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<br /> wiie6 tlii!�rot 6�'wNraidhr�biy:�libd�.�t sopo�rar�f�t.ta�an+ror�e�dMai6�i��hov�'I.�tl�e ie�4'',ai i�ie��s
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<br /> -
<br /> . , �4ll.iewaNroe policie's rd na�rds�113�tarae��e..�o 1.aadet.aud.�lull.i�eirdt�lhndrid mo�T�e.+�l�e..l�i�r . ..,
<br /> � ::-- �sYIE Y�t die�ri�to held iBc polie�e�ae�rarwah:ff I.a�tnqn�ri�..�ocrow�e�r�!!penmpl�iirt�a 4adet a��d-� .:_:�
<br /> . p�l peei�tie�s ad�e�t�►�l na�ioa�:Ie tlr�svdvt_d b�.8or�o�wcr�h1l=ive pranpt.nodoe�a�ie in�eaNOe ariiar rd I;e�Yr.; �'
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<br /> _ __--.ll�a — Narti�t.-ma_---------�---�'°d�mM°°t�oo_ —
<br /> Ropaty dru�ed:if d�e n�oation nr repir is�eooaoidcaly►tc+�le mu I�'�aecm�t�►is aot ia�..Jf�&:eiioiatio�a a
<br /> . �.�ir�not e0000miailly fad6k a Lndcr's�ecacity�rouid be ks�oed,d�P�mur�noe pnoee{[t'i�htill'be��ppliCd.b.dlG.�, ;�'�:
<br /> aecated b!►dns Sa�itY I�um�,�rhed�ar uot thrn dae,wkh aay enoest pud W�ct���If Horl+�re["a�tiopt:�iit�� �, .'
<br /> Picopaty,ot.doa not ans�+�hia 30 dtys a notice fraou Lmdec d�rt We inaa�aaoe c�atria h��o[fex�ad to�ettb Ji:cliam;.'tlifa
<br /> l.e�idet may oollect t6�iaamna pcnoeed�. Imder mty nae the pe000eds to reQair ar reeta�o tUe Propecty or to pay auda:;�.,..~.',;'�;
<br /> �ec�ad bY ddt 5�arilY I�uun�at,�wlietLer or mt Wm duc 1�e 30-my period wlll begia wb�en tbe�wtice ii aivp�. � `; :':�,": �
<br /> v,�ias f.md�r ma E«ro�►er at�c�faa s�+ee in wri�ng,+a�► �ppli�loa of prooeeQ.w.priadpd sluu.noe exdqad=oc�. '::�:
<br /> p�oWpa�tbe dae da�y of tbe moatWy prynxots tda�sd 6o in p�pl�s 1 �od 2 a t�n�e the�mount of the p�ytndntt.ff� , ..�,';�'
<br /> - u n d a p u a�n p h 2 I t b c P m Q e t t y�a a q u i z e d s�il f��sw th�e eat�of�� �s�','�f';.���
<br /> � �9 P� � P� .�?�i bY �Y: ., ,,;
<br /> �YPrkxtQ�eaoquls�oa++.•. : : ,fn� '.. '.� ' . . .. . .. s,.;.
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<br /> �.�'�f •��i , � ..,`.,/7! �7 �s iA1N •�Y� `!%1?�,
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<br /> .. HO[lOIYr7 S�j OO�V�1��IS�1��Ild D!C t�IC��f l::i'•l.. §. r•,?.1. 1�511�'OOG W�D l�EC 1�IC CxOp1�0�_Uf '�`��'''
<br /> � �� ��
<br /> t6is Sxority Iasdurna�t aad slnU onnpAUe to ocdupy t��as�vira's.pcincip�l rea�deace fo"t�t 1at�t oae Y�u'iiRer::--"
<br /> . Ehe d�oe of oxnpmcy,unless Imfix ahawise agtees ia a�i�whid�consent sf�ll aot 6e onndsa�6ty wltbheld,,aF'?i1p1.Ca.1i;.
<br /> eatea�tu�ing'� exist arh�ch an Ueyan�B�nv�'�contmt. Bnrtuwer sdall nott destta�y;.d�e ur'it�'t�°:-.'f . .
<br /> Pmperty.alloM the Property w deteriorate, or oomadt was�e on tl�e PtopeRy. Bormwer shall be 1i1•d�fAUlt if s�ny`faffeitftr�;.`.:�; :
<br /> action or prooeeding,wlkther civil or crimu�l,es.begun that in i.ender's good faitb judgmeat�otikk;;i�aa1�iu forf'eit�e of tbe�'�
<br /> � Property or oti�erwjse mueriaUy impair t1u liea cr�ieatod by il}is.Security Ia�eat or I.eader's aocui�i,yi�a�iEt�t,:Bp►�bWer maY
<br /> aue sach a defa�ult a�neind�as provided in paragraph 18;�i:?jf rausing tlie action or proeading to�t'i�t�inissod with'�tuling
<br /> tt�t. in I.ender's good faith determinatioa, Pneclodes forfeittuae of tbe�a�mpwer's interest ia the Pivpaty or ofMei�material
<br /> - impaimnnt of the?ia�ccratod by this Securit�►�lnstruma�t or I.ender's 5ecsoc+ty inte�est. Borrower shall also be in default if
<br /> =� Bormwer.duriu8�e,Tr�ti_n_applicatian ptsoass.�muerlally.�'aLse or�rate infom�ation or stata�c6tc to I ender(or faited___ —
<br />"�`�: to pmvide Lende�v+itli aay material infarmatib�l�iai connectlon with the laan evjdenoed by the Nate,'i�chiding,6at not limitsd
<br /> to,rep�ons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a pnncipal raidence.If.this Sec�"tity Inso�ua�eat it on a
<br /> teasehold, Bomawer shall comply with all the pmvisions o€the lease. If Borrower acquires fa title�to the Property. the
<br /> , leasehold and the fee dtle shall not merge anless Lender agrees to the merger in writing. ",i.� .
<br /> ys .'
<br /> �.Prota�atLende�s Rights in the Ptopnty.If Borrower faits to perform the covcnants arid agcaments oontained in
<br /> _�r• this Sa:urity Insaument.or there is a tegal pro�xeding that may significantly affect Lender's rlghts;in..'the Property(sueh as a —
<br /> proc�eMing in 6ankruptcy.probate.for condemnation or fodciture or to enforc�laws or regulationsj:then=t.enden may do and _
<br /> �r ., pay for whatever is necessary co pmtect the vatue of the Property and I.ender's rlghts in thc Prope�ty�Leader.'s�.actlons may =-
<br />- - � inciude paying any .snms secvc�Csy a lien which has priority aver this Security lnstrument, appeariqg in'cairt, paying !r.
<br /> .�t•.-:•.
<br /> '^�. �• } reasonabie attors��:;f�s.and eriteiing an the Property to m�ke repairs.Alebmugh Lender may take uction uader this paragrapb �. .
<br /> - :��-�',.�'', `_�'., .
<br /> �.�4r,t _.:.�' :�.. , 7,Lat¢er does acc'isu.u�:r;�do so. , ;, ;';'. �;�:`.
<br /> - - � ;.;::;�:� � ' ' �l�rry amounts dsbursed by I.ender under this parngraph 7 shall 6ecome additianal debt af Bairowgr s�CUned 6y this �r
<br />. �r�r :' " Se�ui�jt�!;Znstrument.llnless Bonower and l,ender agrec to other terms of payment,thcse amounts sHall;be�r irffeirest,ftom the `
<br /> �;�:� •
<br /> date v�'disbursement at the Note rate and sha11 be payabte. with interest. upon notice from Lender.to..Borio�IrC�<t+equesting ;•�_
<br /> . ;�� • � - PaYment. , ''
<br /> - S.MoKgage Imvrance.lf Lender required mortgage insurr�nce as a conditeon of making the'loan secuted by this Security
<br /> ' �:_: �:��� instrument. Bonower shall pay the premiums required to maintain the mongagc insurance in cffect. If:�fur any�(eason. the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lapses or ccascs to 6c in effect.Bonowcr shall pay thc premiu��f�itquirod to
<br /> ,�`�' �� obtain wverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previausly in effeCt.at a cost substamially equivatent to the
<br /> -• '� •� cost to Borrower of the mort e incurance ��s�nsl �n effect, from as�alternate mort a e in�ttrer a ruved b Lender. If -
<br />' � ' ' � � � • substantiall uivatenl�inort g� �.��is noi avaitab,�.��sr��Pr shall pay o Lende�'qch month a um equal to
<br /> y eq n gage insurance co��r �
<br /> " - "• � .' one-twelfth of the ypi�,��'+n�rtgage insur�nce pn:i�ium being paid by B��rv�rar when the insurance aoverege lapsed,or ceased to
<br /> �. � i� � '�'�' be in effect.I.ender witi',�t�.use und retain t'�ese paymea�cx•,�is a lass reterve in lieu uf.mortgagu�t ir►surance. Loss�rescrve
<br /> . .. , , ,•. • �. �r.
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