. . � ' ' �.r. -
<br />_ . -f. ' - -. �____ . � � • '��-.
<br /> , � ` ` . , , � ` . ' � . , , ��.09C#1 . . . _ .
<br /> ' oonde�ort oE abd��aluna of aay p�rc o�d�c Pwperty.or fqs canv�yaooe w ueu vf�onde�aaoe..arie na�eby aui�riea.�a .
<br /> c6all be pud tot.eader. . . `
<br /> � �Ia tlje event of a totnl t�inog of the Pmpetty,the pinceeds s6aD 6�e applied tb d�e�ums aauted 6y d�Is Secur�ty .
<br /> ' Ins4waau.w7xtiror or aot t1�d►due;with any ex�cess pud ta Samwes Tn tQe eva�`t of a,p�tti�l t�f�of the Propaty in.
<br /> � wt�ich t6e fiir muket value of the Ptupe�ty immt�edy befae U�Wring is equal to or gre�ter th�n.the amount d d1e eums .
<br /> . - aecinod by t6ia Sceutiry Inivumeat immtdiately before tde hiting,untess Barnwer anid l.ender aAeiwise spte in writint.
<br /> � . the sums soc�u�ed by t6is Security Instrumeat shaU be rtduoed by the amount of We proc�eeds muttipliad D�r the fdiowinj ,
<br /> 'fractioa: (a)die totat s�n�nt of d�sams sec�u�ed.irrni�ed'uueTy before tl�a winng.divided by(b)tt�fiir marlcet vatiie�f thc . ,
<br /> PtopertY ss�i�tY befae tl�t�&� AnY bataape si�att be paid to Boeowcr.. Itr the eva�t of�a�ti�l takinj of the� .
<br /> Pt�operty in wbich dde fair marlcet valae af the Pcvperty imareJiately befae�e taldng es less duut the ianount of ttie sums
<br /> � ��f - _�_•�-agr"a�g���s�lc-�t,—__
<br /> o�wlse proviaes,t6e�noca�ds s6au be;."�:;- .w tbe sums securoa Hy tlus secur;cy u�swment w[ktber or na the swns ue •
<br /> tbeadu� _ ' - •
<br /> If t6e Pkop�t�,is aba�doi�ed bl►BariiRCer;or's�after notice by t,.ender to Borrnwer thu tde ca�demnot ot�ers w m�ke
<br /> aa awand or sei�a i clai�fo,�t:d�nages;Boimvir�er fa�s iii'�nd:tu:����der within 30 days afta the d�te tix notica is given. •.
<br /> L�der is authoriud w c�olla�aud appl�the piaeeeds;��ts:optioa;eimer to nsto�atioa a.repair of the Fmperty or ta the �
<br /> si�qns secut+ed 6�r this Seciuity Iasuwn�t,whetherflrc�aEttia�due.:;`:;;;::: _
<br /> �>.'UNess Lerider and Barower othezwiqe agri�ia,��utmg,aa�y�appticxtion of pocoeds ta principal sh�ll oot extead ar
<br /> pnstpo�the ee�date af the montLtS+PaYm�nts.refe.md w.m�azagiapii���and 2 or change the smonnt of such paymeats.
<br /> iL Bore!e!xq�.Not RdanM; Forbp�ranoe BF,I�d� Nat a Wsiver. Exunsion of the time for p�ymeat a �
<br /> madifiCetioa t��OR�the smns se�uted by'tLs'.�S�cifcity inctn,m'nt��ted by.Lende[tn auy sucCessor in intCCes[
<br /> of Bosower sitaII�iiot ap�c_to�ekase the liabilit}�o�t�e arigir�al Borruwer or Bottower's s�acessors in inte►�est.Leader •
<br /> s1�aA not 6e�ie�to.v6d�a�ce Frocoedin&s aSaii�t.�sucaessoi�;in iaten5t or refuse to extend time far paymeni or .
<br /> ' otherw�se mo���aaf�ofthe sam's secprrd 6y ttfis'�i�siry tnsaYiQrient by nasan af a�ry damacd made by the originAl ,
<br /> Barower or�as�vwer's s�coessais in intc�cs�t.'.Aay forbearrnce by L�eci3cr in exercising any right or nmedy sl�alt not be a
<br /> . waiver of or pn�I�ie tha ez�ist of any rig�t or nemedy. .
<br /> 12. Suocessai�s an�!A�s�riv Bound;.tdnt wid Several I.iability;Co-signers. The coveaants and ag�rements of this
<br /> Security L�.sdumtnt shaA�uid ai�benefit the successurs and assigns of Lender and Borrawer.subject to the pmvisions of
<br /> . para�-iph 17.B�rower�s cuvEnants and agceea�enu shaU be joint add sevecal.Any Bannwa who eo-sigas this Sxurity
<br /> bastrumeat bat�aes not exectite the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to morigage.grant and convey thai
<br /> Bomnwet's int�i�st ia the�cuperty under the umis of this Security Insnumen� (b)is not peisonally obligated to pay the sums
<br /> - secuted by ti�s�eeurity Insuumeat;and(c)agrees that Lender and�nY other Bomower may'agree w eaterid,modify,forbear
<br /> or maice any acoommadatior�.with regard to the terms af this Security U�swment or the Nae'without that Borrower's
<br /> � cc�.'sea� . .
<br /> l3. LoAn Cbar,�ea �i£the loan secured by this S�itjr Insuument is subject to a law which sets maximum toan
<br /> charges.and that law�s fiaaliy interpr�eted so that the intemst or other'Raan charges collected or to be wpected in connection .
<br /> with the loan ez�ed she�mitted limits,then: (a}acijr such loan char�e�hall 1+e secb�ced by.the am�wnt necersary_to neduce------- -
<br /> tlie charge ta tfie peimitted ti�ni�and(b}ang so�ns already callected fro�i Bozsva+et which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> reftwded to Botrower. Ler,dermay choase to make this refund by redueeag the princ�gal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> Quiect paymtm to Borrower. ff a tefimd mdaces principal,the reduction wiil be treated as a partia!pcepayme�rt witfiout any
<br />' pcepayment charge under the Note. •
<br /> 14. Natices. My noGce to Borrowzr provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by
<br /> mailing it by t3rsE class mail untess applicable taw requires use of another method.The notice sdall be directed to the Praperty
<br />' Address ot any other address Bormwer designates by notice to Lender. Any norice to Lender shall be given by Grst class
<br /> mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender designates by notice to Borrower. My notice provided far
<br /> in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> paragrapb.
<br /> l5. Governtog I.aw; Severability. This Security lnstrument sttatl be govemed by federal law and the taw of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which tlie Ptoperty is locateb tn the even[that any Qroviss"u:�or clause of this Security Instrument or the Note. _
<br /> wnflicts with appGcabte law.such contlict sf�alI not affect other provisions aF this Security Instrument or the IVote which can
<br /> be given effect without the conflicting provisioa 'i'o thiy end tfie pror.�isions of this Secutity lnstrument and the Note are -
<br /> declared to be severable.
<br /> 16. $oRawer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one confom�ed copy of the tioce and of this Secarity Instrument. =
<br /> 17. 7Fansferot the Property or a Beneflcial Interest in Borroaer. [f att or any'part of the Property or any intcrest in _
<br /> it is sold or trans�emed(ar if a beneficial interest in Borrower is sold or tran�ferred and Borrower is not u natural person)
<br /> without Lender's prior written consent,Lender may.at i�ti option.reyuire imm.ed"ra:e payment in full oi all sums secured by --
<br /> this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not be exercised by Lendcr if exere"sse is prohibited by federal 1aw as of �
<br /> the date of this 3ecurity Insmcsnent. •
<br /> If Lender eaercises this oprion.Lender shall give Borrower natice of acceleration. The notice shaU provide a period of -
<br /> not less than 30 days from the date the notice iti delivered ar mailed,within which Borrowcr.must pay oll sums secured by this
<br /> Securiry Instrumen� tf Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period. Lender may invoke any
<br /> rettkdies petmitted by this Securiry Instrument without funher notice or demand on 8orrower.
<br /> 18. Borrower's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower mects certain conditior.s. Barrowcr shall havc the right to have
<br /> , er�farement of this Security Instrume►►t discontirtucd at any time prior to the earlier ot: (a)S days(or such other period a�
<br /> Siagle Family-Faenie ylae/FreAdie�fx l:�IFURSI/�STRI-MF.�T-•Unifortn Covrnanl.v'9/90 Ipuge4�,1h po.qe�!
<br /> , .
<br /> .
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