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<br /> � ` �L�.R' Wf,l'I'H all dje impoavana�ts norii pr f�ailter+cnected an d�e peopeety.�nd�I�.�.a�d .. :.� `
<br /> ` tismraG bptiv a � a PM of the pe+ope�tY- AZt repl�oemedt: aod additioos ifid! �isn be rnv+ettid.by dds Seairky ;
<br /> � �l11IIIG�.��0�1�G fOtEjO�lla IS lCfCtl�ld�b�.�'ill�hf�1111!!l�iS�IC r�r.
<br /> , ' �R���ro�1�N�t}�BO[[OWGf 15�iW�tl��j►SClSE�Of f�1t.Aii1C�Ilf�y.CaRY�O���S fhC l�j�(b��
<br /> ooevey.tNe Pmpe�ty and th�t t$e P�opKtY is una�cua�berod.except for�of�re.rooid.Bamwet w�rrmts ad wii[ . ,
<br /> defend ge�enlly tbe dtb w the Pmperty apintt all cl�ims�ad damnds,subjax to my encu�e:Dranoes og ce�a+d. � '
<br /> . , 71�I1S SECURTPY INSPRUMEI�IT aanbiaes�ifo�m oov�for tt�tioeal use ud,iwrt�unifocsn wve�nnts witA limite� .
<br /> vari�ions by jurtsdiction w mastiaue a aaiform seauity idurumeet cover�na ral poaperty. . ' � .
<br /> UEiiFORM COVEN/1NTS.Bartowa atd Leedet eovemot anil sg�ee as foltawa: � .
<br /> ' ' l._PMFme�t at Ydo�ipd�Lteies�Ptepqae�t aed 1.tte Ci�r�• 8orrower'slwtl promptty PoY aFfu�t�t the -
<br /> pRlrcipat oP and intarst on tbe debt tvidenced by the Nooe u�d�ni!p�Yr►x�nt�late chuges due undes the Nota
<br /> 2. Ebudr i'or Ta�ces asi Iawnnra Subjoct to applicabla Uw�r or to a written waiver by l.ender.Bortower shalt pay to:
<br /> � I�ender on the day�mnthly payments an doe unde,r the Note.until the Noit is p�ud in fut1.a sum f'Funds')for.(a}yprty tua
<br /> • and assessme�ts which mry attr�priarity flver this Sc�mrity tnso�wnent as a lien o�t�e Pinperty;@)yeu1Y�tasei�W PsY�s
<br /> or gmuid tenLc on tl�Property.if aay;(c)ya�iy h�rsrd or Pmp�+insu�noe Prem;nms:(d)Yc�rly tlood insurmoe peemiurre,
<br /> if my:(e)Y��y�E�B��i���•:if anp:atd(�anY sums Pa}'able by Homawu io Lender,in acaoa�dx�oe wid�
<br /> � tha pmvisions of�$,ia lieai of tiae paya�ent af martgage insnranc�pr.einiums.7liese items arc called'Escmw Ite�.•
<br /> Leader cmy.at any tiioie collecE a��olef Ft�ds in an anwunt not tar excee�the maaimum amount a leader for a faletally
<br /> nt�ted mortgage loon may�equice for.Borrower's escrow acmunt undes the fadertt R�l Fst�te Settlement Prorednt+es Act of
<br /> ' I9T4 as am�ded fcom 6me ta tttne. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 a seg.("RESFA"),nnless arwther law d�at applies to t6e Fwyds
<br /> sets a lesser arnount. If so.Lender may. at any time. cuAect and hotd Funds ia an amount not to exoeed the lesser amount.
<br /> � L.ender may estimue the amoant of Fwnds dae an the 6asis of camnc data aad rnsnna6ie estimates of expenditnns of fnRm .
<br /> `Escrow items or atherwise in aocoMance with applicable faw. �
<br /> ' 71�e Funds sh�1! be lieId ia an institatiort whose deposits az�iicsared by a faderal agency, insuumcntaliry. or entity
<br /> (including 1.eMer.if l.ender is such an iastitution)or in any Federal Hnme Loan Banic.Leadet shall apply tbe Funds to pay the
<br /> Escrow Iteras.i.ender may mt char�c BQrmviret for holdin$and applyiag the Funds.aanually an�tyzing the escnnw x�ount,or
<br /> � verifying tLe Eserow Items.unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Fuads ard applicable law pemnts Lender ta malie such
<br /> � a charge.However.LRnder maX requi:e Borroaer ta pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate tax rcponing servia
<br /> use� by Lender in connectioa with this toan, unless app�irable law provides otfienvise: UnIess an agreement is made or
<br /> a�pplicable taw requires interest to be paid:Lender shail riot be requited w pay Borrower any inte�st or eamings on the Funds. _
<br /> Sorrower and Lender znay agree in writing.however.that interest shall be paid on the Funds. l.ender shap give to Borrower. —
<br /> without charge. ar.�,azmt�!accounting of the Fu�is,showing crediu and debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> ddrit to the Fdnd�s;ucr�;s_miit�.The Fwids are pledged as additional security for ap sums sesured by this Securiry Inswmem.'
<br /> If[f�e Funds tiet�.��..,X:ai�3rrexceed the amounts permitted to be held by upplicable law.Lender shall accaunt to Borrower
<br /> _.. for the exc�ss Funds in aecaid�iiiit�e with the requirements of applicable law.If the amoant of the Funds held by Lender at any
<br /> , time is not suff cient to pay the Ese�aw Items when due.Lender may so nodfy Borrower in wriring.and,in such case Bomawer
<br /> - shall pay to Ixnder the amaunt necessary[o make up the desciency.Bomiwer shall make np�the deficiency in t�o mo�than __
<br /> - twetve monthly paym�ents.at Lender's w1e disccetion. —
<br /> Upon payment�in full of all sums secured by this Security instniiru��f:,'Lender sha11 prompuy cefund to Borrower any x-..
<br /> Funds held by Lender.If,under paragraph 21,Lender shall acquire or selP.i��t Praperty,Li:uder,prior to the acquisition or sate I�"`G:
<br /> of the Property. shall apply any Funds hetd by Lender at the time of acq�s:av��or sate�as s credit against the sums secured by -J�:`
<br /> this Security Isistrument. ,
<br /> 3.Applicadan oi Payments.Unless applicablc law pravides othern:s;.,aPl payments received by l.ender under paragaphs ��
<br /> 1 and 2 shall 6e appiied:first,to any prepayment charges due under the Nate;secand,to amounts payable under paragraph 2; °�`
<br /> tlis�t,to interest due:four�Er_¢�Qimtcipal due:and last,to arey late chargcs due under the Note. -
<br /> �:�harges;Liens.Borro�ver shall pay all taxes.a«:.}ssments.chaxgac. fines and impositians attributable to the Property
<br /> " wbich may attain pdoriry mer ttiis Securuy Y�astrument.and leatiehold pas�ents or ground rents, if any. Borrower shall pay --
<br /> • these obligations in the manner provided in�ar•�raph 2.or if not paid'rn t�hat'manner.Barrower shall pay them on time directly ' "
<br /> �� to t!te person owed payment.Bonower shall pramptly fumi�h to Lender a11 notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph. �
<br /> If 8&�rrower makes these payments directly,Bonower shall pmmptly furnitih ta l.ender receipts evidencing the payraents.
<br /> '.Bonower shall promptly discharge any lien which hav priarity aver this Security In�trument unless Barrower:la)agrees in ,, .,r
<br /> writiag to the payment of the obligation secured by.the lien in a manner acceptabte to Lender:(b)mntests in good Paith the lien ••�::;�
<br /> • , by. or defends against enfarcement of the�:�,+, in, legal prnceedings �hicfl in qie Lender's apinion operate to prevent the ,�, .:
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c>secures fn�cn jaa:l';�lder of thc lien an ab�mcnt satisfactnry to l.ender subordinating thc lien to
<br /> , thl�Security lnsttument. If Lend�'duernriiit�Qt�t an}� �,�fif the Pruperty is�ubject tc�u licn which may attnin griority over ' �t`?
<br /> ,•:.>;
<br /> thi��w:urity Instrument, 1.enJez�iiay g'sbe l�arr�we�a�r:�:;��e�:mifying the lieo. Borrower shall satisfy!he lien�:�s c�;2u:one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth abo��e withirt t0 d:;�;ef tk,-:r,�t�n��'of notice. , � '
<br /> , , i�nora�L'i2S.9i90 . �,.. .
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