.� ��,� '`t . . . „ . . .��.� '- :P.�\ i`_ . � --
<br /> _ �`..d,_
<br /> -w ,,. _ - • - . � . _ . . - . . - . ... _
<br /> � _�— - ___- -- -------' - -- -_-- �-. - -1-. � --,--. .--_ -`_- -` ---_—_--.- .i � � . ` .- --._�— - . � .
<br /> �r .
<br /> , '` � �aipas ir�r L�dit wqdwR '�s i�ot e�ir�r!w�is i�wirMOe i�l!be ei�o�e�b�►Dmo�er trbj�et b�i�t1e ,
<br /> '" :�!!�'+��1�h i�i•wot be tiiro��r�i�lW�. !t 1o�row�er fi�w�iiui ca��daaoibM�io`e.L�dar�sy at ' .
<br /> �I,, tx.ierl�opio..cbari oo+�a.�c a}�aMa te.ia�.,i�i�s i.ie�ape�tY iita�oca�li�oe.r�p��p.pk 3 ' � • �'
<br /> � Ap i�r�aoe��d taeewN��Yl!be�ooapk�ble b Le�der Ird�6�11 iclyde a�undrd saqKe cLwe. I�dar
<br /> � �tl�bart t6e ii�tio hoid iYa pati�ies ad iene�rals.'�f L��ndet caqei�et.Baee�o+r�r�M�U pnaiaptly�ve b lasdet aY reowpts .
<br /> �P�P��4d�edewd aoe�oao. is dre ev�nt ot tor.Baav�sr�Wt jive pio�t nc�lce to tLe jawraaoe c�trier asd
<br /> . �Leader t�der ma��iue p�ot�f olior if not arda peompty b�►Bot�wet •
<br /> ' . UdaoF La�d`er and 8aiawer od�envne ap�ee in wiiba�.ioRaoce poceed�sl�l tie applie8 w ie�taration or t�piir af
<br /> t�Fi+cpatg s�pa�ei�.if!he tweot�tion ar�ep�i��ooaorejait�► lasibie aed Leadech eea�ntg ia eot ksta�ed. If.INe . .
<br /> ' � �oatim a iep�ir is nat eco�nomicaly te��ie ar L�derl�sapeity*rwW be k.�eaed.the�e ptoreeds�irl!be
<br /> . sppliea to die sa�sa�ed lyy B�S�[Y Ina�me�wbe�her or aaa dKn du�*rith aay e�cess piid b'8ae�v�er. lf �
<br /> Bano�wer aD�ndoos t6e Ptopaty,a doe;not�nt�er w�hin 30 d�a notice fmin LRader tMt tbe in�eanoe c�nria lMS`
<br />-___ - = o�ecedi�sa[ieaclaim,.t�4_I_.�id�-�n1�axH�e_i�r�ce�rr-�I�c-.1.�trr-.�►�+��..+�+�tt�te.r.�r�+rir�le_�r.-_- -_ _ — -
<br /> � tbe Pf�oQa.s�r ar to pyr�sacured by dus Seca�3ry i�ax.�a mc U,ea�dre 'ILe 34�y paiod will beps rrien .
<br /> � UNess��i.eade�aad Bortower od�ar�►ise'a�[ee in�niuog.any applic�tion of p�ocaeds w pciaci�at tMlf�qot ex�aend or
<br /> � pue�pooe t6e dne`da�a af t6e taoerhly pymeats ieffaied to at pra�spGs t aod 2 or cluo�d�e�mouit dd�e paymeaq. If
<br /> �inder parsg�p6 21 Me ptopetty is aoquie�ed b�r l.aider.Bogu�rnpr�s r�t to anY u�oe poBcies�od p�ooeeda taoltm6
<br /> Gnat da�nsge�011�Prnpaty p�ior to tbe acxiuisition si�}prss to i�ender ta t6e e�teat of the soms a�ecuted by tbis Sec�ity
<br /> �tnaneat n�ediately pior to tbe�cqutstuoo.. �'
<br /> - i. Oca�e� ri+aervatia�, Ma�oe s�d A�oeeclio� of tie Propa�t�; R�rr�wer's !wM Appfe�tlM; , .
<br /> i.eiae��tds.Baroarcr s6�11 occupy.esn6li�h,aad u9e tbe F4opesty u Hamnwa�s priocip�t iesideace vvitwn siaty days ahx
<br /> , _ ihe eascni�an of this�ec�ttiry Instnr�ent a�shall co�xinue t�n occupy the Prape�ty as Bwiowt�r�s psincipal r�sidence far at .
<br /> leiu aee year aftu d�e dare of occ�e�Cy. �m2esc I.eader afberwise agroes in writing. which cameiu sba11 uot be
<br /> ' unrcssd�aWy withNeW.a uokss e�aatu�ttg Ci�pamstat�oes exist�hich aie befmd Bonower�s c�oL BaQmvec slnil mt .
<br /> d�socey.damiSe or impa'v die Ptoperty,illow We Ptopetty to detaior+t�.or cantnit waste on tbe Pnopetty. Hamowa shtl!
<br /> • be in defuult if any forfetdne actiaa ar prnoeedin�whether�eiv�ar crimmal.is b�giu�d�at ia Lender�s good faitb judgma�c .
<br /> cauld zssuh in forfeiwi+e of tbe Ptuperty or od�eiwise m�ioUg impair the lien ct�ed by this Secmity L�suament or �
<br /> Letider's saurity int�st. Bamwer may cure sach a default and:e�tate.�s povided in paragaph 18.bY�S��
<br /> .; or prooeeding w be dismissed with a tuling that.in Lender�s good faith detemwtatia�n.Prec2ades farfeiton of the Bamw-ea�
<br /> ;�= •inte�est in the Pmperty or ott�r material impairment of the lien crrated by this Socutity tnsu�ument or t.en3a�s secnrity
<br /> ...: interest., Borroaer sl�all also be in defaWt if Bom�wer. during the ioan applic�tIon praoess. gave materiaUy false or .
<br /> :';: inaccur�te infom�ation ar st�teme�ts to Lender(or failed to pmvitla�..ender witb any material infom�arion)in conaatio�with .
<br /> :`' the loan evidenced by the Note, inct�ding,but not limhai to,ncpresentations conceming Borrawer's occupancy of the
<br />__ � .. Property asa principal,nsidence. If tkis5ecarity Insdvment is on a leasehotd,Bomower shall eQmply witt�all du pmvisians
<br /> . �.;4F�de.te�.If Borrower acqnins fee�itie to the Property,the kasebold and the fee title shall not merge wkss Lsnde[ag�oes ,
<br /> rQ�e•�gerin wriw�..
<br /> � . �•.?,��,'Pmtectioa�PLcnder's Rig6ts in t6e Property. If Borrawcr fails tv perform the covenaats a�ri�ag�eements
<br /> ' , .cu�aubesS�it�this Secority lnsuut�xat,a tlxt�is a legal procee�tg that may significantly affect l�eades�:�igbts in tt� '.
<br /> ' i'ioperg�(s�rcl�as a pracading in bar�tiup[ey.probate.for cande�s�on or forfeitun or to enforce laws orreg.Ylations),zTS�s .
<br /> i
<br /> - l.ender ricay'do and pay for whatever is rtecessary to pmtect the�alue of the Pmperty and Lender's rights st,the Prope�t},-.`. _
<br /> �, Lender's actions may include paying any sums sccured by a tirn which has priority over this Security Ins�ru��c,appeaiing• , - - -
<br /> in court,paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to make repalrs.Althougi�L.ender�Gy talce actiori ---.-
<br /> '' t�? under this paragraph 7.Lender dces not have to do so. • . . ���*�-.
<br /> - ,r; , Any amounts disbursed by I.cnder under this paragraph 7�iall become additional debt of Boiro�•eE secuned by tir,a� ``�= �_--
<br /> =��`'` -,��� ' Security Insuument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other cec�s of payment,these amo�sha1J beal urterest from f:e�. �=�-
<br /> :."r,.;_ _W�.
<br /> =�-��:��� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shall be payable.with ir:eres�upon notice from i,ertder to Baraa�er reqnesi�� �•`:�`��
<br /> !� "` }�-.s..�,� paymeni. • � � „�:;"=.-°
<br /> .. ;= S. Mortgage I�aqCa�°lf l.ender iequired mortgage insurance as a aandidon of making the lox�5�red by this P:' :�r_,_
<br /> �. '���• � Security Mmumen� Bu�awer shaA pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effec� If.for any - _
<br /> � '_ ��"' `',� '• reason, the mort a e insurance covera e uired l.ender I�ses or reases to be in effect. Borrower ifia11 tP�
<br /> �,��'-• g S S �9 bY PaY
<br /> =--`-'- � �'� ` iums uired to obtain covcra e substanfiall u�vateRt t�Ehe mort a c insurance reviousi in effect, at a ar� •-
<br /> ��:;;.�"`` . sub sintial!� S Y�1 � 8 8 P Y . .
<br /> '��.�:�- :. .. ;
<br /> n y equivalent to the wst to Borrower of the mortg.;�e�*�sarance previously in effect.from an after.:a:e mortgw��:•
<br /> ;,,;�-- . insurer approved by I.e.��er. If substantially equiv��morr�:�=insurance covera�e is not available,Borr2�LLars�*all pay to .
<br /> . - L.ender each month a snni eqna}to one-twelfth of eL•r.:�+...�.~iy rr.ortgage insurance premium being paid by Bcrec�:a�er when the -
<br /> ,ti ,;. insurance coverage lapse�i orceased to be in effect. ri.a^�era•ii.t accep�.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu '
<br /> - : of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve.payments may aa longer�reyuired.at the option of Lender,if mortgage ins��ua:• � •
<br /> •- ';`'%�='��:� coverage(in the amount and for the p�tiod that Lendor requiresl�rovided by an insurer appmv��isy l.ender aga�n becarr.��� �
<br /> : ��, �,;. F:. .
<br /> y��. ` .�'1'r'�:�''"_. availabte and is obtained.Borrower s.'�,�;I pay the premiums reguinai to maintain mortgage insur�:,ce in effec:,a to prc�r,ue�. ;. , ; '
<br /> '`' loss reserve,until the mquiremeni for mortgage insurance ends.in z:cordance wr,:,h any written agreement 6ec-.�v�Borr'o�er �U ' �.
<br /> :. ��;,-..:• �•. �.'. and Lender or applicat�te taw. " � ;�(:,i. ,
<br /> . �, • • , 9 InspecNon. Lender or its agent may make reasonable er�:ries upon anQ inspections of the Properc�. �r.�er�,;;Y} � �
<br /> ., give Borrower notice at the dme of or prior to an inspection specif,i.r.�reasonable cau�e for the ins�ection.
<br /> • , 10. Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or clairii far damagcs,direct or cansequential,in connecticn�;rh�} �
<br /> •'`•'§A:.. . "... 5ingte Fnmily..Faonk btadFreddie Slac l:A1FORN Iti57Rl:NE\'f'••Uniform Cu�enantc 9�'� �paee 3 cjry p4;esi
<br /> ._�';,;-..'..• . � rrraal�teseu+aesbs,v.re.me■
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