______ .
<br /> .�.�.
<br /> - — — ; - - � . -. - . .. :
<br /> .
<br /> � . , ` _ . .,r , 1` ' _ � _"_
<br /> --__ � � -_ •`� �<, ` .F = -�.-.- `_____ _- -�_---- - , _=�_ �`�i�.Z.�� -,4-�---= -.��- .
<br /> . ` �ari�li�ot air dd�ofsi�pe�af ia prop�tX,oE t4�.00�!'�ooe iie�d aada�tio�.�i�elrr s�ipel�d � _- '
<br /> �, � �kp�i�bi+wii�r. : � - . . . .
<br /> t�+ie ereiie a s�oert a�s o�`r�e riope�tr.�e�oc�ed�arn 6e appiiea�w u��es.ecarad iqr uds�y < .
<br /> � �p�t,.obe�be�ar'not dree 8�w!iih anY exoe�P�to Haro�er� Ia d�e erent af�piatW�ti�of th�P.kapeity iu .
<br /> � • � �`the tdr�l�tioet valee af�e PbcpatY:io�dp beta�e!he t�is pq�1�o ar pea�er't6r►Ibc�mcwet af We wms` . =
<br /> ��y d��j,��q�el�►bdae t�e t�tuig,uoiest Soctavva�nd I+a�ter oWanvi�a�te�e ia.� . �. .
<br /> Ibe�ai�ecd�ed by dus Secu�54�e6all'6e ttiduced by the amaqu of'tbe P�ocoeds�bY tbe fdlowi�
<br /> ,. .Lact�i: (a)tbe totd�rmamt of d�e�mns savued i�edietetY bef�e the t�kio6.div&ied Ey(b)d�e m�rket value of t�
<br /> _ . p�tr.m�ely befora die�_MF 6d�uct�11'lae paid o�Bonow�er. In�tvait aE a pntiai�of,d�e _ ,
<br /> `proQetty in wfiich dro fsir ewricet v�oe cf @�Pr�c�pectg ima�ed'istety 6efae the,fatin�is les�iWa��iaaui�t of t�sn�ns
<br /> .aecuie��befare tbe tatm¨�s Baaovrer aad I.erder odte,�rue a�ee m wrntmg ar unkss�ppTicabb ls�r
<br /> �i�p�vides.tbe p�,ecds a6di be�pplied to the sams secaced by t6ts Sceutit�r Insdnm�eot xi�edrer ar eot d��ms soc
<br /> ,r�ar,�-.
<br />_ _{_ _ - - --�- - - - ---- --. _ _ . . ..
<br /> _ _ - - _------_ —..__ . . _. . —�___..
<br /> . . . ..._�_
<br /> If�e Property.is ab�ridoned Mr Bs�ow�er,a� m�ce w
<br /> ae aw�a ad�e a claan for dtms�es,Bo�mwer fails w tespond w Letider wi8im 30 diys after the datcth�notice is given, .
<br /> . l,eoder is nqbori�ed to cdkct fod,�ppty tht pcocads.at its optton,eitl�er to iestauioo a iep�ir of tbe Propaty ar to the
<br /> ��by�S 5epuity�psonane�t,vvhethaarnot Wan due. � �
<br /> Unlas I.endrt aod Bonuwa othe�wise agrx ia writmg,u►Y aPP�ao af procads w principal sbali uot eata�d.br .
<br /> � p�e thodae dau of the moNh1Y WY��nferied to in puagtaphs I uid 2 or cbange the amomrt of st�h payiva�ts.
<br /> 11. Ea�r+uwer Not Rdes�td: Farbarrace By I�esder Nat s Wsiver. Exteasion of tbe time fa payma�t cr . ,
<br /> �mo�on of aroo�ti�atian of t6e sruns sec�d by ttris Secarity Insutu�xnt gcanted by I.e�der to�ny woassor in inteKSt _ .
<br /> ' of Bomower shall not oherntc to nka5c the liaM'lity of the aiginal Boaower or Bamwer§sucaesso�s in interest.L.erdeF
<br /> abail na be requicM to commence pro�odinSs against.a�,�ccessa in inte�est a zefase co extead time fa payaxnc a . ..
<br /> � . qt�awiye modify amo�izaddn of tlx suins'sceur�d.t1Y t��5�'mtY Ins�um�ni-bY eeasa�of aay demaod made by the a�n8uial
<br /> Baaower ot Bot:owerTS su�oessas in intecest.;;'�:.�:�oebeazahce by Leader in acencising any rIghr oc�y sha11�t be a
<br /> •�: .:. • -
<br /> wsiver o;ar pieclude the exe�ise of ap►�r ri8}lt��'�'.ie+d�•• � .' ' 'Ibeo�!snaat�a�od�agroements pf this
<br /> IZ.Ssoce�o�s aai l��ud;J+��Sevaca111.fa1�ilitl+_Casipx+�.
<br /> Secucity insauatent shal!6fnd.sr.��t the sueee.s�o�s a��csigas of Lender and Hassia�,subjoct w d�e pep�ti�.�of ,
<br /> paragnpis l�.Bamw�r�s coc�>a;nd agrartsents shall'5�3oint and several.My Ba�r�i�zr who co�signs t1us;�?u'ariry ,
<br /> Instmment bat do��ot�ae,���r�Tou: (a)is co-signing this Securitg+Tnstrument ouly tti zriattgagc,grant and co�;i.g>#�at •'
<br /> Botmwer's intEi�;a,it�°r�?c;;�der the tenns Of dds Security L�sttumen� (b)is not Pe�sonally obligated W pay t�s�Rs�, f,.;. `.:.;
<br /> socuted by this S�i.y fiss.lr�..��and(c)ag�es that l.ender and any other Borrower may agroe W eattnd,modify.fc�eat •�.;�.
<br /> ac maice any accontm6datinn�'�5 re g a�d to t h e tertns of this Seenri t y Instrument or the Note without that Bocro�xts;s , .f�,�•
<br /> � consen�. . . . .,
<br /> 1.,;;,o�C#�es. If the loan secured by this Securiry Instrument is su6ject to a taw which sets maximuFri'Ioan
<br /> cUarges;a�l'�haa�Ls finally inte�preced so that the interest or other loan charges collected or to 6e collected in connection •
<br /> yvith the Io�aro��lhe pe�mitted Gmit�,then: (a)anY sucb loan charge shall be rcduced by the amount aecessary to nduce
<br /> the charge to thc.p�initted Ittnix and(b)any sums already eollected from Bomnwer which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> �......_- - nfu�d xo Borrower. Lender�a�.choose to make this refund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by making a
<br /> _ dire�i�aymeat to Barrowe'r. E�4�Snd reduces pri�ipal,�tmductian wift 6e treatedas a partiaf pre�aym�ni wit�at any .._._-
<br /> --- PRF�3'�nt charge under the?\�+_:.. �
<br /> _ 14. Notkes. Any noti�':a Bormwer provided for in this Security lnstrument si�I1D be gtven by deliverusg zt:�by
<br /> mailing it by fitst cIass mail un3ess applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shaU be d'uected to the Rvperty
<br />,� -- Address or any aher address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender shaq be given by first class _,
<br /> mait to I.ender�address stated"�rein or any other address Lender desigrwtes by notice to Borrower. Any notice pmvided for
<br /> � in this Secutity Insttumen�sha1F be deemed ta have been givea to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this _
<br /> P�S�Pb• __-
<br /> IS. Governing Law;Severabilily. This Secuuty Instnimem shall be govemed by federal law and ti�e law of the —.--
<br /> jurisdictian in which the Pcoperty is lacated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Securiry Insuument or the Note =_
<br /> conflicts with applicabte law.such conflict shall not affect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Note which can
<br /> _ �C��.�; be given effect without the conflicting pmvision. To this end the provisions of this Security lnsuument and the Note are a�-�°-
<br /> '�:�:� declared to be seve[able. �''`�-.
<br /> ":''fl '. • 16 Borrawer's Copy. Borrower shaU be given one conformed copy of the Note and of this Security lnstrumen~w ,` N
<br /> ��#;' . ;,� 17. 'Ilraasfer ot the Property oe a Benefic�al Interest in Borrower. lf all or any part of the Fraperty or any ir.r:r2st in r�„_-�
<br /> 'f beneficial interest in Barrawer iti sotd or uansferred and Bortower is nat a natural person) �`°=�`
<br /> ��-t�� it is sotd or transferted(or i � E^a�._=
<br /> �,�,; • without Lender's F�or written conrent.Lender may.at i[s option.require immediate payment in full of aU sums secured by �_--
<br />- �=�;;�::?� ; this Security Instr.��:nt. Hou•ever,this option shaQ not be exercised by Lendcr if exercise is prohibited by federal law as of :�'.�__
<br />����::`'.`•� I tt�ec'�te of thisSec�ty lnstr-::Ten�. --• _
<br /> �r; r�:,
<br /> •���:. , � 64'i.ender eaercises this o�tion.l.ender shall give Borrower notice of acceleratFen_ 'Ii�e notice shall provide a peaiod of x7,
<br /> "�', `��� . r.et less than 3U days from the date the natice is delivered or mailed within which Boriv�aer must pay aQ sums securea�b}+this
<br /> ���`' •��' ` � Security Ihswment. if Borrowcr fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration of tbis periad.Lender may in�oke any .-.
<br /> . `;"��! .
<br /> remedies pennitted by this Security.lnstrumem without further notice or demand an Borrower.
<br /> �.����'t:�., , 18. Borrowee's Right to Reinstate. If Borrower meets certain conditions. Borrawer shatl have the right to have
<br /> �• �• ';°r �s'eement of this Security[r.strument discontinued at any time prior to the earlier oi: ta1 S days(or such other�*eriod as
<br /> f:,,
<br /> ..�+orr. �i
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