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<br /> _ � t,��--_�.� -_ � :'`�� , -- -
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<br /> � .f ,. . . ` ` ` c` `- ' : - .., c ` � � .. , . t . � .
<br /> . ( ��Ri IS���•",��—_���' ������L �.,..y�y�,,.�F{iYU�Gi�� �f/i�if i . ,
<br /> . � �����^^�l�{� ��li���YC�it�C � • ������ _ .
<br /> � , ��O�WII�O�R C�i0�f11IX'.t�.l�i flj�i IO I�IE�kGp!![i �C 10 i000i�11QE��Y��7. �
<br /> � 1�1u�CC��1�TS R�TfE iCCCpfi�E 1D�.EIdEI���L9C�YaC i�IIiOf�C CWIi� �l11dL'!
<br /> Sbin�liYE t�E Il���l0�$IC p0�IC1C5�iWdM�i. ��!!tOQttIt�CS��Of[�WCi��E��E[YO�O��E11�[1��Ii00Cl� '
<br /> Of��Em1Y0LS�1lflE�Yi�D0�'S. ��1C E�►COt G��06f.�QlO�IQ Qlli��EIYC pDDfO�t IIOtiOE 10 tliE 16S��OG C�lIGt� �
<br /> �.«�de�I.eflcfer,nay mate pooE of loss if aoc mde prwnptiy t�r satrowa � , ,
<br /> tTnless l.eed�e€aod Bano�+es c�hanrrse a8ee sn��ance gcocee�a1�1,6e ap�lied�reatoration a�ic of : •
<br /> the Pmpen.Y damaged.if the iesoon�an ar tepa"v is acuoomicaUy[r�'6k uid L.encler�soc�iry is tat kssened. 1f tbe � .
<br /> ` _�star�ioa a " u nnt ecaoomralI feas�'bie_ar l.eoder�s ' wnttW.6e kssened.tt�e in�ucmx ptvoae�s s1�111�c
<br /> - -- --- _ -- = -- ��- � -�- .---�- --- ---• ��
<br /> sums Y �Y �►Y-v�t=p�is'��=�row�r-:3�===----- -__.
<br /> Barowa ai�odans the Pmpeity,a das not aoswer vrithin 30 days a notice fiom t.ender tt�t t6o ias�uanoe car»er h�s `
<br /> offeced to satk a c�,d►ea l.endet.n�y oolkct the�ce piooes+ds.I.cader may us�the pmoeeds to zepair or nstore '
<br /> the Fmpercy ur w p�y snms s�nea by�mis seceity rnsumneot,ahether a�na then dne.'iLe 3o-day periqd w�l beg�n wbea:
<br /> � the natioe is giva�. �
<br /> Onkss L,eadri md Baii�ver ah4cwisc a�ee in writin8,�nY,�pli�ian of plrweeds�o.piinci�!sh#li not�aterid or;.
<br /> postpone th�dao daoe of tbe moot�ly:�a.,ynuau refe�ed m in p�ogsapiis 1 aad 2 ar a6�nge thc�aunt Pf the pa�ments. Tf,.
<br /> uuder p�ph 2l tt�ee Ptnperty is a�is�d bg I.endef,Boanwar�.�,tn any.ins�uaoca pa�e.s,aad p��esuifit�`•
<br /> fiom dae�ge w the Ptoperty prior to�'�cquisman shall pass to[�tdeb w the exunit of the saz�saaa+et!by tl�is Seca���•�.
<br /> - :�t iromcdimiy prior to the acqmstuon. , � .
<br /> - - f� tJ�oa�pNic� Pe+e�erv�tio�e, 1HaLte�aoae aa� .Pr+otecfios nt�e.P�+opatl; Barru�'� i�a�s�� _ _
<br /> �.':'`�eUotds: Barower sh�ll occupy.estab�ith,and use the Pt�opeRp as Bonowu�s principal iesidence witlua;�r;�laYs a&ec
<br /> tUe exea�tiun of thic Security Inst�umeat and sh�U coMinue Lo oocu�y the Ptoperty.as Bonowa�s priocipat ri�:for aE
<br /> . kau one year after t6c due of oxup�anc.y. uakst L,eader othe��ise.agcas m writing, wTticb c�u,sl�il�not be
<br /> un�son�bly witbbeld.or unkss e�mu�tmg cu�wns�nces exist w�ue 6tyuad Haruwa�s conaol. Bam��c s6aU nat
<br /> �-�kstmY,damage or�I�e�mpeRy.altow the Ptupe�ty to deteriaate.or cc��t.waste on ihe Ptoperty.. i�a�mwer sh?U
<br />._ 6e in aetwtt if my forfe�u;actimr,or p�ooeoaing,wheu�er civa.ar crimu�al.<i�;'F�,�r�tha�4.in i.eader3 goot�fa�t g�dgnxnc
<br /> could nsult in forfeiAa+�`o€ahe Ptnperty or otfjetwise materially irnpair thes����ite+�bY.dtis Seciuity�rs�ment ar
<br /> - � Lender's security inucest. Bormcv�c c�l•cune sach a defaWt aad teinstau,as pravti"t,�ia parag�apb 18.bY causing the actiotr •
<br /> - , or proce�ng Co be d'ismissed'ai�'i,�r-�I+.�ig that,in Lender's good faith&terminatiw�,Pncludts fotfeituc�e of th�Boaowet's �
<br /> inteiest in the Ptopertye.p��h�.sa�a�impaimuat of the lien cnated by this Secucity Insdument or Lan�ler�sectiriry
<br /> intenst. Ho�rower sha.Ti}.�a�st+�i±c';ius'•��s(efault if Borrower.duiing tfie loan apQl�cation pracess, gave ma�aally faLse or •
<br /> - ' inaccutam iriformaaon E+r.sl��rs.to t.ender(or faited to provide I.er►der with.xn�s•maurial information)in cormection with
<br /> - the toan evidenced by 8iC N+�e, ia�'�uding, but not limited w..nep�sent2tions�,conceming Bermwer�s occupancy of th�,;.
<br /> Prnperty as a principa!nsidence. �€t�ija S�cariry Instrument is on,a•}�uholdi�orrower shall comply with ali the provisio�;..:,
<br /> of tIx lease.�If qorro�rer acquines fee_Sitt��co tha PropeAy,tha LeaseF,�tT1d�d tha fee titte sfia[l rjot,merge untess Lender ag�. ': �
<br /> :;`= -tothc ger� u��.wi�iting. : '� ��:� • ..-- - •
<br /> 7.�P�ot�tiod of�ndes's RigUts�in the�Qr�operty. If Borrowe�.faiis,sta�erform.the covenants and agrcements.
<br /> _. contained in.this Securic�r;l�nstrument.,or thcre,is a kgai praceeding.that may:��i�a�andy affect Lender's rights in the �
<br /> r. K�_, ,:,�,� ptuperty{soch as a pmceedu�g.in bas�l�,npt�y,pro6ate,for conde�nt�atian or forfeiture or to enfu��.laws or regula6ons),then� �� —
<br /> _,;. .�; ,:, :. Lender may do and pay for,whatevev�.mecessary.to protect th�.vr�uc��of the Property and�:ei�ar's rights in the Property:�. �;�..-,,,:
<br /> '` �F+.` . Lertder's acdons ma include in � .sams�Fecumd b a lien p' "ry Y ppeari g
<br /> . Y PaY 8 . P Y �fi��g Ron over this�a3rit lnsuumeri�a n ' "r;•:�r•�R
<br /> .: -�3`..,.:' ..;';r:.
<br /> �.: � ��`K.�; .;};,,: in court.payin�reasonabl;attomeys'fees and entering on the Property�to make repairs.Although i.eades inag°�alce action , ` �`�.� _�;.�.:
<br /> ' �r�.�N'ti' , . _, ., under this paragraph 7.Lender daes not have to do so. , _
<br /> � •'' � � ' My amounts disbutsed by Lender under this patagraph 7 shall become addiuonal debt of Borrower�e�.c�cb.by this �`��:�"
<br /> -.'. �:�.�_:;`..,_�:...,;�-• •. - _
<br /> -.y;_f,ti.,�, . . Security Instrumen� Unless Barrowet and Lender agree to other terms•of.paymenf,these amounts shall bear inierest�rom the , . ��
<br />'f'r �: • ���� date of disbursement at the Note rate�and shall be payable,with i�tta�est:.upon notice Erom Lender to Borrower reqa�ii�r��� �
<br />_: �� rt�''t'r': "���" II1Ci1�. ' f' � .+^•'.n
<br /> ' '' r �y 8. Mortgage Insurana. (f Lend.r reyuired mort�age ins.�ranCe as a condirion of making the loan secumd by tBi's. , ' • �"��
<br />_ ,,`.,.,:;•-- s5)I��', • �-.
<br /> �,::,.:; .
<br /> >•'��»��i:i� Securily irotrumenl,8ar�veo�shali pay ihe premiums requi�+cd to maintain•the.mortgage insurance in effec�t. If.for any �_�-�=��--� .�
<br /> . ';Fi;t�;vr::•.` '• ``. reason. the mortgage in.�t.rac�ce coverage required try i.ender lapses or Ceases¢o be in effect. Borrower shall pay the . �• f';3: • �`
<br /> e #
<br /> "°��• � remiums r ulred to obfsin covera e substandall uivalent to the mort e insurance eviousl in effect,at a cos�.. `���� � � �l `
<br /> • •�';;;.:' P �1 8 Y e 9 E a 8 P r Y � ,
<br /> r;, _ .. ,::��+?;.
<br /> , , '•,;,�.f� substantiaUy equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage irtw.cance previousty in effec�from an attemate mortgage ,.
<br /> ��.. • - insurer approved by Lender. Jf substantially equivalent mongage ir:icsance coverage is nat available.Borrower shall pay to E,.:�:�, ' �'� :{;i;.:
<br /> ,L'"' � ' Lender each month a sum equal to one-twetfih of the yeazly mong�,;�insurance premium being paid by Borrbe.er when the � ��s;�•����� �
<br /> r% ' f.:��• '=
<br /> ��- �_ • insarance rnverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.we and retain these payments as a los4 r�erve in lieu •
<br /> ,,::r.. � -. . af mottgage insurar�ce. Loss reserve paymenu mas� aa tanger�e rcquired,at the option of Lender,if mart�:insurance �-��,-
<br /> ��,,Y , • �. cov e(in the amount and for the od that Lxn�`�r re uiresi .ided b an insurer a roved b Lender a ai�becomes . �'�+�'+�
<br /> � P� �i P� Y PP Y 8 .=:;u,-.•
<br /> F. � availableartd is obtained Borrower tha)1 pay the premiums.��ur�d tv maintain mortgage insurance in effec�or to provide�a , : ,�;;'
<br />'. . ;�t ' � �,;;�s`� toss reserve�unuUtha requirement for ma:�Sage insurance endc i�a,ocordance with any�vriuen agreement between Borrou.Er j . '`{.`
<br /> ' ti:'.{; •': • .=.:. : and Lender or apptimblr•taw. • � • �.
<br /> :,;:..,.
<br /> ,•,;°;;.._. .'• 9 /nspection.,,Lea�tr or itsagent may ma.',c��onable entrieti upon and inspections af the Property. 1.ertder tihall ;
<br /> :: �;..�,
<br /> � ,.,.�.,, t
<br />. ,;,,,,..,� . � sive Baaawer notice at the�mg of or prior to an inc�;�ian specifying reasonable cause far the inspection.
<br /> . '";;;,�, 10. Condemn�tion.;�'te�proceedr af un��award or claim for damages.dimct or consequential,in connection with any � .
<br /> ,.`;'S�i:�', SingteF•rmilyi+r.Fantla�GYC�fitMdk�tael:175q5In111�fT1'RUHF.�T--ltn�furmCu�araat� 9l90 Ipu�er3�fn��,c.�� i
<br /> .R .. • . . � ! '
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