-- :;'.�°.; --- _ ; . –
<br /> . —
<br /> -,-- .. . ._.
<br /> ;..��f _�--W�ss� � � ,4 � • .. � . ' . ` . .. � - � � . _ -- ._.� , .. _... ..
<br /> . . _ .. _ ` ' . ' .. ' . - �i, ' - � i< < < i: _. .
<br /> , . � � . - - , . ,. . ��� . . .
<br /> � ... �W�H�ll t�t�[OM��QM Q�!f!OCIOd OQ WC .
<br /> aed 87IIrea s01Y'ar h![eaAer i p[i O�!hC peopetty. A11�plaoa�t wd additiaas lh�111hO bC COYri�Ed.by dd�Sacunty �
<br /> iwtnaseat.A!1 dtbe fae�aiu�ic t�efemd to in tbis Securiry intnumeae�s the"Prape�tr." . .
<br /> HORROWFA QOYFNANiS dat Banorr�r is tawAdiy r�ix+d of the e�t�tt:bnrDY aoeYEyed ard brs d�rigM to�nt
<br /> � aod ooavey the Ptapaty�ed tlat d�e PYopaty is uoeacumbered.eace�t far eaamibranoes d recoed. Bafm*ra wartmts aad `
<br /> will defeed�anaally dKt tuk to die Anpaty�ap ctaaas aed dem�k.s�bjocs io wy encaai6caooes of secant.
<br /> 't�IIS SEEURtiY-rivSTRUMENT caa�iees uni�o�m�ra�acs�a nMiao�i use aod noa-�miiacm covawits wit�
<br /> limited va[i�tians by Ju�icda�n to cro�tute a unifam sec�ity insuum�t cQverieE�P�P�i�• � _
<br /> — _ _ T-
<br /> .. . ._. _� .. UN1POiiM.U�1���.,&xmw+ecaedlra�dercovea�ntandag�ecasfoltows:,. -
<br /> _� �ijaFaai�sie ` - -- - �sir��Yir+YvrlxafiK --_ -
<br /> pmd�1 of#ad ia�etr+t ae the debt e�idtaoed bi'the Noie aad anY P�'�P�Y�aad 1a�e ct�e,s.due�mder the No�.
<br /> Z. �/aF'h�ea atl tiwraa.S�6jact to appiic�Uk isk ar W��ea waiver bSr-l�ender.Baao�wa si�1�pry w
<br /> � lrendes aa the d�y moa�WYm�ts ate duo undet d�c Noic+.uan�t6c Nae is p�id in full,�sum(°ii�odt'7 fac(a)Y�Y
<br /> aza ana usrmnaits wh�ch may aq�,pioricy over mis sa�i�3►In�u�a�t as s�iw on me Pmpe�cy;(b)ya�dy kaaebold
<br /> P�ytq�.,ar g�ound ia�ts ae t6G PtaQerty. if aay;.(c)YeuIY ha�Cd or ProPert�r i�ursace Preoniu� t�Y�1Y �
<br /> ua�ce�niums,if any;(e)YadY.matgagc 6wa�ace preraiums,if any;aod(�.any sums payaM�by Borrower to
<br /> L,e+d+ts.in aawr�oe witb tl���isions:of para�h 8.in tieu of the payaian of moRgtge insu�ta�oe pcem�+mu.. 'Ihse
<br /> , 'li0fi!�1E p1iOd�ESSNw TRms." I.EOdCS 111�yy 3t�Iliy[irt1t�COIIOCE aDd 11DW FIU1t14 IO�ID�i10q�N 1M1[IO CxCKd d1C Ttli7�lE�1olI
<br /> —___ _ an�oant a Tasder for,s�odaall}!celaced r�t898���Y�1�for Sonowec�s escso�xcaun w�der the federat Rsii
<br /> Fstste Sedieeoeot�rooedut�es Act of 1974 a4 unadea fram tim�to mn�12 U.S.C.�260t et seq.("RFSA4"}.unless anather - �-
<br /> Iaw d�t spplies w theHinds sets.�iauramamt..I�so,La�det may.at�y thne,coAoct and!aW Ii�nds in ao amount not to. •
<br /> . excad tbe ksser amou�t. Le�ier�aay �timate the amouat of FLnds d�u on t6�b�sis of current d�ts ud ieasne�bic
<br /> . estnnates of expeaditutes of futa�e Etcmw It4mc nr otl�awise in aceo�dmce with applicabk iaw. .
<br /> � Td�Fands sbaU��e held'm an iratitutian wLose depasits ue inwneci by a fodent ag�ency.insuumeat�lity.or duit,yY
<br /> (iaciadiag I.ende�,if Lrnder is sucL an iauitutim)or in�ay Fede�al Hoaw t,van Bu�ic. Lender shail apely the Fuods to WY
<br /> the Escro�w Iceaas. l�er may not eh�rge Borrower for l�oldiag aad apply�ng the li�Ms.ana�tly w�alYriaB tbe escrove
<br /> _ sccoont,or verifying:t�e Escmw Items,unkss I.ender pays Borrowa intaest on the l�nds aud applicable taw pemtits
<br />-- Lender to make suc6 a charga Rvwever.Lender may requine.Botmwer to pay a ak-time chuge for an independent cral
<br /> _ estate tu ceporting savice used D}r I.ender in axu�ection witt�ttis��w�,uaIess applkabk taw p�wides otl�ecwis�. Unkss an
<br />= - agrxraait is u�ade a applicable law requires intecest to be paid:Lender st�ail not be roquired to pay.Bormwer any iaterest or
<br /> _ —= earnings on the Fvnds. Bamwer and Le�dca may agra in wmting.however,that intenest shall be pa�d on tho�unds. l.ender .
<br /> ' shaU give to Barrower,without charge,an annual accounting of the Funds,showing cred'sts and debiu w the Funds and tLe,
<br /> - --= putpa3e for whicis exh debii to t!r Rmds was made. The Fimds are pledged as additional security for aIi sums sec�u�ed by
<br /> ' this S�ea;sity Insaua�a��. : .
<br /> �. �19"ae Funds held by.I.ai��s��ed the anwants pe�d to be held hy app�aiii�'�aw. Lender shall accamt.to
<br /> -� •--,, _ .,- Homo�for the excess Fiu�ds,i�,:r.�ardaacc with the requii��s.of agplieaWe lav¢�.r£ti�amount af.tl�e Funds iyeld by
<br /> ,., . .� _c-- - -
<br /> l.ender u any.tiut�is�rat�ufficient m pay the Esccow Items when due,I.ender.et�aY;sr�.!aai,'�'Borrowec in writing,and,in
<br /> such.case B�s�,�l�r to Lender the amount nocessarY to make ng�defis��, Bor�ower sLail make up tha _-
<br /> _ � � de8c��g•ct uo a��iaan twe{ve monthiy payments,at Lender'.s sole discretion. �`;:: -___
<br /> d .,'�1::1•'., �P�Pa3'meni in fuli o€all sums secured by this SetuFis.�4nsuument,Lender shai�ps�nPt1Y rcfund w Boaower any =:�
<br /> �:;:.�'• •`x`� Funds beid by Lender. If,under paragaph 21.Lender sha!i'a��ite or sell the Property.�ader.prior to the acquisiaoa ar �`,�'-
<br /> r.,,
<br /> •'�'`'` '�" sak of the Ptvpeny.shall appIy any Funds he10 by Lend��the time af acquisition os sx�e as a emdit against the sums E�:=.�_
<br /> vc'�s: :.-"�'_°:,.
<br />� ' � �:-.• seeured b this Secz:ri Tnsuument. �T
<br /> .�-���.;;: .�:�,:. Y �Y ,. ,:�•�
<br /> '�::yk,,,, .• 3, ApplicaticNa rOt Fayments. llnless a�*+�.^rcable 1aw provides otherwise.all payments teceived by Lender w�der _ _,�:.--
<br /> ` l �l:;.. ?�:: .�:. s 1 and�s4�be a tied:firs�.to an a e�u char es due under the Note;second.to amounts payable under �-'.;;. -
<br /> ..:'�!�;�'�r7.•r,�e=,'.,: P�S�Ph PP Y PeP Ym �. S : �
<br /> L� ia44;�, ;- pa�agraph 2;third,to intecest du�fourth.to princ�pal due;�.��-t,to any late charges due itis�r the Note.
<br /> _ . �'. '�;��.�� , 4. Cba�Uen.a. Borrower shall paY all taxes.�;s�sments.charges,fines�r,�impositions attributable to thc =.��t =
<br /> - A _�AL� I{�y`..`'.':•. _ _
<br /> . s r-�• Property which may attain priority over this Secczcc?r Instr���and leasehotd paymertrs��r ground rents,if any. Borrower �
<br /> s�; ..:,, , :: . T:
<br /> - - - ��- :: � - shali pay�hese obf�tions in the manner provid�iti�asagraph 2.at if not paid in that tnanner.Boaower shall pay them on . . :
<br /> ''�=t;;.'• "� ., time dim,cilg to t�r.��nn owed paymen� BomcA�.�c sya7l.pros�ptiy f�mish to E.ander all nopces of amounts to be Qaid under ^ ..,-;�,.�,.-
<br /> ',�.;�'_ '•, . � •� • this paragraph. If�8orrower makes these paymedu directtv,�urawer shall.promptty furai�'�to Lender receipts evideacui� � , � ;, .
<br /> • thePaYments. � . ' , , ,. . •.•..;;.�,_
<br /> . .-.,:,.,._-,_ .
<br /> ,.d•�:t;,-�:; Borrower shall promptly dischazge any lien which has��iarity over this Security Insav.�.c�:t unless Barrower.(a)d�'., ��+���"
<br /> �`.L:J-F'.
<br /> ���`' ' � - in writing to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptabTe to�.u���.:(b)cantesu in good faiLh��r:;`: ' � '�:r':�
<br /> � � " lien by.or defends against enforoement of thc lien in,legal proceedings which in the 1xn�c's opinion operate to preven[itte ' ` . :.-�-•.
<br /> •;,�=�,� .* � � enfaament of the tien;or(c)secures from the hotder of the lien an agrcement satisfactor�,io Lender s�bordinating.tha tie�n , �� , -.
<br /> ' .'. to this Security Instrumen� If L.esa�er determine"s that any part of the P�vperty is subject to a lien which may attain prier,":t}� -
<br /> ' ...;,�;�4,;,.- over this Security lnstrument.Le�.',s.3 may give Borrower a ncti►�identifying the lien. Bo�wer shall satisfy the lier�.o-rr::;�e �
<br /> .�• � ane or more of the actions set fort�e�iove withln 10 days of tIr��W rng of notice. ,.', �`�`'`
<br /> � y "'��` �r'r �' � S. Hazard or P l�surance. Botrower sha11 k�the im rovemeats now existin or hereafter erected on the `'` '
<br /> :;.. .,.. � r�opeety D � .,•''.,:' ,- .
<br /> _ ;� .. . Property insured a�aimst lass by fire.hazards included within the tertn"extended coverage'and any other hazards.including � !•,�.,.;�
<br /> . ' floods or flooding.f�r which Lender requires insurance. This insurance shalt be maintained in the amounts and for the
<br /> � . � Fatm 3� !!!� Ipag�2 oj6 pugts► �
<br /> _.. .
<br /> ' y�•.` :
<br /> , ..
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