___ _ .. ,.. . . .
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<br />.. r � � ..� . . . �. � . � . . � .. t. ' • . . .
<br /> ` � . ' e�i�ia sr iir akioR d`a■y p�u dt�R�a�at�,a far eawe�a�oe i�lirr d.00�ia���e bn±lry,+ii�i/�a� � .
<br /> �iiLs�iBtr►l,��.. < .., •. . . ieewd iis
<br /> � .i�i:�eee.0 oc.tow s�a ie;Pra�atr,�Paae� ai�b�app�ei�s ti�w.ri d! �
<br /> L��irt.�i��llier a wt iar ie.wridrary e�ca�ss p�d a Hataw�r.�is�e.eat d:pewl t�ti�ai ti�e P�o�!�r a
<br /> , wtiid�ic fiir�loa[v�Y�d�Ye l�ey i.�ds befa�e dro takia�x aqnd t�ar pdra�b.a�e amorot ar ia�..� �
<br /> .s�c�ei by IMis See�ity Lwns�eot iomed�ei�►be�o�d�e nki�.��artow�er�od l�e����
<br /> ` . tie ww�sx�.6S►d�is Secrity.�oeit t�lt be�edircad by tbe,aea�nt af 1ie pocee�awMipriei b�►
<br /> , .
<br /> ` ,::._ !lri�tian: C�)�.�na�t�t�d�m�as sx�ed msnediaret�►before fbo tsti�.divided hY(!►)tl+e fair aw�et�aYe af�re
<br /> �r i�a�iMdy b�a�t�c� l�aY i�e s�be Prd to`soaawer �n�ev�t nE�p�!t�.d u�e. =.: ..�.
<br /> - prop��ry io wl�icfi tbe fair sntica v�luc.of tbe Ptnpe�ty m�ned�Y°befae t6e taton�i�ias lhau td�e sma�at qf die�uaa . .
<br /> sb�,��ediNelg�efare tbe tttin6,pde�s H�nv+�ec aod itada�nvbe a�ee.ia w�a�-a��PP���
<br /> -------�w�cpo�ides,drc peoceeds�ull be applied w t1�su�s aecarod by d�is Senagy Imtnuneat wrbaher at aot tMe s�aie ;
<br /> - ----�iea�
<br /> -If ie Propeity k�fi�onad bY BaRrrw�ar or'if,atkr oatice tr�r i�ender to 8ans�ei'ffnt drc�od�o��ts IoF�wice� . . -
<br /> ae awiad arsdde a ctiim far dw�s.�mMer f�s t�iespa�d a I�ender.rid�n 30 d�ys stkr t6e dre die aotice is Sivea, .
<br /> ' La�er's ad�oriaed to oolkct aod�ppiy tbe p v o e e d s.�t its q x�o n.e rt h e r b t e s�o n t i o n a r�e�u r c f t h e P i a p a t�r uc to the '
<br /> � aa�c aecu�ed 6�►�ns Soc��Y Laaumed.�vbed�er or mt tLen d� •
<br /> � Ilaleas Larder�od Baa�atherwise agcee in�vcitin6;aaY appUc�ion of ptooads to pr�c�t sl�ll nat e�ctead ar
<br /> poµpoae We due d�t of die moathly pay�a�ts nefened to in�phs 1�od 2 tn•cl�e the amomit of sucb P�Y�
<br /> , • i!. D�e�[rwer 1Wt �dened; Cwieararoe �! Ls��'Not s Waiva: F.�ia� of tbe time far pay�r� ar
<br /> mod+ific�tioa of�o�tion of the sauns sa�a�ed by this Secarity In�t g8rted Q�r[.ender w�ty�ar��i�taest
<br /> of Ba��a shall mt apa�e to i+eka4e th liab�ity di the ixigieal Boeowet ar B�uwer�s suoc�sacs.�ia�st:tsndar . .
<br /> _ y�-��w��p�s,ag��st anz sacc�ssoi in intet�or ie5e�to rxt+dtd�te f�g�gma�.as -
<br /> -od�anri�e �o�ti�ticx►of the swns socaned hy tbis"�uity Ir�tnnnKnt by re:uan of any dem�ad mad�cby the�iginil
<br /> . Ba�ver a Batawa'�suoaessois in intemst. My farbeaanoe by Lenda in�cer�cising any tigdt a nrned�!��al!iwt be.s
<br /> � w�iver of orp[ectude tbe exe�ciscof�ny righ ar reroody. ..,: .
<br /> I2, S�ot+es�s a�d A�ips�a�d;Ji�t sd Serarsl I.i�b�lit�,Co�ip�ers 'rhe cavenants and ag�eaneats of this
<br /> Sdnaity Imtnm�ent slull bind and beaefit tbe s��oessats.xnd auigns of I.eader,and Barnwa,snbject to tbe proviswns of. .
<br /> prag�ph 17.Botmwerls cavenants and agaemenu shaU be joint and seveial.Any Boaowa vWta co-signs this Sahuity
<br /> .. Laon�oxot but does oot acecute tL�Note: (a)is co-signing d»s Securiry Instruiaent only to matgaga 8�t aad canvey that
<br /> Bam�wa�s intet�est in tfie Ptope�ty under the teRns of dtis Securiry insuvmenr, {b)is not personall}i obligated to pay the soms
<br /> secured bY this SoauitY Iasl�umen�and(c)a8.�oes tl�at Lender and any otlier Basawer may agrx to extend.mod�fy.fabear .
<br /> a maice aoy aocomrtadations with zegazd to the terms of this Security insuuineot a the Note aithoui that Bomuwerk
<br /> ca�sen�
<br /> 13, l,p��Crae�es. if the loaz�seciued by �his Sescurity Insbument is subjert to a law which sets m�ximum toan
<br /> ch�rg�es.and thu law i�finally interpcieteA so tl�t the�or odur loan charges collettod a to be coUaxod in cvorjectian •
<br /> with the iom exoad the pem►itted limtts,tLa�: .(a)aay s�c,fi Ioan charge sha116e reduced by the arrwunt�ieoessa�o��teduce
<br /> the ch�cge to the pemtiaed limi�and(b}airy smns alceady collected fco�n Bortower which excaded pertnitted fueul.�}�ill 6e
<br /> ---= refunded to Barower. L�dc�zsay diexue t�ir.�e this srfuad by reducing the pcincipal owed under tbe.Naae or.b�t��dOnB� _. _.:.-_ _
<br /> di�ect paymeut to Barower. If a nfund .redu�=principal.the mduction well be vea[ed as a partia!p�e�sYma�t wt�ut any
<br /> P�'�P�Y��charge under the Nate. ::, .. . '• .
<br /> H. Notiee4. My notice to Borro�t��sovided for in this Security Instrument shall be given b�deti�er"QSg�or by
<br /> rtu�'Ung it by first ctass mail unless appli 'c�{°aw requires use of another method.71�e notice sha11 be dirested tv t�z�kbperty
<br /> qd,�CSSS or any other ad�rcss Borrower desi�cates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sfiatl be given by�.sst class
<br /> mail to l.ender�s address stated herein or any c�tir,er address I.ender designates by notice to Bonmver. Any notice pmvided for
<br /> in this Sawrity Instrument sha11 be deemed to have been given to Borrowe�ar L.ender when given as provided in this
<br /> � l�vernina La�r;Sevenbitity. This Security Enstrument shall be govemed by federal law and the 1►.;.�.:w of the
<br /> jurisdiction in which the Pmperty is tocated. In the event tliat any provision or ctause of this Seeuriry Inst�ument as abe Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable law,such confiict shaU not affect other provisians of this Security Instrument or the Nate wfiich can _
<br /> . be given effect withaut the conflicting provision. To this end the provisions of this Security ins�trument and ttre Note are _
<br /> dectared to be severabte. • �
<br /> 16. Borrovrer's Copy. Barrower shalt�e given one confortned copy af the Note and of this Seaxrity instrumers. �_
<br /> 17. 7Fanster ott6e Pra�+�ty or a BeaeGcial Interest in Borrov�er. If all or arey 4*e.*t of the Property or any�s.t.erest in ;;:
<br /> it is sold or transferred(or if a 3ieneficial interest in Borrower is sold or transferred a�6orrower is not a natur,�i pe�n) �'
<br /> without Lencler�s prior written consent.l.smder may.at i�c option.require immediate pa}ment in full of aA sums secured by r.
<br /> this Security lastrument. However.this o�on shall not be cacnised by Lender if exercise is proftib3�ed by federal law as of �
<br /> , the daCe of this Security lnstnanent. � i�.
<br /> : If L.ender exercises this opfion.LenBer stwll give Borrower notice of acccicration. The natice ti4�a11 provide a period of -
<br /> nat less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivercd or mailcd within which Bortowcr must pay all sums secured by this !
<br /> 5►.curiry Instrument. If Boaower fails to pay these sums prior ta the expiration af this period.Lcnder may invoke any �
<br /> • rcmedies pertnitted by this Security Instrum�t�vithout further notice or demand on Borrower. �
<br /> IS. Borrovrer's Right to Rcinst�te. if Borrower meets cenain conditions. Borrou•er �.hall have the right [o have
<br /> enforcemrnt of this Security last�v,ment�j:+a��tinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)5 days(or tiuch other period as �
<br /> " Sin�1e ttmily..E'annk MaelFreQdk Nse U�IFOR�11\STR�SfE�T--Cr.itortn Covenmts �'!� lpaRe 0 njA�ge�l
<br /> . .� �
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