�__ "�z:. . .z' � �i� ' � • �.
<br /> =t ' a�_ . . � - . j �;.
<br /> �.'� "�`I•�i � � - ,.lcr.� i —
<br /> '�' � � ^ .. . .. _ __ - _
<br /> ._ - ��......- ��> _. �-.. . t �.�._... �.,.�. . : _': .
<br />..:_ —_---,-r--_ • . r ,.- .- ' _-_____ --' -_" _ '_- '_ _. _.-___
<br /> .
<br /> _— ' • ._ ' . -_ . - . _ '._.... _ ..
<br /> d� - ' _. . _ .. . �_ ..-� -..� . -
<br /> _ — - — ;l'
<br /> ,� , . . . .. . _. �
<br /> � - -." _ _--_ -. .. - —_ -___ _ _ _ __�'_�_ _--_ __—_ _ _
<br /> ...
<br /> .� .-c.-'—�±-�__ _ _ � .. � _" _ _._ _" _" _
<br /> �� .�- .__..�"--.�1 < ',= , � . 1 _-- a. .
<br /> < � . -���
<br /> . . `peiio�t6�t,Lender rawires. '�e in�manx canicr puviding the iasu�oce s1s�U be ciwsen by'Bormwrr subject�o.i,ender��
<br /> � appmval which shit!not be uacea�ombly witl�6eW. If Bamwcr faits W m�itu�in coversge dsscn'bed above.,Lender may,at
<br /> Lender's option.obtain scveragc to�rotea Leader's rights ia th�pmpaty in acaad�no�wiW parapapit 7. �
<br /> AI!incuraaa Policies aad.�xwals shall be aoapta6k to irender and sLaU jnciudc a standard matgagc clwsa lrend�er
<br /> . shatl have the right w hold tLe policies and�eoewaIs.If Lender inqvuss.Bolrower si�all P�'o�P�Y S�ve to Let�des�il reoeipts ,
<br /> of paicl preiniums and t+enewat aodces. In the evem of loss,Bormwer sifaU give prompt rwtia w t6e insurance carrier�nd
<br /> Lender. �nder roay make pro�f of loss if not made pramptty hy Borrower.
<br /> IFnless Lender�d Bamvva otix�wise agrx in writing,insurance p�ocuds shall be apptied ta restaadon a�air of
<br /> -- — • the"Pnspcity da�itaged,if the ce�atioa or repair is uoaomicai3y fe�'61e mnd E.enda�sec�rlty is aat kssrned: If the
<br /> restontion ar nepur is aot oco�amieaUy ftasi6k or Lendu's sectuity would 6e lessened.the insurance pmceeds s6aU be
<br /> _ applied to the swns secund 6y this Savrity Inmvma►�.whether,or�ot lher►due, witb aay excess paid to Boctower. If
<br /> - _ _---=-$nnorr�r-�uc���t�3Cfar da:s uatan�-a�er rrit�ia 34�ty:s-�€�a�t.cc�der-sl�t tRe istsursa�cs.Riet-�-- .. ----
<br /> = offezed to sade a claim.8�m Lender may wlkct dye nosnraace ploceeds. l�ender may use the pcocads to�epair or testore --
<br /> - the Ptoperty or to pay sums secwnd hy;his Savrity Ins�unenl,w6etfier or not then dne. The 30�dap petiad wilt 6egin when
<br /> the notice is given. ` ` ` • , `
<br /> := Untess Leader and Bomowea otGeia�ise agtee in writi�8,�Y aPPlicatior�,o�:jaoaeds to ptincipal shaU na extuid or .
<br /> - postpone the due datc of the moadily paym�nfs refenod W in parag�ap6s 1 and`Z:6ri�ange,tt�e amount of..�h�paymasts.; tf. .
<br /> under paragraph 21 tI�e Pmpercy is acqui[ed by L.eader,Boriow�ri to_ajiq.i�i's�ve�aace jiblld`es�AUd:jiroaeedg.rc�lbn� _
<br /> ° from damage to the ProP�rtY Pria to tbe vcquisition shall pass'f���co the extettt of the_hwns:s�vred:ti�tiii��'��*: ---
<br /> Instrumart immediatsly ' to tht ...on. ° ,° ' ; . _ .: "• ----
<br /> P� . �. �::.: ..:� �
<br /> 6. Ooca�wncy. P�serv�tion,lNantaianc4 and Protec�tdii of the , Borroaer's �.ua�r. . � ��.::::,�`< `, .:�
<br /> — �9' �Q.:' .�. . �
<br /> -- - ' Leasehotds. Bomnwer sfialI axupy,establistt.atx�t�the PC+apecty as B�owu's priucipa!resideRCe wili�in:s�'i#�S�:::=, —�-
<br /> ��``�`';�the execudon of this Secuiigr In�t�d si�t�ue to occupY the Property as Botmwer's princyp�I'fi�i(�isce for at` � ��_=_
<br /> "�r;:,,.
<br /> -- _f, ,• least a�e year after the date aE:a�.y, ��l,ender othenvise agcees �n writinng, which conserd �hall not 6e .-
<br /> -- ' "� u�reasonably withheld,or p��s;ei�u�etg esn�sanas exist which sire beyond Borrower�s control. Bormwer shall nnt �'_°_�
<br /> • re
<br /> �_,.�.-
<br /> -:'<�;~t.. `"- destroy.damage or impair?�'���;�ow ttk Aropctty to deurionte,or comimit wasce on the Pfroperty. Bomnwu shalE �:f�=_
<br /> � - ;�l�e in defauIt if aay fbifeq�z�:�li oi praceediqg,.��►sther civil or criminal,ia be�un that in I.ender�s good faith judgmecrt � 1zi.,�.,,.�
<br /> . 'couW result in forfeit�ue�s�.'.�,'r,Property or a�'�.materially imp�'the�i�x created by this Security Insbttment.�`. � :
<br /> _---"—� • Lender's security in[erest:`�a,.'-�wer may cu�sum�a.��lt and rep�state,as}�^.��in paragraph 18,bY cat�ig the act�u,r4:,. ,;,,'�`�.�} -
<br /> -'�`�=� or p�ceeding to be dismissa3 wide a r_ztin�that,ut���,e.r,'s gavd�;d,eier�`,�on,pcecludes forfeituce of itte•8ai�we��, . ' -
<br /> '�'� interest in the Property•or other�a+�ez-�i impau�����e Ei�:��'fiy this Seciuiry instiument or L�iiB,�t:"��,se�r��� : - --
<br /> �_ , intenest. Borrower 'shalt aLw be in default,ff•13oar�..�'irb?�.itn:�toau applicatiori process, gave mare�ih�lyi:fA„f�+�r';, - _ �;; , __
<br /> �' �� inaccurau information or statements to Lender(or�iTi�':�pmvidc��nder with any material infomtation)irt.cpini�fn�:ryilfri;'� �;�--:-
<br /> ��} � `� the loan evidencal b the Note, includinp, but.ndt i�ited w,ry��/p�pntations cancemina Borrower� �: /-��r�t,fl�� '���''�•�`•�
<br /> :i±l,?c .. ..... Y D '�C'�"� D ��'3��`:, ,.r: . . �,—
<br /> '�'' ;�:=--r:�:�i%^ : Property ag a prineipal res�nce. If this Security Insaument is on a leasehold.Borrower shall comply with all;i3n�:��,�u#� :�• . . :"`""
<br /> •_y�; �� of the tease. If Borrowe�r a►;quires fee tide to the Property.the leasehold and the fee title sha11 not merge tudes`s�i}�r��+�:.�:":, .�s'����:i;;:_�
<br /> . re _
<br /> :,., +°�
<br /> ,�. . r<<'�`3 to the merger in writing. � .; � . ` -a,, , -
<br /> �:i' " '� �:.�;-;, 7. Protedioa of l.eeder's Rights in the Piropert}. If Borrower faits to perfortn ihe covenants and a€:�e��?�.. : ; , �
<br /> ,,�F*�=�ss.�:�� .. contained jn this Securii�_.:�nstrument, or there is��al praceeding that may si�candy affect l.enders�.�fits in tirs�. : ,�t�'�`;}�:',.:__-
<br /> .;..•�..
<br /> ` ;�1g` ' . � '�°.PropeRy(such as a pra�;�tr�:in bankcuptcy,pruC.�:»�+'�c�ondemnaaon or forfLn"tue or to enforce taws or r���r;s�,then ' ' y�i, ; ,�.
<br /> .'�, .�';^�;,: :f y P Y f��f�atever is necessary,•�a m_,�ect the value of th�fA-�rry artd I.enders righcs"u=fnr�ca�r.�..• +`y�' `'•"�`
<br /> � ,,,.F�•. : . :'.� Lender ma do and a : � ,f„ , ��-:
<br /> '�'�'��': � Lender's actions may incf���paying any sums secura:=5r-r a tien u��h_,6 r.aa g��-+�y�over this Security In.str�ent,'ti�.^t.g . ,7�j�r,,.:r .,;`T::
<br /> �:�::, . . ���� :. ;. -
<br /> r• � in court.paying reasonable attomeys'fees and entering on the��`�o,r•.�.�k�'repairs.Although Lender r�_•,taice�.�or ' � , � ��' �
<br /> ,, , . ,, . . . .,�;�.,. .,
<br /> ;����;:-. • �- under this parngraph 7.Lxnder dces not have to do so. � � ,� ` . ;9;,�•',;.Y "�>',:;;;
<br /> `?�1�;�: - Any amoants di�bu�by Lender undet this paragraph 7 shali become x:dstional debt of BomnaF:r.�.,-e^uied by this '; �!:I%F:;f;.�' °
<br /> ��:�i>::;;�..'. � Security Insuument. Uc.�..�z Borrower and Lender agree to other tertns of paymez?;'ttlese amounu shall bez='interest from the ;:: �r�,':;�``�" ..
<br /> ;�;�j'���?; '. . , date of disbursement at:°�Note rate and shall be payable.with intemst,upon�ati:e from Lender to Ba*.�'mt4�t requesting ",,T���." `
<br /> .. ... ;�,;. ., payment. ' ' t,::: . ' �
<br /> .:�::_;,;•,• : . ;�-c.,.
<br /> ��_ .-�,.��.. 8. Mo�insurance. If Lxnder requiredmortgage insurance as a condition of making the lo3n secured by this f,,:
<br /> ' °_'; ' ' Security Instrument.Borrawer shall pay the premiums reymred to maintain the mongage insurance in effec� If,for any � • � • .�,: �i;•�.•,
<br /> - - "" reason, the mongage insurance coverage requir.ci b�Lender lapse�ar ceases to be in eifect, Borrowea's�all pay the %' �'�� �� ' S�}s`'::
<br /> . P 9 8 5 A � ��. P Y � `�•;`.:�.. . �=:,�.���,
<br /> °�•• ' � � remiums re uired to acCain covera e substanti�'r �utvalent to the mon a e insurancc revioust in effect, at a cost :�,.,,,.,..,, . �ti,,
<br /> -•:.-;'",� _'�•` � substantially equivalem�a the cost to Horrower of ia�m�ortgage iacurance previously in effecl,from An altEro�te mor[gage �'-�'''+" '
<br /> a ;�:,�•r; .,.
<br /> -:r, ... ;�4�;;..
<br /> ��.x�- lnsunr approved by Lertder. if substantially equiva�mortgage insurance coverage is not available.BorraR�x shall pay to ,,- �
<br /> � -�'"• Lender each momh a sum equal to one-twelfth of the ycariy mortgage insurance premium being paid by Borrower when t�,,. '! ��`
<br /> -- •- insurance coverage la�sPd or ceased to be in effect. Lender will accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve ia t��u • ,` ,.
<br /> ;;.: -
<br />.:��. "':��. . '':" of mortgage i�uranc� �.oss rescrve paymen�c may�o longer be requimd.at the option of Lender,if marr�.ae insurarrce ,;;� ;'�
<br /> �f..,�^y,; wverage(in t he ainc�rr>aas d for t he peri o d t hat L ert d a e�.quires)pravi ded by an insurer approved by Lende�a�a i n becomes �:;#�•r. � r�.'�.:..
<br /> =°'"' available and is obt�iux�f2[3onawer shall a the reaui�:ts uimd to maintain mort a e insurance in eff o2 to rovide a �.`2'� �`
<br /> �-�-.t,; '� P Y P �l g 8 �i•. P r: : :r�!"t?`:�
<br /> �,;�� ,:. '. toss mserve.unti l t he�quimment for mortgage insur�r:ce en ds in accor d a nce wi t h any wri t ten agreem ent betaten Bomawer s •-•
<br /> � . . ����i�;ri
<br /> ,;'f.�_' . : and Lender or applicable law. ;,;t::;:,.
<br /> '.::a,� ; ° 9 InspecNon. Lender or its agent may make nasonabte entries upon and inspections of ifie Property. l.ender shaU f� �- �� ��'
<br /> � '�j
<br /> .:Y�R+ give Bonower nouce at tfie dme of or prior to an irzs�ection specifyin�rcasonabie cause fot the inspection. � _, .
<br /> 10 Condemnatbn. The proceeds of any av�r�d or claim for damages.direct or wnsequential,in cer,.r�rtion with any � . :
<br /> i
<br />: Singie Farnily--Fionk Nae/Frtldk:Hac llAi1FORA11PiS7'RU\tE11T-•Uni(orm Co�eaant� 9l9� �puge3 ojbmgesl � ��
<br />-_= G�atl�tro�Faesr,isc� E ' �':''+i.
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