•.yY . . . _ _ �t;`TL.�:_.—
<br /> �"�f.' ,( . . . ,��� _
<br />. '�t�`'�...�.. _ "�11t �:} ... `-��—
<br /> .. . ' ' . � � . ' , .
<br /> . ��.�
<br /> ' ' ,� son�am�da�t a qi�er Wong of�y p�t of the iiroperty.cr fa convey�uoe in fieu otooedeen��a�,�ynnd� `
<br /> � , th�116e p�id ta I.a�Wer. � ' . : . ° .
<br /> . tn the�v�eat.af:tora!t�idna of ine Ptaperiy.thQ pnoceMs s�W1 ba�ppliai to t6e sams sa.vRd by this Se�irity
<br /> � :La�n�.whethar or na tt�en due,with�ny exass paid to Barower. In 1he tvent of a prrtial iating of tht PropeRy in'
<br /> .whid�the f�ir muket vilue of the Pcoperty imno�teiy befarc ttre taking is equ�i to ar gneaten�n the ana�d of the wena
<br /> � secuted!sy dds Sea�tiry G�sunmrnt imtt�ediueEy befiae the t�ng,�mkss Barmwer and Lendet ahecvrise a�+oe in writing. .
<br /> tbe sums secuced by this Security Luwa�ent sha[16e r�d by the amoait of the pocads muJdplied by the fdbwing ,
<br /> � fractian: (a)the totd amaunt of t6e sums secwed imrt�edi�tely befo�the teking,divided by(b)We fiur mulcet vWtie ot the �
<br /> piapetty immedia�ely t�efine tLe t�hing. Any bal�oce sLa11_�e paid to Batrower. In the ey+ent of a p�tial W�ing of the
<br /> , PmpenY in whic�the fair madctt value of the Prnpeny immed�sc�ly 6efac the tal�ing is kss than the amou�nt of the sunas
<br /> secu�immediuetq befara th�tilcing.uatess$omower imd Lender othe�wise agia in writm8 or unttss appliqDk taw . -
<br /> od�rwise p[ovides._the pmoee�Is,s1W!ba_apptied to the sat�s secuced_ .thts Secw_ tnstnunent wtrethe�a not the sums are � . - -
<br /> .
<br /> -- _ bY .__ tY_.
<br /> -----��, _- -_-___ —..-- =—=--- = ---_--_._.—
<br /> If tl�e Ptn�aty is aWu�doaed by Bomower�or if,after notice by Lender tu 66rrower that the caulemnor offers ta maice
<br /> aa awaN or settk a claim for d�ewges.Barower fails to respond to Leader within 30 days after the due tik notico is giva�,.
<br /> [,eader is wthor�od to oollect and app�y the prooeeds.at its option,either to�estoratroa or rep�ir of the Pla�erty or to the
<br /> suros secured by this Security tnsuunxnt,whetiKr oc not then due. ,.� �
<br /> Ualess I.ender aad Bott+ower ott�erwise agree iu writing,any applicatioa of pc+occeds ta principal sh�lt aot oxu�d or _ �
<br /> paatpon�e the due date of the moathly payments refemed tu in paragraphs 1 azM 2 or change the amount of sucli payment4,;; : ��
<br /> il. Earrawer Not Rda�sM: Forbarasoe By l.eader NoR a Waiver. Extension of the time fot payment,or
<br /> modifiqtion of�on of the snms sceumd by this Securiry Lutcument gra►Ued by Lend�r w any succtssor iA ir�terest ,
<br /> of Baruwer sball nat c�pera�e to�teas4 the liab�ity of t6e aiginal Borrower or Barower�s successo�s in interest.Leqd�t;-::., - '
<br /> shall�wt be ieqmqed no aaromence Pmce�in8s aSaie�st an�r-successor in intecsst ac�ase to ei�eud time for payqupt or�.�;:'.,. . -..�, _.—
<br /> otber�vise mo�fbYamatizat�n of tbe sums secured by ft�Sei.vrity Inso�ument by�of any demand mAdc 6y ehe aigin�lr�� � . .
<br /> 8arnwer ur Samwer's�i.ressoes in ia�est Any fosbe�ce by[.eader in exere"�siitg any rigt�t ac�y sba1)nat!x�i. ;
<br /> watver of or pctctode tbe exeirise of any ng6t or remedy. . . � - �. .,
<br /> 't li S�ors aad Ass�s Booed;Joist'aad Se�aal I.isbiUty;Co3igners. 'I7�covenants and ag�eements of this�':,....:'�,
<br /> Socutity Insuument shall biad a�d 6enefit the sucressas and assigns of Leodec and Bomnwer.subject[o the ptovisions of: �•
<br /> p�agraph 17. �ormwer��ts and ag�eements st�al9 6e joint and sevaal.Any Sotrowet arho co-signs this SecaTity. '
<br /> tnswment but does not ezerr�the Note: (a)is co-si�ing this Secuety laswment,oatty to mortgage.8rant and c,q�Yey.tbAt c;._',,:,
<br /> . Barovvsr's intenst ia the Pmpetty uader dieterats of this Seeurity Instnmient;(D)is not personally aMigated wpay t�e s�hn's�' :., .
<br /> � sxured by this SacurIty Insdumen�and(c)agrees that L.ender and any ather Borrower may ag�ee to extFnd,modifY,�'ofbear. �:+: _
<br /> • or malce ariy a�.'nmodations with iegacd'ta the terms of this Securiry Tnswment or die Ns�te:p�itdart,tfiat.'Bomuwecl�. .'; —
<br /> ..�. • . •� , f�.
<br /> COflBedt. . . , ;'. ,•� . . '�.�-s� !l�=-
<br /> `'�"`"-
<br /> 13. Lann Charges. If the loan s�3 by t1us.�?�niy Instrument is subject to a law.u•iticti'seta�ma�imuin loan'.:; _:�. . --
<br /> . chuges,and ttr�r law��s finaUy interp�:"�:j�tnt the."�!��;ar other loan charges ca[tected or t4 b�iz cnliectCd,in caruiadcjri.,,;;-,.'._;;;- m--
<br /> . witb the loan e�the permitted limit�i�:;a3 an�:�r:�tuan ct�arge shall be r+eduu�i by the�aracciawtt neaes:'�.�Q ndu� ; .°
<br /> . , the charge to 1�it��;:�elmitted llmit;and(b)��.'ms alrea:s"y cullected frosn Bomower wQich excte':k�A ptnnitted.#4�ts tvt�l l�� .:• i
<br /> refunded to Ba�+V-.;wue►: I,ender may choose to make this ra..S+and by redusi�tUee Pm►ci�'aluwed unde"r'the Note ur.¢Y:t�aking a',•';.�,`:;;:,•� -
<br /> ` dimect paymerir��:.�ormu,'e�.�Lf a rcfund redaces priruti�iaF.�te reductlan will be.�+cat�as a partial PrepaYmCii1'wiflioat any -�_.
<br /> prepayment anAef"���ote. �:. '`:'` : :•�;:. .:. -_
<br />