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T`� , � <br /> _ <br /> �f�,�r ,4 Tx� . <br /> —"' _: . ' "' "' . - ` • . . ` c. '. i���,'".,.:^r'::'?�2i'�:'t •fF.�,..`z,�.:,i.c <br /> . , � . � �.',.- 'wPa. ..•.. •�.�I�_„�,,,: '..�c;-:�,.�,.�!i <br /> � , . • .� . ,�.,�,:t:.��'•- ' �. . . —' <br /> ' V� < lill�''�i��.��y�,y/�.���`y : (.11l. �� �.:.;,"V��`� r�,..:,,t��',T` <br /> � �� �'T'J l�ww �/��� '��.���.�.�.�.� ' <br /> � 5ecu�i[y�a(b)eatrY o�a jn00aa�t aiRor�i��tliis�ity ta�wna�t. Tbae 000ditloos lme� �: ,(a),_ .�;.�;�" <br /> ��•' -,v�,� <br /> .. ��.ada�li am���m w�id be Q�e�de�r tMiit ���an�tbe No�a���:�:-�: :` . <br /> - cnc�at;{b)au�esanydefiwUoo�taayodueoore�aipeah s.h�eMs'te)p► al[�pareainc�aed9nmfal�:t�rst°�tjr, . <br /> �.iqcludi�.hut not li�eited 10.ewoa6k�MOn�►s•tee�:aod�dl tates wcb utia�►as `�r;�i�s€!i�1y •. .,:, <br /> �eqaieo to�s�e dnt tbe i�ea oEi6it Sec�pitp la�ue�eet.t.enderis ci�Ms ie die Propaty aud Baeowa'3L�t„��b �. ,d�a;_ •';:.. <br /> _aa�} �ecurod tyy �ds Seeuriry temna�nr seW caettuue �e�e�. Upen�ea�ea�e hY�Bcr�`,;;��;�� : ��: � <br /> Tt�t�nd 16e oWiptioas secuird baelry si�11�in tu1ly eReftive iu if eo soala�iien had accve;�?:iia�y!�rY tbns-;i �"'_ <br /> tyAt tarairwuMe�Yl!ao�t�ppiy m tbe c�ie cof�aoaleiatim nvn�der p�rasrapA 1T}�. � v .,:'y�;•�=�::.::,. ,:,` : _.>>�>.� � <br /> T3 Y , <br /> � �����j���Rl.� �1�Y�����IIRC[�ii�m�1R/K��.'���•i+��� • <br /> _ ��.�►�-�_.+►���imt.��e����ia�o Hato�er. A_�ie maq tauit m_ai�ogem�tl�.entrt�.....,��:.,'._ <br /> V.^ (Iraa+r�a�.t6e'Iroirt Sarkw"}16at aotle�ts moelidy paymeats du�uder the Not and deis Sec�ity Ia�idi�t.:3'4lt+�atsis,:���:.:;'t:•,— <br /> ..• ;_:;.• <br /> . =,; mty 6e aoc a mae cbtaae�`of tbe Savicer muiel�ed b a s�le af Hie Nate. if djae is a chaaae a����:o�ii�Seic�!�:;�l�i�::�.,.. <br /> '";•' Ba�mwa�n71 be ti'ven yviriqea notice of the c�n�e la sooa�dinoe wiTh ppqraph 14�bova•aud appliix�e'�av�:,'�ie`��=`:';:'.:: <br /> �;`::will stato We n�me�od addt�eu o€tbe ne�r Lp�n Servicd aiad the�ddrt�s to wl�ich pay�r�ents dwuld be m�de�;:��:���-`,•''::;�:::; <br /> � - �tso ca�in my atlier inform�tioo zo4uinod bY applicabk vr�► � ` , � ' <br /> ��Zl: 9sardort 5�befs�ee� Bormwer s6�U dot catue or permit the peseaoe.uae.disposal.sta�a8e��ii�e�se�€��i : '. <br /> ,,.�iaz�t+�oas Subs�snces oa ot ia'tde Piopd�ty. Bott+owet sb�ll tat d0.nac�Itow aayoae�eite to do.anyW�op��g 3fi�e::�:.,;,,<,',,.�.;::° <br /> �that is•in violatian of any F�vimome�l tiw. 'ibe p�two seotences sh�ll mt apply to the�la�,�� ?_ ,{-; <br /> ;.s�iir�ge on the P�npaty of sm�i�qwiatities of Razacda�s Subatsncea dat�t�e.EenenUY eieoo�nized to be appm�t���:;;:���;;:�.�. <br /> -:;?;;;�iesideowi uses and to m�inten�oce of the FnopeatY• r:,;::'.=;'-;:'=`+_1�;::;'-�`;. <br /> '�":::" �'a�P�P�Y H�re l.ader writGa�not�ce of my investigatian,claim.danand,lawwli or other octiu4i�.�;;:,:;'-:_�::,.;�.� <br /> ::��-:$ovemmental or iegnlatory sgeacy or privak p�ty invotving the Ptoqecty�nd�ty Huardous Substaace or Ei+vciu.�:-�.°s;::;;::;�;::' <br /> - '�'-� af wHich Barower has actwt knawledge. If Bonower is notif'ted bY�Y 8�'� �`�;;;;;;'=';::;'' <br /> �";wdarity,th�t arly nmoval a�otber remedisdao of�ey H�za�duus Substsnoe affectinj,the Pbperty is aeoess�ry;:H,ai��i4�:';:�.:;;,';�;.`:� <br /> ����P�P�Y talce�Il.neoassary remediat actians ia aecard��e with F�viraemed�!Law. .�,� <br /> . �?i,�, �.., •,,.'="� "`..:.�.,t�.:.=.. ` <br /> _ As nsed in thls parAgraph 20,"H�zardous Substu�es"at�e tlase subst�t�oes defined u toxic a haT�rdous snbsc�?�Y.:':::�,-:�:;.;;. <br /> ;EnvironmrnW Ls►w and tl�following substuxxs: guolira.kerosene.od�a fl�nmable or to�ic petrolawn pmdu�:ras�.�::,::;�:i�...::; <br /> .;.:.:,��and f�bicides.vW�tite solvmts.m�terials coivaining as6estas a foansWehyde.siod r�dio�scHve materi�l.�:`,�=:..:'.. .-.:-�;: <br /> ;�.us4d in this puagrapl�20,"Envim�nental Iaw"n�ns fedecal laws and laws of t6e juris�caon whene the Ifiuperty is:�a"t� ... :;..'=°;:': <br />�t iel�te to a envitonmeatal protection. . - • <br /> :'�-��•. . . ::i�1QN-UNIFORM CQVENANTS. Bomower�nd Leeder funtier covetuuit wtd agree u foUows: `:�:. : :: . :-°:='�;: <br /> �i:.Atxekntioa;Remedlea Lender sbW Rive�Mice to Borenwer prbr to.acalerallo�tdlo�vie�Borro�re"�.' ;"". : :.:: <br /> `` �+a�.daua coveasnt or a=ra�ment ia thls Saurity Imtrament(bat�ot prior to acceler�tio�aoder i�. ::. :,:.;.:: <br /> P��: <br /> °. �rksc a�iira�+te.�a.v provWes a�berw&e). The noNoe e*s11�peciry: ts)ae detsrk:(b)�re sc�lo.reqYind a c�re�e ,` . : .� <br /> ddsitE;fc���la1e:'iiiut tess t6as 30 dsy�trom tie date t�e�otia ts=iva W sorrower,6y wik�tre defadt�ast be,.:.._. . _: `, <br /> � . . .�;�i�jd�ti�tf�ure to care t4e default on or betore N�e dste spaifkd b1 tbe�otke�sy nsYlt b socdtratios at :;:,'. :. .,:,� <br /> - --�--�esa�i���ip f�s Saurit!i�fsume�-�aed-s�e�"tTieF—i+�e�rt�-'1'6e�otke e1qM hrtMer-i�rfan��Hcrraw�aP ;',%.;,-:�:_:.: <br /> thc ri�t.ta r+ei�te aite'r accekratba aad tbe ri=6t to bNn=a court action to�eert the aon-�x�steace of a defwk or <br /> - `. �aq WMec i�efesse of 8orrower to sc�eratja�aad sata If the default b not ttitred an ar befare die dste specified in -. <br /> '. tLe na�tie�'f.ead'e�ra�3ts optbn may require immediate payment In full otdl sums eecared by this Securit'Ia�trumeat <br /> �. witl�t lurther deewnd and nwy invoke the power o�sak and any ather remedies permittM 6y spplicsbk law. <br /> L�et s4sll be entitkd to oolleci all eapenses incurred in parsuing the remedks provided in th[s puagraph 21, � <br /> , indadi�g,but not llmited to,reasonabk attorneys'fees and costs ot titk evidence. . <br /> •. 'It1be power of sAk is iavoked,7lrusta shall record a notke ot de�iutt io each county in wAkh aay psrt ot tbe <br /> Fnoperty ls la�ated and shall m�oopks�of sach aotice to the manner prescrlbed by applicabk law to Barrower aed to . <br /> t6e otber person�prescribed bF applicabfe!aw Atter the 8me required by applkabk bw,7lrastee ahaU�ivs pubUc <br /> notice o!sak to tTx persoos aad"u�#6e anannec prescribed 6y applkabk law 'llrustee.without demaeA on Borrmrer, <br /> slu�sdl the Prope�ty at puDlic andion ta#be highest bidder at t6e ttme and ptaa onA under the tereia desigeated tn <br /> the natke of sale In one or more parcels and in any order 7irustee determines. 'llrustee may po'stpone sak o�a0 or any <br /> , paroe!d'the Property 6y pnD1'ic annooncement at the time and place otany previously schedukd sak. l.tnder or its � - <br /> ��Y P�the Property�t any sale. • <br /> Upon reeeipt o��ayment o�the price bid,7lrustce sh�tl deliver to t6e purchaser 7lrusta'k Aeed conveying the <br /> Property. T6e rec�tals in the Trustee's deed sha116e prima tacie evtdence of the truth of Ihe st�temen�4 nwde thereie. '. <br /> : 71�tee s�all appty�t�roceeds ot the sale in the tollowing order. (a)to All casts and expense!i a�f exe�clsinR tbe poxer <br /> , << <br /> � Yurn��2M 9e'1N 1/q�.Ke 1„Jnp��e.+► � <br /> ' • o: <br /> ' • . k. <br /> .. ... �...._.._ _"_'"...____�....,._.... .'-".-_-"_. r <br /> 1- ;, '{/y, �` � �, <br /> - - .'+�+�y',`�'��;�"'�"(��`�:` _� �- - -- � <br /> 4 ��- -�"y�`"�', �—"`rc''iY. - '3.i.�i�...`��``��..-�� - <br /> -_•"L%�ft�LY�l��� �x 1. T ' " . - � . . • . .•� -. .. 1 = .. . . , . <br /> -^�a� .-1- . . .. ..}.1... . . ... . . � ' ' . ' .L-�_:_��.i.Tl:.�`�..�,__. - .. . . . - .. '.. <br />