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<br /> . ``-'�_. r�,;j.._ � . . . , ` .. __ , .�_..... ., ,- -_ . —� __
<br /> -- � . �. - , . . . � ` _ . . ..__ . __y .
<br /> .. .-
<br /> — - .. ��... , _ � : ' .r __ � -
<br /> _� .� : � . . . .� , - • -"- ---_-- . —,_ -- -
<br /> "_ . ' {.__ , T . � . .. < _._ _ _ _' _ . __ _ _
<br /> �.. . . ��� .2 _"'.- _� � . ' __ . '—_ _'_ __ _�._ .. .— _y . _."" .._.." "_�_____ ' —. .
<br /> °_c. _ ..r _ _1 — -- �- .-. � - - . . � - - - -- - - -- - �.
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<br /> . . - q��(rbJ"iG� . �` ���.��
<br /> � 71DCE7'HER VYtTH dl the in�e�avemcnts na�l��c�cled on the V�P�nY.�d alf easements.appurt�'cs..
<br /> �rid t�xttu�es now bt heretftet s p�rt of the ptv�pert�r. Al!�epircem�ect and additidns s[wi!�iso be covead Dy.this Securit3r.
<br /> (�1stin�q. Alt d the taregoiug is�efers�cd to in dus Se�v�itY 1nstt�ns�a�t�1he"Plroperty" '�,.
<br /> . , SORROWFR C'OVENA1�iTS M�tt Borrower is lawfuUy seised oi the estate hercby conveyed aa0!as the right ta grant.
<br /> . � - aod canvey the�'toperty and J�at thc PtapertS+is utuncumbe�&.except far encumbriu4ces of n�cad. Bortawa wam�ts and
<br /> wiii defend tener�lly tht titk to tbe RoQerty againu s!1 ci�ims and dem�nds.subject to any encumbranoes af rxord.
<br /> • ` 7'HIS SECURCfY INS7RUMEN7'canbines tudfam coveaants fa nationai use and t�an-unifam mvenants with
<br />_— , . limited�ationa by+iurisdidi�n to caostitute a au�ifam securicy insuwneat co�rering r4at pcupttry..
<br /> UNIFORIN DOVENAN75•.�wer ud t.endcr rnvayust and�e as fdiows:. .
<br /> •. . !. !'aswdit of Prficipd�nd bta+�t;P+rep�Yweit�d�.ah CM�rRs Brnmwer shali I�PUY W9,wt�en due the
<br />- �.__ _ _ _ . __ __pdnci_u�l of an�interrst oa tfie debt evidenced by the Nac and aay Pt'ePAYmeat and tate c�es due under the Nate.
<br /> - - -�tiis,�it��'is�bl:�lsc�vs�sst-�-�-.�_ g-L�-a41�[�Rorpw�e�s6�il.lo�u[a. _
<br /> - Lender on d�e day morahlY PiYme�s are due undec the Nae.w61 the Nae is paid in fnll.a swn t"�")for:(a)Y�Y
<br /> - tua ax1 aues�s w6ich may�thin piairy ovar this 5auriry I�aument as a lia�on the Pmpc�ty:(�l Y�Y��Id
<br /> - p�yn�e�s a paund reMs on tha PtoQeay.if any; (c)Y�Y���PmP�Y ��� P�ium� (� Y�Y 800d
<br /> inaunnce pnemiums.�f wy;(e)Y�7i�8�insuranc�premiums, �f any;and(�anF sums WYahte by Borrowar w
<br /> - ��Wer�jn�CCp[�EICC�Yj1I1 fAC�YISiOpS OE�1 S.�t lieu of the payment of matgage insurancx premiums. 'ft�cse
<br /> items are called"Escraw Itan+_" [.rnder may.at any tiwne.coikct and dold Funds in an amcwnt not to eaceed t1�maximum —
<br /> — amount a ierder for a fMer�lly celated mart,gage loan may requi�e for Bormwer�s oscmw accant under d�e federal Real _
<br /> Estate Settkroent Ptocedwes Act of 1974 as amended itom�to mne.12 US.C:�Zb01 rt uq.f'�P�l"),utttess another --
<br /> --- law ttat appiies to tl�e Funds sets a lecs�or amoun� If so.lxnder may.�t any time,collect and hold Funds in an amaunt aot to —
<br />_ exceed iLe tzsser a�.. i.eader m�ty esdmaze dse aneouat af€'wsds due vn:iQe�tz�is uf arr�.t�t:dasa and,�.soaahie , __
<br /> — e�timates af expendidues of fuwne Esccow Items or ahe�wi�e in accordance witl!�sliatWe taw. _-- _
<br /> The�vods s6aIE ix beW in an icutiation+erhose depasits are inSw+ed by a foderal agency,inswtt�entalicy.a entity =--
<br /> (inclading L.ender.if I.ender is wch an iasti�t6on)or ia aay Federal lipne I.oan Bank. Leader shal}•aPP�Y the Funds to pay ___
<br /> the Es�t�nv 1�u. Lender may not ct�So�rower for hotding an�applyiag the i'vnds.annuaily analYzing tha escrow --
<br /> - � asca�a�•or verifying tfie Esccow Items.u�Tess I.erider(�aYs Bomowzr inter+est on the�iuds aNd appliea6le taw permits =�-
<br /> --_— Lender to m�lte suctt a charge. Hrnvever,l.�isder mny cequire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an ind�pmdent real ��-.
<br /> :�.--
<br /> --- -- - .estate tax repocring secvice used by Lender in cnruiectiaa with t6is loan.�ptess applicabTa taw pmvcdes athenvis� Untess aa w��.
<br /> :�.,���r�� agramevit is made or applicabls law require�inteiest tobe paid,Leader sl�alt aot be teqoirCo m psy Bormwer amr inter+est a o;s s
<br /> �uY� eamings an the Fvnds. Barrower and[.eadermay agr+ee in writing,however,that inte�ese sNall bepaldon the Funds. Lender �„�
<br /> _� :rs'':
<br /> -- shall g'tve co Borrower,widwut ch-�tge.nn anmral adtrounting of the�apds,shoaiag credits and de6its w�he Eunds and the
<br /> �'Q; - p�upose for which each debit to thc Funds was made. 7'he fi►dds aze pt�dged as�tivnal secunly for all sums socured by :-�>.
<br /> �.} . .. this Security Insuuruen� . :-_^
<br /> If the Funds deld by Lendcr eaceed the amo�mts pe�mitted to.be held by applicable law. l.cnder shstll awount to ���_
<br /> Boirower fix the exeess Funds in aceordance with the cec�nitem�ts o�applicabie Jaw. If the ama�mt.of t1�e Funds held by -
<br />''� '' I.ender at any time is not su�cient to pay the Escrow[tems wtien due.l�ender may�o notify Bors�awer in wri6ng,and,in ��`�`_
<br /> '�-� �' such case Sarawer shaU paY to Lei�dcr the amount neaessary to make up.tha.deGciency. Bar+awet siaait�.make ap tht �F`;;�.
<br /> .�::.�° deficiency in no mo�e thau twelve monthtY PaYments.aE Leuder�s sole discretion.. - -�.=:
<br /> �•� •a�:.�
<br /> �•,<`•,=-. U�qn PaYraeni ia ful�oi al}sums secured by[bis Svcurity insdumen�Lender shall prom�tly tefimd m Somawer any !�•`
<br /> � ��''``�`� Fvnds hald D Lender_.If.�mder ara ph 21.Lendec sT�al1 a uirc or seli the Ptoperty.Lendet,prior to•the acquisEtion or j, -.
<br /> �,< < � r:;• Y � � � ,
<br /> '��t t ,�� sale of the Auperiy,shaU t�pply any:Funds hsld by Lende�at the time of acquisition or sate as a credit against the sums ,
<br /> +N�"�z.''s,.•�; P .:
<br /> i'��*;'��rt';�:-'�;..� secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> � 3. Appikation o�Pnqments. Untess applicable !aw provides otherwise.all payments received 6y L.ender under '
<br /> . ���r L .
<br />- ���'�f •�•��� .''r`� ara 1 and 2 shail be a l�ed:frrst,to an re ent char es due under tho Note:secand,to umoun�s payable under ,
<br /> � t;�i..� P B�P� PP� Y P Pa3+m 8
<br /> , �..;�,.;� paragraph 2;third.to interest du�fowth.to principal due;and last,to any late charges dua under tha Note.
<br /> ,,�,ti 4. C�rges; Lieos. Borrower sAall Pay all taues,assessme�ts,charges. f�tcs and impositions atiribumble ta the �-
<br /> r��:�.�,;�,
<br /> ' �, .•;� Propaty which may attain priodty over this Security Inswmen�end[easehold payments or ground rents.if any. Borrower °
<br /> , r.�:�'w�_ ��. shall pay tl�ese obligations in tlx manner provided in paragraph 3.cx if r.ac paid in that manner.$orrower shali pag them oa : y, ;.
<br /> =� � A�`=�'.,.�°`;�, time dinaetty ro the person owed payment. Borrower shafl promptiy°turrr�:�t`a to Lender all notices oE amouats to ba paid under ����,:'
<br /> , .<<. ,4.ck.�y;�r:..,..:�r.. .
<br />'�i= • •>�;-s:°�-::.• � this paregraph. If Borrower makes tl�ese payments directly,BoROwer shall promplly�fumisH tol.ender receipts evidencing �,._;
<br /> ;, ,;;;•�. . � •: . thepayments. �t
<br /> "� ~ • Borrower shaU promptly 4tscharge any lien whIch(rsr�tiority over this Secur't;�C�,:i�:cnent unlass Borrower.(a)agrees
<br /> ,. •:. � '
<br /> . �S..J.P��_ �i�.I�.
<br /> '.-.�- • in writing to the payment o4 t�xr o�ligs►tion secured by the fien in a manner acceptuble to,L.ecidet:!b?contests in gaod faith the
<br /> • � �� .,
<br /> ` �'" lien by,or defrnds against enF,xceir.e�t of c1ae iien in.legal proceedings which in rha Lender's erpini�operate to prevent the , �:_'
<br /> �*- _ _—'=�"�; enforcement of t�se tie�;�r(c}seaar�s fiea��holder of the lien an ageem�nt satisfacto.ry to LeR�er subordmuting the lien �, �'
<br /> -- - � �=-f' to this Security I�s�restient t��.e;:Qer de=;*':incs that any part of ihe Ptoperty is subject to t►liea whioh may sittaln priority ;�'�:,
<br /> over this Security IA��eat;�ender may give Boao•ue�a notice identifying tha Iien:,Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take ;r��:r.i
<br /> one or more of the actions sea t�aith abQVe w3thin 10 da�s�f the givin of notica. ''•``��.:
<br /> , g .,;i;`:
<br /> � -�' S. Huaird ae•Pr iasuraso� �owea s!'}aI!kee the im rovements nmia�exis6ct �or hereafter erected ort the � �"4'
<br /> . ..�., aPerty P p $ -..��4.,.
<br /> �,.� ' � PcopcRy insu�t agaiast loss by t`ire.haz�:,s�.�.cI�ded u:i�:in tno term:xiended caverage"and art;F other hazards,inctuding j i!�,t�..,
<br /> �`1:,�
<br />�1� --� floods or flood�rrg,far which Lender r2�s:zs iasurar�:.v: This insurance shall ba r.taintuiee�in.,r,(te amounts and for the �+.,4�t5;
<br /> °� � � - 1,,�;::��.
<br /> . , ,; -
<br /> ' �rors3pSS A'!!IR��°3'ajbPaXesl i;.nY�:
<br /> ',���.,::
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<br /> - •r•��v :r q�i���:;i.�,,',�'r t �{� -.!
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<br /> ��3r K �� ,, . . :!,.r �S'ar �il' �V ii I`1 r�� �f �S�f t .
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