. • C ,� ` • �� . ,. . l<. . • C,t , •+ .`. .i ` . . ` � .' ' � � ` , a ` . ` .�� .����,��• `` r • -
<br /> ' -` . •" ��.��� �����`��������� • +. .
<br />- ' .. ��i����� ����������� �.
<br /> . LetlarS�optiof,'bb�,00�erye eo paect I�a�d�xti ri�es i%�he lkop�ety is�000�d�s�oe wilh pr�rapfe 7. ' � . . " .
<br />� � �: << �!irae�rc,e�oli�ia aed raealif��YI!tie�ooa�le io E;ea�f�aw��i�iee�ie a wndrd�rorf�4 e�wa. idec�: � .
<br /> ` � i�Mre�e ri�Ue w boid i�poiicie�a'sd t�atarrat�. #.ea�er+rt�i�e�.Hono�wer�tu8 peaniptiy�tc►le�3ec aH ieoe�pA�•'. ..
<br /> ` ' . d p�itt peri�ia as�reatw�aL aotioe� �n the�ot,at loi�Ba��i��P�'�P���d�e fi�tasoe carrkr iad
<br /> � i.�deG Irnr�era�►asi�ioepacfdibui�odttn�depibmpdy�jr 8at�e�: � < •
<br /> -- - � �1Jaiea Ixad�a4d Ba�s+o+irec o�kec�e���L�ct p►+nceedo d�dl�!e!�tPlied m r�i�a a npiir d
<br /> �tLe.11ropeity:d�ro�ed.if�We ieaioMtial��P����Y�aod I�eoder'i siec,urity��at k�o�bd. If Ib't ` <
<br /> ' `: �ion or repur is mt e000aai�all�•t a�l e or l x n d a�i e c u r i�y�i d b e 1 a�a r e d�d�e�r a�e P��o e e�s�1 b e
<br /> . ' �pqiaf to tbe,wmti�ocmed bY dns 5ew��j►Im�nune�t.�a not t6ea do�wbh�ny e�cda'p�id tu Hoao�* IE ..
<br /> • _ A.,.Y....�-,b.�e��e r�v_cr daesmt�erar�ILio..��lt�uo�s 9?�!!.La_rks ttpE the_n�ace c�niei(oias_ -
<br /> --- _—oE�te�ed io eL�le a a�nR d�at l.�h�der m�Y coiixt t1�e�P� �►me �sp�d� _ --_' —
<br /> . .�rtqx�ty c,.io r.y,�,ec�n�ea by a�s secu�ty�,�,�c,.rLe�6a or na t�aa. 1T,e so-day pa;oa will t�pa.�a � _.
<br /> tbe notioe is pva�. ` � � .
<br /> ' Uniea�.dldet�d BoaoMar ct6erwiae apoe in vmtio�,any�pplic+�ion of p�uroedi eo pr�ncip�i ah�ll a�t e�nmd ar
<br /> po�tpooe die�e dape of d�e mon1�13►Pa3!meots�efe�sed w m p�ragraplu 1 and 2 or d�nge tbe�moimt of tlx pymeats. If
<br /> ,maer pQ�raph 21 dic rmgeny u aoc�ed by l.enda.Eariower�s righc w any�nsu�anoe pobcies�1 P�o�s�°a
<br /> , �nm dam�gr w tbe ptvpe�ty p�ior�o t6c aaluitrtion sball pass to l,ender w tba ezteat of tbe sums aecu�ed by this Sa�uitj�
<br /> � Ias�uaeat iaunediately prior to tbe aoqui.uhon. �
<br /> � �„ ,pocqj�c�, prmei�afial, Msi�lea�ee a�d ProfectiN of tl�e Yrupafj; son+uw�er'i I.ou ApplieMlo�'s
<br /> ' L�reioiiR. Boaparcr sball a�opy,astablish.aad ast tbe Ptope�ty as Bamwer's prmcipal t�esidente aithia sixty daYs afoes
<br /> � th.c ea�eca6at�uf d�Secarity Inun�ment�od shall cea�aoe to ooc�py ilu Ptopaty u Boaowa't principt ies�knoe fa at
<br /> � ' kau one.�a2�aftet fie date of occ�ry. anless I:Eidcr ahawLse sg�ees m.wntit�g, al�icfi ca�n�eat s1aU not,be ,
<br /> wne�s��:�rithheld.or�unless extenuadng cincomst�ces exist whicd u�e beydd Bamwer'�caohoL Bonawer absU not � . �
<br /> d�3r,�s�e oc,impmtcl�te,ptopecry,atbw the Piopeity w detec�orate.or�ommit waste an the Avpaty. Barmabr ahatl .
<br /> ec�
<br /> � .ine St�d�€aialt i�u�y forfe�r'te�oP o4 R�nB�arhed�er civ�a eriminal.is begurt tisat in Lender8 good faitb�udBment
<br /> : vs��vlr in fafeituc���,�ett.9,or odxxwise materlally impair the tien�reated by thi�Secwity lnstrumeat or
<br /> II;�'sxa�it�r inunst.33iii�b�va��.u�e siic6 a default aud niastate,as provided in pacagripl�18.by causing tUe action
<br /> �",``or:pr��.�to be d'ismissed witQ a i?-�„thgt.ia l.ender�s good faith de�em�ination.Piecl�fafeitare af the Boaower�s
<br /> �ntenst in ti�e Prope�ty a other mat�:impa�rment of.tl�e liea creaud by this SecurinY,Iu�x�inent or Lendtr�s security
<br /> '�s�t. $omower shall also be in defauit if 8onower, during the toan ap�licat{op.Process• 8a�e materiaUy faLte qt
<br /> 'u�ecvrate informatian or statemeats to Lender(or fa�ed to ptovide Lender wit6 a¢�t.�,aisrial in'formation)in�oonnocxion wiW
<br /> :, �e loan.evidenced by the Note,inciuding,lwt not limited to,�tations,.�8 B�wer's o�ncy of the
<br /> ��n3'�?���P�nsidence. If this Sa:urity Uistcument is on a k�se6old.Bori}3wer shall c�c,��y witb a!I rB��rovisions .
<br /> of tl�e le�se,.�Bornuwer acqatn�s fee�e to,tl�e Yruperty,the leasehei'x�and tUe fee titTt shall aot a�eage unless#�ider aP�:. .•
<br /> . to the mergzs r"�wriunS. .• . ' . ` � � .
<br /> � 7. Peotection o�l:e�der's Ri�els iq tbe Propert,�_1f$orrciver fails t�g�eafocm�ie cavenaats aad�agreemers� :...�� ' , -- - __-
<br /> eontaitx.�t in this Security �s�n�-irn'��Mr�is�t�at �xueced¢�$d�t ma��1Y affect Lenders�lits_ui the' _.
<br /> t; :pro�ertY(such as a procced�g in bas�la�tcy,Probaie,for condemnation or forfei�:or to enforce laws or z+ega32sions)..then
<br /> . Lender ma�do and pay for whatever gs nocessary to prntect the value of the Property and L�ter's riglits in t�e PcopertY•
<br /> Lender's accians may include paying an�snms secured by a lien afiich has priority over this S�.urity Insuument,appearing
<br /> in coart�paging reasonabte attomeys'f�.s and entering on the Y�+nperty to make repairs.Althaa�Lender may take action _
<br /> under this paragraph 7,Lender dces not bave to do so. •
<br /> Any amounts disbursed by I.ender urider this paaagraph 7 shall ber.ome add�*tiunai debt of BorroweY�cured by this
<br /> � Security Listrumen� Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other tem�s of paymen�t�ese amounts shall bear iA�:�ss from the �''"`-
<br /> 'date of disbursement at the Note rate aad shall 6e payable.with interest.upon nodce from Lender to Borrur�.K:�uestin� ��'-�__
<br /> payment. , ��--�
<br /> 8. Mortgpge Iasuranca If 1-efsdzr re�Nired mortgage insar�ax�as a candition of making the loan sec�^�by:.�.?s �,���r�
<br /> Secarity instrument,Bdrrouer shall�zy�si�e prcmiums required to�::as.�stain th�rKOrtgage insurance in effecc L`f,;for any • r„���,>�
<br /> reason. the mortgage inswr�c,e coverzge required by Lcnder lapses or ceas;s�:s be in effec� Borrower s�.a;l pay the �f'���r'`
<br /> premiums required to obtain coyeraae substantially equivalent to the tnortgage �:asurance previously in effe.:�,at a cost .�>;���'��
<br /> substantially equivalent to the wst tm�3snower of the mortgage�,s.�*ance prevtoasJy in effect,from an alterr.a�'x mortgage :�
<br />= insurer approved by Lender. If sub'stzr,::iaAy equivalent mortgage�*s�--ance coverage is not available,Borrower shall pay to ':'
<br /> Lender each month a sum equal to one=twelfth of the yearly mortgz�°insurance premium being paid by Borrower when the �:
<br /> ' insurapce coverage tapsed or ceased to be in efiect. Lender will accept,use and recain the.se payments as a loss ceserve in lieu ` 't'
<br /> of mortgage insurance. Lass reserve payments may no longer be reqnired.at t��-e option of Lender.if morr�e insurance ��`
<br />- coverage(in the amount and for the penod that Lender requires)prnv;ded by an insurer approved by Lender a.�:.�becomes -
<br />- available ar�d is obtained.Borrower sha11 pay the premiums requ'ued Qo maintam mortgage insurance in effect,or to provide a �
<br />- loss reserve,until the requiremeni far mortgage insurance ends in a�rdance with any wriiten�greement between Borroaea
<br />- and Lender or applicable law. .• .
<br /> 9. Inspectian. Ler�er or its agent may make reasonable err�:�s upon and inspections of the Property. l.ender shall
<br />= give Borrower notice at the time of or pnor to an inspection specifyirg r�asona6;�cause for the inspection. " ,
<br />_ 10. Caedemmtion. 'fhe proceeds af any award or claim for damages,direct or consequential,in connection with any ���`' �,
<br /> Singte Familv-.paqnk NadFreddk Mac IJhIFORN I'�STRUNE�IT••Unifmm Co�enants 9190 (pnRe 3 rJ6 pn�es)
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