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<br /> -- , , ... - • _ ----
<br /> � . ,� .. - �--
<br /> :__ _ —- ^_--• � - -
<br /> _-�- `—,��_— ,. _ _ .: — - -- -...- -- _--
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<br /> ; � penuds 8nt Iander,tequi�a. Tl�e iow�r�e canier pioridioa tbe a�n�oe a6�U be cho�ae b�r Bono�Yer�6ject to l.e�iderl�.
<br /> ' appco4ai which�nU naabe�md�om�biy wid�hefd. If Ba�ro�er Lih m miinhie c�aveta�e deace'bed�o�.Leader a�ty,at' . .
<br /> � � � I.euderts optiat,oM�in oo�vecsae to p+coect I.etider�s riglKs hr d�e Ptopet`ty w acco�d�da witb pstsp�pb 7. <
<br /> : Att inwnoce poticies atd�wais ahil!6e aooeptabie to Leader and aLall inciade�stmdacd mo�tE,�e cl�se. I.eades
<br /> • s6�il ha�e ti�e dght to'boW tbe policie�`sod:enearaLs. tf I.end�er ieqirins.Boaowa�1!P�P�Y E�a w I�eader all toceipa :
<br /> � of paid'pcenhimns atd tmewal mtices. In th�ev�t of tass,Bmvwer shall pve pompt notice�n the msaraoioe carier�d
<br /> • �,eadec I.ender aisy mai�e p�oof a�f bss if not made praaoptly by Bo�rer. .
<br /> ; � Ualess l.eaderand�aarovva othdtiv�sc sgroe ia�r�mg,�praaeds sh�lt�appiia!ta neataatiwa or tep�ir af - -
<br /> 'the PtQpaty danoiged, if tlu iestocuion a iepair is ocoeomially fau'ble aad Leader's securi'ry,es not ksseaed tf the
<br /> . . �ssoonfiao�ar ie�a'v is mt econamicaily fas3le ar Lender�s soc�ait�r wauW be 1�ssea�d.d�e insuraoce pcviceeds ahaD bd
<br /> - r:
<br /> ---aQplud-tb-the-smas securqd bY ttis 5ecuritY iashumm�whether or not thw dn�.'vrith any excess paid m Borcoarer. 1f
<br /> _ , owa 3t�t�e�Ptope�ty.ordoesnot�s�ver withia 30 dsys -`- - - - -mti�ce=c�i�:�- -
<br /> offe:ed m satle a olaim,ti�I.endec mry collect We i�naoce ptuoeeds. lrender mry use the pmceals to np�ir or eesmce ,
<br /> th�Ropeny or w psy sums s�by mis sec�itg Insnumeat,wheti�er or ax men ao� The 3o�aiy periaa w�l e�egin wbetr
<br /> �• th�notice is given. �
<br /> L Unkss LeiWer aad Barowa otherwise agroe in writing,anY applicuion of p�oceeds to priacipal shaU r�ot extand or
<br /> � � -. postpone the due datc a�€8�e�omhlY P�Y��nfernd tn in pang�agU.e 1 an�i 2 or chsnge t6e amount of the pzyments. ff �
<br /> w�aer p�agraph 21 ti��Plonpatq is xqai�ed by I.enda;Eo�rawer�s rignc to�my ins�noe poiic;es�a pmaeeds re�ldns
<br /> fro4n damage to t�e Ptop¢rty prior m the acq�shall pass to LendGr to the eumt of the s�mos secu�+ed by t6is Socurit}+
<br /> -- inst:�eQt immedia�eiy piior to the.acquisitiaa.
<br /> _ 6. (kcop�cg Rwetratioo, Mai�teaaroe a6d Prob�eeUoe at the Praperty, Bars�a�es�'s I.o� Appliatioa;
<br /> I.easeholds Baa�uwer�att.occapy.establisit:and u�e�e Fiopertg as Boimwer�prit�cipa��s'idasoe wirhin sn�ty d�ys after . .
<br /> tbc execuuaa of ti�is S�ci}ri�.y L�sddunent andsball�om�e to occupy the P�operty as Boauwer��ir�,l res�ida�x for at
<br /> � teuE � year aftea:t3�e�;.£a0e of aacup�ncyr. unta:ss l.e.nder;aheiwise agroes in.writingt v��.�t st� not be:,._- - ,
<br /> ` unreaconably witlil�eld,Or nnkss extmaatu�g rincussst�+�ces e�drss or�hieh are beyond Bomnwa'§aantrol. �on+�iwer sball ij�i�. _: :•.-
<br /> ` destroy.darnaSe or impait the Pmpectp,allow the Pknperiy ui�ate,a commit waste fln thc Ptope�ty. Bomuwer sha7f;�:_'
<br /> . '6e in de�antt if any farfeitune action or piio�diag,sR�tfie�civs'i ur•;anninal,is i�egtm that ia L�uder�s$ood fait6.l�B�t'.
<br /> � . • coWd iesult in forfeit�us M the Pta�erty or otha�:ss;�nateriaUy impair the lien cieatod try this Security Instrumeat or -
<br />_ --- . Lender's security inttrest Bomnwer may cuc�such��faWt and ninstate.as providad'w paragrapl�18,by rausing the scEion'
<br /> or pmcee�ng w be d'ismissed with a ruling that,in�eiider�s good faith deumiination,precludes forfeitune of the Barnwer�s:� -
<br />.- — iatecest iii tiie Property or other mauria�impaimunt of the lien cr�eaud by this Security Insuument or Lender's secuiity.:
<br /> ° __ = intec+e?t: ..�vrrower shall also be in default if Bormwer, during the qoan application pmcess, 8ave tbateriail�+ faise�4�: _ -
<br /> �— ` �accuraL�inforrhation or ssatements to I.ender(or fa�ed io provide Lender with any material u�fozmation)in coanect�on aith
<br /> —�--'�� • :".: r�taan evidencM by the Note.including,but noc-_li�ued to.representazions conceming Bomower5s
<br /> - ����` - E'toperty as a pc�ncip�l c�siderice. If this Security t�s�s rus on a leasehold,Borrowcr shall comply with�pmvisions
<br /> �'� of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee ride to-the Ropeciy.��I�se6otd and the fee tide shall not merge nntess i.�dcr agr�s
<br /> to the meiger in writing.
<br /> '���� -- '7. _Frstectiaa�L.estdes�Rights ia!he Pra�y.-.�f;B�vec fails ta cs:m the:eose�tts se� .
<br /> S� ' ���� `=--
<br /> _ • cantained in this Security Fncwmen� or there is a iegal procxeditig that may significantly af�ect Lender's righu in ltie
<br />.`��. ., � �'•�� �_ _- P�+aperty+(such as a proceeding in bankruptcy,Probate far condemnation or forfeituis or ta enfa�ce Iaws or segafations)then
<br /> �� u L.ender may do and pay for whatever is necessary"ra piotect the value of the Pmperty and Lender'�rigMs in the Property.
<br /> ���'�� ���'�"' " Lenders actions may include paying any sums secvred by a lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Insunment,appeating
<br /> `" in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Pmperty to make repairs.Although Lender may take action
<br /> :.�:�, �"
<br /> :,i„�,�,, ,.:� _ : under this paragaph 7,Lender does not have to do so. •
<br /> � '��� . •��.•�°� Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shaU 6ecome addiuonal debt of Bormwer secured by this'
<br /> ' ��� Security Instrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agtee to other terms of paymen�these amounts shall b�r intenst from the
<br /> � �.� ,.�
<br /> r� "`�'�` date of disbursement at the Note rate and shaU be abfe,with interest.u n notice from l.�mder to Borrowee.r
<br /> : � '«,�-.;�; P3Y P� e4uesring
<br /> � Y �^;��- paymen� __-- ,_. _� • '
<br /> r'��`S. .'
<br /> . � ; 8. '�ior�1`ason�ance. If Lender requised martgage irnsurance as a condition of makin�the loan secnmd by this
<br /> � "'_��'?=� ' Security�nsasz:.�ent,Sc�rower slwi)pay t��prerrsi�sss sequireci to rr,�intain the mortgage insmance in effect. lf,far am� .
<br /> J j'-:•�:. `� ���'�:- reason, the mortgage ins,:rance coveragz req�ir.3 b��.ender lap.ses or ceases to be in effect. Bomower shall pay the �� __
<br /> �!;. :, ":`:'; premiums required to o��ain coverage substaziria'Iy equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect. at a wst -.
<br /> ' '-�.'�•.�•;'.: ` substantially equivalent to the cost to Borrower of t�`,e mnrtgage insurance previously in effect,from an altemate mortgage '°
<br /> � '�'"'- insurer a roved b l.ender. If subs�tiall e uiva::r.t crtort e insurance covem e is not availa6le.Borrower shall a W
<br /> '���`� ,,�' l.ender epach month a sum equal to one-twelfth of the yearly mrt gage insurance premium being pa�id by Horrower when the
<br /> �`;��= '�' insurance crnera e la d or ceased to be in effect. �ender will acce use and retain Ihese a ents as a loss n�servo in�l9eu� -
<br /> �,,-.. .<: S P� Pt• P Yn► �.
<br />__ �',,:�;;.' of mortgage insurance. Loss reservc paymrnu may ao longer be required.at the option of Lender. if mortgage insurance ' _
<br /> �,:;:�, . '} eoverage(in the amonnt and for the period that 1.er.G�e mquires)provided by an insurer approved by Lender again becomes -�
<br /> � .-�„; , �_
<br /> _ ��;:. -.. available and is obtained.Barrower shall pay the pree�:iums reyuired to maintAin mortgage insurance in effec�.or to provide a ' �,-
<br /> "' •'' ioss reserve,until the requirement for mortgage insurance ends in accordance with any written agreement betwren Borrower �
<br /> ''• ' ,:,
<br /> :�,�x* ; 'and Lenderorapplicable law.
<br />� - ' ' 4 [nspectan. Lender or its agent mey make rea.+onable entries upon and inspections of ths Property. l,endcr shalli
<br /> Q:�r':�_.':"
<br /> n y��.�. , give Borrower notice at the time of or prior ta an inspection specifying reasonable cause for the inspection.
<br /> � 10 Condemnafton. The proceedy of any aw�t�or claim for damages,direct or cunsequential,in carmcetion with any
<br />„
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