`.��.� - .�; : ` ; � �
<br /> �, '±' ,�. - _ - __�-��i;�__ -
<br /> __._—�::��-- _ _ � - _ --- .-- _ - , _ _- .�� �. � -- _-_ —
<br /> � ` � � .Ct '
<br /> . . - ,�������� ..
<br /> , � � ` . ' d�E i.ender 7tie iawranoe canier prariQinf 1be.Gwnsece si�i!be d�en��t�rer '� - .
<br /> P� �+�. prav a s
<br /> app�ov�t which siaA not be umeasae�bly vvithbeW. If HCre�aw�er fWs w m�int�rr covers�e des�zibed above.LRnder mty.at
<br /> i j,CZi�lt�{OQt1011.O�1f�llt L`OYC1'�$O t0 pO1CCt�.E11aEi�i�I�}Mb fO t�1G�CO�ltt�►�R�CCO[I�i11CG 1NIt�1 p/t�j�f�.
<br /> ; �1�6{If�110G�fC�C3�R11GW�3 li�i��t1t�OCCp[iaC[O l.Cl1�lf i[�6�1i���fIC�{IdC i 3fY1di[d RIQIf$!$G C�l. �
<br /> S��1lYC l�l:[l�f[[4�10�1�IE p0�1CiCS i[I�iC�CMtiIS. �Id'Odtf DlQtlsl�.BOROVYft Shi��Ql'plt�$1Y4'ia�Cl:i��fCCl�!
<br /> " O��pC1�111�LS�[I�tC�GWit OO�ICrt. �l1�1G CYE11t Of�OS,S.�OR�WG[Stli��$lYG�CORI�i 11Q�C QO l�IG�OSUi�[!C'G C�f'[�Ei� ,
<br /> t,enden Lender may tnake p�oof�toss if�ot mde P�P�Y�Y�wa. � .
<br /> ve�as Lender aaa Bonower a�.Aee in writiog.ias�u:are poeeeds sA.t�ee appt;«f w,ssro�n«repir of
<br /> � +��Y�8�•if tDe t+amratTun ar tepair is Eoonoauraity f�sibie aaa I�ender's secwity is nnt iessened: I£the
<br /> �sto�ation or np�ir is nat ocanomiqlh►fe�'bk ar Lender�s security waitd b�le.cuaed,tl�e iasuranct ptooee�s si�l!i�a
<br /> applied to the swos secwed by tl�is Sa�urity inmum�t.wbether ar nat th+m dua.with my eaoess p�id to Bolmwer. If:
<br />: ._ .._. _ __�-_3�-�r F�'-�►�does aot_mcwer�v_ithin.�tl�ays�notice!'rom=l,4rwfer=tlu�t_the.insur�nae caerier has__:__._-_.• -_�..__._..,_. .._....
<br /> - offe�ed to settie a daim.tUea I.eoder mq vofkct tbe i�staynoe proaed.� I.aockr may usc tbc p�uoeeds m tepaii or iesto�e.
<br /> We Pnoperty or co pay soms secacsd R►Y���Y Inctnm�ero,wl�etlur anotthea dua 'itie 30-day pedod'wiU 6egin wlien
<br /> the natioe is given. •
<br /> Ueksc l.ender aod Barower otherwise sgrec ia writing.any appliation of ptocad4 w principil sh�li nat exteod or
<br /> posi�onc tbe due datt of We aantnig paY�ceferned ta in puap�aphs i md 2 or change the amount of tl�e psy�aents. If
<br /> ' under puag�aph 21 tLe Pt�xrty is acq�eirat 6y icader.Boaawrer's right to any insutanco polkies aad p�vaeds rGSiiltiug
<br /> fran d�e to tbe propectp prior o��tse aoqnisitioir stntl pass m Lemer tQ the extatt of the sums secu�ed by this Sccurity
<br /> � Insuumentimmedi�s[gpcic�mti�escqu�htion.
<br /> .' : i. Oonpaicf,Pc�+ervatio�, Mfi�te��oe aad �c�utedios d the Pt+opMy; Barro�ver'a i.o� Appiiayfion;
<br /> --_ _ ' __.,.. .,_ primapai residence witim�sixty days�iter _ .
<br /> - i�. Botrower si�aEF occupy.,establish.and ase the P[ope�ty ac Bunuaa� .�_.
<br /> — �e executioa of lt�is Socurity Ia�nt�d s6All continue to oocupy tfte PY�operty as�o�rtoarer s principal�es�drnce fa at —
<br /> � ' lea� oae year after the date af occupancy. nntess I�eitder othetwist�gtoes in wriring. which ooasent slnU not be
<br /> ' uncr,�sonabiy with6eld.or unkss e�enwa6ng circwttstances exist wiucfi a�e beyond BorituwaPs,cantrol. Barowa slwU aot
<br /> des�uy.dama8e a ia�pair t6e Ptope�ty.allow the Pioperty to detetsaste.or commit wastc on the Pnapeay. Bas�ower shaU
<br /> 6e in default ff any fafeituce acteas or procealiag,arhetf�er civil ar crimimil.is Hegun.that in Lender'�good faith judgmeat =
<br /> could �esult in fafeidue of ti�e Pt+nperty or atlx�wise materi:lly unpair the lien cneated by this Senuity Instrument or
<br /> Lender�securiry ur0.-cest. Boao�xer may ctm such a default at�ieinstate.as provided in p�rragraph 18.b3►causing the�ctian =- -
<br /> - - or pm�oading to be dis�nissed.wali,a culing th�t.ia Lender�s good faith determinaaon.Pcxludes fadeitar�e of th�,Boimwer's ___-
<br /> �_..� intecest in the Ptoperty or ather material�rn of tlx lien c�eaud by tfiis Security Instrument or Lendtrs security ==-
<br /> in[et�est. Bairower shatl aLso be in default if Brnmwer. during the taan application pcacess, gave materially false or ��°'=�
<br /> _ inaccuiate infoima6oa or s�tatemeats w Lender(or f�iled td provide Lender with any material infonnation)in connecuoa witb �=y-�
<br /> — tfie loan eviderced bjr the Nou.including.but not limited to, tiepresentations concemin8�Borrowuk occupanc.y of the �:-_
<br /> -----_— as a residence. If this Securi Iasdumrnt is on a leasehotd,Borrower shall com 1 with ali tiie visians °�- —
<br /> ��`-'��.'� pmP�rtY PrinciPal t�►' P Y P� ncr��:�_
<br /> -�--- of d�e kase. If Borrawer acquins fx title to tUe Prdpercy,the Irasehold and the fee titte sball not merge unless Lender agees ___`
<br /> ----_-= to the meager in vvt'it�g. �;,°_--
<br /> �� '� `.:�'t+otection ot Lender's K�ghts bn t6e Peopvty_ If Borrower fails to perfotm the covenants and ageememts �:.�:::_—
<br /> ---=-- cont�i�i!Fii this Security Insuameiu.or t6eie u a kgal psoo�adin8 tf�at may sigrtifcuntly af�'ect Le�edecs rights ro the ��+;�r
<br /> ��:a,ca�� s�tsvcf�as a eedin in , for c�nation or fodeiture or to enforce lawrs ae� 3ations),then "'�'�
<br /> �".� P� 8 � P►�. � .,,�,�. �--
<br /> � �;;� � • Lej*�•�:ay do anafl pay for whatever is ne�`u9 R?�P��t6e value of t1�e Property and Lender's rigt�ls,i�the Prope�ty. -., �. —
<br /> ---'�-�f I.e���:��ctions ma}_include paying any su[us�au�ed by a li�a which has priority over this Security InsaumeQ�appeariag *�
<br /> ' in coi.�,paying reasonable attomeys fees and�ring on the Pcoperty to make iepairs.AWiough Lender may take action `
<br /> _ AW . .. .. r-
<br /> �, � •�:-
<br /> ,;::: ° under this paragrapE�'_7,Lender dces mot have to daso. a�.-.
<br /> ����'.OsL;' ", '� Any amou�s cii,d'sur�ed by Lender un�er�1ris paragraPh 7 sha11 become additional deM of Borcower secured hy this .'� :. . , .�!►;.
<br /> _"`� �`'':�- . Security Instrumgirit.::ra�.�.�ss Barrower and Lecu3���ee to othcr tertns of payment,these amounts shaU bear interest fmm the � -
<br /> �_ date of disbursenyeo7s�,�ie?�ote ca,�e and shatl.('��ayable.with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower requesting •��� . ,•. J�'
<br /> - - +"` •� , •. �
<br /> � - „� paymani.. � . ;, , ; . ,, . ... , =:_.
<br /> _ �'�I�7. Insurana���Lf�r . .'�
<br /> �,�; a,.•.�t,ortgige ie�u.ti�+:3 moRga{��sur,�nce as a condition at irra�ang the loan secured by.dus '.'`..,.;�.��,. aY..
<br /> �.'-:-' Sec�y�16s�.�rument,Borrower sfprsC���y the�ct�niams req�to maintain the mortgao ii�svrance in effect If,fr��! . •;;;�ta.;'��S:
<br /> �''=``�"'.
<br /> ^��P_ .-��n,. reaso��ize�mongage insurance t�+,:'rage raiun.-c�i.by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Bocrower shall g�.g°.dvr� � , . ,,,•��?
<br /> ' '�':"�;:���.� Fir mbtain covera subst�,'v�,��.{' uivalent to the mort a e insurance revioust ba�effect,at a►.�rst .`
<br /> ;,�..,y:, r Ptemiou�S'reiitti� 8e } e9 $8 P Y �:fi,. :•, >,
<br /> ��1�x�,.�,• suEisxa�rnratiy e�mr��i�co she cost to Borrowet af the mortgage insurance previously in effect,fmm an altemate�at�,i;�e � , +•. ���" � ,.;
<br /> �__„���,. insmr�-ir�proved��C�nder. If sabstantially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage�s not available.Borrower sha1P,�+y r� '. ,�'••�•�;<<�p�� :
<br /> �=___t:�;�;;,,��,'. Lendl��c�eh month a sum egual to ane•twelfth of the yearty mortgage insurance premiucn is�i,�g paid by Borrowerwlb��.c_ ���:�:y?���, `
<br /> ____===�=_ insur�itie coverage lapsed or ceased io be in effect. Lender will accepb use and retain the��;�ii}.nenxs as a loss reserve aslU� . �l. ,,t�r
<br /> _ ___���_� of mongage insurar�ce. Loss reserve paym�n�s may no longer be reyuired,�t the optioi�}ti,�l.ender. if mortgage insarance .
<br /> --_- coverage(in the amount and for the period that Lender requires)providedG.�-m�insurer;.+�;roved by l.ender again becomes #.;;':;.::'��`_
<br /> ���;�;,� availabie and is obtained.Borrow�shall pay the premiums requirtd to m;3fu1.'�r reort�?i;ue�urance in eifeci.or to provide a , ,.J���.;;�:•.,�`';�;rt'�'
<br /> loss n..�:sve.until the requirement I��.r mongage insurance ends in.accnrd��with any-Nri�1'en agreement between Bomoc�er �� '.tr�!;�:<<i+'��,'.;�r;,�,;,-
<br /> �'--.:M��i'i� and L•inder or applicable law. �. � �;r � • . • : °"^�';�.��;s:'
<br /> :,'.,��.�<<?:•,'
<br /> i ,•Rs. InspecNon. L.ender or it�agent may make ieasanalsl�:�.ii.ries upon and inspectians of t8e Pcoperty. Lender�li�Pl', , , •.••,1;
<br /> ---- — giv¢i3i7irower notise at tha time of or prior to an ictspection specE�jnng reasonable cause for the inspection. ' . -
<br /> ��,�- , .;��i► Candemnatbn. The proceeds of any:i�vat�!or claim for damages.direct or consequEntial,in connection with any .
<br /> � • SingkFamity..Fann�eMad�iedAleM�e�111FORMINS?RUMEN7'--UnifamCoven�nts fl9� Ipoge3aJbluktd-9,, •
<br /> �i�� . . � liaL WnMrYO�Pae�R Ye./� ., ''. .
<br /> - � " ' TOQA[�f�1�OM'l690130�'AIBIb?81�}ll��`, • ' ..
<br /> ;;s. ,
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