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<br /> : � �q�!'}�..MRl'1!ar`fie i■'vwi�fil�niEwr�r�aecie!�t�e p�at�.�!�ere��4
<br /> . . �A�d��fo�!br-lwr�dbr a�it d ltie p�c�:.A!t��d sd�itja�es i�dw h�aw�a�e1 b�r iit See�riqr �
<br /> - i�11�rr�M.Alt+ot�iislae�oi�b�ebrealair�s'Saa�it�►�e�t�sia"P�a�aRyP � . . , ' . '
<br /> �`` � ' `HOR1tOWER C�dV@UM5 dMt Bonri+�et is hniWt�c�ei�ed d We eitale�e�e�eb�►�pnv�eyed aod 1�We ri jht ia� . �
<br /> _ a�8 1rc ftopeey aad�t We Prnpaty is'�emcrmber�ed.e�t f�s�be�ea o�raeai�. H6�soM+er�ra�s�iad -
<br /> w�ilt dd �11�ibE 11t1E 1D d1e Plopaiy a�iU CI��de�{tn�'Ql�ject b�ry�`0[POCOfd. ' °
<br /> . 7�S�IIRRY IN�U��OOm11bCS �If'Ofol OaV�lII�S fOt Mt10Ov II�G iMd OOQ-Y�itGllll:COY101rlb�Y� ' ;
<br /> �V1f1�K1�D�t�111f�Lt�O�10���t�l�11��i'OVlTlllj!Cv�y. • _
<br /> ' �I�T�M Q��.NI+�'4. 80110IMCf iDa jr!'�![00YpYlK��OC i=�j01Y� ,
<br /> , '�t. llq�ed�t hi�ei�iil aM Iikn�t;TreMl�t aM i.aft�r�er. &rmMer s6�U P�1'P�Y�'��
<br /> _�of Mtd'vwrest ao We debt evideaced try We Naoe and�n}i peprymeot+Kd itie chr�es due md�r 4�e.Nde-.�:.:�� -: .
<br /> I�■i�b[_ ' Su6iect to�voiicabie taw orta a�vtitten wiaira Dy L�w�.•�ij�itxer a�11gx 1?• -
<br /> - _ '- txsidei at 1ie maa�i y paymeats ae —.—: _-�u�a���If��[�)����- -
<br /> `=`f"'.'� • qlus ad assa�ats which may�Wn prio�itY over 16is Secutiry Imtrumdit as s liw an the Fropeti�r:(b)Yarty leate�oid .
<br /> ptymaats ar�a�d�ts'aa t6e Pte�p�aty. d aaY:(c)Y�Y �a'P�P�Y�ox pRtoouums: Ct�1�ariY �1ood ' .
<br /> •ie�rmce p�eud+�m.d?mY�"te)Y�Y��ance pcaniams,�f a�r.aod'(fl anj►�P�Y� bY��p .
<br /> l.aiQer.ia acoocdanoe y►nd�tb4 P�'�v��of pWasaph 8,in liea af tbe pa af moct�e iaswaece p�emiues. These ,
<br /> ivars ar�plled"Fscmw Itqns." I.a�de�may„at uny time.co0ax•and haid�in an amouiu not to eaceed the maxienm�
<br /> mauet a koder fa s federally telued matgaae to�a may rcquiie`for�er�s esccow saca�o�t�mde�1he fede�al iieal
<br /> • Fspte SeWaneat Ptocediaes Act of 1714 as amendM frao time w tuue4�'2 U.S.0§2601 u s�q.t"RESPA'7,1sHess andher •.
<br /> 4�that apQlies ta tbe T�pWs�ets a lesser amamt If w.t.a�d�er ma}t.u�dy time.cdled aod 6a1d Fi�nds in an m�ount pot b .
<br /> Fzcxapd tde ksser�nouot. LaKk�.may esrimate-shr-a�oaat c�f�s dur an-the_ba�is of.cui!snt d� ard rasaea6le---- -.-.---------
<br /> � " ssdmates of eapend�tures af funu�e Fscmw Items ar dbenvise in accor�x wi�h appii�abie t�tw. ' '' �
<br /> T�e iiunds s1W1 be beW ia wt inniwfi�a wf�ose deposits at+e insut,ed by a federal�agm��,m�wmeat�lity.or entiry
<br /> � (inchidinE La�der.if I.nder is soch an i�6tatim)or in any Fedeual Nbqae Lo�n Baoi�. Lender siralt appty the F�nds`to�Y
<br /> the Esc,�taw Items. .L�endec may not�large Botrower fa bolding and applying tLe tytnds.�uwally sn�lyzlna the escrow
<br /> aceoun�oF verifyieg the Escrow icans,unkss La�der pays Barrowa interest on[he Fvncis and applicabk.law pemuts
<br /> I.ader w make s�icb a charge. However.Lender may nqaire Borrower w pay a ane-time chuge far a�►uWepmdGnt ieal
<br /> � euate tax npo�tu►g service used try Lcnder in�coonecdon vritL this loan,unless appticabk law pmvides otLerwise. Unkss aa
<br /> • agtestnrnt.is made ar appticable law requi�es intercst to be psid.Lerder shall not be zoquired to pa�y Bortuwuany intetest ar �
<br /> ' eamtngs m tl�e Fimds. Borrower and I.eader may agree in wri6ng,lwwever.that.interest sf�ap be paid on the Funds. l.ender�
<br /> - . s�ati give to Bormwer.a+itI�out charge,an annua!artownting of the Fw�ds,sliowing credits and debits to tlu Funds and the
<br /> — piupase for which each debit to the Funds was made. The Fimds are pledgod as addmonal secu�ity fa all sums sxurcd by
<br />- this Security Instrumen�
<br /> � If the Fi�nds held by I.ender eacced ihe amounts pem�iued w be held by applicable taw. Lender shall account to
<br /> Borrower for the excess Funds in accardanc�with the requirements o€a�plicable law. If the arm+�mt of the Funds held by .
<br />� Lender at any ame is not sufficient to pay�e Escrow Items when dae..Lender may so notify Bona�rer in writing,and.in
<br />- such case Bamwer shall pay to I.eader the amount aecessary to maC-e�tp the deficiency. Boriower shaU make up the
<br /> - --tkfioitrwy'ar�maelh�ttwe{v�enon�ypayments.atl.ender�sote�is�cuz. � -= - —
<br /> I1poa payment in full of all sums seaaed by this Secnriry Insuu�s�:L.endec�tt:11 promPdF refund to Bmrower any
<br />_ Funds held by Lender. lf,under paragra��21.Lender shall acquire ac�ifie Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or °
<br />::': sale of the Properly.shall apply any Fun��'neld by Lender at the aa�e nf acquisition or sale as a crrdit against the sums _
<br />,.�'�� secund by this Security Insttumen� � . , . -.-
<br /> 3 Application ot Payments. Untess applicabte law provides othenvise.a11 paymenis received by L.eiWer under �_,__�
<br /> paragraphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:firs�to any prepayc�...°nt charges due under the Note:second.to amoun�c payabte under �:___-
<br /> �•--
<br /> paragraph Z;third.to interest due:fourth,to principal�:t..an�las�to any late chazges due under the Note. �.-=
<br />- ' 4. C6arges;Liens. Borrower sha11�ay aq tax�r acsessmenu.charges.fines and impositions ataibutable ta the -°'�"=
<br /> Property which may attain priority over this Security Instrument,and leasehold payments or ground renu.if any. Borrower `��=--
<br /> sha11 pay these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that marmcr.Barrower shall pay thertt on' �- --
<br /> - a���" '•*. time direcdy to the person owed payment. Bortower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under '��`�`
<br /> ��`��?�i?�.` thes If Borrower makes these a ments ditectl Hortower shall rom d fumish to Lender recei s evidencin ,.:x�=v-
<br /> ..�..,. . . P�B�Ph- P Y Y• P P Y P� S __�,�•�:
<br /> -�,�..•�::^ _. the Fa}'ments. ^�--
<br /> ,. ;�s;;_.;; �. Bomow•ea�Sall promptly discharge any lien which has priority acer ti.tis Security C�irument uniess Borrower.(a>agrees _''.;,;,;�.
<br /> :��� '•;��;.. : in wriring to riira�ayment of the obligation.e�red by the lien in a manrs��;,;�;ceptatile to Lender.(b)contests in good faith the :x=��-
<br /> � � lien by,or de:�ds against enforcemen9 ofCy lien in,(egal proceed:t;�x,M�ich in the l.ender's opinion nperate to prevent the
<br /> „�,.�-• _ �
<br />°,:�` � � enforcemem of the lien;or(c)secures fmm the hot8er mf�lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the tien ��:*��.:_=
<br /> �`'�'} � aa this Security Insuumen� If Lc.mder detertnines Fh;;x,,.c.���t of the Property is subject tA a lien which may attain priority .
<br /> ;��.�*;. • ' ��er this Security ldstrumen�Lender may give Bbrrc�c�i r��:ice identifying the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or tatce • : '�,
<br /> � :;�:' • one or more of the actions set forth above ui�9u2�i�da}s�t`�ie givingof notice.
<br />'`� •1�v. :'���'.` 5. Ha�rd or Properiy insuranct IIL�'rt��+ef shali kecp thc irrt��;ovementc now existing or hereafter erected on the �
<br /> �' �;�- �'!� � Property'insrsnai against loss by fire.haz,ac�d�:r.cluded wi�hin the terzn ��nded coverage'and any other haiards,inclading .:
<br /> ������`•• � � ftavds or flooding,for whirh Lender rec,:;:1es insurance. This iasurar�=shall be maintained in the amounts and for the •
<br /> ���c;' �:�.�.�.' . •
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