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<br /> �fI1�C�YDN Of�!f��[0�1�IG��• �R.�ilfOE�l�i�1011i 7��v!O oE'COYEl��1�i� ` `
<br /> �. Jw Gf I�iC fGfrj011�1S1DfC11ld b 1R(bf sEC�1[y 11M�lIC'��f 1���Y•� . , � ,.
<br /> ' . �jt��R(�V�I�MS(bf[BO[r0�i IS jiMrY�ly�OE fbC Cif�C�1 O�Yt�tOl1�b/R 1�If:ff�m�jl� : .
<br /> ' �Ild CORYCf 1hE p!'OQltllf ifd 1�1�1C�OQCI'ly���.EuEpt fOi�OttECflf��. �011allJ 7Y� ,�.
<br /> . a111 defeod�eraUy the tttk to t5e Pt�qpMy a�unst il!ci�ims#�den�ods.aubjau to a�y�as of retad., , �
<br /> • T�S SENRtPY QVST�tUMENT cae�bioes�ifam coveosoh fa mt�aul iue�od aon-unifam coveaaes w�tb . '
<br /> limiced v�i�u b��dm to c�We a unifaa�iecuuity ioson�mmt coray�ral pnopecty. _
<br /> ' UNII�O[tM aQV@tAN75. Bo��r aod I�adei oovea�nt�ad a�oe as fnibws:
<br /> ` • L l��Me�t�hiici/�I ai��Ma'sM:!e'eEaJ�t aM LMe Cl�ar�a. Bamwa sh�U P�Y F�Y�due the
<br /> �----,-..,�t,�t.,��.i��r.+a iw►tl�.�#ft 4v,deeced btr t�Nale atd.a�l►P«WY!!K!!�snd 13ite cbtr�es drre under the Note. '
<br /> 1 Fl�it fir'Itues a�i Lwra�ta Sublax��PWicabk b►w a w,a writan wuva��;Boemwer shatrpay`t�— ' -
<br /> , •Lmder vn ihe day nwnmiY paYme�s�ne dne�ader tbe Na1e.�tlk 1�Tote is pid in fnll.a aa�a("Fi�ds'}fa:(a)Y�9 �
<br /> ' tues�nd�whieh may�tam priority over tl�is Security I�ac as a l;m on the ProQetty;tb)Ywiy larehold
<br /> p.�a��oaaa rara on me Ftopeny.if any; t�)y�r�or popeny ias�uaoca p�eAa►was;t� yady IIood .
<br /> i�e peaninms.if a�r,t�1 Y�Y�6�u�u�aoe premiu�,if a�y:ad t��Y �P�l'�bY ��r w
<br /> � I.eodeF,in acoo�d�nce witA the p�m�isions of porag�aph 8.in lieu of tde paymmt of mo�tgage�a praniums.,T6ese. _
<br /> Items a�called°Esccaw Iroms." I.ender may,at aay time.colkct and hoW Iiuids in an�o�t not to exseed the m�ximum .
<br /> aman�t a kodGr far a federalIy ielucd mattg,age Ioau msy tequire fot Bamwa'�acmw accouat tmder dr fednyl Ral`
<br />� . Bsvte Set�a�tFrooeduns Act of 19T4 u aptended fmm time to time,l2 U.S.C.§�60!et seq.("RESP�►'?,tmkss�r�od�r �; .
<br /> law thu�pplies w the�nds se[s a Iesser amo+�nt If so,La�der msy,ac aRY time,colkcc and Uold I�s in�n mmount�tdi w :
<br /> exoeed t8e ksser.amo�nt. I.ender may�c the�mnuat of A�ds due on the basis of cu�rnent daa.�uid t�essonsble . •_y�i'::
<br /> estimaoes of cxpend[pues of fature Escrow Items ot otbawise u►accord�nce wlth applicabk l�w. �•{_<',:�_
<br /> Tlie Fands sl�ll be held in�e iasiidtdan whase depos�"ts uie ir�uM 6y a fiede�al,agency,it�sotwnaiqliry.or aKitY `;:;:.`.
<br /> (ioclaaing t.eaaer,if r.a�der is sucb an ins6atio�)or in�►y r�derat Home Lan ssmk.��ar�er sbali appty u�e Iimds w pay
<br /> �tbe F.scrow Items. Leoder may nat.c�•�ia�ouwer fa 1wWing aad applying tb�R1rl�,xmw1ZS►u�alYzing tbe esc.�mw
<br /> aa�mt,or vecifying the Escmw Items:'�'.�P1Y5 Ba�mwa intaest on the F�inds aad applic�ble law pem�itc ,
<br /> � l,euder W malce sach a cAu�e. How�ver,��,ia�maY reqnine Barower to pay a one-time charge far an independait•re�l .
<br /> estate tu reporting senrice usod by Lender irr ao�inection with this loan.tmless applicable law provide�otl�envisa Unkss'w
<br />� ag�nen4 is msde or applicable Iaw reqnites inte�e.ct to l�c Wid,Lender s6a11 nat be reqaired to PaY$oaower an9�°f
<br /> eamings oa tHe fi�nds. Bomnwer aad L.ender caay agroe in writiag,however.that inu�es[sh�ll be paid oa the Fvnds. Lenda . .
<br /> • sh�ll give to Borrower.arithout charge,�n anaaa�l acc.ouating of the FLnds.showing ciedits and debits to tbe Funds u�d the .
<br /> pufpose for ahich exh debit to the Iimds was made. 'lUe Fvnds an ptodgal as addi6onal secariry for all sUms socurcd by
<br /> diis Security Insrium4nL :, . .
<br /> If the Fiu�ds held by Lender excad t(k•�ra�naa�ts peimiued to bt held by applipble law.Lender shai!acCaint to
<br /> � Bocrowa for ihe exeess Punds ir►aecocda�`w�the toq�dr��ments of app�cabk iaw. If tt�e amouot of t6e Funds held by
<br /> Lrnder at any time is not sufficiau to pay�ie�srraw Items when due,Lender may so pad�y Borrower in writing,ead.in . .
<br /> _ --s�u�6 ca�e Bomnwer sl�l pay Lp�e.ader�r-amormt t�ag.tamake ap u�e det+cieucy:.-Sauawe;-s{�ti :r.�T�e�s il�N-•-.-_:...- ..
<br /> deficia�cy in ao moce Wan twetve monthly pay�i�ics,at Leixier'�sole discretian.
<br /> Upon p�tymeat ut fiil!of all sums scc�ed.lb3r th'ss Security Instrument,l.ender shall promptty iefund to Bomawer any
<br /> Funds held by Lender. ff,under paragreph Zt,Lender shall acquire or sell d�e Property.Lender,prior w tLe acquisi6oa ot
<br /> sak of the Ycoperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisi6on or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> secured by this Socwity Instrument. .
<br /> 3. Applicatbn of Paymeats. Untess applicable taw provides otherwise,uU payments received by lxnder under
<br /> patagraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment charges due uader the Note;second.to amount�payaAte under
<br /> para�apA 2;thiM,'to ionEetest due;founh.to p�incipal due:and last,to any late charges due urtder the Note. .
<br /> 4. .C6ar�r;i,ieaa. Borrower shall pay a!! taxes. aSSessments.ehar�fines and imposi6ons attributable to the � .
<br /> property which may attain prtority over this Se�urity Instrumen�and leasehold.payments,or ground re�s.if any. Bamwer �
<br /> � shaU pay thsse obHgptioils in the manner provided in para8raph 2.or if not paid in that manner.Borrower shall pay them on • •
<br /> time di�rrtdy to We persoi�owed paymen� Borrower sha11 promptty fumish to Lender aI!nat,iaes of amounts to be pai�.�ictiter
<br /> this para�raph. If Bamwer malces these payments directly.Borrower shall promptly fulnish to l.ender m,ceipts evidenang � .
<br /> , the PaYments. �. .. . _.. ...
<br /> Ho�rower shall promptiy discharge any lien which has priority over this Security Insttument unless T3airower.(a)agcees
<br /> in writing w the payment of the obligarion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good taith the �
<br /> lien.by.or defends against enforccment of the lien in.legal praceedings which in the l.ender's opinian operate to pr�veat.the
<br /> enfomeanent of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfactory.to Lender subordinadng�he lten , -
<br /> to.this Security L�strumen� If l.endec determines t�at any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attain,piiarity, _
<br /> � over this 5ecutity(nsWment,Lender may pi���'ldc�trower a notice identifyuy��la..lien. Boaower sha0.satisfy tht lien or'take , _
<br /> �one ur aWc�c of tha a�tians set fath above witl,tLm IO days of the giving of notu���� � ' �:�;�� `. _
<br /> g, �AazaM ur Yroperty IRSUranee. Botrower shall keep the impm��ients now exi�ung or hec�eafiter erected an the • -
<br /> pro�x�insured�gainst loss by fi�e.hau�rds included within the term"eatettded caver�gg�'and any other hazazds.inelucling _
<br /> ' ftop�oQ flaoding,for which I.r�;ter requires insurance. 71�is insurance sha11 be n[a6nt�iiieQ in the atttounts artd�for the F .
<br /> ;�, . , • � ;`� . , _
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