�-��.. .','::L� ' . � . ' ..`. _ 4 -
<br /> _ . . �} _�.l ....- -'_
<br /> ' _ . ;t - _ ' � —___
<br /> . . .." " "—_ '_' _ "__ —_"_—
<br /> _. _. ' _ _ _""— " _ _—__ —
<br /> _— .__ �_ � .. .T_�_.:__ ._�" . .. _ _ � . - -. -_ . -�— ...
<br /> .. _ •.l" .'r.. C . � " , . � .. . t . ` _�� .
<br /> `� � ,,p`�rmp�a.naay►.no ia�cr ee�qu4aa,at tbe.option of Lmdec.u mon�ina�ce save*+�e tin t6e amodnc.aat fa a�e ppeio�:
<br /> di�i I�eo�er reqYi�)po±!icf�ed bY an�o[�s�eo�►ed b�►lsader�a b°o°°x�avai4bk�aid iinbtaiaed.Borr�o+r�r�Il pa�t
<br /> ,tl�e pe�emiams c�quired oQ m�intaia mo�tpse inwr�ooe iq etFect,a w pro+�ida s las reiare.un�il the�eqvit�aneat fot�aorl�e
<br /> � it�+n�e ends in aceondauae whh my�rzittea qraement betvreen 8o�m�va aa�t Ixnder a applic�bk IaM. , > .
<br /> �r,�e�eta�.�Ler�der a i�s aga�.n,�y��k a�u;es u�:�d�ot�prapeay.[��.n�►ve : ,
<br /> ` Borcower noctQe�t et�e time of or qior so,us;�spectian specifY�t�6 seawo�bte eau�tor t6e i�pec�ion.i
<br /> lr Cosd�tlne.'i'he procaeds of aoy awaN or ct�tm for du�ges.direct or ca�entiai.in oanoxtion wit6 aay .
<br /> condemnation or ot6er tai�ing of�ny put of tbe P�opecty.or for ooaveyance in lieu,of oo�denu�tioe.uc Aerdiy aui8ne��nd ' �
<br /> . stu!!hc p�d to l,eada. � ., . � .�
<br /> t� ' in the eveat o�'a wtnt talcing af the Pmperty.the peeceeds s6aU 6e applied to the sums senu+ed by this Savrity Instrummt.
<br /> whetlKr ar ao�tba►�e.wiW any e�e�ts p�id ta 8ormwa..Ia the eveat of a partiai hking of t6e Propetty in which the fm
<br /> mazicet vaiae of the Property immodiacely�before the taking is equsl to or greaDer thm the armunt of the sums sewrod by this
<br /> • Sahuity lnsutiment immediately before the nking:uniess Borrower aod l.�der oMawist agire in writiug,ll�e sums secured Dy -
<br /> this Security Inshuaient st�l! be rtducpd by'the araount of the pmmeds mWdpliad by the following fixtiiau: (a)tix wtat
<br /> _ amoont of the sums secured immediat�ly befoie tl�e talnng.divided by(b)the fair muket value of the Fmperty immedi�tdy
<br /> beforc the tatring. My balanoe stiail be paid w Harmwet. In ihe everK of s�pactiai t�ng ot'the YroQetty in wfiich the f�ir
<br /> market value of the Properiy immodia�ety before the tating is less than the amount of tLe sums sxntai immodiatety befon the �
<br /> ,.inldng,unlesq Borrawer pnd Lendfr ot6eswise agree in writing ar wdass applicable iaw otberwis�provides.the pr000eds sli�li
<br /> _ be applied to the suias savnd by this Security Instrument whether or.mt the sums are then due,
<br /> � � If d�e Praperty is abaaioned by Bomower,or if,after potice ay Lendsr[o Borrower that tbe oo�demnor offers to maice an
<br /> .award or�ettte a ctaim.for damages; Bormwe�'�ails-t6�r+apond to Lentler�within 30 days after the d�te the aotia is giveR.
<br /> ' Leader is authorized to coltect and appiy tbe procePds,at its:optinn:ettltet w cesforation or aptir of the Pioperty ot to tl�e sum4
<br /> secund by this Sec�riry iaswmrn�wfiet6er or na slun dae. �.
<br /> Untess Lender arid Borrawer otherwise ag�ec in writing, aay zpplication of ptacaeds to principal s1�sU mt excmd ar
<br /> postpane the due date of the monthiY PaYments�eferref!to in paragtap6s 1 and 2 or change the amount of sw�t payamts.
<br /> , 11.Borrower Nat Released;F'ocbea�nce By L�Mec Not a Vf�aiver.Eatension of the ttme for payment or modification
<br /> of amortilation of the sums secured by this Se�urity Inswment granted by Lender to any sucoessor in inttnst of Bomower st�111
<br /> � not operate to ntease the liability of the original Borrower or Barrower's successors in inter�.u.Lender shall aot he rc4nitpd to -
<br /> _ _ ____ cortunence praceedings against any suaessor in intemst or refiue to extend time for payment or othenvise modify amoruration .
<br /> �'°"""""�-°°-� �of the sums secared hy this Security In.st:ument by reason of as�y demand made by the original Borrower or Bonaawer's
<br /> , �'�.,ccessors in interest.Any forbearanc�by Lender in exercising any right ar remedy shall not be a waiver of or preclude dte
<br /> � �i�rcise of any right or rerr[edy. . - •
<br /> ' 12. Successors 9nd t�g� Boundt aoiat and Seve�l Liability; Co3igaers..The cavenants and agreemenu of this
<br /> �,�.Securiry.Instrument shall.6iad and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and BorroWer, subject to the provisians of
<br /> ; aaragraph 17:-Bormwer's caven��ts arnl-agreemenis shall 6e joi� and several. Any Bonuwe� who co-signs this Security
<br /> � - �ment but does not e*c•a�;,::�the Note: (a) is m-signing this Security Insa¢rrc�t only to mortgage,grant and sAnvey that .-
<br /> � - �`�'�" Idorrower's inierest in the��a�uFtder the.tercnc�rr�Security.Instrume^�4��-?.y not personaliy obligated to pay the sums ,
<br /> `Y1�.:"�� , �
<br /> f),� �'n;:�='�::.�T`�; `� 5ecured by this Security Insu-W-ne-�::�.��s�l agrgestt:�.r•1L;.�de�arid 3.�y ottier����i:�may agree to extend,m�dify.forbear or
<br /> ' ��:�'_':'`��" '"''�" �� make arry accommodations w',th reg:���t�^���5�termc of c;t:s Sec�:rt�;8�,.�.�:m,ent ar t:�.lVote without that Bono�ce�'s conse�:. . �
<br /> '�€�`"y�'�'"~•°���s� 13,I,oan Charges.If the loan s�md by this Secer.ty i�.^�-i:at is subjec.t to a law whIch sets maaimum loan�s,
<br />' - ."�. :'• • ,.,::-,�.:;.. and that law is Gnally interpreted so thai the interesc c�s'�,��:er d���-:."narges colt�or to 6e collected in c�onnection wi�"�e
<br /> '�`"•,`'` ' '='�-;�;.�• loan eaceed the permitted limits,then:(a)any such �aar c;sarge shail bc reduced�+�.the amount necessaq+to reduce the charge
<br />" f:o4 +'."� -
<br /> ';�;;r��'�'-��' � 'to the permitted limit:and(b)airy suirit atready ca:.�rcee�fram Bonower which extt�eded permitted limiu w�6e refunded w
<br /> ���'�Y'�� :•.-��` � �Borrower. Lender may choose to r.t�c�w�is refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or b}� t:�aking a d�rect
<br /> I�-�.:`�,;.<"_,,i.J.t;�":.
<br /> y..�. :.�(.,_l. :..
<br /> ,• �.,. .,,-_.,-,;, `., payment to Borrower. lf a refund r�sses principal, the reduction wiU be trcated ati a panial prepay?Er.�^.,1 without any _
<br /> ,���<;,:•:•�:;:;��<�`�,. .
<br /> d t;;-,�.; ,..�.•;;,,�.,_>, prepayment fharge undertt;-z Piate. .
<br /> - �d L�'x''�d`� ��`%��`�` ' 14.Noticcs.An n����;a:-t'o Borrower mvided�t�r ia this Securit lnstrume�s�all be �ven b delive�r T or b mailin
<br /> '�� .,, .. . .r . Y P Y S Y ��'- Y � -
<br /> �,�s'��' ' ' `,`' `' it by first class mail untes.��plicable law requires 4se��f another methc�d.The n�a:x shall be directed to tfie Pr��erty Address
<br /> y��•��•� `'. `•�`.,.;`';�"�< or an other address Bo:�ower desi nates b• noticc co Lender. An natice ta Lender shall be ven b �r�t class rs�t tp ,
<br /> .�•.;;.,. ; �n;�;�: Y � ) Y S� Y '�.
<br /> •,'z�,F{};�,;::;:;,st' Lender's address statal herein ar any other address Lcnder desi��:.:s by noti<<c to Bonowcr. Any notice provided fcc�tr,��s _
<br /> ,,.,;�.;;.r,��,;; , .
<br /> _ r; .�:,,;r,•�,�� 5ecuriry lnstrument shall be deemed ta have been given ta Borrb•{��-�r Lende:�����ti given as provided in this paragraph_ .
<br /> �. `::'.f',;' ' I5.Goveming I.��r; Severabllity. This Secc;.c"rcy iastn::-:;:�:.tihall '�: r�-�e*ned by faferal law and the taw c�fhe �
<br /> =�'`�' , . ;srisdiction in which tt�c.�s3pCny is located. In the:�'�°t:-,at a.�z4 ^rovisiun c{c!M_7c��f this Security lnstrumeni or the�fote i
<br />' f��• . • canflicis ait[s applicab,�s3w,such cer���Te,-t shall not aif��ot}:er�:-rr.:�ions af this Sccurity Ir�tr�mcnt or the Nate which c�n(�ee - "
<br /> � '�''�'�`� � '''' � given effeez��ithout the conflicting pa��zy�ion. To this end the?:��:�:�ms of this Security (RUr:ment and the Nate are desl:3:r�i �
<br /> ;. ��.,w • . � . . . , ' :.
<br /> � :;i. -•. to be severabre: . .
<br /> � "�``:• �� � • 16.$orroaer's.G�w.Borrower shall be gice�',r;:,�oniormed�ropy of the Note and of thic Security Instmment.
<br /> '� �,.,., . _
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