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<br /> . '�(�En'(��1�.��1QIQl�OVlIOdKS OOw 0��IC�![11CC�dl tt1C Q(OQll�l.�fl�i�)!iS!'1�!lIIS.�Y9ldt110ESi
<br /> _ ���Q�I Q�IG[p�Er i�Yi�C�tflC�O�I. l�I�C�OI���10111 9�Y�f i�SO�COYl��I 11HS�lCIit1I� c
<br /> �0�11�lOI. �U�f�IG fdlC'�01D�lS ilf�!RY.'Q t01�t�115$CAId[�►�06Q11mCllt iS v1C�lOpCt[yl.w
<br /> , BbIiROWER OOVF�lANTS dpu Barnwer is lawfuriy seised of the estate 6ec�eby caweyed and�s the rigut to gr�oE
<br /> ' �od oanvey the.Fraperty and diu t&Piapeity is noencumbeied.exapt fot a�ewn�ot mad. Boreower wur�nts arod
<br /> w�l defend geaeralty d�e 6t1e w the Propeny sgait�sc a�cl�nss�od demiod.s.suhject ta u�y ennmo�aoes of tecad
<br /> � . TEIIS SEC[TRiTY INSiRU11�NT oombines unita�covea�ets for natioml ase ao� oon-anifatn core�nts wish
<br /> . <i - limited,varistioas by jurisdictIa►to caostttoie a aaifcxtn sra�rit}i a�ttna�itavuing ssal p�operty. . : - —
<br /> tiNIPORM ODVENAN'f�. Barr+owa aod I�eadrr oo�en��d sgee as follows:
<br /> - _- _- �_---_---L h��t et Pri�etNl i�/I�enea�Preplt�e�t a�I.Me CMf�r�ei. Bomnv�sr sfia11 proi�dy pay wheti due tbe
<br /> pcimci�3t-oT-�nd�aa7lu�revk�'bYti�i�mYprepa�iatec�mgGSdncnn�iriGic�Yuit: --_—---
<br /> � 2 Els�s tar'�i�a�d I�ra� Subjeet to applicabie!sw ar to a�vritoen waiva by Leoder,BoROwer s�ll pay to
<br /> Leader oa�tUe dsY�9 WY�xe due�mdertHe Nate.mNil the Note is prid in fuU,a�n c�'�ta:t>>ya�y
<br /> wcts and�wUich may amia piiaity orer tbis Security Iastnunent as a lien ae t6e�ropaty:(b)Y�Y��
<br /> WY�or pound rents on d�e Ptapeety.if aey: (c)Y�Y ���ProP�'�9 ��u�P��%(df Y�Y� -
<br /> � • �P��.if+�7•(e)Y�Y�8a8��we�noe P�emiu�.if any;and(�anY smns payebk 6y Bamwer tn
<br /> Lnder,iu acx�otdanae ivflli the proYisions of IIaragra�ft:8,.in lieu of the paymenc of moct�age insura�tcC prc�piums. 'lt�ese
<br /> ��uems se calL�Q"Esa�uw Iba�x" I,.a�der maY,�t�r tii�calkct and hoW Hinds iu au.�unt Ob exoeed:tbt maximwn
<br /> amou�a Imder far a fr�ess[iy zeluad:mn�tgage It�n m?Y raluin fa BoRawei''�eutai'v��c:munt iirider itx federdl,fteal
<br /> E�tate Sarkmeat�Pmaeduees Act of 1SF74 as ame�ded frvm fime to dme,12 U.S.0§160I�ct seg:�"R�SPA").wrle�ariothec
<br /> Ia�v that apptiss to me Fu�s sets a[rsse�amo�uu. If so.Lender may.u u�y cime,4'��andhold Fvnds in aa amounE�uc to ----- --
<br /> ezoeed'tLe lesser amoum. L,eoder ma� esl#mate td�ambunt of Funds due oa the.basis of cumeat data a�cea.mea6Te
<br /> estim�e.s of e�penditturs uf fua�F.scrow Itans ot d��ise iu acaad�ace with app�Cable law. :
<br /> . : Tije�si�il be 6efd in aa iasiid�tion whose deposits ane it�sumd by a fMeiat agen�y.instivmenta[ity.or en�ty
<br /> .. (io�Iad'mg I.eader,if Leoder is sueb�n instiwtian)ar in any Frderr!Hame[.out B�ic. I.ender shaIt appiy the limds to I�Y
<br /> i6e Escmw Itcros..,l.eoder lnay not ch�uga Borrowa for 6o1�ng and a�pptying t6e Fmds.anmullY�Y�S the escmar
<br /> . a000�m[.ar vetifyi�tg ihe Bscrow [tems,aqiess I.eodt.�r pays Botta�rea inaterest on tbe Fvnds and applicable law per�aits -
<br /> Le�der to rt��tuch a charge. HoweQes,II.�nder may reqaice Bor�vvre.�m pay a o�-tia�e chazge for an independent rea! : . ---_-
<br /> esWe tu tepoRing service used h}�le�de�in r�ou with Wis loaa.m�less appl�e,faw.pca�tdles�,Uutess at�... : -__——_-
<br /> ag�aement is xmde or applicaWe iaw roquires interest to 6e paid,I.e�ter shall not 6e ae�uu+ed to gay Sonower an�r iaterest or '�'•"'' �'-�_—
<br /> tacning�on the Cvnds. Bamnwer aad Lender may ag+ee in writing.hvwever,that uatesest st�aII be paid on the Fao�s: �.ender =---
<br /> sl�ail give w Barower,without charge,an aoaaal acsoanting of tLe Funds.showu�g'credits and debi�s.to the Fimds and the -
<br />� purpose for which each debit w d►e Funds'iras made. 7be Fvnds are pledged as add'itioQal secutiLy��fa�all swns secureA by __ --
<br /> this SectuitSr Iatttamen� � , : ,,;�::>:,` • ' .. •° __ —
<br /> `•'- •Tf the Funds 6eld by l.ender e�cced t1�e amow��niaed to be 6eld by apgli�abte Iaw,�rder sGai��ocount to =----
<br /> '13'i�ower for the excess Foadc j»accorilance,with the.�q,ui�ements of applicable Gti�i,.:;�iF the amowu of the Rrmds held by =------
<br /> i;�sr;r3er at any time is not su�Fnient to pay d�e Escraw Trems ahea due.l.e:►der m��.:;�su?iiotify Boaower in writiag,and,in , :�'��._".;'�.,_
<br /> su�t c�se Barrower shaq pay`'to Lender the amount necessazy to m�e up the�"?tvrac}!. Borruwer shall make up the . . '.:,;i,=__—
<br /> ``i.•`.;,1,,;...�.�,
<br /> defiae�j,nx�ia�than twelve montlilY PaYments,at Lender�s sole di�tion. �,•, : : ���;'�"
<br /> ,Upac�'p�rt�lt in fu11 of all stuns s�ued by this 3erurity InsGC�i�ettt.lxnde�d�tl P�'�mPtiY t�efuad m Boirowet an9 ;:.,::;:. t Q;•--- -
<br /> �.'..�' ' 1 ii'.Mn��'i�
<br /> �ds he7ii��S�:'�nder. If.�mder paragraph 21.Lender shall acquire or se11 the Prapa.t�,Lender,prior to the acquisition or „���.�tt.�:�' �,�
<br /> saf,�pf tk�e�rnperty.shail apply any Funds heid by i.ender at the Gme of acyuisiuon or sale as,a credit against ihe sums � y, �_
<br /> , �bg t�S�xurity Ituwmem. � --`--
<br /> � •' �3: �Ap�ratioa ot P1�yntents. Uc�less applicable law provides otherwise,a11 payments�a;eived.by Lender under - � �.�•':;:_
<br /> . •�acagraphs b.���2 shall be applied:firs7:tv any prepayment charges due under`the Note:second.?aT;uuounts payable under
<br /> ,p��g�aph 2;��iM,to intenst due:founh,to principal due:and last.to any late charges due urider the:�iiite. ... . . .. , :�}�•�
<br /> • '• .4. C6sr�es;Lieoa Bomnwer shall pay aU tanes.assessmenu,charges.fines and impasiUOns attrit�;t�ilr to the - � ;..: •
<br /> ,�:;,.,_'..
<br /> ;.�lvpeRy wdich may attain priority over this Security tnsGOment.and teasehold payments or ground renu,if any}"�rower :,:,�;�='
<br /> �fiall pay these obligation�in the manncr provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner.Boaower shall pay them on '''r`!`:� •
<br /> Gn�e Su�ectly to the person owed paymcai. Barrower shall promptly fi�misla to Lender all notices of amaunts tv 1�paid under � �'' � �;;.' :
<br /> this pazagrap�:':�f Borcower makes these�a��menis dir�ecdy.Bomoae���ia3ff`{rr�m�tl fumish to Lender recei s evldencin ..
<br /> Y P� S , �- :-.-. :� .. ..
<br /> the PaYme�ts- '.': �• : �; , .�.<.. .�:� " '3;:�x", '
<br /> Bomnwershall 9' '�'a�sch e� �Tien which has riorit overtiti.�s$cxatii,v�.Lrsstrument unless Borrower: a)a ees � t � �.•' �'�t�jf'' •
<br /> P�Y, ar8 Y P Y ( S� •. ,�'�tti��.�s�,j;`.
<br /> iu writing to ttu paymertto�(ff�:�bligatian yecured by the{ien in a manner acceptaBYe:o Lender,(b)contesu in good faith the .i;;;:r;;'. ��;.!���;,,•. `' ;:�-
<br /> Iien 6y;a defehds against�nta:�emectt.dr:.tl��lien in,le�af praceedings wluch in the Lender�opinion operate to prevent the :�; . �/.a7�,..';: �. ?.:
<br /> enforcemenc,r�'rite lien;or(e)secures fnurn i�e holder of the lien an agreemeni satisfactory to l.ender subordinating the lien ` � �. ���
<br /> to fhis Socut{Yg instrumen� If l.ender`�ermi�es lhat any.part of the Qroperty is subject to a liar a�hich may attain priority ' � �;,
<br /> pver this Sec�uity�n�+�►.�.ender m7�t��tie Borrowec a�,atice idendfying the lien. Borrower'H�31 satisfy the lien or take �.;,;., �'.: ;.���-
<br /> • ;aii�,or more of the xtions s�i:ta�eh abo�le within 10 da<�yuf'11i��y�ivin of notice. • '::;.� ��`` ..�,` `°'
<br /> � 5. Ha��d or P�f � g R g �'.� ; t,���. .. •r
<br /> aprrly`�S�urance. Borrower stu�ii`1 the im rovemeal5 nn�t��:+existin or hereaftcr erected on the �•:�:►i'�-Y:t'••� ...�'
<br /> �'•l�Ctij�erty insured against ioss'fry fire.haaards inciuded within the term"eateatded u����;�g�"and any other hazatds.including .. �;�,�`J. .
<br /> floods or flooding,far wbich l.ender ceq�tires insarance. 71�is insru:au:�s��i�.iie�inaintained in the amounts and for the ` '
<br /> . �1
<br /> �fr� �" ����. .. ��� � '
<br /> _ ' , !•�i� , FasJ�18 !1!� /PaRe2uJ6pages) ��«�:�. ,y�
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