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<br /> � �.H�:r rr�b��.i.ra�e. Bomm�e.6�u 1�p itie jmpcov��mts m«► eaL�d�a�.h�nf�st+aceea m a�e � .
<br /> �P�'�Y_�����Y�•�i4cioded ovitbin the teim 'a�tt�ed oovtra�e'and a�'r ot�t l�i.�
<br /> • Itoods or t'loadin,f.for whid�I.aider t�eq6i�+es insurm�x.'IUis ir►guranoe sh�tli be m�irkaiqal in du ianounta wd.fa tl�e perfode
<br /> th�t Gender�qu�es.T1�e iasupr�c carrkr p�oviding the inwr�xc sh�il be ct�osen 6y Bomawer subjact to L.atder's approval
<br /> ' which slull not be ua�rasoeably vrithl►eld. U Borrowu fails�to rtnintain ooverage descn'bed a6ove..Lencler may.at L�adts's ,
<br /> optias.obtaiQ oovsiage W proteFt Irender's riaMs in tbe Fmpt�ty in a000�danoe with ptrsgraph 7. . - .
<br /> � Atl i�uanoe poticks and ienewats shall 6e accepca6te to L�ender su�d 's1yil inctude a standa�d aiostgage cta�se. f�aoder
<br /> sh�ll h�ve the rigt�t w hold We policies a�d renew�ts.If I,ender e�equues.$ou+nwer stnlf P�PU9 Bira to I.ender all reoe�pts of. �
<br /> . . �prenuurt�s ud i�axw�l natioes.In th�evenc of lass,Borrowa shall pre pmmpt no4iae to the ias�uu�airier aud Lender.
<br /> Lendet may m�ice ptao�of Iass if not made Pmmp1Y b3►Bormwa. . - �
<br /> Uatess Irnd�a 9nd Bomower odyawise ag�ne in wridng.insat�t�ce procmds sGaU be�lied w reswratioa or rep�ir af the
<br /> Ptoperty damaged,if the reswration or t�stir is aoaonuqily fasible uW Lebder's sowrity is not tessened.If t!��o�oe�or ,
<br /> repeir is not oconamic�lly feasibta or l�ender's sceorlty woold be lessened,tlie inwtanx pinoeeds sh�U be�ppl'�ad to tf�e wms
<br /> SOCtlI�I1jt tAL4 SCAIf'IiSf inctrnmr.�t� whether or 1�(ul then due.with 9uy tECaess paid W Hotrower. If Botiowet alia��odoas tbt
<br /> � Pmperty,or das iat answer within 30 dsys s notioe fmm i.ender thrt tbe inwrmwe curier has offaced w seule a cIaim.then
<br /> Irnder may collect the inwtanoe proceeds. i.ender may use the pcax�eods to npair or nsta�e the..PmPecey or 3a,�ey sums.
<br /> secured by�his securicy tasaumene,wt�aher or noc�bea due.Tde 30�day paiai will begin whea We no�ioc`i��iv�cu,`:;�;_:_�
<br /> _ Uaiess I.ender and Bormwer othecwise agree in writing, any application of pmoeeds f�.pr�i�cipal.-sbali�uot- ��d or
<br /> postpa�eie'#�e due date of the momhly paynwats refemed to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change ttie amount�f Hie pay�neiijs. If
<br /> under�,s�raph 21 du Pmperty is acquued by i.e�der;Borrower's right to aay iasurance�es and p�..:ruomd�;iiesulung•from
<br /> damage'�p the Pnoperty prior ta the acqttisition si�aq pass to Lernler to the cxtcot of the su�s:s�c{ued by tpIs-,Sa�ri�ytlnst�m�ent
<br /> inunedia�ely prior to tLe acquisitiou. , :;r�'.��''fi� _ �S,�,"
<br /> ,:�r.,�;'-_ -.���`" •��;
<br /> , ' 6.9,'�P��9+�atbn..Mf�inte�nce su►d Protection otthe PropM�Born►wei�s`i�n`�l�No�;:i�.
<br /> � i..1.['..�
<br /> Bortnv�r�Fia11 occupy,establish,�-�+�,se the Praperty as Ba��r s principzl residence.v�tit�a;sixty ttays aRe�^ttte: .n of '
<br /> . this Sei�-y�.�nsd�ament and sha��e to occupy the Fii3,pei3�,�s Borrower's prjnejgal;re�idence far ai least"�"';y�eqi'.aRer
<br /> tl�ee date of�cag�axYc�,r:a�iless, otherwise agcces in�v�iiing;�which a�eset�t•shall"niit-!'ig.uanasopab��r withhelt���,�oless
<br /> extenuatiag ci� exist ahich are beyotid Sorrower's contml;,,�armlv�r sha11``tliit dea�roY;`Q�apaBe or it�pair the
<br /> Property.allow the Fi�ipe�ty to deteriorate. or oommit waste od We Pc+apesty;BomnweY:sf�il,ba�iiC'�eS�dlt if aDy.;fnrfeitim �
<br /> � action or proceodiag,wheiher ci'<��r criminal.is begun that in Le�eM's gt�od faith jiritgu�lt coold i�stilt in faif,e"rtutic of the �
<br /> Froperty ar atberwise materialty'�r the lien created by this Security fnstc{�ntept or LciiJe'r's security interest.Soriopver may �
<br /> ;• cnre sach a default and tciastate,as provided ia pa�ag�apb 18,by ca�sipg thg;�on ar praceeding to be dismissed w'tifi a ruling
<br /> �` " that, in Lender's goa'd faith determinatIon, prectudes forfetture of the Bqri+awer's interest in the Ptgperty or ot6eT material
<br /> impairment of the ti'eii cieated by this Securiry Inmumeat or Gendec:'s�seqirity interest. Borrower shall�atso be in defaolt if
<br /> Boaower,during the loan applieation process.gave materiaUgfalse�Qr tti�qpti�te inform�tion or statemeats to Lender(or faited
<br /> . w p�rov'rde.i.ender with any tnaterial infom�ation)i�Sant�ectian e�ith'ttie lpan evldenced by the Note.inctuding,btri'dnt limited __ ___
<br /> �,•-,40,`r�s�itations aQaoeming Borrower's occupancy of the Pfcipgtiy-a���j�'rinaipal residence. If this Secucity iastruine►i�i&on a �
<br /> "'���IeNsehdli�;��orros�rer�halt comply with al! the provisioas of ihe lease:�,'If�oaower acquires fec tide to the Pro�rty, the
<br /> `..tr$�ei►otd az�i the fee.dite sfiail not merge unless L;ender agrees to the mergec in writing. =;•�' � � � =�.�
<br /> � '��7:,�'rotectian of Lender's Iti�ilts in the Ptoperty.If Bo;rower fails to perform the rnvenanu and�gcaeipents contained in
<br /> this�Security l�mument.or there�s'a legal prooeeding.that rday.signifrcandy affect Lender's rights la tlte Pinpeify�(sr�.?n as a
<br /> proceeding in bankruptcy,prabate:'for condecttnation ot furfeiture or to enforce laws or regutstions),th�n.E,ender'ma}do and =
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to protect thc vAlue.i�f the Property and Lender s righu in the Property.Leader's actions may
<br /> include paying any sums secared by a lien wbich'has�pt�fodty over this Security Instniment. appeacii�:n court. paying
<br /> reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Propedy to tttakc repairs.AIthough Lender may take action z�d:�t'hi�,paragraph __
<br /> 7.Lender does nt�t have to do so. -. • � � �
<br /> Any amounu disbursed by Lender under this paragraph ? shall become additionsl debt of Borrower ser,:��c!by this =
<br /> Security/nstrument. LTntess Borrower and l.ender agrec to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest fmm the -
<br /> date of disbursemenc at the Note rate and shaU be payable, with interess, upon notice from i.cnder rri�3orrower requesting -
<br /> payment. _-
<br /> 8.Mottgstge Insurance.lf L.ender required martgage insurance as a conditian af making the toan secured by this Seeurity ;�.
<br /> Instnunent. Borrawer shall pay the premiams reyuired to maintain the mortgage insursrnce in effect. If, for any reason, the ==
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage rcquired by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect,Borrawer shall pay the premiums requiretf to ;�
<br /> obtain coi�erage substantialty equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausly in effect,at a cost substantially equivatent to the -
<br /> , eost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by �.ender. if
<br /> su6scu��ally equivalent mortgage incurance coverage is not availabte. Borrower shall pay to Lender qch month a su��qual to
<br /> one-t-�+��tfth of the ycarly martgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when ihe insurance coverage lapsed ar�to �
<br /> 6e in effect.Lender will accept.use and retain tl�esc payments ac a los� reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> f«m 3o2e 9�so �
<br /> �-
<br /> Pog�3 0l 8 ,
<br /> �i.-
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