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<br /> _ "�{'iY �3Y � .. ' .- � —�, - _ �_ . . _._
<br /> -�;.:�ar_�. ��. . . - ��_� — _ _ — - _ - _ - _ _�
<br />.-.-E._.—__ " __ '—�—r^�—�� � r._.v-m—�--�f�..�,.�__�—_. —�_. _. '� --..._ ' ' -- � —�-._ ...-�,.>_....._._.
<br /> -- ---. �,.� - -. . � _ -._-- _ ^;�r.- . . � - .. . ._.F�. � . . .. .r . -- - ..
<br /> - � . . ' ' . � c < < �-- . . .
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<br /> ; ' � ; , ,.G , . � ` . � -' ' p `c : �'.. ���.. . ,,t. .. ' ` -� .
<br /> `� ���r1�L��OM'Of�1pE�CrbtlEd QO I�E�lf�y.�i�f�.�� c .
<br /> M��wOM Or�a pR[af�C�p1'0�lJ(y..�111lpi�i11 i�1�10�t f�I r/G�GOyp�O��1`i�OC��►
<br /> t�t All dthe laie�i�nd'a�ed�o�d�is 4ea�x�r teq�ua�nt�c�he•RopetCy N
<br /> oORRQWF�t C�OVFI�IAI�F[S tWt Borwwer is[a�ily��eised a[du est�le baeby conveyed ud hr:We ri�6t ro pant. �; .
<br /> • aed�rey dre�eapeety�ad dWt�Ae Prcpeety i�uea�mba�d.;txoept far e�auab�ec�of teoad. Barro�er w�tr�ots�qd ,
<br /> wiii defard�y d�t�itk i�flre PlopertY M,�t�ii ef+�r�ad ikaar�ds.'ari�jat b sry e�s d ra�ad �
<br /> 'f7iI3�CURFfY INSTRUME�VT oo�abiees aeifann oo�va�ots taf a�tioml ese aad aon�+oifam caMea�s wriN� ,
<br /> �aibdr�idoasbqj�wca�aes�ifam�iiyutar�oeacaaweri�ratp�apaty. - - -
<br /> 1JNIPORI�i OOVENANTS. Ban�oMeraad i,eade�rc�vemt�ad�,�ee�s fdbws:
<br /> �_ . . _ . � =-L �['Khioi�iai:aie�si�Pn�ai.�aic�'c. - - �i���—py- - -•�_--�--
<br /> ptiacipl Qiaad'm�a�esit a►the de6t ev�dea�od by the 1'�ofe�od�nY p�paYuseat aad tale chr�es doe�ier d�e Na��. — -
<br /> . t, ll�iE Irr 7�uoei a�i L�S�j�+ct�a�ppLcabie 4�v Qto a��raixer 6y I.erde�Eomower�hall pq�o , . <
<br /> . � � Letdet oa drc d�Y�Y P�Y�s!�dpe onde�tbe 1Wse,notil tl�e Nae is prid`w ful1.a wa�('�ods")fa:'s)Y�Y '
<br /> . ' tua aed�atasmeats.Y6ict�msy aa�a priority over t6is Secueiryr.In�mait as a lia�an tbe ptopenp;tb)YarlY
<br /> pay�eds a�ouod ren�a►We L'rop�d�ty if ar►y; (c) Yady f�z�rd oc P�P�3►�p'��+: (d)Y�Y � `
<br /> uxunioce p�emiwas.J any:(e)YadY mo�tp�e inwr�c� pemiams.if�u►y:�od(f}any sums payab{e 1�Y BaRaw�er ya •
<br /> La�der,in scea�d�nee wi16 tbe povisions of piragrap6 8,in liw of t6e pay�aau of matEsge iasu�ance pRmiwas. 11xse
<br /> i�am aie ailed"Escmw liems." La�der msy.�t�ny hme,colkrt and�old Fimds ia�n aroouet bot to exaeed the maximum
<br /> emoia�t a knder far s feder�lly relaoed mortg�ge laan mry requin far Barawerts escrow account under tAe tedenil Real
<br /> ' Est�e Setttemenc Ptocediues Act of 1974 as ameaded fi�om time w tiwae.l2 U.S.G§Z601 a sep.l"�PA'7,unkss aoother
<br /> law�thac applies to ma HWds sas alaser amow►t If so l.enaer may.u any dmG oakcc aqd twlo r,ubs in an amouac aa to
<br /> exoeM tbe ies,ler amoup�. Lender ta�y esamoue tbt amamt of FiuWs due an the 6�sis of cuRe�dm and Rasanabte
<br /> es�n�es of e�t�tuces of fimue Escmw[tems ar athecwis�in aroo�u�e with sppl'xtWe law. �
<br /> The Iionds sbaU be beld ia m iastitutian vrhose deposits a�e iosuied by a ftderal agenry.instrwnentality.or entiry.
<br /> (iecludia8 Lead�e�.if Leades is such an institutian)or in any Fede�al}iome I.van Bsnlc. Lender sh�ll spply!be�arWs w pa►y
<br /> � the Escrow Items. Irender may not c�arge Boirower for Iwld'a�g�od applying the Fm�ds.annwlly anatyzing the escmw
<br /> _ ' aocauu.a veriffying the Esccow Iums. unkss I.eider pays BaROwer intaest on tbe Fvnds and applicable htw permits
<br /> I.ender to matce such.a chuge. However.[.ender may require Borruwer w pay s one-time charge for an independent ral
<br /> - lSlifC til[lC(fOfttOg SEiYlOC USEd by I.EIl�Gf 1D COlHiOCtl01!WItI1 t�1IS�01R.WI�CSS A�IICaWE IAW Q[�OYIaCS dI1EfWISC. UIIICSS,O
<br /> ' agroenient is made or applicable Ww requires intenest to be paid.l.ender shall no!be roqnirod w pry Borrower any intaest or _
<br /> e�mtngs on the F�nds. Bamwer and Le�der may agnee in wridng,tawever.that intenest sh�116e paid on the}luWs. l.ender
<br /> �shall give w Bormwer.without charge.an annua!accounting of the Fuads.showing credits u�d debits to the Fimds and the
<br /> putpose for wbieh each debit w the Funds was made. 7t�e Funds aze pledged as addldonal securiry for all sums socu�od by .
<br /> — this Seeuriry Ins�ut�e�t
<br />,� If the Fu�c 6eitl by L,ender eacad the anwimts pemutted m be held by applicable law.Lender sfiall account to
<br /> Bonuwer for the exeess Funds in accordance with the ca�u"�rements of appt3cabk taw. If the amount of the Funds held by
<br /> Lender at�ny dmc is not sut�c�ent to pay the Escrow Items when due.Lender may so notify Barower in writing,and,in
<br />_ — sudr ease Bomower shall pay to Le�1er the amount necessary to make up the dtficieacy. Borrower shall make up tve �"
<br /> � deficiency m no more than twelve mondilY payments,at Lender�s sole discretion. -
<br /> — - ---— Upon payment in full of all sums ucuned by this Secusity Instrumen�Lender shall promptly rcfund to Barower any ' ---
<br /> .r���: Funds heid by�.ender. ff.under paragraph 2l.Lender shal!acquire or sell the Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or �;,�-�_i-
<br /> 1 � sate pf the Pmperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the dme of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums ,:��-,
<br /> � YtV` �'-'y''
<br /> '�� seciued by this Security Insmiment �• �►.�u.�_
<br /> `Y' • r . ' "�`", 3. A tbn of P� ts. Unless a licable law vides otherwise.all a ents ceceived b Lender under � �``� '�
<br /> �:<. , ,.
<br /> ,..,�., PP� 3'�n PP P� P l'm Y -
<br /> '` �;_. • paragaphs 1 ar�c!2 shall be applieil:fns�to anY prePayment charges due under the Note;second.to amounts payable under •'-�,3, =
<br /> c
<br /> `# � �`� paragraph Z;third.to interest due:fourth.to principal due;and last.to any tate charges due under the Note. • t;_---
<br /> ' •'�"-•"`• 4. Charges; Lien�. Borrower shall pay al! taxes,assessments,charges,fines and impositions attributable to the � .;:;°-'�-�=_..
<br /> �•_.':,;
<br /> :.,..:_:,_• Pt�erty which may attain gaiarity over this Security I�strument.and teiuehold payme�cts or ground mnts.if any. Borrower ` .;�::�t`°.... =y�=
<br /> �. �.:•�.:r.. • -� ':x",••; • �•�_;
<br /> :. shait pay these obligations�+�e manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid"m th��_anner.Borrower shall pay them on �k•�, . .-;_:.:
<br /> � * ���. x� time directly tcn�ts petson owed payment. Bonower shall promptly fumish to Lender a..°nodces of amounts to be paid under �
<br /> ± � ���'� � this paragrapt� L��orrower makes these payments directly, Borrower s.tiall promQtly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing � ' c�
<br /> ' ':r::.c:'�;�. •, �, -
<br />-;��' .�='s y, the pa}rrnents . � � 'r.
<br /> `�''��`�`�°` Borrawer�s1ia11 promptly dischazge any liep whicb has psicviry o�•e:�:is Security Ir.sctvmer.t�-.�ess Borrower.(a)agrees t •;�_;:�;. `'``
<br /> . iit+�niting to the payment of the obligation secured by the E;�-:�x z�ra�.s acceptable to Les:�er:f5!contests in good f•a4th the •';�k�;-..;::��T
<br /> ;: � '� ".;, ' '� ,_ tiuen by.ar defends against enforcement of the lien in.le��p:�"rt.;which in tfie l.�des�s o��operate to . �eyi the �{°''� � � �'°
<br /> � enforcement of the lieu:or(c)secures from the holder of t`�e.fien z�.-c agr�ment satisfactory to Len.�subordinan�ti�:e lien ` • ='
<br />'`'''' ��� �.'�'� � t o t h l s S e c u r i ty 1 n s tr u m e n G l f l.e n d e r d e t e n�i a e s t h a t a n y p a rt o f L*�e l a t�e r t y i s s u b j e c t t o a{i e c 4 a,.;J i�m a y a t t a i n p ri o ri ry ��� ''~ . .��
<br /> �`�E ��� � . ova this Sccuacy 1nstrumeat,Lender may g•"v�Borrower a notice ider:u��.i..�the lien. fdorrower s`=7�s8tisfy the liefl or takP � �, ',, ,� i� �
<br /> �,:• • one or more of the actions se�ff6rth above within 10 days of the giving oi'notice. � �•��.
<br /> ,. .r: ��-�.;,;;;,. .
<br /> . �; �t�;'•+. • } _ S. Nazard or Peoperty Insuranc� Borrower shall keep the improveme::cs a;;� eaisting or hemafter erected on the �,�:�;;,s . =
<br /> v.r„'tiY:: .. ., � _._
<br /> '.:t ; '�'��.��;:;. • Raperty insurea against loss by fire.hazards included wit6in the term"extended ccz•er;�e and any other hazards.including �
<br /> t • floods or floo+��rg,for which Lender requires insurance. This insurer.ce shaU be rarntained in the amounu and fot the H�� ' • � - .
<br /> ;
<br /> .t;% T.``: .' • ' Fofm3028 !J!0 /pa8t2of6pagtsl • { �
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