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<br /> � �o�bs it�t I�iSS�darFifostia a� . �� .:� ����� �
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<br /> �;, ,.. iil tie p�id`tif'Liodet:. ' - : .. . . .. _..._ _ _ _� - - -- - - _
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<br /> ' � ` Id is e�ed�f s toW 1iki�oi t6s Pro�eitr,tie peooee/s i�bs i!llid w ie�r ietawd.�r�t�editit�r,�wiro!I�t.
<br /> �!t C[�C[1M0��.MRb f�C�P��.���•���'��Of i�11r��O��t�I�IY�.1M�l�1`C�[ `:. ` . -:
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<br /> ,- SeC�ail�r�tni�ir,ar�i�r�e�wely�efo�t6e:t�o�:de+��idMer�s¢-I��er�--�-�+�-�����"-
<br /> .d��I�t�a�eet�lt be redroed bg tre iu�cwt af tl�e pooeedr ao�ipfied.U!► �c�oYo�ir�t f�,�°'a�(aj�� _ .
<br /> = .: a�owrt of die�ma�ecs[ed�n�edi�d�►1�e d,�e��iria�+dh►i�kd�7 tb)die fiNr�wl�sr v�i�e ot'tMo Fiopaty is�edirdl►
<br /> . before tMe t�ut• N►Y iwaice sh�il DC pd to Haxoxer. 1n�Ibe eve�t eE a prt1W�of 1Me.Peopat�r ia w�iiE6 tae li�ir
<br /> �cloet vaine oE dre Pinpeety'im�ue�tdy be�o�r d�e s las dMa d�i a�aiouot at t�e aas�ee�ed irrmedi�ely 1�or�the •
<br /> � faicie�,anle�Bocnori�er and i.eode�oWawi�t a��ee�rrr�tia�ar��pplica�l�ie�odia�e P�'o'r'�d�p'0°°°���.
<br /> b�spplied iofl�esu�aac��red�by thes Secauicy I�amaat+�th�a ermt�e�ms a[�e .
<br /> 'If th�e PraQaty'is#�d�►Y�'�,br if.afkc notix bY L.eoder to Boitvw�er 1Wt tbe ootldemoor otFeis to m�tce an
<br /> a�vaid ac adtle�cl�m fa.dsa�s,Hamwer fa�s W eeapoed to I.uder rrithin.30 drys�1ta dre d�e�tbe natix i�sived, � -
<br /> .i.arla�s aathoraed w callax-�oa�pply,�utie ptooeeus.,c ita option,ehha w�estbr.tioo ar re�ir otm�rmQaty or to the smas ,
<br /> � �erored by dds Setatrity Imon�aat,.�vbethec ot not thm dae. � . . , _ '
<br /> rldat�I�eod�r aod Bon+a�va olhenvl�e aatee in wri�, mY�PPti�tiou of W'x'�eds t°PnnciP�t ahilt mt ex�d ar .
<br /> ::�:�roApooe the doe cl�te of tlie�moatf�ly p�ymaKs refaied w in�r+phs 1 md 2 or clwge t6e�moaot of aucb ph►marts- �
<br /> �`...:t il.Berebwer Nat Rele�;For6taraoae By.Lesder Not z Waiva:Exta�sion of the time for paymmt or modifr�tion
<br /> b�r�
<br /> ' .•of amort�tion of d�e sums 3aLned by this Serndty Instn�ment g�a�utod by I.eMer w any suooessor in intaest of Bonowa sb�U
<br /> not c�pewEe to nelease the lixb�7ity of t1�e originai Horrower or Borrower's suooeseora L►i�.L�dec�6a1!not be i+equired to ,.
<br /> ' o�mnwce p�naoeedings agpinst any sucoasor in iateiest or tefuse w extad time for pay,ment or otherwise modify an�oni�on
<br /> of tLe sams secated by this Sowrity��risuument by trawn of 6uy de�nsnd m�de by d�e origmal Bomnwa or Borrnaer's
<br /> `s�essots�z�:,inter�est. Any foibearancx by l,ea�dcr in ea�encising aay right os cGmody shall not be a waiver of or pra�ltule thc
<br /> exercist��ag:r�g2�t or re�edy. . ,:i.' �, _ :�-;`'
<br /> 1Z. b'�iioeeaors aed Aas�is'�i{;;,]ofnt a�1���1 ��; �The coveoants and agreement..�,L�this
<br /> Security Incwment sha�•6�d and tieil�r�:se�toc�sars�and assigns of Leader aM Borrower. subject ta,tbe prn.visadns of
<br />-- pmtagraph 1T. Bormwer's:�aovaiysnc�:si��gre�shttlli:6e joint_and several. Any Borrower who cxr��s this Sbcurity _
<br /> Instrument but does.no't execdte the .��te:(a) is cd-s'sgniag�this Secarity Instrument only to mortgage,gi�E and com�ey that -
<br /> Borrower's interest in the Property isi�der the Eermg af this Security Lutrumem; (b)is not personalIy obligatod to pay theswm
<br /> _ secured by this Security Iastrument:and(c)agrees that Lender and any other Boaower may agree to extead.modify,for6qr or.
<br /> malce any acconunodations with regard to the terms of this Securiry Inswmeat or the Nate withaut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> l3,Lo:n C6sirges.lf the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maaimum loan chatges.
<br /> and that luw is fcnally interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges caltected or to pe caltected in conrtection with the
<br /> loan exc.ee�i the permitted limits, then:(a)any such loan charge shall be reduood by the ar„rucnt necessary to reduoe the ctiarge
<br /> to the permitted limit:and(b)any sa�mr already collected from Boaower whict�exceeded p�nitted limits will6e refunded to
<br /> Borrower. L`ei�dps may�choose N make�this refund by reducing the principal owed under she Note or by making a direct
<br /> payment to Borrower. [f a refund�i�duces principal, the reduction wi11 be'rreated ac a partial pre��ment arithout any -
<br /> � ptepayment charge under qhe I�'ote. . �
<br />. __ Y.L'y��. �1'.!
<br /> ^ ,,���r�.• 14.Nett�s.Any natice to Bois�wer provided for in this Sa.^urts fins;:w..^�°nr�sllaii�e���fiy deliverjng it or by mailing
<br /> r• ,°aYt ���" it by first�c'as>mail unless applica�9s law requires use of anathef ine�r�:.�r:notice shati h,:e'rected ro the Property Addtess
<br /> +l,.a;,.•'<< .
<br /> �.!�l� , or any oth�.address Borrower des}gnates by notice to Lendcr. Any notice�y Lender shatl be given by first clacs mail to
<br /> ' '��"!:�'- Lender's adc3ress stated[�erein or any other addre�+s Lender desi�nates by nrari�;ta Borrower. Any notice provided for in this _
<br /> . :, ,,..., ,
<br /> -' `�'"��''` . Securit tnur.crnent shalD Ibe,deemed to have been ven to Borrower ar i.en�:r u'.:.en given as provided iR dxis paragraph. � _
<br />-a:. : ��.-; .. y s� . . �. =
<br /> .-• `S•�t.. �� :='�r:..' is: �and the law of the -
<br /> ;y�.::r,���,," ' 15.Go�erning l.aw; �Severabn�iy. This Security Instrumcnt shail t�c govcrncd {�v �.,. _
<br /> .�t4:^1•.'' -
<br /> y�,;_,,,,�,��.�}•, jurisdiction im+��:ich the Property i6 I�ae�. In the evcnt that ar�y provision or ctause cF,�y�r_�*i� P�sirumem cr r�.Note _
<br /> �,::.. -
<br /> ,,;... , conilicts wit6 applia161e law.such co::'�ict shal}aot�ffect other p:o�isions oFc?:8.Sccurity,tnstn•i:�c::�urC�=":Note whicflscan be =
<br /> �'��� '# � given effect without the conflict'rrtg provision. To�his end the pravisions�f c°�;.Sc�udt}��tnt�er�n�ent a�1 L�Note are declared :
<br /> �� �. ' � ta be severable. E
<br /> ��'-��i��U �wF . 16.Borrowes's Cupy.Borrower shafl be given one confvrmed c��py of'the ti"o'��an�af�his 5ecuri`ty instrument. !'
<br /> �:
<br /> t r;• -1,'r'?,
<br />• . ,x.�'.;;,��4�..,:. . Porm 3028 9/90 . :
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