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<br /> ` �ardanmtioebr aner niva�of aey pKt of tbe rropeny ar for auaveyaooe in tieu cr� �,ea
<br /> zMil tit p�to I.eirder. . ` ,
<br /> In tbe�rent.of i twsl,ntin�of t6e Plopeity.tLe ps+ocoeds si�i!bc applied to Ise suins`�ec�ned by Wis Security
<br /> . t�stnanee�`wtkther or aot th�n duc.with my e�sess p�id to Borzower. Ia tbe eveat of s p�tti�l taT�ini 4f��Y•�
<br /> w6ic6 the€atr muYet v�lue of the Ptopert�imn�edi�tety befare ihe taicing is oqual tv ar�+eater th�n tLe amau�t of th�a� .
<br /> see�d by t�tts Security Ltiscwnent immediately k�fae.the tainng.unkss Bocinwer aad i,ender od�etrvtse ay+ee in wtitia�. `' •
<br /> ` Wc sums.se�aued by thts Suurtry Insnument st�aU be ioducea by the a�nau�t af the praceeds muhiplied by t4e Cdb�vin� _
<br /> • fiaction:'(aI tfie tonj�notu�t of tbe sarns s�d'unmediaaely befare t6e rolciog,divided by @}Ws f�it a4arfcet wiva of We
<br /> � Fleperly Immediattiy befast the t�tcing. Aay Dat�nct ahal!6�paid ta Bvtmwer tn ihe�tveet c►f a�taEfiag of the - �
<br /> i3operty in wrhich tbe f�ir rnukeCvatu�of the Ptopaty icnmediately befaie tLe pJcinj is{as tl�n tbe�an�r�t of the saa�
<br /> , : •
<br /> secu�inuoedia�eiy hda+a the talvng,.u�ieks Bonower aod Lender aherwise ag�ee in wRitin�er uniess.�pGcaDle ttnr
<br /> ---—��.Qmi!ides.,►he poceeds s�ll 6e�pgliM ca tbe sums securedd b�r this SecuritY Ins�cutnnu whediet 9r!!a�e.sttps�.�e .. .
<br /> 1�tLe Ptnpe:iy is abwdoued by Bo�mwer.ar i�aRer�otice by i,ender to Borrower ihat tbe c�rden�not Affers to makt
<br /> aa awaM or sdtle a ci�im for d�rn�es.Barr�ower fa�7s to iespond to l.ender�vithioa 30 drys afler t1K d�e ttie riotic�is gnr�.
<br /> Lmd�r is autborizec�w colioct aod�the prooads.at its oprioa,eidkr to iestaatian ar npair of t6e Ptnperty or m tbe
<br /> sa�v saured by dtis Secaaity U�mmna�t,whed�es a aot then dne. -
<br /> Untess Lrnder,aod Bo�rtower othe�wise agroe in writing.any application of proceeds w priacip�t s6a1!mt eattnd or
<br /> _ poatpo�the due date of tl�montl�ty prymaus iefeued w in puagaphs 1 a�rd 2 or cinut�a ihe anom�t oisuch paymeat.�.
<br /> yl.Eernower Nal Rdased; For6rara�oe By I.e�dcr Nat s Wiiver. F�taision of tlie tinK f6r paynknt or
<br /> mn�an of uoartmtioo af the swns socuced by this Security Inst�ument graoted by[.ender to any successor in int�esi
<br /> , of Bam�er shaU not vpaate to reicase.tbe liobi'liry of the aigiaal Bo�mwer a Borc�nwer$successoss ia i�est.I.en�kr . --
<br /> sl�f!noi be raq�r+cQ�ta c�a�ace pnoceedu�gs ag�t_any sacressor in in�cest or nFuse w extead time far paXment or.
<br /> � nt6ec�vise modify anactiz�iaa of the.s�m�saau�ed hy this Sec�u�ity:Luut�ment by re�of aay dan�nd m�de bp the origiaa) .
<br /> Bamwer ae Barrower's strcaescots in intanst Any fo�bea�arnx by I.mder in exe�ising any riglu ar nmedy.sh�lt noE b�s� �
<br /> waiver otor pectude the exe�ise of aay right or remedy.
<br /> 12 S�o�essoes a�Aa�ips Bo�wdt Jai/sNd Serenl Lia6ilit�;Co�ai� 't'he covenants aod ag�ea��aics af this:
<br /> Sa�ucity lash�mxnt shaU bir�d and beaefit the successors and usi�s of Let�der and Bomnwer.subject to tbe pmvision4 of `
<br /> Patagr�l,�.7:�Bar�ower�wvenanu and.agroements shall 6e jowt ana severrl.Any Bomower who co-sigos this Satiurily�
<br /> Instrumaat but ttoes not execute the Not� (a)is c�sigiting this Secaiity Iruuument only to mortgage,graat and couvey that
<br /> ' Hdmnwer�uuecest in the�Pr+aperty under the tenns of dds Secudry Cnsuamen� (b)is aot pe�sa�ally obGgated to pay We swns
<br /> secuned by this Secoriry.dnsaumer►�and(c)ag�ees that Lender and wy other Bormwer may agiee fi extcx�d.modify.forbea
<br /> or make any accomm�s with regaM to the utms of this Security Instrument or the I:o1c�vithout thu Bomuwer�s
<br /> consertt. �
<br /> 13. I.aan Clnrges. If the toan sec�red by this Securiry Ltsbru�nt is suhjxt to a law whicti sets muimum loan �•
<br /> charges.and t1�at law is Snally inte�preteaw that ttn inte�est a�athet�toan charges coUaxed ar to b�collected ia cotu�ecdoo.,•
<br /> with the toan exceed the.p�ii�ttitted limics.dMn: (aa any�st�clt ban charge shaH be reducxd by the amount ne�e.ssar�to reduce�
<br /> ahe charge to the pemdtted('t�and(bl ar�y sums.aG�.:co�lected from Borrower which exceeded permitted.Iimit�an7f be
<br /> � .� e�!'funded ro Barower. Len�er may cFsaose tv maicc this-iefnnd by reducing tl�e principai owed w�der the Note orby�t�aking a .°
<br /> d�rect payment ta Sorrower. If a refi�£�ces principal,the teducGon will be meatod as a paRial prepaymectc withouc any,•:
<br /> pnpayrtxnt charge under the Note.
<br /> 14. Not�oes. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Insmiment shaU 6e given by delivesing it onb}�•�. —
<br /> mailing it by first c[as;sr.•a;t��less applicable faw mquires use af another method.The notica shaU be directed to the.Frbpart�r�•: °
<br /> Address or any otl�er.���$orrowes designates by naicc to Lender. Any notice to Lender sha116e given 6y firaL class -s-
<br /> mail to[.ender's add ts�s�..,;�herein or any other addrexs I.,ender designates by notica to Barmwer. My notiee provided for �e
<br /> � in this Security Instrume�c[•sl�all be d�med to have been given to Borrower or Lender when giYen as provided in this ��`
<br /> ara
<br /> � 15 Governiag Law; Severabil�� 'i'hia Security Instrument shall be govemed by feQeraZ ladv,and the law of the �:
<br /> jurisdiction in which the A�ctty is located In the ete��:rl�at any provision or clause of this Security�1ns�aatar the�Note
<br /> conflicts with applicable la-sc��ch conflict shall not��a��:�.h�r provisioas of this Securiry Instrument or the 1VCertwhi¢h�ean
<br /> ' be given effect witfiout tlr�-r�nflicting provision. 'G.ti,d�end the provisions of this Securiry Insuument and dt�+�IVote are ,'�.
<br /> declamd to 6e severabte. . �, . .
<br /> 16 B+o�tuwer's Copy. Borrower shall be given one conformed"�py�of the Noie and of this Security Instrtu�zrzc� '
<br /> l7. Trua�Cer of tRe.P�operty or a&aeficial Intercst in Bo►rower. If all or:ury part of the Property or au}�interest in
<br /> �is sold os trazsf'erred fdr ff:a beneficiat interest in Sarrower is sold or transferred and Boaower is not a natural person) �
<br /> srithout Lender's�Zia,��wr'�ai wnsent.Lender may,ut its option.require immediatc payment in full of all sums secured by :;: ;.:
<br /> Ihis Security Instr��ent.��I��c�"4er,this o�tt�n shaq not be eaercised by Lender if exercise is ptohibited by federal law as of •
<br /> . the datc of t!yis Secutfty�1.tmment. ' '.
<br /> ff Le►x�.�exercises this option.•Le�x�::aall give Borrower notice of acceleratian. The notice sha11 provide a period of
<br /> not less than 30days fram the date the ncti't�is delivered or mailed within which Borrower must pay all sums secured bp this � `-
<br /> � �"aecurity Iastrument. If Borrower fails to pay these sums prior to the expiration of this period,l.ender may invoke any f
<br /> :,�medies permitted by this Security lnstrument without fueher nocicu ordemandon Borrower. ! -
<br /> ' !S. Borrower's Right to Relnstata If Borro�rer meets ceAain candittGr.s��Borcower shall have the right to have �
<br /> ';'enfotcement of this Security lnstrument dixontinued at any timc prior��.the�enriier of: (a)5 days(or such otlier periad ag
<br /> SiagkFamity-FarrkbfadFretlie!ltaieUKfFAR�O[\"5TRUMEYP••UniformCovm�nts �lf� (poRelaJ6pa;�es)
<br /> . ' � . �,
<br /> " � ' �. .
<br /> -- - _ �'r;s��;-;r�fr:-:�r,:";--�.-. �;�nnr. �"-+�'F--".-:r. , :, ..:-.�..�.;.... :: -a-^� - -- '
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