclode a�Iwd�d�oe�/Ir aYrR Iw��r
<br /> �.u�r�iv�ei��pe�tio�a,i��pauaes.aln;�r.ir.:ff�.euder�q�i�es.Hanowe.,wrp�oa�lrytrea�.lt� .. .
<br /> - cC P�id pe�3 a�x!�at aotiaes. iM*e eieeat cf lo�8onowa aMdt;ive po�npt notioe a M�e'-iera�rieoe.ra�iar�d__ ..__ -..-.
<br /> � : i�ec t.eadec a�t�m�oe poa[of lo�s��ot arde ptvoiptty by Ha�ower. . ' .
<br /> � -. IJnfae LeMer�d Bomaxrr p�i!i�e ap�e is wai0in�.io�u�ce pt�aoee.d��iiU ba�pi'�10�xt�r�a�a�r tep�isbi
<br /> _ ., .- - �,e Pl�+�atr-d�l,-it�e raloatic�s cr�i��ooaoa�dty fwibie sd I�e�dtr�tec�ity iit a6t t�s�+�ed "If 1�_,_ , _ _ .
<br /> _,__ __ _ �-
<br /> ' __�boqar_re�r u_not eooeo�oiaII�r tra�ie a Laderl�ecut�r�rould ba kamcd.ttie io�asct procea�s�ba _.__ _
<br /> - � ��ia�•�-�b�F��� -- - da�wiib�asy eua+P�d��ano�er.
<br /> �oa�a�r�e�ooc t�e Rnpat7.vr d�aot an�wer wi8�in 30 d�ys a natirt fiaoi l,eaides thrt d�t i�ar�noe fea�riet h�s
<br /> ' off'aed�io�e1de.��claru.�6ea��der mph►co�ect�6e�rootaoot�p�oceed�. I.m�u�ty.we tl�e Aoceed�b iep�ir a ie�o�e . .
<br /> � die Ptopetty at/trpry�secred.by t6i�SecQity 1�na�eat,�vLa4bes or nat thea duG 'Ibc 30�dty pet�od�I be�M6� ' '
<br /> ,Ihe mtioe�SiKa. � � '
<br /> Unane I.�er�d Bon�aer ndret�ise apee in wmtio�.any�ppiicadoo cf poceed�to ptincipd�uot exleMd or
<br /> • postpooad�e d�dM�of dia ma�tl�tY Pj9���ro in p�1 aod 2 a daose tbe ama�ot of t6e paYmeats_If
<br /> ada p�ragaph 2I tb�Ptopaty is aa�ned bq La�der,BosaMa;s righc to any ms�mce pd�c�es�od ptoceeds�
<br /> fNm d�mi�e'1R tl1e PtOpE[ly p�ior b 16e a0qr�tw0 sMll pitt to I�etlder tb�IC eak�t of dYe 3umt�earod by Ihi�'SaCU[ity
<br /> �tn�i�mdrtis�elY Rior w�e acxAis►noa. .
<br /> �•i�` Qce�e� li+eierrat�s. 1N�i�l+e�oe a�i Pe+hlestio� d fie Pre�at�, aee+swa'*s 1.e�a Aj�ife�li�ai .
<br /> ,• �,e�e�olar. Barrowa 3baD 6cxupy.astab�,aad ase�e Ptopetty u B.to,�QOwa's prmcpip��l ces,i�da�ce.�ndiin suu�r d�ys afle*
<br /> ��`�:.:'��i,E,,, ��,,OClR10f10�I�US 5CC0[1��IIE��5�11��OO�I�OC U1 Oa{I�I N��'OpEl�f S iaaaiv�ru�S�Cl�[E�l.71a�Of�
<br /> �V
<br /> ,"�.;�:k;:•.�t 1011C j�Cif �Ef t�lC d�fG O�OOCYpBC�t. ilil�6SS j.R11f�EC C�ftlSC �I�ES 1� WtIdO$, W�11Cf1 iD01LSd1[ !��1fOt �fG .
<br /> :•���:��•;. I�SOO�SI�YlIW1Cb.0�Ir1�CS5 C7IiQN�111�C1�$0�Q[131�Y�IICb�IC�O�SOfInWEfTS CCOIfO�. �10M"GC�'llOt
<br /> �:iii '
<br /> • -tt,`(�' ' p�,�,�,, i��1bE AOQEny t0 dEiCB01�C.Or t�0111111tt�YiSfC OQ 1�1C pl�E[ly►. B011DIY�E[STYII
<br /> i:,;r, �,�0�1�1��1E."q^'••7+ .
<br /> �1C IQ�!.'ff0�t If allj!fOffG�fWt aCf�011��[n000�Q18.W�ICf Cl1ll�Of C�QIt1i�s 1S�1E$Iltl t�li[lp�.EIldCl'S 800d�1 JO�,iGG�[
<br /> '�.'%�•�' . COUb rCSU���II f01'fC1t�C�Of t�IC�l'C�EPIy 01'Of�1EIWISE�7�y/1t6�iSC S��ICQ C�Ei[��/1jHS SCCItIlty►�h1m1G0[Or
<br /> Lender's sec�uiry intenst. �ower may c�e such a defwlt aad rei»sta�.�s�SVided�puagaph 1S,bY��usinB the actian
<br /> oc proceed'mg to b�-dism�.+ed�e s�ulina dat,in I,ender*s goo��itb de�eni�inat�on,P�ecludes fatfeiW�e of tlie Batrowa S
<br /> iutet'rst in tbe PtoQetty os a�iEi'mi4�terial'impimnent of the�i�+cteated by this Security Instrument ar I.ender�s sec�riry
<br /> � iatenst. Bwiuwtr sball.aLsa+'�+e.:�n default �f Barowa, daring the loatt applicsuion proass.gave msteri�lly fatse or
<br /> �• inacc�trate information rn state�r�to l.ender(or fa�ed to pcuvIde l.eader�vith any matcrial information)in camection with
<br /> tbe loan evidenced'.by tUt Note, inctuding, bat not limtted to. nptesentations conceming Bormwer's oaeupancy of the
<br /> • , pf�npeRy ac a prio�.ypal residence, If this Secoiitg�asUmaxat is ou a leasehold.Bormwer shaU canpty with alt the provisions
<br /> ' of the k�sa If BamJ�er acquime��x titk to the Pmpacty,t�e i�ehold and tl�e fea ride sha11 rat merge unless Lerxkr agciees
<br /> � ' to the merger in writing. '::' �,: • ��
<br /> 7. Prokdjoot,d I.ende�s�hts in tbe Propat� �Bomnwer fails to perform the covenants and a�ts
<br /> � cantained� this Sesurity insnvment,or theie is a legal pinceeding.that may significantly affect l.ender's rights�au t8e
<br />- Praperty(such as a}maoeeding in bankruptcy>pc+n''c�e,for candemnauon o�f�fe�ture or to enforce laws or negWadons);tikn
<br /> _ ' Lender may do and pay for whatevet is necessa�td pmtect�ie value of�Ire Roperey and Lender's rights in the Prope�ty. �
<br /> Lender's actions may include pa��g,•any snms sCcured by a 6i�wbtcb has prionty over this Security Inswment,app�eating
<br />�= in court,paying reasonable attom�s'fees and entering on the Property to make npairs.A,tk�ough Lender may take arction _
<br /> � under this parag�aph 7,Lender das not have to do so. � � _
<br /> _. My amounts dislw�sed by I.ender under this paragraph 7 sha11 become additianal debt of Bomower secured by this �_ _
<br /> � Security InsnvmenG lJnless Bocrower and Lender agree ro other tem�s of payment.these amounts shafl bcar interest from the __
<br /> date of dis6ursement at the 1�Iote rate and shalt be payable,with interes�upon notice from Lender to Bomnwer requesting
<br /> � PaYment. ` ��
<br /> � Mortg,sge Insuranca If Lender required ma�tgage usurance as a condition of mATcing the toan secu.��;ihis. �,:;'.�:
<br /> � Secarity instrument.Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insu:ance in effect, �.f�asy ��•�;_
<br /> zuh; i m�son, the mortgage insurance coverage required by l.ender lapses,or ceases to be in effect. Borrower «� �;,the °•� �` `
<br /> =;,? ,.� ' premiams requic�ao obtain coverage substantially equivalent to tf�e zn�age incurance previously aa eE`ecc..� �cost • � :"�%t;
<br /> _�._,;,,, ' sub+s.antially equ:�atspt to the wst to Borrower of the mortgage ins[trar.c�previously in effect.from an�temate•ta�age • ' -'" "`•�:-
<br /> ,y;�;��:'.`•'. ' ina;�r approved�y ixnder. If suhstantially equivalent mortg.�e insurance coverage is not availabte.Borrower shx�t.�a�to ��`•'•;,
<br /> 1!!F'?:��! a �'�r��''�--_.
<br /> ,,r,,,� Len�rr each month a sum equal tv one-twelfth of the yeariy rn^ct,age insurance pnmium being paid by Borrower a4, y the ,�,,,,-_-
<br /> _ '�.�. insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender a�Y accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve i:�(ieu i-�
<br />�:�".��"• of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no longer be required,at the option of Lender,if mortgage insurance �
<br /> — - �„i�.'.#.
<br /> ���a,.. coverage(in the amount and for the period that II.�sder requires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes •
<br /> •''t�1='�:�.`: � available and is obtaineA.Bortower shall pay cEez�iums rcquired to maintain rtiortgage insurance in effect,or to provtde a �
<br /> -�`�3`� tos��serve.until the reqnirement for mortgage i:isUrance ends in accordance with�any written agreement between Baasvwer �
<br /> �ky 4� .
<br /> �,- :.;�,± • an��.ender or appticable law. _ .. ..
<br /> _L_.,` 9 lnspectlon. Lender or its agene may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property. Lender shall
<br /> �'��;'•=;,:.'�:.. give Borrower notice at the time of or prior to a�iaspection specifying reasonable cauxe for the inspectio:�. � �
<br /> `�'"' " • ' 10. Conde�mraation. The proceeds of a►�.1,::�vard or ctaim for damaec-�.direct or cansequential,:r cr_rnection with any
<br /> '�'. '� �.,,:;• , ' Single Family--Faeeiel4leFrcddk�1x t'�ifFORN I�S7'RUMB:V?••Cni(orzn Coteaant. 41'i10 Ipugr 3 nj6 pages)
<br /> `<4.r,•:�� � :.
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