<br /> i:,:— �
<br /> . ^'�L'�_-_
<br /> �. _ . . ;._ � �9���� , . _ �.
<br /> - omdemo�tiaa os od�u Wcinj of ang g�taBlb�Pl�ope�tY,ac forcoeveyanoe at lieu of caodanoatian.are 1�e+ebY,awyoe�aid .
<br /> '. e6v1 Ee paid�a Leoder. . � . . ` , .
<br /> . Io tbe ev�t of a total taiting of dfe YtnpectY.tl�e p+oceeds shalE be�pplied w tbe sums savted by�his Scey�tp .
<br /> insttumen4 whether or iWt tfien due.wit6 any excess patd to Bonower. in the tvent of a partial Wcing of the H+opeccy in
<br /> wirich thc fiir muret vilu�ot t8e Property inunati�tetyt.befae tAe taicieg is equat w ar gre�ter dnn tbe unow�t d'the sun�s .
<br /> sx�u�ed by this Savrity lnst�wirent inunedi�tety befo�ttre taldng,unle�c Bamwu and Leader othccwise agree in writiag, �
<br /> thr sums secuc+ed by this Sa�ity Inct�unxr►t shall 6e teduca!by the.amount of the ptocads muitiplied by ttx foIIowing
<br /> fractian: (a)the tota]�noutu of the sums srcured inunediueiy 6efwe the takieg.divided by(b)the fair rtiarket value of the .
<br /> _ �mpecty imms�iat�ly befae the talnng. Any haf�nce sNall ba p�id:to B�owes In the event of a putial tai�g of the .
<br /> A+nge�ty In which the f�ir m�rlcet value of the Pioperty immediateiy 6efae 8�e t�icing is kss thaio thc amount of the stm�s
<br /> securod immedi�ely 6efo�ttie aicirtg,unless Bamwer aced Le�er ottrcnvise sgree in wriung or uakss applicabk law
<br /> ' o�lypa,ise p�ovides,tbe procads shalTbe_applkd to��unis saute�by this_SeewrltY Ias�unsenc wt�ether or nQ the s�ms are
<br /> -
<br /> -- - —-= _------=-- =----- _
<br /> �--i�dii� - - .
<br /> If�e Piroperly is��dooed by Bara�ver aor if.a�kr notica by l.ender to Bonowa t6a[t6e oondemnor of�ers[o mate _
<br /> �n tw�rd or settb s claim foc damages.Baruwer fails.w mspond to i.ender.within 30 days affier tbe date the notice is given.
<br /> Imder is suthoriud w oolkct aod apply t�e prooads,at its option.either w�stora6on or repair of the Propetty or to the
<br /> anms sec��tM by this SecuritY tast�umen�wUeti�a or not thca duo.
<br /> Unlesg Lender.and Barower ahetwise agree ia wridng.any application of pcocoeds to principai shaU not exund or
<br /> postpoae the due dau of the moi►tblY PaYme�u refeaed to ia parag�aphs 1 a�2 or chaage tlie amaunt of such payments.
<br /> Il. Borro�ver 1�IM Rdaned: Forbaraece B� i.cnder Not s Wat�s: Ext�na of tP�c-'3ime for payment or
<br /> modific�tion o€apiottizuian of tQe sums sec�ced by this Secaziry Inswaknt geapteti by Ixrrder m�ariy successor in imerest. .
<br /> of Bortowu sti�il not oper.�te W reka�e the liabitit�r of the otiginal l�ormwe�or Saczo�recs st�cG'�ssors in intc�st.4en�ci'
<br /> shall nat 6e requic�to commence pmceadin�s ag�t�y suscessor in inteiest ar refase to extend iime fpr. gaytn�t ae
<br /> adterwlse modify amatization of the sum��b5?��ecuriry It�aument 6p ieas��t of any demand mnde G�d�e arigim� .
<br /> Barrower o�Bortowu's sifecesgors iai i��`�y���eoder in exencising any right or cemedy shali not tie a
<br /> waiver of ar p�eclude t6e eaenise of etry rig6t 6r ieniaciy- . ��. �.� • . , �- - ,'.� � ' _
<br /> !Z. SMOCesars aud Atsiga9 Sou�:Jo�t sa,d Seva�sil i.iab�;Co�sT�ers. `Ttie covcnaats aad agnoee�trents of this�t�•', .
<br /> Secutiry Tnsdmr�ent st�ll bind a�d benefit the stta��nd assigr�of Lender aa�Borrower.subject to the�iuv�sians of ,
<br /> �auagiaph 17.BoROwer's cavenams'and agcsemenis.:sti�6e joint and several.Aaj�Borrower�who co�?L7�;SecnritY —
<br />: ;•�isuurnent but does not ezecute the Note:'(a)is cu=S�^�;g this Secuaty Insuument oaly w aiortgage,Smat'��[vey that —
<br /> `:;:�ormwet�s iritezest ia the Ptvpe�tyuadertt�et�a���s5ecurity Instrument; (b3 is�at pe�son�iCyobligateii ta�a:j�he sums .
<br /> � �;,,`'seeuRQ by this Seeurity Instramc�aad�c�agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agtee tio extend,modify.forbear ' ___
<br /> ::°�,q�p�alce any accanmadations with ng�rid.w ti�e terms of this Securiry Insdument or the IVote withalt that BoROwer's =
<br /> : ;'c.onsenc . �.;. _
<br /> S' 13 Loan Clwrge8. I(the loaq s�c�ued 6y tbis;.,5ecurity Insuument is subier;�to a law which setss ma�cimum Poan ; —
<br /> ,�..;�.•`.::;.;;:. •. �
<br />'.,-,� ., ,,;�;.�;charges.and that 1aw•is finally interpcete4.so that the irit�t�st or ather.[r�an charg�v�ected or to be coltected in connection . • .�.-
<br />'� .; :.1�� with the toan exca,d tho pennitted timitt�;�n: (a)any such loan.ch,�i=�?all be re���aaed by the amount necessary to reduoe.',�,:,:,,:, ;,.—-
<br /> . - � the chsrge to the permiRed limit;.and(6).:�t��sums already coflecte�,�'s��n Hierrower which excee�i permitted limits will be�. ' __
<br /> .:'i=. tefundal to Bormwer. Lender may choo�r io make this refund by�eat�•�.the principal owed under the Note or by makir►g a, . � ==--
<br /> °;,;r,t-: • .�
<br /> •,;: drtect paymeret to Borrower.':If a s�fund r�duces princi�l.the reductiron wil!be treated a�a partial Qrepayment.wtthout any ' ,-___
<br /> ', P�Y�ntchargeundertri�Ptace.. � ` �---�
<br /> � 14. NMices. Any rtatfa�m-$arrawer providedi ff�s m[his Security Instrumei�t shall be given by deli►e�ur.�it or by _-::
<br /> mailing it by ftrst ctass muil aNess a�g��ca��s`e taw requites use of another method.'i'he notice shall be directed to'"ttre Property
<br /> Address or any other address Borrawer-das.�ates by notice to Lender. Any notice to I.ender sha11 be given by first class '-°;;
<br />- mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address l.ender designates by notice to Borrower. Any notice provided for �<� `,
<br />; in this Security Instrument shall 6e deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in this
<br /> P�B�Ph• . - �
<br />' 15. Govsrning I.av�;Se�erdbility. This Security Instrument shall bc govemed by federal law and the!aw of the
<br />' jurisdiction in whlch the Prope�ty is loeata�. ln the event that any provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the 1Vote
<br />; eonflicts with applicable law,such confli�ct shall not affect other provisions of thic 5ecurity lnsm►ment or the Note whieh ean ;�•:;.:
<br /> be given effect without t}-�canflicting pravision. To thix end the provis'sons of this Security Instrument and the Note are. ,
<br /> decia�ed to 6e severabte. �'
<br /> � E:�':'
<br /> 16. $oerower s Cag�y�fl'rtowet shall be give:�,anz'confomted copy of the lYote ncid af this Security Instn..�sen,t.
<br /> � ... 17. 71ra�sfer ot the�ty or a�ea�eltcial ds►�iemest in Rorrower. If all or any part af the Propeny or fcrny nAterest in �;
<br /> u:is sotd or��,�sferreci(or if a benefici�1 �a�-est in�B�rrower is sold or trun�ferred and�orrower i�not a na:u�l person) �.''��
<br />' without i.ender's prior written consen�II.en��may,at its option,require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by * ;
<br />' this Securiry Instnunent. l3owever.this csp:ian shall not be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohibited by federa!law as of f' .rl
<br />� the date of this Security Icr.s�.'�nent. �_ �-'�
<br /> if Lender exercises ti�`ss option.Lender shall gi�•e F`,�rrower notice of acceterl�:cT The noticc shalt rovic�:'a tiod of `�`'
<br /> P Pe i. _•:
<br />� not less than.,'Odays from the date the notice is delivere�f or mailed within which g�tdwer must pay,all�ums serured by this (•.�,-
<br /> Security dr.�s�r-,,�nent. lf Borrower fails to pay these sums priar co t�e expiratiun of this periodt,Oj,ender•may invoke anv• �'•'�`
<br /> i remedies pem.�`tted by this Setudry Instrument without funher not�ce����mand on Bormwer. � �• '
<br />; 18. Borrower's Rigtit to Reinstate. li Burrower meeG� c:rt�;i-�sonditions. $orrawer shall have'the right to�av� � �"
<br />�' e.�'orcement of this Secutiuv,r fnstrument discom�nued at aay ti::?e�a�ra the eartier of: (a)5 days(ar such cvJ.vx�peri•�3�:
<br /> � •��,.
<br /> �,...��.
<br /> , � SirE;le Family•.Faeek Mad�ted�ielGls C".�IF'1!�$;7ItiSTR1;�1F:`►�-Unifarm Covenants !!� �nnsi•a c,�5,as:.+:r � ��f�:,,
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