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<br /> s� ;� �
<br /> • r� ' 'T ..... ��. ..
<br /> C' c r -
<br /> , . . ..... ! ..
<br /> " " ' . . � -- - _�. ._—____..
<br /> : . � - _� -- c--- - -_—�__.. - --- -- - ----- ---. --�--��3 �.�.�i�i , _ -
<br /> '_ . . . � - at tlie of I:eodec.it'maetp�e iu�ur�noa oord��e(in t6e amorot ad ior 1t�alatiod <
<br /> ,Ph'mdn�s a�a7►a�Jon�et bF�qme�d. opion ur
<br /> t'Wt l�endar tapim)peo+'ided bY���PPN+�bY i�''��av�ila63e aod is cbqined.BpnvNer�W pp'
<br /> ° tbe pe�oioms toquired Go anipain�oetp�inac�oe in eFfect.ar ta y�vide a{ob re�eeire.uail lbe 1ro�ucmte�t fa atortp�e `
<br /> im�rmoe eods ia acaord�ce�viW my�rtiaas aacaaomt bet�rom Bormwa�nd�eader or�ppliable law. .
<br /> � !.L�pedbu.Le�det or it�agent msy m�te�om�bk eatriea upon aod iaapectio�of the P�ropaty.I.ender�lt,�re
<br /> � Homoveier antice at d�e time of or prior to ui iaspection�rezsoaabk cause.Cor the inspe�ttan. , , ,
<br /> 11.Carde�Mio�•'t'6e Pmoads of any awud or clajm for d�rnyses, dirbct or coasaqomtiai,m 000yneaia�.wit�►"a�►Y .
<br /> . coodemo�teon or otha takm,g of�Y Put of the�mpert�►,ar for oonvryanx ia lieu of oondemmtio�'�e het�el►y assi�or�d and
<br /> ;�s1u11 be paid to L,eader. : -
<br /> � In the event of a_conl talnng of tl�e.Pc�perty.We prooeeds sba�l6e appliad ta tLc saa�saotod 6y tWs SeceicY�wma�E,
<br /> w6ether or mt t6en due.with nny�acass paid w Borrowa.In tLe eve�of a partial tai�g of the Frnpeccy ia which the fuc
<br /> m�ticet value of tbe Pmputy immediatetY befon the takinS is a�ual w or gteater than d�e amoaat of the sams aocured by�is
<br /> Seauity tns�cummt inamnediauly befure the taluag,wdrss Borrowwer and I�dec otbetwi.se ag�e in writmg,t�siuns secuiod by '
<br /> this Socarity tnstma�eut shali be rcdoce�,bY tbe art�t of,the p�v000ds m�tiFliad by tLe foltowmg fraction: (a)the total
<br /> amamt of tfie sums sewir�immediatet��,�e t6e taking,divided.i�.tb)�the.fsiz�aciu,t.w,�af t6e Ptupaty immediaWy
<br /> ��;;#�efon the tainng.!►ny baTai�ce s1�aII 35��'i3�ta�'. Ia the ese�zr.•nf a��+ti�t�nag u�3Tte• ,�:;#x��vvLic,h tbe fair .
<br /> �.:�..:..... �
<br /> -;�inadca value of tbe Pc�apertg�Z�fiy.�iefoi���i'•rs�:is Ies.s�a.�c a�t�qf;2be•�ars:'sscsiiad��iss.�ely befone the
<br /> : . _. : .. .. ... .: -
<br /> t�in�,unless Bocmwer aad i�ead��rise ag�+ee ia writiag oe ur�kss;�pT�Ic;3�v���isava3r.sA::�`�kvoeeds sLail -
<br /> > �e agpliod t�a�e sums se�ned Cry t?i*s'S�airity Iustnuaeat whether cr�.not�hc�ums:�e dien�r�. ' " `
<br /> '` ' Ff t���vi�etty'is ab�doaat bg Hoirower,or if,after natia b�iidrider tti B�i�rower that tTic oonderoaor 6ffers w make an
<br />- �`..��siwand di;$e�:a claim for dur�ages.Borrowa fa�7s w respor�d�Lender v�rit&in 30 days aftet the date the natia is given,
<br /> - Lentter is a�iorized w copECt and appty the proceeds,at its uption,either to restor�tion or repair of the Pcnperty or to the sums
<br /> securod by dus Sav�ity Iactnunent,whdher or not then dae. ' , �
<br /> ' Unless t.mder and Bormwer otherwise agree in wriaug, any application of proaeds,to pdacipd sl�aU not extend or ,
<br /> _ . ,postpone the due date of the monWy payments referrod to in puagr�phs I ancl 2 ur ch�nge the unouM tif wch pymrnts.
<br /> 11.Bo�rawa Not Adea�ed;Foc6arance By 1.endn'Not a Waiver.Fxtehsion of the time for psymeat or modification
<br /> — of amortization of the sums savnd by this Savrlty Instrument granteQ by Lender to any succescsor in intercst af 9or�uwer shall
<br /> � , not operate to neleast tt�e liability of t!u original Borrower or Borrower's suaxssors in iaterest. Lendu shall rwt be requirod ta
<br /> - — wmmence proceediags agaitW any success�r in interest or oefuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amoAiration
<br /> " � r of the sums securod by this Securily instrument by r�son of any demand made by tbe origina! Borrowcr or�vrrowc�'s
<br /> _ _ successors in interest.'Any forbearance by I.ender in exercising any right or remedy shal!not be a wuiver af or precinde tha
<br />_ � eae�ise of any right ar trmedy. � ,
<br /> ' 1Z. S�xroessors snd Assigire Bound;loint aud Several LiAbiltty;Co-signers. 'Fhe covenants and agreements of this
<br /> ` ��'� Sxurity Inswment sha11 bind and 6enefit the succes.s�rs and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> • � � paragrapb 17. Borrower`s covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Horcower wt�o-co-sign��his Seturity
<br /> �s =,:�.'�' Instrument but does not ezecute the Nate: (a)is co-signing this Security Instniment only to moRgage. grant and oonvey that =--
<br /> :`��=`'�':•= Borrower's interest in the Praperiy under the terms of this Security Instrumenr.(b)is not personatly obfigated ta pay tfte sums - _
<br /> :t,-:':'�.:r-;; '.,m�...
<br /> A.��;;•„�.._r..'.� socured by this Sec�rity Instrument;and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agrae to e�ctend,madify.forbear or � ___
<br /> ��- �;_ -. �3 � " "^�
<br /> �� � - make any accammodations with regard to the terms of this Security Instrument or the Note withaut that Boaower s wnsent. � �
<br /> .�-.,,_��s . ,�:�-•.�. .
<br /> . .� . ''•� ' 13.I.o�a C6arges.If the luan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which seu mazimum toan charges. • "'+'::
<br />_ ~* � �.,:. and that law is finally interpreted so that the interest ar other loan charges callected or to be colleeteA in connaetion wit�li tl:e `��� �
<br /> 'tn:= s .... •'rK,t::.��.;..:::�.
<br /> - �;�C� 1' '.-° .'
<br /> :�_?!�::��r"� `���.�':» loan exceed the pecmitted limits.then: (a)any such toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necessary 4o veduce tt�e ci�atge . 3�i• ,: �. ; ,
<br /> • ,.�,i:"•"".�.�ti',�i,r•;'�: .•
<br /> :;;�?� , ;�;,;.,;t�, J to the pemaitted limit:and(b)any sums atready callecte3 fro:n Borrower which excerded pem-��limi�v wiff be refunded to •
<br /> _ iY'.'s� �:.s.��b;32f:i.f.:. �. 4.._.,'.
<br /> .;;-s-,;,..-E:,,,,,; , Sonower. a.ender may chaose to make this cefuttd by r���i�a tne principal awed under tFre i�ote or by making a direet
<br /> �`�`a�;'"3f� payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal: t�:e�r:.�uc�:on will be treated a� a d-c3i� a ent without�an �
<br /> --- �.,;.�•�-,:, P^=' 4�P S� Y
<br />- '•.. - ,e::;�.�n,:.�. � . ".�r�.
<br /> . .-.., .�. . ..,�.>:y;:�:: prepayment charge under the Natc. , • , �
<br /> ' ''l;r�°.:1'.; 14.Notic�.Any notice ta Bonoa•er provideL.fo�in this Securiry Instrument shatt be gizzn(ry delivering it or by mailing
<br /> . .r._: _•.. . . �.,•1.;e,:� .
<br /> ; �.�:. '%��•��:• ' it by first ctass mail unless applicabl�lav� requ"r:es dse of another method.The natice shall b�:di::cted to the Property Address
<br /> :,,:.,. .. e •:
<br /> t'��c� ' ' j��f;�� � •��.
<br /> � a�_^,- •.. �{��'•,F:,, or any oth�r address Borrower designaie4 by natice.ta Lender. Any natice to Lender shal2�be,given by firct class mail to � � ;�;
<br /> ti.° -'. .�tit)i'4C! J: . ."A•''�;.�.
<br /> ' l.ender's addres:�stated herein or any other address Lender designates by natice to Bnnower. Aay notice provided for in this � �:-_,
<br /> �: .- r.,: : . i:.;:�', ;.,�,:,�
<br /> ��', • Secutity Instrument slr.a]��Z deernecf ta�ave been given ta Borrower ar Lendcr when given as p;avided in this paragrupb. y;?�_ :'..,?�;:
<br /> `�' r= � ' 15.Gorerntng Lasv;;Severafi�lity. This Sa;.urity Instrument shall bc gavemed by fedcral law and the law of the ``'��''. �
<br /> � �4,-t'�•: ,_,� jarisdiction in which the Propery is located. In the event that�ny provisiun or clau+e af thcti Sccurity lnstrumcnt or the Note � � ' ��`
<br /> :i.` • wnflicts wath applicable law,sucFt car•.�:ct shall nnt affect other pmvisions of this Security tr;trument or the Note which ca.*,iw � ` � '
<br /> • r `� ' iven effect without the conflictin revision. T�this�enJ thc mvisions of thi�Securit incYrumcnt and ihe N�tc are dec�ared
<br /> S € r� P Y �: . ...-=:.
<br /> �•'":,`, ,3'.'� , to be severablo. • � _.
<br /> a�x^_:;: -, . . :..
<br /> �+��-•'^• � 16.Borrower's Copy.Honower shttlt be gr�e�one conformed copJ+of the Nate and of thih Secudty(nstrument. (
<br /> .*�. ' ' Fo�,ao2a s�so !.. �
<br /> :�� raqe e o�6 � . , i : _� ..
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