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<br /> �` �;. '��#'f.'llriiiirrtlri �i�r�t ��iiei�l `��Iniit�►iretMwe.�a�3r� .�4rit#tiie h�u�ail�r_ar�!`i�4rat`�Rit� . -1
<br /> .` i�-ioii ar�e�d�ra�t tari[�t�ba�a �ei0 i�leiwt i�s�e��is�ofi ar�undepMaii� wt:a+iiil�li�l�r1M1t �
<br /> < L�ir'.a piios`wtlner_�oda�t. Y.e�der�r.it i�F�a�eio�. �diiMe��wit is �a!t all�M����J''� :
<br /> F�_ � �
<br /> : ; . '$e�itj►Lti��t:ao�wer�,i�is apt�at iU�ut bt�e�e�i� �t.erdr+r�e�oeu�e is�eaYal�6i►�i�)w��¢11ie.dle= _,
<br /> �af�is Se�rit�t In�et�+t. . , ` . . . . � � �
<br /> � H t�eadec exerci�es�aptioa.t,mcle+r t1M1�i�Bbaro�res.uotlee of aoodaMioo.'11ft mtia�i!purida s peeiod of�ot � .
<br /> . _ �ieu t�3Q de�t�s tro�tbe+�e t�e nodoe is�ddive��ed a nor�ed rvidart wMidt Hoci�dr mu�E py all�tat�br-liris '
<br /> ;, � �.If aorro�a ta�co�ay tbac.w�piior a we e�pi�afioa orcuL paioa,I.aderm.y mvratce aoy nmedr'es. .�
<br /> d�Seairity I�ttva�ent�►itb�t ltitba notiot or daomd at BoriaMer. ' �.
<br /> t: •
<br /> � '. .-: =I�. . �-s�t t! � If Horrower mee�.aettiia onadit�s, Boirirxer sbe� 6m t�ri� b,6we �
<br /> sd'oroana�c of itus 5ea�city�MeoA�eet di�cand�tire�d ai'iioy time A�tu i1�trtiR�r of (a)S d�tr tara�ch-ather p'aiod as _ _"_..
<br /> . -�pp�icabk la�r mtY q�ci{y fut•x�eet).6db�e sa[e of tbe-Ao}�ty'punS�ant ta�al'Potaer of�ale ooat#ined ia dias ,
<br /> � �Y�:�'���7 Qf=.i��.��'�3'�.Tlwxcoadi�ioo�ana�hrt Boimv�er(s}piiys
<br /> .
<br />_ -----._-•�;�wt±�c�11_�a�x,whid►.t�_+��s�doe.�mtle[.ihi��atritX_�an�i the Nott ss iE ao aoa�ei�t�la d ;oo�cvrrpd:tb) . ---- --•-
<br /> - — wrea any def�alt of aay�crthet oova�ants or�ee�ats; o prYs expe�es:, ��w�� .
<br /> _ , ia�.bpc�ot limited tu,neteoo�ble�ttorneYs'fas;aod(d)�i�+es such sctwn as I.ender may rea�o�lq t+e��uiie�fo�aiti�
<br /> that t6e liai�8tis 5auritjr Inahu�aa�,Ix�ackr's righ'ts•in tbe PiaQaty�nd Honu�rer's oMig�tioa to pay ihe wms sayuod by .
<br /> . tl�is Sewri�tit-�ata�t`shall coatinue ondw�: .�on ne�tmnnE by.Barnower, t�Qi�,s Soa�ntg.Iratcumaot sad tfx
<br /> oi�li �� s6aU ramiin fsl�yr�effaxive�if no aoxleration h�d accurrod.Hqv�tret.dus ri,ght w nir�siate sLall
<br /> not�y i�"���t of aoodcratio�t und�'r� ,�C�.'+8r�ph 1,?�_° ,� . ,�..� _ ,
<br /> f!.'Si�D.�'i�iaf� C�qe d Iw!iie•��avkec�,'�`I�ate ar a putial i�tecest�the f�ie(togaher with_tWa Secarity
<br /> �.�ument}��y 6e sotd one or a�ae tim�s'wi�aut��tntia ta Boimwer.A stk may resuit'in a change m the eatity tlmown
<br /> � 4s;�".I.oan$etviaer')th�it coileds mpt�hly p�ym�sai�nnder the Nate and this SecuntY Instrumnt.Tdere also may pe one
<br /> '� or"tqolne ChaqBes of tha Lflau SrniCer urmel�ated to a sa��ihe Nate.If tLe�e is a changa of the I�oan Stc�vkxr,Borsoae�,�be'
<br /> g;vpt�eis�utice of t6e chu�ge in acc�dancc wsth�gi'+pb 14 above aud ap�licabte law.�,'mottce wiU staoe t(�e:�apgie:arfc�
<br /> ack�tss t�:�.iiew Laan 5erviar and t�:addness w�u!'iich payments shoWd be ma�1e.Tl�e n�?�d�ilt also corrtaia�,t�r .
<br /> =.xri���jo�ed bY�cs�le kw.. ' . � ._,�::,,:_ � , . -
<br /> ,�;:�;.�:% ,- `�ai�rdm�s Sti�4h�.•8ornu�rer•s6a1t nrut.sause or pamit tbe p�+eseaoa. us�, dispo�al, stor�gG��ot.release of ury .�;;
<br /> , "�"�''� affobti the �
<br /> ..�ibstances e�+i o�:�n du Pt4percy. Bor�w�r shalt not do.nor allo�.aa�+o�elsy w do, su►5�8, Q$
<br /> ' ���{��.5.in viola�rnrf�any Envi�ntal�'svv.The preading two s�s sl�afl�os apply to tTic pasena,.vse;or i� '.
<br /> r,�?i�.'Property�o�.sniatl quaatit��` Hazart)nus Substances that are geaz�caliy,reaigzi3zzd to be appropriate�.�,�oxtnal . .
<br /> resideniig�,mis�s;-andtomai�stenanceoftl�e.Finpertg. . ���. � � � � � `�,` .
<br /> Bomiwer's`fiall prom�y give I.ender wntten n�ice of any invesdgat'son,claim: deinard,IawsuiE or otfler action by�'etiy
<br /> govemmental or regulatrny_xx�eency or private party i3VaT-�8��P�rtY����dous Substance or Envicann�ental Law
<br /> of whicL Botrow�r t�as a�!.R�wledge.If Borro��tea�ns,or is notifiad by•an}�govemrt�ental or regalatory aathority.that
<br /> .� any re�noya,l�other rcmetiation of aay Ha�rdous 3ubstance aff�the'PraP�KY�S n�.sacY,Borrower st�a�t promptly take
<br /> - al{noc�*q�medial actioRS in accozdance�with Environnxntal Law. �.: .�
<br /> =- As u�:�ri i}us�h 20."�rdous Sµb.stances" are tha�substances defined ac toacic or hazallous sub.stances#�`
<br /> - Environ�'�aw and a��ollowi�'s�u5stanots: gasaline..lcerosesre, other flammable or toaic petroleum pratucts. toiae' ,
<br />__ pesticides aa�herbicides,ve�'arile sohe�s,materials containing asbestas or forma(dehyde,and radioactive matedals.As used in
<br />"� this paragraph Z!?, "Environmental L.a�!" means federal laws and laws of the jurisdicdon where the Property is locatod_that
<br /> relate to heaith.safety or environn�entaTp�tection. - - - - _ � _ _
<br /> -= ` NON-i1�TI�ORM COVENANTS.B�ormwer and Lender further covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> - ZI.da�deration;Radedles.Lender shall give aotice to Barrower prtar to aoceleraHon folbwi�Borrower's 6�ch
<br /> 'pt pny mvenant o�agrament in tlils Security Instrument (but not prlor to acceleration under p�ragrapb 17 unless
<br /> applka6k law prov(ds otherwise).'!'he notice shall specify: (a)the detault;(6)the action required to cure the defAUlh
<br /> . - ,,:�. .�. dt)p date,not tess th�n 30 d�ys from the date the notice�C given to Borrawer, by whkh the defaalt mast be curod;and
<br /> : (d)t6at failure to cure the tktault on or 6efo�e the date specified in tNe nMice may resWt in aoceleration ot the snms �--
<br /> .J ;_,,�� secured by this Secority Instsument and sate of the Property.'Fhe notice shall furthcr inform Borrower ot the right to �
<br /> s°•�: :: rdmtate atter accekration sind the rlght to b�ing� court achon to assert the noa-exLsteoce ot�deiaalt oc s►ny ot6er
<br /> • r� +''�" detense of Borrower to acceleratbn and sale. It the default is aai cured oa or be[ore t6e date spocitied in the aotx� � =
<br /> ,::�;.:� = _
<br /> •„ t:�..,.� ..��•��,. E.ender.at its option,may reqatre immediate payment in[ull of aIl s�mis secured by tirir Security Instrument witTai�t _
<br /> :, i. � . . furt6er demand aad muy iavoke the powe�ot sale und any other r�nedies pe�anitted b��pticable IaR.Lendes sfi�i!be � '4�'
<br /> � 4i
<br /> ••��%�r��•`•._;._-�.�._—.�.,. entided to rnllect all expenses it►curred in pursuing the remedles pmvlded in this paregra�2Z,inciudi�.but.iot I�mited .,r.:;,�'
<br /> ... — ..,,.{����.. , °
<br /> �'��`. �.•' , l�,�-s w,reasonable attorneys ices andcostsottitle evidence.. . ��..
<br /> �f�,'��-;;..' � ';f�,�'«�; I!the p ower ot sale is invoked,Trustee shall record a noNce oi default in each county in whlch any part mf tB�e - �a-,
<br /> �'-�'.,, '' Property is located and shall mall capies ot such notice in the mnnner prescrlbed by applicable law to Borrower a�d to �:.+=:'�':'
<br /> � -" ' the other personS prescNbed 6y applipble taw.A(ter the time required by app cable taw, "� ` `
<br /> li Trustee shall give public notice s?'.� �
<br /> ::,_ , ,,�f.;;;. . ot sale to the persons and in the manner prescribed by applicable law.Trustee,without demand on Borrower.sh�ll sell -`'``��Y:
<br /> ;�-�,=�5�'�;'•.'3':�. .:, th4 Property at publk audion to the highest bidder at the time and place a n d u n d e r t h e t e r m s d�ig n a t e d i n t h e no ti c e o! .
<br /> sale in one or more p�rc.ls and in any order Trustee determin�..Trustee.may postpc►ne sate ot all or any parcel oi the ;�.. . ` .. _
<br /> ' �.:;• ' � `� Property 1�� �ublic announcement at the time and place of an� previously scheduted satc. �Lender or its d�ip,nee aa�ay -
<br /> •,�.. . purchase t�e�iroperty at any sale. � '
<br /> , ,� • form 3Q2S 9190
<br />- � ;�(���y�' . . ' Pago 5 0�5 � .
<br /> , •IZth . . - ,
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