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<br /> � ` f`;��•�;:�'"s -_ . •. C . ' - ?�_,.~
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<br /> - __- . . _.__ ..__ . ._. . _ . ;
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<br /> i .. .. �. - _ �:t�coRO�a ��- . .1a�42
<br /> ' ps�io8s tl�c Le�dr iequin�. The i�ce cmier p�ov�e ttrc�uaocr����ee c6aem by eormwer w6,jxc w e.Eoarris . .
<br /> - �ppravil which shslt�at 6e iwe�tilY withhetd. If Banower fails m mainqiur coves�ge dGscribed aHove.t.aides may.at
<br /> ' <, l.eedet8 ioptioo.cb�i�t covee�ge ta p�ooecx l.ender's rigl�ts in the Ytvperty 6t ac�co�+d�nce with p�r�grrq�h 7.
<br /> • pll insurancx po6cxs aad mtrwals sw116t acceptabk to l.tndtr and shaii i�tude a standud mortgage ct�use. Lender
<br /> - shall.luve the right ro 6oW the poiicies and atrcwata If Lenaer cequices.Bartniver sdall P��Y 8�ve to Leader all nceipts
<br /> qf paid pemiums a��enewal�wt�s. ln t6e evrnt of Iass.Sarrawer sh�ll givo proinpt�wti�ce to the insurance cartier and
<br /> l,rndn;I.mde�may makc ptoof of[oss if rat mada ptampdy by Barov�rcr.;
<br /> Unkss Lrendes�ud Sarower othenvise agme in,w-ri6ng.iawr,mce praceeds,shalt be ap�lied to resta�ation ar c+epair of
<br /> tl� y daa�ge�if tM restaatiott-ur rep�i€,:ss ecaromic�ll}fease�te�aad l:e�er's sawdcg i�t�l�sse�ed_ If rhe.
<br /> nx oie o�nepa�r is not ccauomically feasihk:or Lender�s secwity w�1d be Icssened,the iasu�aoce proceeds sbatt bc
<br /> �plied at the sums secu�ed by this.Secuzity Iastn�ment.wb�her or not tI�ea due widi any excess paid to Borrow�r_ If .
<br /> -- -- ___- -RO[ir3W4[_ahanrinnc.{El►�FC[!¢�L}�:JlI.�!lfk:anaamr�+t�jTy:i�_da}(s S_II�tICC_�IDQ11mdeC�Ih3t_�_IOSUt�OCC E�fA47_�W�.-_--__
<br /> oQeted w sctde s c1�im�.t6ea Lender noay ooikct tbc.ins�uance fxoceeds. Leader may use t�e pmceeds to re�uc or restocG ---- -
<br /> the Prapaty or W pay.wmc'secured hy this Security Insuumeert..wtKtherar�t then du�The 30-day peri�M wiA txgm what
<br /> dre�otioe is given.
<br /> Unkss I.eader aad Bomqw,qe od►efwise agcee in writin8-anY applieatiott of proceeds to priacipal si�ll rot extend ar
<br /> postp�nne the due date of the ms�ithl}�Pa►Ymen�s ceferted to ur paragraphs t and 2 or cGange the unonnE Qf t6e payaxms.-If =--- -
<br /> w�der p�,ragaph 21 the Property�is�quired by Lender.Su�wer'�right tn aay insurance policies aQd p►nceeds�+e.suIrmB —
<br /> &om damage to�Ptoperi}►pr�or,to the acquisitian streil.pass[o.Le�sder to,thr extenE af tlxt sums secuisd by this Secueiry: ��"�'�=---
<br /> Ia�nent immediaLely�ips to it�e acqaisitiqn... . . ���-_-
<br /> 6r Oaopancg::�te�sa�na,�M�iqtee�c�and�,Pnote�etiort„at�Wel'ropest�;Bar�aRe�� Lasn•App�lc�ti�a;:�; �t11;��•,�:,�_-
<br /> -- _ — Lease6oMs. Botmweg�c a�Py.:�sstaMish.and usa-tbeProg�aR�r-as Boxmm�v�F:s pn�ciFa��esidence wiihin sixt}�,daY;a�et� � ��-
<br /> the exa:upon of this Sei�r�lits�it,�ad shali cununq.e ta�y.th�1�COpCrtj►.es Batrowa's PnmtiP�.te.SideiAOe:fo�,At.�t �r=�;_,
<br /> feast ane year af�(.tf�e date of 8�a�ipa�x,.y,:1�nt�ss L.en�_.�l�fwise agiees in.writing, which c�sent.�shalt,idatir�fie..', -' �:�:
<br /> wurason�blywithl�eld;,orunlessezten�anng,�tt+Rt�mstan�cesezi�tW6ichare,pe}rondSocrower'scontrol..�Bomowet.shallnat. �°??
<br /> desmny.damaSe ar im�yir the Ptopetty.allmv�rha Pt�eRy to deteriorate.or,�it,w�ste oo d�e Puopetty:•Borrower shaU '�`,w'�u
<br /> ._�,.-�_
<br /> be in defauit if aay fotfaitu�e actian or praceetd'uit��whether ci+n7 or crimi�:;�t'iegu�.that in l.a�der's good faith judgment -rk�.�;::
<br /> could nsult iII forfoiture�of:ihe.�rope�tY.or.ot�se materially impa�r the�ien cmate+d.b}►,this Su�rity Insuuiixrtl or . .
<br /> l.ender's security inttres� Boirow��n�y ctu�s,sueh a default and reinstate,as piovided in patiagaph 18.by causing the action . =-��
<br /> - - - _.---- , , or proceeding to bedismj�sedwiib��_�in&,th�in Lender's good faith detemiina6on,preclu�q fadeiture of the Bomnwer's --- ��� �_-:=-
<br /> - intet+est ia the P►vp�EV� Attior inarrial.im�ent o f t h e lien created by ihis Secarity Instrument or Lender's secvri ry " .���_
<br /> � - -- intaest, Borrower.sha��also be in default:,i�;$.;srower.during the loare applicaaon process. gave rtiai�rially false or
<br /> ri
<br /> -- -- inacc�uate infasmarion or statemenu to l.ender��rsEtfailed to provide l.ender with any.matereal infom�atian)itieqimectian with . . �=
<br /> the toan evidenced by the Note..inctuding.b�`�ot limited to.,nepresentarions.conceming.Borrower's q�ap�cy aF the . �
<br /> -- -`. Pmpeity as a principal residence. If this•Securit�i-�ment is pn..��easeho2d,Borrower shat!compfy with a!1 tbe provisi.nir� ,.
<br /> -- __-- of tha kase. If Borrower agquitea fe�titla to tRe,P�eTty.tha d�hotd and the fee titla shali not merge uniess Lendera� . � :,
<br /> _�-- =-� to,th�mergerinwriting;, :. ,.;;; . , , , _,.,. : � . •Y,•.=` • �.-
<br /> -
<br />