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<br /> . ' ` ar od�er ot pet nf tlie Ptopelt�r.ar fa�oaMeya�e in liw af�+cie beeeb�awi�d
<br /> �oo�i� ��±�,�i +�Y : � -_ �
<br /> . b d�e eva�c of�s wal c�Cyc af Mt�r�opaty.the poc�ea�sti.0 6e appiiea w the sun�sahuea"tiy d�is security
<br /> � LWeu�aait:whedia or not dlee due.with aey eaoe�s P�id ta Bamw��ut the zvent af a p�etia[t�kin�ot d1a Propert�r in .
<br /> wl�ich tht fiir ri�sitet v�ue of d�c�toputy inm�edia�ely befar the taging is equc�l ta a geruer Wn ihe�of the d� :
<br /> �ecurod py t!�Securig►in�unieAt bnmedutely 6efae tbr Wnni,unless.Borrower and Lender odurwlsa a6tee In wiiting,
<br /> Ihe wms seciued.by dds Se�tY Im�unaea a1W1 Ee reduced by the amount.of the proaeds�multiip�ied by the foltoaring `.
<br /> f�aeti�: :(a?�Le,wt�l�of tbe wmz sawed imtnedi�cely befae the t�iC{n8•dv�d.bY N)t�fair m�tet value of tbe
<br /> �y i�oa;,�ty��c��. a►y b.r�,��a��a w a�a. tn a�av�t�a�r.u�a�o��
<br /> pt�opeecy iawbich d�fiit tnutcet r�ue o�ti�e Ptopetty.im�aedi�tely befare the t�g is ku ttaa the unaot of tlx swns. � ,,
<br /> - —— . . . .. .
<br /> _ -°---- - -. .. . �_�n s�mtu�or_`unkss_�Pp�pbk_IaBr==_ _
<br /> od�eiwiae p�owdes,t�e piuce�slull be sq�plied w ttie sums secw+ed by dus Sxarity lrauutaea�t wHed�er ar not the sums ac�e
<br /> tbea due.
<br /> If the Ptapeity is al�odmed by Borrowa,or if,after rlatioe bY I.ender to Harowet thu the conde�or aNe�s to mak�
<br /> �o aw�M at seule i claim fa d�ns�s.Bormwer fails w respond to Le�der within 30 days aRer tbe dste tLe notioe is giv4o,
<br /> [.aWer is w�o�ized w conocc.od appty ct�e procecds,,ae�ts Qpaa�n,eidxr ro resto�uian or�+ep�ir oi��m►oc ra rb�
<br /> swns sxwed by this Sec�u'ity 1t44uument,wlxtAer or tai then due.
<br /> Unkss�.Cnder aad Bamwer o�herwise agree in writin8,anY aPPlic�oa of psoceeds to pciaci�shalt na extend ar
<br /> postpooe thc dae dua of the monthlY MY�ats iefemd to in para�apbs 1 and 2 or c6aagc the amounc af suc�t p��
<br /> U. Dotr�owa-Nat Rdated: Fa�'be�raace 8y �' Nat a Waivtr.� Fac�easion of the tuae for payment or ,
<br /> - ma�itk�ttio�af�oa of she smns seeured bythis Sccu:ity tnstnuua�t$tanted{sy i.criidu to any successor en enlertst -�._ _. .
<br /> . o�.Bixnawer shall�nat opaste to•�ge the 1iab�it}►,Qf the original Botrosarec.rtr•Borrower�s suc�essots in ipterest.Lendtr ;
<br /> s�ll�wt be iegoired w comaxace prnceedin$��8�inst any successor�n�iu�te�st or nefuse to extead 6me for payment ar ,.
<br /> utherwi�e madify a�nortizntion of tbe surt�s securad b��hu,SecuntY�t.ay reason of any demanil made by the original . . .
<br /> �a�ov�er a 8o�nwer�s successocs in inarest. My:forbe�uK�e by Lender in exercising any right or rerrxdy shaU aa lx a _
<br /> wuvecaf or�xaclude tbe exe�+eise of any right or nmedY• • -.
<br /> ���t Sraesra's s�d A�aouad:Joint�wd Severat Li�bQlt�.Co� Tbe coveriants and agreeme�ef this
<br /> - Senrriry In�nmient shall bind and benefit the successors and assi8ns of L.ender and Bomnwer.subject to the pmv�srans of, .
<br />_- paragraph 1'7.Bormwer�s wvenants and ageements shall'be joint and several. My Bormwer who co-signs this Security .
<br />-- Insunment but daes not e�cecate the Nae: (a?is oo-signing this Security Incaument onty w mortgage.grant aod coav�y t6at ,
<br /> Borrowerg inurest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrumen� (b)is not personalty obiigated to pay the sums
<br />- - seciued by this Security Instrument;and(c)agrees that l.ender and aay other Borrower may agree to eatend,modify forbear
<br /> _ , pr make any accammodations wit6:egard to ihe tecros of this Secwiry Instrument o�.the Note withqut thai Boirower's .
<br /> -- -- — � �t... � . � _.
<br /> _'--. • 13. Loao Chargeg. If the loan sec�a�;lay this Security Inshvm�:'sr.subjec�'u�3�aw which sets�aximum loan •_
<br />_���` . charges.aad thaz law is finally intecpeeted so�?�intecest or other foa�atr�#r,ges co'�axyd tir ta be.r��lected in connecdon.. _ . , _ —
<br /> n�it3s tt:e ioan exceea the"permttted limitc,t�+:.•fa)any such loan charge sta�It�be reduced tig the a�,�necessary[o reduce` - • . T- _
<br />-,t�Y � � ` the c�arge to the�permitted limi�astd{b)any s�ims already collected from Botrower which exeeeded permitted 7imits wiU be .
<br />�='�" � ttfEUr3ed to Borrower. Lender a��choose to make this refund by reducing tha priaci p a l ow e d u a d e r t h e Note o�by making a
<br />-'�� Airect payment to Borrower. If a refund redu�prirnipal.the reduction,?ri�l�t�treated as a paztial prepaymeni without any
<br /> __.:,'s_ ,
<br /> ;. , prcpayment charge ander the Note.�
<br />-`�-,,; ';,`�s.,,i;��,,.;�;c... 14. Notias. Any.naice to 8orrowee prnvided for in this Securit�t,dnatrument sha(!be given by delivering it or by . �_
<br /> �#•�f mailing it by first class mail unless app!}cable law requires u•se of anothea�es"had.7'f�e notice shaU be directed to the Property _—
<br />_ -��';i�:`:;'!�=t;��/'=• � v �--
<br /> ',.� ,,,_. Address or any other address Borrc►wec designates by notice to Lender. f[nN,natice to Lender shall be given 6y first class
<br /> _ •-�;_.,, :�:�:::: _ �r:M-':
<br /> _ ����� :'� mail to[.ender s address stated herein or any other addre.�s Lender desigim:�c by natice to Borrower. Any noace provided for ���,.�_
<br /> m:
<br /> - �.u;.'��e'�,.; ' in this Securiry Instrument shatl 6e deemed to have been given to Scriro��eP,�r.l.ender when given as provided in this �_�-
<br /> .�r � _�:�=-=--
<br /> =��� -�-s'�`-,`'�'`���� p 1S Covernin Law;3everabilit < Th�s,�Securit lnstrument sF*at1.;t+o a�•erned b federal law and the law of the �~�`=
<br /> ,,.:, g Y 1 s?='�-
<br /> �'�;'f��'�=`•' ' � jurisdiction in which the Proper►.r is ta�ay.'.a�. in��he+event that any prov�c��m ar clausa of this Security Instrument or the Note �'•�� -`Y-
<br /> s,;;. •. •. ` , ;;:;`r;:,°:-.
<br /> _�,,;Y.::�: eonfticts with applirable law.s:�o�v�n"tlirv�}�a11 nat affect ottwr provisian+�f this Securr.��Instrument oc the Nate w6ic8 can ':..�.,;}�,,;
<br /> _�, •:."�_r'.. :� be geven effect without the co„►�aring pfa��is:on. To this end the provzsonti of this Ser�rity Insm�ment and'the t�v;:e are .
<br /> ' d�cPared to be severable. � • •'�
<br /> r�l� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrower s�t�:.V br 7iven one canfomted ee�c�a€the Note and of this Security Instrument. • ��;,.,
<br /> _� ;s.�_ �, ' � . , 17. 7Yansler of t6e Property or a 8�t►�'�cial lnterest in Borra�r�a; lf all or�ny part af the Property or any interest in '��
<br /> �'"?; �• s : ! i t is 90 t�or t r ans f�:?e d(ar,i f a t?e n e f i c i a l i n c e r e c t i n B o r r o n•e r i s s o t d o r l m n c f c r r e d a n d B o r r ow er i5 not a natural p e r�on) '� '-
<br /> ,=�•,°"_,
<br />-::�•;. � �•w' �. � withvut Lender:s piior writtcis t�issnt.l.cndar may:at it�s�ron,require immediate payment in full of all sums sescued by ''``'=
<br /> � � this Security Insuument. Hon�.;<�r•ihis aptiari shall nat 1x exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federal!a•�•as of ����
<br />:' ," ��""' . � the date of this Security in.ctncsce:�+.::.� . .
<br /> ' . . � If Lender exercises this or:iani Len�cr sh��l give Borrower notice af axeleratiun. The notice�hall provide a period of �
<br /> � �' ' not tess than 30 days from the d�r.hc�ai�r"ss delivered or mailed w:_:in c.hicb Barrower must pay as!sums secured by this
<br /> .�,��' ' h' . Security Instrumene. If Borrarc�.ye��ai{s�to pay the.r•e surn>��+rtor to the expira�i�m of thi.periad. Lender may in��oke any , ,
<br /> : remedies permined By this Securic.�lnstntment withaut fnssr:�r aoticc ar demand on Borrow•er. �� �
<br /> ' 18. Borrawer's Rig,ht to Reinstate.� If Bono�rreo,mc�:s certain conditions. Borrower shall have the right to have • �- . ;
<br /> .. ��� - • . enforcetnent of this Sccuriry Instrument disece�t�inet:d at qrF���time priar oa tha carlier of: Ia)4 days(or<ucb ather period as �
<br />" • . " SingleFamitp,•Fuui�-,Tda:�FtKdiu,MAC�IrfFllStht{tif�ii@lM}'N'f.•-l;nifortnCuvenan� 9:901puke4�,jbp,�.qrs1 � -
<br /> ,• • �
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