_ .�.. - .7.';� e:•• �=?"1�" . . . . .. ; .. _ .. , s';-?.°-
<br /> . _ , .` ��i��.` %�., . ` � _4r-.�..`t ..
<br /> .��.. rt. _ _ .:+,�.-�" - . . . . . . ..- .
<br /> __ _ r _ _ .'s --'-`—.. . : . .-_-- .� -:'� _ — -� -- '` . .. _ . �� � ��` .... — —� -` _
<br /> � s. ��C�� I�lY��O�l. BO[i�O�YE�t lt11�11 100QY 1�G� OD�I►Cf�Qj Ct 6illvilt lsOC10a�t�0 ,� .
<br /> • p(p�y�"O"'ll��OSt bjf�Ctr�Y���I1iC�WRS Mll�l1D 1bG�C�l�CR�CIIdEd COYCf����O�Ci�s� ` ,
<br /> ` tloods or flaodiag.for which Lender c�eqaites it�urinoe.'�is irouraooe s1v11 be aaietained in tbe aneuets�dd fo�tLe petiodi
<br /> that Lefider crquins.'Tbe inwcaaoe carrter pmviding the insuianee sh�ll be cho�s bY���`�'�b.���'s appmval .
<br /> _ which shait not be un�aso�blY withheW. If Bortnwa fail�to maidain cov�ge descn'Ocd above.Le�ader may,_�t I.etdeT s ,
<br /> vption:obtain aor�enge to protect�.ender's rig8ts in thG Property ia a000���p�P�7: � .
<br /> All,incur�ae poiicies ad nenewais sWlt be acoeptable w I.ander a�d simU inclade a shndard moRS�e�ciause. Ireader
<br /> --- -- ` shaii bave tLe right to t�atd the�polit+es and�w�la.If[.�eder�•Bomawa sball pinmpilg Sive t4 Leoder a11 raxipts of ,
<br /> — paid p�mioms ud noewal aotias.ln tLe evmt of loss.Eoriower shill give pmmpt aotia w t6e 1nwr�oe c�rrier�rd Lender. •
<br /> �.e�m�y tnaloe proof of Ioss if riat mde p�umptiY bY Hormw�r•
<br /> Unless't.eader aod Borrower athecwise tgra jn writing,ia�ura_�pmoeeds sLall be applied W iestoration or tepair of tite =
<br /> _ _ . • prppeYty damrged,if tlie nstaation or repair is eouaomicalIY fdarble ud I�ender's sa�uiry is cwt la.4ened.If the�rstaation or .
<br /> repair is mt e�i�lY fe�'bla or Leoder's sewrity woald be lessa�ad,the insu:ance plvaoods st�U be ippiied to the sums
<br /> secun�d by Wis SeanritY Ia�nc.whr.t6er or uot tlm dua, with any excess paid to Bormwer: If Bormwer ab�ndoas tbe
<br /> __ Pmperty.or da.s aot aaswer within 3Q days a 6otiee fmm Le�tl�t tlie in�anoe c�rrltt 6tc offend w seul+e a elanm.�6en
<br /> ^�` l�ender may w1�Ct the insaranoe pm400ds. L�S may use tLe piooeed�9ia�epair ar nescone tt�e Pcopetty or to pry sueos
<br /> yt - � '•Y.. _
<br /> _- �(�y�$�[yi;t(tit(tvtrfe�r-'yY�'I�IC[C3r'f�Rt�SC.1 t�tiC-��iE���!��W��G 0�3C IS$IYCD. .
<br /> l�[1
<br /> � � Z,Th^uLSS �.tOdCd SDL�.$OfE4'�A'8I',`��-���$��'��f.C�ZtS�I Of QIOOOOG�S{Q j��&� L10��4�"
<br /> �I� �OSS�7pDC�Y1C�flatt8'�tLC,BL���Tl�S�fCt3�,20'3I1'���'.�0I�tb�.3�l�Of ,t�k.'� �, f
<br /> 'r ✓ ilt�t .`41:2�'�he_�pec�,is`acqm�br}�ccnder*�+o�t►wpa�'��1g����?Y��'F��������� �
<br /> .,j �� ; ��;t��F�`tcr•��Ci� . w a tii �.�f�e�is����acu�zc��a�u�[
<br /> �e��s#�aIl p�ss ta Le�d�r" xi�e
<br /> , ;t:.;:.; •�. ,
<br /> . .. .. .. :� . . '� , . .
<br /> . . . .., ,. . . ,
<br /> - � ia�iateTu pr�or td fhe acqui�-.:.; . _ , . ... :::°::: : .. .,.. � . .�. ... ;. . ;,,. . . . �
<br /> -• . .. .
<br /> • .. • , ., , .. I:awe.Fui�.
<br /> i.O�e6p�ncy,P�Sarratios,i�Fa�nadoe and Antactioe�+��ie�tep`a*y;aeti+i����•�n A'ppiir�o�e;.. .. .
<br /> Bonowic sball axupy.Gaablish,an��use tbe Piopeny as Bor�oWei's principal reside.nee wit�un sixty days after the p�edtion of �
<br /> qb
<br /> • '•.:�- ' this Securiry Inst�ument and shall oontinue to aawpy tt�e Pmperty as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year aRet
<br /> _ '�::-� the date of occupaney,uniess Lender othenvise agras in writing,which consait shall not be uncqsonably witt�heid.or nnless
<br /> �, �.t:n`, ..::'� extenuating circu�nstances ex�st which are beYord Borrower's oontrol. Borrowu stwll aot d�troy..dam�Ba of im�i� t�e-
<br /> :�,�;��-';+;'':::;;_ Property.allow the Property to deteriorate,or coaunit waste on the Propecty. Bom►wer shail6e in dePault if anyr forfeiture
<br /> . ��:.-,�_...i,:� �;'��• action or pmceed'mg,whether civil or criminal.is ixgun that in Lender's good faith judgnxnt could r�esuIt in fadeinit�e of the
<br /> �:,f '- ' Property or othecwise materiaqy impair the lien cmated by this Security Iastrvment or i.ender's savrity intercst.Borrowa may
<br /> ' `` �� � cure such a defauit and reinstate.as providod in paragraph 18.by causing the action or proceod'sng to be dismisseQ with a nilln8
<br /> ..����°' .; ;-,�: �,:.
<br /> �=..r�f._ 1:•.•-:- �•� that. in Lender's good f�ith determination.Prceludes farfctture of the Barrower's inteKSt in the Property or other rtuteria�
<br /> -r'°'��'' ��' �'' impaimxnt of the lien creatod by this Savrity Instrumetrt or l.endcr's socurity interest. Horruwer sfi�ll also be in default if
<br /> _:;:_:s:,`::-�,-� _ �� •� Bor�awer.during the loan application process.gave materially fatse or inaccurate information or statements to L.ender(or failed
<br /> :-_:��.: _: ... �o pravide L.ender with any muterial infarntatian)in connectiort wIth the loan evidencod by the NtNe.Inclndiag.lwt not limitod .
<br /> -- - ' - - to.representations wacerning Bormwer's occupancy of the PropeKy as a principal residence.If this Socurity Insuumem is on a
<br /> � � . leasehold. Borrower shall comply with all the provisions of the lease. If Borrower acquires fce title to the Froperty, the
<br /> � �. • leasehotd and the fee title shalf not merge unless l.ender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> ' • - 7.Protection of I.ender's Rigfits in the Prope�ty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements containod in
<br /> � ' this Secarity lnstrument.or there is a tegal praceeding that may signifcantly affect Lender's rights in the Property(such as a —
<br /> proetecling in banlcruptey,probate,for eondemnation or forFeiture or to enforce laws or regulauans),then Lender rnay do and _
<br /> � pay for ahatever is nece.csary to protecE the value of the Properry and l.ender's righu in the Property. I.ender's actions may . _
<br /> '•;�;;,1::.. include paying any sums socured by a liea which has priarry over this Security In�r¢ment, appearing in court, paying =
<br /> s cu
<br /> ;�11?;•;: ' -
<br /> reasanab!`s attomeys'fees and e�ter."ssg on the Praperty to r.:a.ce Tepairs.Although Lend�s�y take action under thi�s�ragraph _
<br /> _ _ .. ..,::�_: - .. 7.Len�sz�oes aot have to da so. • - =
<br /> � °'��''�''�� '�' Ary ar�nnnts c�s�ur�d �sy Lender under this paragrap:►7 shail beoo:ne add��^�al debt of Borrowec secure�'�y ttss =
<br /> • :'�{,.-;• ' � Se�ric�;Ins�rument.Unless Soa�ca2r and Lender agree to other terms of payment.iH.�se amounts shall bear interest frum the •�
<br /> ,:;�},,;.;?� date of disbursement at the Nate rate and shall be pay�hte_ with interest, upon notice from Lender ro Borrower requesting -
<br /> ; .'�,:1ti_;",;, ., ,, pa}:��t. . -
<br /> . I��.���1� _�...�_...:•
<br /> ?�*.�• • • •. • ' 8.Morfgage Insurnnce. If Lender requirad mort�e in'surance a�a candition of making the loan secured bf��:is Securiry .-
<br /> � • • instrument. Borrawer shaU pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage incurance in effect. if. for any reason, thc ' _
<br /> '�;,� '� � -,.�''�;+.�;'���; mortgage insurance coverage m,quired by Lender tapses or ceases to be in effect. Bonower shall pa} �.h:premiums required to _
<br /> - � ' !� ` ' obtain coverage substantial(y equivalent to the mortgage'sas�;rance previously in effect.»t a mst subs�antially equivalent to the _
<br /> '����`�^��•`•`���: '1' cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previousty in effect, from an altemate mor[gage in.surer approved by I.ender. If _
<br /> '�, �?'.,`<r",' •_ _
<br />� r .. : ._.. substantialiy equivalent mongage insurance coverage is not available,Barrower shall pay to�.ender each month a sum equal to _
<br /> • , . , one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage insurance�remium being paid by Borrawet when the insurance wverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> �"�' �`. • ,� be in effect.Lender will accepl,use and retain these Qayments as a loss re�e in lieu of mortgage insutance.•Loss reserve =
<br /> . ' r:;;';�. - Fam 3028 9/90
<br />„ ��� - '�
<br /> ^'t�'I''r,''.. Page 3 0►6
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