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<br /> ' • � �, . � . � a��ECO���u 93-_ � � �
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<br /> � �pptiabie tiw te�y s�ecify fa isiast�teti�eeot}�s�la��'�����Y Puwer of saie coataiaed in t�s ,
<br /> Secarity Itts�mn�a tb)eaaY.of a jod�na"t a�cin8 �ritY Iasonuner�t 7?�ose caditioos a�+e that Bocmwer: (a)
<br /> . pays lrender aU wtro whicb tAeu watld be,due under this Sec�uiry Ins�meet'aed tl�e Note u if no aoxkntion had
<br /> " ocxutced:tb)cu�aay dGfi�uIt of�nY otba tov�ar agroanents;(c1 PsYs all expeases incumed in a�fonciag�this Sec�ity
<br /> fn�uma�t,iitcIuding,but nnt timited to,�asan+6k attoreeys'fees:and(�rotes suc�xtion as I,eader may rasoaaDly
<br /> roq�sre ro us�ue dnt the lien of this Secunty[nsuumen�La�deris figPos in the Ptopecty aod BonawerTS abrgatian to pay the -
<br /> sams se�vred by this Security Inst�nnxnt shalt twndnue u�c6anged. Upoa ieinsutement by Bonower. this Secucity
<br /> Wstcuaiettt�od the o�iigaHons seceed�aeDY st�stt c�main tuily et�ective as if no aoceicr�tiaw had aocvrred: However,this
<br />_ — _��� rig6t w ceinstate sh�lt aot appiy in Qrt cxte af aooeten@on wder garag�17. ' _- _
<br /> � U. Sre d Na1e:C.'�rrLe d I.w�Sen►iar. 7be No�e or a puti�l int�est in tbG Note(togutus virith this Security _
<br /> - Insaument)msy be,sOld aoe or mae ii�a withau pcimx rotice to Baruwer. A s�le may resuit in a chaage in the eaticy • _
<br /> _ °- _- — ----_{�Fv t����'C��tb*as�esll�nta-awsntldv��artnhft4 AHt!!R!�f�k-.'�1nfq.:U1d t�114 5EC1llYtlt►nc �nrrnt_ �1C�C 3jS0 ___ �-- —
<br /> - may be oue oe trae cim�es of d�e l.o�Servicer uo�+elated to a sale of tt�Nate. If theae is a ch�nge of the I.oan e�v oioet, — _�-_- _
<br />- Sarrower vrilf be givea writteu no6ce vf the change in acco�nce with paragcapt�!4 abave and apQlicable law. The notF�e o -- __
<br /> - will at�te tbe e�ne aad addrrss of the new Loan Seivicer and the address to wUidt paymrnts should ba made. The notice will�� __—_=__
<br /> alsn caotaia�ay otha infann�tian�equie+ed bY�P.lica6k taw. �
<br />�:�i` b. A�rardoas Srbsbu�es. Boreower shaU noc cause a permit the p�u�ce.use.d'isPosal•storage.a reieaoe of any- �-___
<br /> - . Harrtdons Subsqnces on or ia�ttx Prapeny. Boimwer sdall mc doy na allow auryooe else to do.a�►Yth�ng af�'utin8 the �2�� -----
<br /> , prapaty thit is io viduiad of ait►y Favannmental Law. 'll�e p�ocediag two sentences shaU nioc apply io tbe�nce:usc.or �_ ��:��
<br /> storage on the Ptapecry of smaf�quumties of Ha78cdaus Substances tl�at aze generalIy recagnizcd to he appmpciate w nam�al ,�, .--^.�--.
<br /> r_��r �
<br />° — s�esidential uses and to maiatenance of the Pt�opeity. ��;..,��_�..
<br /> _ �awsui�ar Mher actia� :any�. �%r_��_.. -
<br /> bY _ _
<br /> af aa iavesti 'oa.claiin.�raan� - -
<br /> 've i,ender writtcn notice n -
<br /> gove�tai vr reSuluacy��8�a7 a Pnvat�FartY involving�e Pmpert�y and any.Hazardous Substance.ar Fnvho�eatat -`:°-;`', -
<br /> ,...:,.�.:c: -
<br /> � Law of wbich Bomnwer has actual imowkdga If Bamwu leacns.or is noatied by any govemmenW ar�ry _ ,.�,,w• `,_
<br /> wthoiitY,dut aay nmavai ar otba�ienxdiation of any Hazardouc Substanoc affecting tfie Froperty u aecessary.Bamwer •
<br /> �P�P�Y���tema�al actions in acc,adanct with Fnvironrneatal Law.. , ---°- __
<br />- As used in this paragrapA Z0."t1aT�doaS Sobstancts"are tl�ose substances defiaed as toxic or hazandous substanxs iry :.:*r;����`�'�
<br /> � Fnvimnmeatal Iaw and the following snbstanees: gasolu�e.kecosene.ot�ffammable or co�ie petroteum pcvduets,coxic - .=m-
<br /> � pesticides and herbicides.valaU7e solvents,materials containing asbestas.ar formaldehyde.and radioactive materiais. As ; ,�.�-
<br /> - - ' used in this parlg�aph Z0."Fnviromnental l.aw-^means federal laws and taws of ttie jurisdiction where the Ptaperty is loqte.d . . ^� ''�:
<br /> �s w� -s that nelate toheald�,safetY arenverarunental prota�tion. --. -. -- ",'�
<br /> NOIV�UNIFORM COVENANTS. Borrower and l.ender further covenant and ag�ee as follows: -�
<br /> � ._.��;� Zl. Aooeferatioa;Remedies Lender slWl pve eotice to.Barrovrer p�ior m aca�la�ation tdbWiag BarraWes's '��
<br />. ::�;�Y��; bn�c6 ot my covenant or agreaneat!n this Secarity Iastivment lbut not prior to aeceteratba under paragraph 17 - .�
<br /> Y 4 �qksy applica6k la�v provides otherwise). Tbe notia st�aU specif7: (a)the defaWt;lbl tt�e action required to cure t6e �
<br /> �a
<br /> � ': defsd�.(cl a d�eot le�tbaa 39.days fram t6e date tbe aotice as given ta Borrower.6y which tbe detault mWSt 6e . :�-
<br /> ' cured;and ld)tbat ta�lure to cn�r t�e,default on or b e torc W e d a te spec'i f i�d ia t h e�o t k e may r e s u l t i n a c o d e i a t a q a�t' '�:_;.
<br /> .4, ,��` �p �
<br /> _ '�:�.� '. t" . t I�s�e s�s e c a r e d b y t6is Seaaritv In�tramcn!and sak ot We Property. TDe notice sba11 further inform Borr��r ot�• ..
<br /> , t6e ri�tt to reta�e after ae�n�ad tfie r1gM to bring a court a�ctton to usert t 6 e aon-ezisteece o�s�d e f a d t qr:,�` . S"�`� .
<br /> �r.:,.,.,.,:'; a c , �r. �
<br />' ils�..�;.�,��Y_,�.�. '" , any ofher detensG�'Ba�rowe.r�a�cekration and sale. It the ddau[t i�nut cured on or before tLeQate specif�in�,�_.`;..�� ,;.r ,
<br /> �'.¢��+��`-::� . �;�•',*• the notioe,l.ender at its aption m�g require immcdiate pa�ment in fidl oE��sums secured by thts��arit}�Instrweeat��}�::, . +is;._:._ -. .
<br /> �.:, •'�. . � withaat turt6er demand and �.� invoke the power o t sa t e an d any�e r nmedies permitted 1!y�a Q p licabk.tasr.�;: ; '�;'�..:�'
<br /> : . .'; .. .;' ,�":• • Lender s6�11 be entiUed to oolic�all expenses Incurred i�t.pussuing the remcd�es provtded in this�4aea14►Ap�.3I��,. f, ,,
<br /> '�=� �'•��:''�.�..:''; including,but aot limited to,reawna6k attomeys•fees and�vst.s uP titk evidence. � .
<br /> �°' ��'� ` '-'��= It the power of sale is iavoked.7lvstee sh�i!record a notice ot defaalt in e�ch counts in wfiich anJ�pa�t of t6i��� �� . .... . -
<br /> .�-�:'-..,s`.�..�.'� property b tocated and si�all mail wpies ot such aa�tice in tde manner prescri6ed by applica6ie•law•to Sotrower aad to .
<br /> �"` � i'�'•s the ather persa�s prescrtbed by applicable law After the ttme requIred by applkable taw,7Yastee s�ll give public � � -
<br /> �;`-'r~'-:, :;..••f notke ot s�te to tl�e persons and in the manner prescribed by applia+ble law 7Yastee.without demand on Borrawer. , , ; :
<br /> :r�"'`'����x7°:'. shaU seil tbe Praperty at pablk auction to the highest bWder at the time and place aa�onder the terms designated in• �<.�. . ..;
<br /> f:;::.'.�r'.;;,;;c;�•:. �'�:�'.'•:. ,.
<br /> . �;�,,1 i: � 21.:•, � the ootjce of sale in oce or more parcels aQd in any ordec 7Yinstee deter�neA. 7Yust+ee�zJ po�tpo�e sate of aq or any� {;,:';'r:�
<br /> -<. -: -�`:t=+'r�'�_ paral ot the Property by public annauncemeat at t6e time and pince e��a�'prevlou�Ty schedukd sate: Lender or its• �,.�' =-''��-- ��;
<br /> . "i t'�::,':` �;=T� desi9iee t�ay Purr�ta5e tfie Properiy at any sak. • .- --
<br /> ��f'�.:.,: ... ., �
<br /> ���i;�z�y?�= - �, �• - Upon receipE u��ayment of the price bidt�'ilrustee sdall deti�Nrta Eii�.parehager Trustee's'�d cron��eying thw��• . ;;.
<br /> """ ?'� � property.TAe recitais in the.7l�astee's deed shall 6e prima facie e�Tdr,�e aP the truth ot tfie st�i�.AS madH tltcheia�u� �
<br /> . ' �`-'=°"°'�'• � �� 71�usteesh�ll�pplytheprooeedsm�fdcsaleintheloUawingarde�: (alto�llcosfsandexpens�so/e�Clvirrgy�Npqc►;rr+�r: ' .
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