�;� . �
<br /> _ •�:�; - ,.E _ z� =
<br /> a.
<br /> -- �. -
<br /> =�. . . :- - _ . . _ - � . �.
<br /> — .r . , - xy�
<br /> --- _ � _
<br /> ---_-_. _ _ -_ �,.�.� _--,-� . -_ , _ .-�_---- _ f ___ ..--- - ,��� - --.-�_
<br /> , 17.T,a..tar.c tie .r s seieAcl.i r.mtist i�terevwer.If.0 cr�uy p�rc o�tbe Propacy o�aep L.eroa'ie�t � � .
<br /> �u
<br /> is sold or uaasferad for ii�ieoenat ia Bormwer is soid or�ed aod�orio�ra is not a aWUrd pas�)�rdhoot
<br /> l.cnder s.prior writsen oanent.`Lealer mry.�t its option. m�NWn ��P�Y�in fidi of�14 sums �ac�ed by 8us` '
<br /> � Sewrity Irut�un�eat.l�o�►ever.this optioe sMIY not.6e e�cer�sed by i�ea�er if x�e is prolu'6�tad�ty fade�l!aw at of tlie d�e
<br /> oE t1�is Sacutity Imhument. � ' � � `
<br /> If t.ender exacises[his option,,Lttider sh�U give Borrorvej notice of aecele�tion.Tl�se naioe slnU provid��period of�at ' .
<br /> � less tlian`30 daxs ftom the d�te the notia�s detivei+ed or maitod within which Boaowa must piy ilt.sums sxa�ad iry t4is �
<br /> Secudty Insaumen�If Bormwer fails to pty these snn�s prior to the expir�tioa af this period,i�ender awy involce auy eem�odies .
<br /> Pe�mitted bY this Sec�uity Iaunm�nt withaut furtlkr aotioe oc demAM oa Horrower. . ,
<br /> 18. �oreo�►�'s Waht to itdmhta If BorrBwa moets cenaen eond':tions, Bomorerer sh�!! have the right-w have .
<br /> enfonxment of this Sxurity Ins�ument disoontinued at any tiaiep or ta the earlier of: (s)S days(or stxh otl�er period as
<br /> applicable law may specify for niasmtemeot}before s�1e of tbe PrO� petty pursaant to ury power of sale c�ined "m this ,
<br /> Serurity Inswment:or(b)eatry of a judgment eaforcing this Savrity Instnurrnc.T6ose c�oodidoas 9re tl�Brnmwer.(a?P�YS
<br /> _._ Lender al!sumc whic�tLen virou1d be doe utder this SecuritY l�une�and the Nflte ac if no�caleratioa had ocacur�+ed:@) .
<br /> � au+es acry default of any other oavenants ar ag�eements;(c)pays a!i expe�es iticnr�od in enforcing this Saaidty.lnsti+uuent,
<br /> ineluding.but not limited to,re,ason�ble attomeys'fas;and(d3 alces such actioa as Iead�er may n�sona6ly tnq�un to aswro �
<br /> _ tlr�t the lien of this 5ecurity Inurument,Leader's rig6ts in tLe Prope�ty add Bonower's obligation W paY t6e sums seaued by
<br /> - this Socurity 1�tnursa►t sdall oonEint��undiaaged. Upon reiostatemeot by Bormwer, this Saurity tashum�ent ud the
<br /> - - obligadons secared heieby shaU ceu�ain fully ett'ective as�f no aooelerat�oa had occvired.Nowever,d�is right to reirutate shall
<br /> , •, ncc applY en the case of acoelecatian tmder gardgraph 17: . ... , `
<br /> :.:,:t. I9.Sale a�Not� C6aage of LaMtr aervioa: 7't�e Nate ar a pariiat intecast i¢the LVote(toj�er with this Saatrity
<br />.-„�'' - Iasuame�)may fre soid one vF�re lime.s withwt prior notice to Bormwer.A sale mag res�tYE ia� .... m tl�e entiry{bfnwa `
<br /> _ �:"`� as the"Loan Servio�r")tl�at mitec:t�monthly.�nts due undet the l�tote ar�!ttu�5eaaa`t�: ' �; �lso may 6�on� :,:?`` �
<br /> 1':
<br />=_ �,:;,.�z%' 6r more cltanges of the Wan Secvue,r unrelated to a sale of the Note:fftl�e's a chartg,e,#i�i�:�aae��+icer,Baivwer w�7t be.- .`:�.
<br />::°. - .;:�:i. gi�enr written notice af the change'�acohidanae with paragr,�ph I4 a�wve a�t aQplic�Gle:I�rw`�e t�oti�wiU s�at�the t�ne aod ;t`:.r��'
<br />-''.�°�� °:;;'';�° addiess of the new#,.oan Secvicer apd the�s w which paym�.mu st�nuJt�.bt�; a�1so ..
<br /> �natice v�1 �aomain a�r otLer �
<br /> -- �;ti:. _, . _.• , .,;:•.�,
<br /> -`� °';i;:..;� infom�arionrequite�,!�y appGcable.Iaw. ,�,,.,�r:=;; � ,:;:;,��;• , . ' :��.:;,�;�:_
<br /> ..�:' :.`;t.'` ?A. flAZarddj�s So�tances.BorraweF.s�not cause or rinit ii�:i�ce�envc,�ise ciisposat. stoiage,or release of any:�y;::,::;�:
<br /> �' , , Haza}�dous Substauces oa dr ia tta� PropertY>�imawer s�1.4a do,.aoE allow aa�o,r�t else w do, anytf g affaKing�e'��:_,,
<br />_.. , .
<br /> Praperty that is in violaaon of ad;�'�nvirunmental Law.'fErt:'��eding two sentences�iid1Y.not apply to the presa�t�,.erse,or '
<br /> • ��� . � , stim„��'an tlie Property of srtuill qnantiries of Hazar+dous Shi�a�ces that are generalty'��a�nized to be appmpriaG�3�_�vranl.
<br /> _ r�s�al uses a�to mainten7nce of the Propertx. . ::::,-;s:;- , ,•�•.; . ' 1':'�� .
<br /> . y
<br /> �.r�3`orrower s}r.�,-�romptly give Lender written notiee�eL r�v mvestigation,cisim.de�and,tawsuit or other actiaa iry anyr •
<br /> � ,.`� '�' S r vi arncntal Law
<br /> - ental or tato e or rivate involv'`� t..e Pro and an HaraMous ubstance En m
<br />_ ,�--y.:: �:�`sn � *Y a8 �Y P P�Y � PeriY Y 4
<br /> _ -: `"�-.a`�•` ' �.i . :�usf'�:�Borrower has actual k�owtedge.If Borrower.lear,�;,s;_��is notified by any gqcemme�ital or tigulatory•�ty,that
<br /> �,-�� s�.� `';� .,:,:''�'<�";�val orother mmediati��+c}!'any Hazardaus Substa:Z�,#z-Fecting the Properry is.�.sary+,Borrower shall�i.�;3y talce
<br /> - - x,,�,;�,u �.^:�:�, " ,:, 2f1.�a.+�ry remedial actions"r:i ac.a�rdance with Envir+onmemal law. � - • .� .;:•:.;? . �
<br /> ��< -- ° . � • �, r � ��,t:sed in�us p�agrapit�'r"�'il,,"Hazardous Su6stances"are those subst3aces defi�ed as toxic or ha7ardous so�bx,,�•,:.;.
<br /> .'�x. . -
<br /> :�,:.::'�. ' :;•�:� ... Encm`:cnlental'G:ak`�d the foL�;ina substar�:es: gasoline. kerosene. '�.'�flamml6le or toxtc peaeteum prodocts tox�;_:`.�:;'�.z.
<br />. - - - ' ' . ' p�uc�and:t�ii:��a;r�es.voiati[e s�Iyems.a�t��ls containing asbestas ez.r�sii�aldehyde.and radioactive materuls.As osed�d>';':.:;-.'
<br /> "'`� �°.=}:,;._:: . this�iizz��iaPh Z(1��`'�nviroqm�.:,L'�:aa"�s federal taws and laws of tiie jurisdiction where the Property is lctiratra};�
<br /> ";, 13
<br /> -. =�%';,;�s., re(akYcsl�ealth.safety or en�ir�a-�r�rt�i proteciyof�. :'•.
<br /> , - � .�.f�;:,e_� . • 'NON-UNIFORM COVE:����i'L5:-8c+rro�•er and L.ender funher covenant and agree as fotdows: ���.:.�;`=.. :;;•;,. .
<br /> '`��"' ' 21.AcceleraHon;Remedtes:Lender�.give notice to Borrower prior to acceleration followit�Borrowe�'s��`�..
<br /> , : of any covenant or agreement in this Sa�ice�t�Instrument (but not p�ior to acoeleration ander p�r�ap6 17 ankss
<br /> • applicable law provide.s otherwise).The nai�a��;tiall specify: (a)the default;(b)the s�ctton required W care tLe ddadt;
<br />. � . .: -'. (c)a date.�iot t�s than 30 days irom the da�s:.�fe nottce is given to Bornnrrer,Dy whk6 the defanit must be cured;ant�
<br /> • �• ' (d)th�t tailure to cnre the defautt on or before the dat¢�eci8ed in the notice may resutt in accelet�tia�ot tht&wns�
<br /> . secured by this Security inctrument and sale ot the Pru�y.The notice shall turther inform Borrower ot tix rtght to
<br /> ' ' ' reinstate atter accetemtion and the right to bring a co�r¢actian to assert the nort-exictence oi a default or,ny other '
<br /> ' � detense o!Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the detault is not cured on or betore the date speeitted in the notke.
<br /> ' . ` I.ender. at its option,may requim immediate payment in full ai afi Suae�s!�ecured by tbis Security Iostrumeat without
<br /> � : � - ^����•'������� ��� furtfier demand and may invoke the power of sate and anF�other rc�i�r�f�s permitted by applicabie Iaw.l.mdet si�all be
<br /> i';-,.,'_�.
<br /> . •..��;.'�:•,,�,:r;.,,......_... entitted to coltect a11 expenses incurred in pursoing the n,�tx�ices provirte�in this para�aph 21.inctuding,but aot.timited
<br /> �. .�.�,;•t'it���',,,, . ' . ,. . � . ,
<br /> " '.;t,•}`�,` , to.reasona6tc attarneyc (ecs and casts ot titte evidence. . .
<br /> . II the pnwer oi sale ic invoked,Truttee shall rea�i:a noNce ot deiault in each county.im wttich any �uaC of tbe
<br /> • ' �. Pr�perty iti located and shall mail copicc oi such natice in the manner prescribeil by applicabte Gaw to Borrowet and to
<br /> .. i ' the other persans prescrihed by applicnble tau•.After the time required by applicable IaN,TrtrsY�e5faa11 give pu61k notke
<br /> ::�g'�� � , i af salc to ihc petsons.And in the manner prescrlhed by applicabte law.Trustee,aithout dem�nd a�Borroweri sMaU sdl
<br /> , �� ` �� �����:- �� tAe Propert�at public uuction to thc h9�h�st bidder at the r,ime and ptace and under the terms desi�ated 'm�:r�ir.tlotke ot .
<br /> ,�� - � , salc in onc�r more p�rcels and in any urder Trustee det�'tmines.Trustee may postpone sale ot a!!or aa�.�iiet�,oi the
<br /> �.�:,��� �� ' Property b� publi� announcement at the time and place of any pre�•Iously scheduled sale. Ixat�ec or its d�rc�may�;.•�.:•..; .•
<br /> �.` � , purchase the Property at vny sale. .
<br /> � . . . . .. _ .
<br /> . • � fam 302s 8/80
<br /> � ..
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